Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1079: I raise your wife and daughter, don’t worry about it

"I...I think my chest is so hot..." Yelu Nanxian replied weakly, half-opened and half-closed.

Song Qingshu knew that this was an illusion after she was injured, and hurriedly sealed the acupuncture points around her wound: "Miss Nanxian, you must not heal your wounds with luck, lest the sword qi damages your foundation, and I will remove the sword qi for you. "

"Much...Thank you..." Yelu Nanxian's beautiful eyes closed tightly, tears loomed faintly at the corner of his eyes, I don't know if it hurts too much or his sad father used himself as a shield.

Song Qingshu hurriedly input a ray of true qi into her body, and controlled the ray of sword qi to prevent it from making trouble in Yelu Nanxian's body, but it took time to resolve it.

Fortunately, just now when Song Qingshu noticed something wrong, he not only retracted most of his strength but also avoided the key points. At this time, Yelu Nanxian might have died away.

Although she was seriously injured now, as long as Song Qingshu got rid of her sword qi, and no matter how well she took care of her, there would be no life worry.

Just as the injuries in her body were under control, Tian Guinong, who was not far away, suddenly vomited a spit of black blood. Cheng Yaojia was shocked and shouted, "Song...this person, this person..."

Song Qingshu embraced Yelu Nanxian, and appeared beside Tian Guinong with one step. He was shocked to see him like a gossamer. He was hit by Yelu Yixin before, although he was hit in the heart. , But it shouldn't endanger his life, so I saved Yelu Nanxian first, but why is it like this now?

Seeing the pool of black blood on the ground, Song Qingshu's expression changed, and he hurriedly tore open Tian Guinong's clothes on his back, and there was a black fist mark there.

"Poisonous!" Song Qingshu's face finally changed, and he could smell the bloody, disgusting and vomiting odor after such a distance, obviously the toxicity was extremely overbearing.

Reaching out his hand to check his pulse, Song Qingshu's face suddenly became sinking, and he could only do his best to convey zhenqi into his body.

"Song... Young Master, am I hopeless?" Seeing his face, Tian Guinong sighed.

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment, and after all, he told the truth: "Poison gas is attacking the heart, and Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save it."

"Hey, there is still no life after all." Tian Guinong smiled wryly, "My son, don't waste his anger, I have something to say to you." After speaking, he took a look at Cheng Yaojia and his wife.

The husband was injured because of this person. Cheng Yaojia glared at him irritably. However, it was indeed inconvenient for her to eavesdrop on her last words, so she helped her husband and walked to the side.

Song Qingshu did not take back his anger: "You said it, my cultivation level can stand up." Although Tian Guinong is despicable in the original work, he is his subordinate in this world. He also planned to form a subordinate in this world. He is one of the villains, so watching his life gradually pass, I feel very sad.

"Thank you, son!" Feeling the constant qi pouring into his body, Tian Guinong's cold heart couldn't help warming up, and he took out a roll of old robes from his arms. "Last time I learned about evil spirits from the son. For a while, he couldn’t resist the temptation to sneak to Fuzhou and retrieve the sword..."

Song Qingshu secretly sighed, Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan, and Lin Ping deliberately searched for this evil swordsmanship. For this reason, doubts and ghosts doubted each other, but they finally fell into Tian Guinong's hands.

Gently rubbing the robes with his fingers, Tian Guinong’s eyes were full of perseverance: “The martial arts in this are really mysterious. The mysterious man caught sight of...I dressed up all the way and tried countless ways. After all, I was caught up in Yangzhou..." The old peasant dressing up before was obviously changed. Now the make-up on his face has fallen off, revealing the original. The face.

Song Qingshu was silent, knowing that the mysterious person in his mouth should be Yelv Yixin, and he was equally strange. Yelv Yixin was the privy envoy of the Southern Court of Liao State, and he was a high-ranking officer. Why did he come to involve the grievances? "This evil swordsmanship has nothing to do with me after all, so leave it to the son." Tian Guinong stuffed his robes into Song Qingshu's arms.

Song Qingshu frowned and didn't pick it up. Instead, he said, "This is your relic. You can give it to Mrs. Zun or Qingwen." The wife in his mouth is naturally Guilan, and Qingwen belongs to Tian Guinong. Daughter Tian Qingwen.

Tian Guinong smiled: "This martial arts is not suitable for women's cultivation. It is better for the son to collect it. I found this based on the son's guidance. It should be the son of the son."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. The evil swordsmanship is indeed not suitable for women's cultivation, but it is also not suitable for men's cultivation. The phrase "I want to practice magical skills and wield a knife from the palace." How many men heard the crotch cool in those days.

Tian Guinong obviously didn't have the intention of telling him this in detail, so he directly tucked the robes into Song Qingshu's arms, looking at the northern sky, his eyes gradually lost: "My son, Nanlan and Qingwen, please take care of them in the future."

Song Qingshu's heart moved, and a well-known saying in his previous life blurted out: "You will raise your wives and daughters, so don't worry about them."

A strange look appeared on Tian Guinong's face, but he finally laughed: "That's good, that's good..."

Seeing his eyes slowly closed, Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing. He has been giving the other party true qi, how can he not know that his vitality is gone?

