Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1096: The situation reversed

"Shadow Divine Fist." Ding Dian retracted his fist and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, good work." The Vajra Sect Master's voice was a little hoarse, his face extremely embarrassed.

He has been famous for decades. This time he came to the Central Plains, except for Zhang Sanfeng. He didn't see anyone in his eyes. Who knew that Song Qingshu broke the King Kong not bad magical skills, and not long ago, he was eaten under the hands of the mysterious embroidered thieves. Now he was actually pushed back by an unknown junior.

Of course, he also knew that if it hadn't been for a battle with Shi Potian, and then with the two old ghosts Ding Busan and Ding Busi. The skill was far less than heyday, he had only suffered such a small loss, but everyone's eyes were in full view. Next, he was forced back by the opponent with a punch, but it was an indisputable fact, so his face was extremely ugly.

Noting the situation here, both Ruyang Palace and Songshan Sect were surprised. The people in Ruyang Palace naturally knew the strength of the King Kong Sect Master. The Songshan Sect was also killed by the King Kong Sect Master and many masters were killed by the Quartet. , Now seeing a top expert who can push him back, both sides stopped at the same time, looking at Ding Dian and his group with a vigilant face.

Now that there is no need to hide, Su Shidan and Xin Qiji also walked out of the hiding place, but Song Qingshu did not show up because of any considerations.

Su Shidan only thought he was blaming Ding Yan for breaking the previous plan, and he had no idea what to say. He walked to Wang Baobao and cleared his throat: "The master was invited by your Excellency to be a guest. The elderly in the family missed a bit, so he sent him to pick him up. "

"It turned out to be Lord Han's subordinate," Wang Baobao suddenly understood, and sneered. "Go back and pass the message, saying that your master is reluctant to think about Shu, and I don't want to go back now."

Su Shidan's expression changed: "If your Excellency said that, then we have to be offended." As soon as the voice fell, Xin Qiji took a step forward, and a sharp sword aura spread out.

Wang Baobao was silent for a moment. Now his masters are nearly dead and wounded. Only the Daoist Taoist, King Kong Sect Master, Xuanming Elder and a few monks are left, and everyone is injured. It was a little reluctant to deal with that group of people just now. Now that the other party has added a new force, the situation of victory and defeat is very clear.

Who knew he was weighing, but the King Kong Sect Master became angry because of the embarrassment just now, and shouted angrily: "Just now, you took advantage of it without paying attention to it. Come again!" After that, he rushed to Ding Dian.

Feeling the biting wind of fist, Ding Dian didn't dare to be careless, and quickly started to dismantle it.

When the two met each other, the surrounding wind was full of strong winds, Ding Yan even felt it was difficult to breathe, Ding Busan Ding Busi hurried over to drag her away.

"Take Brother Tian to go together." In a rush, Ding Yan still did not forget to break the sky.

"Sooner or later, I will kill this stinky boy with one palm!" Ding Busan said bitterly.

"It is said that the female college is not staying. What is the use of your hard work to raise a granddaughter, it is better to be at ease as a person like me." Seeing Ding Yan's nervous lover's appearance, Ding Busi gloated on the sidelines.

"Fart, it's a fart, I won't let this kid join our Ding family in the future." Ding Busan was angry, thinking about it this way, and looking at Shi Potian suddenly felt much more pleasing to the eye.

Seeing Ding Busan and the others take Shi Potian away, the Songshan school clerks were slightly disturbed, Zuo Lengchan quietly stopped them: "Look at the situation first." Now the origin of this group of people is unknown. He is worried about conflict with each other. After being attacked by the opponents, the Songshan faction is likely to be removed from the arena today.

"The two old men are the Ding brothers of Zhenjiang ** Dingfu. The elder brother is Ding Busan and the younger brother is Ding Busi. Both of them are cruel evil spirits on the underworld." The white evil stars are both underworld people. The evil masters of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains know well.

"Which school did they recruit?" Zuo Lengchan's eyes swept across the Southern Song group of people, wondering how sacred these people were.

Bai Bai Xing's face was a bit ugly: "They don't belong to any school, because they have the official background of the Song Dynasty. Now the Southern Song Dynasty signed the Privy Council Affairs Ding Daquan, they are members of the Ding clan.

"A member of the Southern Song Dynasty court?" Zuo Lengchan was shocked, and then thought of the characteristics of the people who had just fought, and suddenly thought of the Mongolian Ruyang Palace, which was widely spread among the rivers and lakes, and his face was even more gloomy.

The words of the white evil star also confirmed his guess: "If I am not mistaken, the invulnerable Tou Tuo should be the master of the vajra sect. The old man in the green robe who fought with you before should be the Daoist of Hundred Damage, as well as the two elders of Xuan Ming. God Arrow and Eight Heroes, they are all from the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia."

"You didn't say it earlier!" Zuo Lengchan said angrily.

The white evil star smiled bitterly: "In the situation just now, there is no chance to speak, let alone even if we say, can we still stop it.

Zuo Lengchan's heart is cold. Now Mongolia is powerful, and Ruyang Palace is even more masterful. He had already wiped out the six major schools of martial arts. It can be said to be famous. If you offend such an enemy, how can there be any good fruits in the future?

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Songshan faction is now in the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, and Mongolia has not been able to control them for the time being.

At the time when Zuo Lengchan's heart was up and down, because the King Kong sect master and Ding Dian handed over, the Southern Song Dynasty originally regarded Ruyang Prince's Mansion as an enemy, and moved his whole body together, and instantly fought into a ball.

Su Shidan handed over the Taoist Baihua, while Xin Qiji took his long sword out of its sheath and fought with the two old Xuanming pens and antler sticks. Because Ding Busan and Ding Busi were injured, they only protected Ding Yan and Shi Potian, and watched vigilantly at the Songshan faction next to them.

Song Qingshu sighed in his heart. The original plan was to let the Songshan Sect consume the power of the Ruyang Palace. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, it will be vulnerable. The group of them will swept the fall leaves with the autumn wind. It is perfect!

Who knows that because of a change in the middle, it has now become the Songshan faction to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, causing the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ruyang Palace to consume...

"Master, do we want to help?" For some reason, 6 Guanying did not follow Su Shidan and the others, but stayed beside Song Qingshu, subconsciously listening to the other party's instructions in his heart.

"Look again." Song Qingshu shook his head, "The Songshan faction hasn't moved yet, so we must stay calm."

After all, the people in the Ruyang Palace just fought hard just now, and all of them were injured. The masters of the Southern Song Dynasty were all new troops, so they gradually gained the upper hand.

The King Kong Sect master can still tie with Ding Dian by virtue of the incorruptible body of the King Kong, but the Daoist Taoist Baihui has just been fighting Zuo Lengchan's icy spirit, causing his injuries to aggravate. Now facing Su Shidan, the defeat has been achieved.

However, the most dazzling result of the battle was Xin Qiji, a long sword with a strong sword spirit, which made the two elders Xuanming embarrassed. Suddenly he shouted, and a sword cut off the antler stick of the opponent's deer stick guest, taking the opportunity to break through the two men's bag. In the meantime, the whole person rushed towards Wang Baobao with a sharp edge. As long as Wang Baobao was captured, Han Dongzhan and others would naturally be safe. 8

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