Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1078: Tiger poison does not eat seeds

Cheng Yaojia didn't want to talk to her husband. Hearing Song Qingshu like this, she couldn't help but glanced at him with a vengeful look, and then reluctantly walked forward with her husband.

"Yaojia, was there anything when Tang Kuobian left?" Lu Guanying still had a glimmer of hope in her heart, expecting Tang Kuobian to keep his promise and what arrangements he made before leaving.

"You didn't even ask me how I was. The first sentence was about Tang Kuobian's affairs." Cheng Yaojia felt even colder.

"Aren't you okay?" Lu Guanying said with a sullen expression, and hurriedly said, "I can't let him play you for nothing..."

Cheng Yaojia frowned and interrupted directly: "Your words are really ugly!"

What else did Lu Guanying think about? At this time, the sudden change occurred, and the window lattice of a nearby house exploded, and a man with the appearance of an old farmer fled hurriedly into the street.

"How did you walk!" Lu Guanying was in a bad mood, couldn't help but ran a few steps forward and cursed at the old farmer's back.

"Get away!" At this moment, there was an angry shout from behind him. Before Lu Guanying could react, there was a sharp pain in the waist and eyes, and then he flew to the side like a dilapidated sandbag.

"Guanying!" Cheng Yaojia exclaimed, and hurriedly ran over to help her husband up. Although she is now cold towards her husband, the two have been respecting each other for so many years, and they still have more or less affection.

Seeing the blood in her husband's mouth, Cheng Yaojia suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness in her body, which made her hands and feet cold, and suddenly thought of Song Qingshu, like a drowning man who caught a life-saving straw and hurriedly turned her head back. Looking at him: "My son!"

Song Qingshu's figure flickered, she came to her side, took a look at his situation, couldn't help but frown, Lu Guanying was already injured, and was kicked in the back by a master. At this moment, half of her foot had already stepped into the ghost gate. .

"Please save him!" Cheng Yaojia took his hand, his eyes filled with pleading.

"I'll try it." Song Qingshu came to Lu Guanying's back. His internal strength continued to lose, and the opponent's face finally got a little ruddy.

"I have stabilized his injury, but whether he can save his life is still an unknown technique. I have to see the doctor to find out." In fact, Song Qingshu had already determined that Lu Guanying's life was saved, but he was kicked. The lower back has injured the kidney meridian, and I am afraid that I will be unable to do anything in the future.

Therefore, Song Qingshu deliberately made his situation not optimistic, so that they would be content to save his life in the end; if Song Qingshu first told them that his life was saved, they would be happy to learn that the inhumane thing might have been done by themselves. Hands and feet, and then resentment.

It has been the same since ancient times. Song Qingshu's insight into people's hearts is not because he is really smarter than ordinary people, but because he comes from the era of information explosion in later generations and has a lot of experience from predecessors.

"Thank you Song Son!" As expected, Lu Guan was full of gratitude in English.

Song Qingshu slightly lowered his head, and only then began to look up at the chase of a few people just now: the old farmer who had fled before had been intercepted, and a middle-aged man and a thin girl were besieging him.

The middle-aged man was the one who kicked Lu Guanying before. Although he was over mid-year, he could vaguely see that he was a beautiful man when he was young, but his eyes were vaguely ruthless, which made people uncomfortable; the girl was tall and full-body. The strong outfit completely showed a bumpy body, full of youthful vitality between the gestures, especially the two long legs, which is even more unforgettable at first glance.

"It's actually her!" Seeing the pair of slender legs, Song Qingshu recognized her as Yelu Nanxian at a glance, wondering who the middle-aged man beside her was, but what was even more curious was why they besieged the old farmer.

From the outside, the old farmer looked exactly like the farmer in the country. If he hadn't shown extraordinary martial arts at this moment, Song Qingshu would have been fooled by him.

The old farmer's martial arts is very strange, often from some incredible angles, every move and every style reveals a gloomy spirit, making Yelu Nanxian two people jealous.

"No wonder they have to join forces to attack." Song Qingshu secretly headed, he knew very well that Yelu Nanxian's martial arts, she was definitely outstanding among the younger generation, even if she met some senior masters, she would not fall behind. Of course, if she met the level of Wujue Yes, she is still a little weak.

That middle-aged man's martial arts seemed to be above Yelu Nanxian, and he needed two first-rate masters to jointly attack, which shows how high the old farmer's martial arts is.

However, Song Qingshu suddenly frowned, and quickly saw the anomaly based on his cultivation skills. Although the old farmer's swordsmanship was weird, it seemed that he had just learned it not long ago, and it was not so fluent in use. He often saw the connection between his moves and moves. There are some problems that lead to a win in one fell swoop, but can only sit back and watch the loss of opportunity.

"Repeat..." Song Qingshu said to himself, this old farmer had already played the swordsmanship a second time.