"Master, Master~" At this time, the Jinlong Gang who had been ambushing nearby ran out, "Master, let's go, the Qing government has received news that a group of soldiers are coming here."

Song Qingshu nodded slightly. With his current status, it was indeed inconvenient to meet with the Manchu army. He immediately ordered the people of the Golden Dragon Gang to take Tian Guinong's body away, and helped Cheng Yaojia with 6 Guanying, while he was in a coma. The former Yelu Nanxian returned to the secret stronghold of the Golden Dragon Gang with them.

"Where's your helper?" Song Qingshu couldn't help asking without seeing Jiao Wan'er.

"The helper has taken people to Taizhou to do errands these days." The Golden Dragon gang replied.

Song Qingshu nodded. Jiao Wan'er was in charge of such a large stall alone. It was indeed too busy, but the boss was much more leisurely.

"You go order a good coffin, send Tian Guinong's body to Tianfu in Yanjing City, and give it to Mrs. Tian, ​​and help him to bury him. Remember to give this letter to Mrs. Tian." Song Qingshu Jiangyi The sealed letter was handed over to a subordinate, and the letter roughly wrote about what happened, and comforted them by saying things like mourning for their mother and daughter.

"Yes, the master!" Because of the previous victory over the Qing army, Song Qingshu has unparalleled prestige in the Golden Snake Camp. This gang is obviously extremely excited to be able to do things for him.

"In addition, go to the city to find a doctor with good medical skills to heal the six young villagers, don't worry about the cost, if it is useful, let him use all the precious medicinal materials." Song Qingshu said again.

"Okay," the subordinate was wondering, why did the master take the 6th crown so much, and when he was about to withdraw, he suddenly thought of something, "Don't you need to ask the doctor to see that girl?"

Song Qingshu knew that he was talking about Yelu Nanxian, and shook his head: "No, I will take care of Yelu Girl." Yelu Nanxian was hurt by his sword aura, if it weren't for her to resolve the sword aura in her body, Even if a clever doctor could save her life, she would not be able to save her skills.

You must know that a thousand-year monster like Mingzun was absorbed by A Qing’s innate sword aura. After trying countless methods, he could not dissolve the sword aura in his body. On the contrary, his injuries became heavier and heavier. The Xingda Fa, dissolving a whole body of skill, only then dispelled Ah Qing's sword energy like a tarsal maggot.

After arranging everything, Song Qingshu returned to the room where Yelu Nanxian was placed just now. He looked at her slightly frowned brows in the semi-comatose state, and suddenly regretted: if I knew this, I shouldn’t use sword energy just now. She would not be so uncomfortable at the moment.

I don't know why. He just saw Yelu Yixin's heart and couldn't help but feel murderous. It was obvious that the two didn't know each other before. Could it be because the land was returned to the farm? It's not possible...

Song Qingshu shook his head, dispelled all speculations in his mind, helped Yelu Nanxian to sit in front of him, and then reached out and untied her clothes.

During the whole process, Song Qingshu's eyes were extremely clear and there was no trace of evil thoughts at all. Now he would not deliberately take advantage of this, because Yelu Nanxian was injured on his chest, and he couldn't deal with the wound through his clothes.

Fortunately, the wound caused by Jian Qi is between her chest and her collarbone, so the clothes only need to be taken off a few inches below her collarbone. If the wound is lower, even if Song Qingshu has no evil thoughts, that situation is inevitable. Somewhat embarrassing.

Reaching out his palm and pressing it on her wound, Yelu Nanxian couldn't help but hummed, apparently touching her painful spot. Song Qingshu's subsequent movements became more and more gentle, carefully dissolving the sword qi in her body into invisible.

After resolving the sword qi, Song Qingshu picked up a bunch of small red flowers that had been prepared early in the morning. This small red flower has a rather interesting name, "Buddha Seat Little Red Lotus". It can't help but reduce swelling and grow muscles. The detoxification effect is a good medicine for treating trauma.

Song Qingshu first smashed half of the small red flowers and fed them into Yelu Nanxian’s mouth. The remaining half was placed an inch away from her wound. Then, the vigorous internal force of luck forced the medicinal power contained in the flower little by little. In her wound.

In this way, after about half an hour, Yelu Nanxian uttered a cry, woke up, and whispered: "I... Am I still alive?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "I didn't live anymore, but Yan Wangye saw that you are such a beautiful little girl. It would be a pity that you died before you married, so let me bring you back."

"Your mouth is always so sweet." Yelu Nanxian has been with him for a long time, and is more or less accustomed to his speaking style.

Suddenly, I felt a slight coolness coming from my chest, and I looked down, and I couldn't help being startled when I saw my jade-like skin.

"I am in a hurry, so I untied my clothes and healed her wounds, and hope that Miss Nan Xian will not be offended." Song Qingshu hurriedly explained.

The red glow on Yelu Nanxian's face flashed away, and he said openly: "Our women on the grassland are not as shy as your Han women, not to mention that they don't actually show anything."

"Yes," Song Qingshu smacked his lips with regret, "It would be nice if the wound went down another two inches." ——

I was too busy some time ago, now I have a little time, I will recover as soon as possible

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