The middle-aged man had a profound cultivation level, and soon realized this. He couldn't help but shine. While the old farmer was dealing with Yelu Nanxian, he suddenly deceived him behind him and slammed his fist on the old farmer's vest.


The old farmer vomited blood, and the whole person staggered forward as if drunk, and at the same time swung his sword to protect his whole body, it was the kind of killer move that would kill him.

Seeing that the victory had been decided, the middle-aged man and Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but backed up a foot, but faintly surrounded the old farmer, there was no need to fight him hard at this time.

Song Qingshu shook his head and said to Cheng Yaojia, "Let's go, let's take the owner of Lu Shao Zhuang to find the doctor." He is not a virgin. Such feuds happen every day, and I don't know the grievances between the two sides. How can there be any reason to intervene? Of course, if the old farmer was a young and beautiful woman, Song Qingshu might change his mind.

As for the middle-aged man who injured Lu Guanying, it was a grievance between the two of them. It was already because of Cheng Yaojia's face to save him. How could he take revenge for him again?

Just now Yelu Nanxian and the three others were busy fleeing and chasing, but they didn't notice the situation here. At this time, they saw Song Qingshu, and the three of them had different expressions.

Yelu Nanxian's eyes were surprises and surprises, and the middle-aged man's eyes were jealous and shady birds. On the contrary, the most inexplicable thing was the old farmer, who showed ecstasy in his eyes, and then rushed towards Song Qingshu.

The middle-aged man's expression changed and he hurried to catch up. Yelu Nanxian hesitated and cooperated with him to intercept.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the old farmer suddenly shouted to Song Qingshu: "Help me!"

Song Qingshu's face suddenly changed, because he heard the voice, this person is important and unimportant, unimportant and has a strong sense of existence. That is Nan Lan's husband, the Tiangui farmer who had been rescued from Shengjing before!

I learned from Nanlan that Tian Guinong had suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he had come here. Song Qingshu immediately reacted, what kind of swordsmanship Tian Guinong used just now to ward off evil spirits of the Lin family!

It’s no wonder that his martial arts has made rapid progress in a short period of time. It turned out to be because of the practice of the evil swordsman. In addition, Sheng Jing’s experience made him an eunuch. There is no pressure at all, so this insidious swordsmanship is simply tailor-made for Tian Guinong.

Song Qingshu quickly thought that Tian Guinong was by his side in the past, and he heard that he casually mentioned that the evil swordsmanship was in the old house in Xiangyang Lane of the Lin family. So when he had the opportunity, he secretly went to Fujian to steal the swordsmanship, but it was a pity to practice. The time was too short to expose Xingzang, and eventually he was seriously injured by the middle-aged man.

Song Qingshu analyzed the ins and outs of the whole matter between the light and the fire, and saw his figure flashed, and the whole person had appeared beside Tian Guinong.

He protected him behind his back, then stretched out his hand to block the nearest Yelu Nanxian back, and then faced the middle-aged man, he was not so polite.

His previous method of hurting Lu Guanying could be seen as insidious. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Song Qingshu, but now that he is going to stand up for his subordinates, it would be good to sell Lu Guanying and Cheng Yaojia alone by the way.

So he didn't show mercy as soon as he shot, and planned to keep him first.

The middle-aged man banged his fist, Song Qingshu stretched out his finger towards his fist. Before the two sides touched, the middle-aged man's fist burst into a **** flower.

"Invisible sword energy!" The middle-aged man snorted in amazement, and then wisely chose to move back at a faster speed than when he came.

But Song Qingshu couldn't let him get off like this, stepped forward, followed him like a shadow, and then pointed at him again. If he was hit by this trick, the opponent would not die and would be seriously injured.

"Don't hurt my father!" At this moment, Yelu Nanxian scolded, and rushed out from the sloping ground with a sword. It turned out that this middle-aged man was Yelu Nanxian's father, Yelu Yixin.

Hearing her shouting, Song Qingshu couldn't help but hesitate. He and Yelu Nanxian had a good relationship. If he hurt his father seriously, wouldn't he completely offend her to death?

In the end, Yelu Yixin didn't have any deep hatred with him. Whether it was Lu Guanying or returning to the farm, it was not an important person to him.

Thinking of this in his heart, his hand received a bit of strength. At this moment, Yelv Yixin's eyes flashed a vicious look, and he grabbed the daughter next to him and slammed into Song Qingshu's finger directly.

Song Qingshu was taken aback and hurriedly regained his strength, but unfortunately it was still too late. Yelu Nanxian cried out, and a bright blood flower bloomed on his chest.

Yelu Yixin took advantage of his distraction, and several ups and downs disappeared in the distance.

Song Qingshu glared at him bitterly, and wanted to chase him back and shed eight pieces, but now Yelu Nanxian was seriously injured, and if he was not treated immediately, he would die away, so he had to stop and help her up: "Girl Nanxian, how are you feeling now?"

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