Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1097: Hunter becomes prey

Song Qingshu admired him, he was indeed a strong man who dared to pick up tens of thousands of camps at night with dozens of people. Now that he is old, he still does not change his spirit of capturing thieves and kings first.

Upon seeing this, the monk under Wang Baobao rushed out to stop him, saw Xin Qiji like a dragon into the sea, and soon beat the group of monks back up. Fortunately, the Luzhanger and Crane Biweng reacted and ran over again to stop him. He, coupled with the combination of the monks' combined attacks, was very mysterious, and this was able to stop Xin Qiji's footsteps.

However, the number of these monks was not large, and all of them were adorned. The two elders Xuan Ming were also injured, and people with discerning eyes could see that it would not take long for them to support Xin Qiji.

Wang Baobao had obviously noticed the current situation, and he said in a deep voice, "Bring them out!"

It didn't take long before his men came out under the pressure of a group of the Southern Song Dynasty mission. Han Dongzuo, 6 You, Wu Tiande... all looked sluggish, and it was obvious that this period was not easy.

"Stop it all, or I'll be rude to them!" Wang Baobao drew the knife out, put it on the neck of those people, and shouted angrily at Xin Qiji and his group.

Seeing that the lives of Han Tongxuan and others were hanging by a thread, Su Shidan, Xin Qiji, Ding Dian and others did not dare to move, so they stopped.

The Taoist Baishui, the master of the King Kong sect, and others hurried back to protect Wang Baobao.

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the dark, smiled slightly: "This is the good show."

Six Guanying beside him smiled bitterly: "The son is calm." His eyes noticed that the other party's hand was holding Cheng Yaojia's waist, and the bitterness of the smile became stronger.

"If you see a lot, you will naturally feel calmer than the average person." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

Cheng Yaojia's face was reddened, she had already seen the eyes of her husband just now, and she stretched out her hand in embarrassment subconsciously to push away Song Qingshu's hand, who knew that the other party's arms were as steady as Mount Tai. Pushing several times had no effect, and she had no choice but to red The face acquiesced in this situation.

"Quickly let go of Master Han!" Ding Dian and Xin Qiji exclaimed excitedly, only Su Shidan's eyes flashed, but they did not speak.

"It's okay if you want this king to let him go. You break your right arm first, and I will let him go right away." Wang Baobao's mouth had a grinning smile.

Song Qingshu sighed secretly in his heart, this eldest brother-in-law is really cruel, hey, why subconsciously call him the eldest brother-in-law?

The three of Ding Dian changed their expressions when they heard the words, and Ding Yanjiao next to him said: "Are you a fool? If we break our right arm, how can we resist? Wouldn't it be the meat on your chopping board? What do you dispose of?"

Su Shidan also spoke: "Yes, if we break our right arm but you will not let go, then we will have nothing to do."

"If you keep going, they will die now." Wang Baobao snorted coldly, and with a slight force on his hand, a trace of blood was drawn from Han Tong's neck by the blade, but after all, he was also a figure of less than 10,000 people in the Southern Song Dynasty. There is still some calmness, and there is no ugly state of begging for mercy.

"If you want to kill, kill, I, Han, is a person who is greedy of life and fear of death. Shi Dan, you don't have to worry about me, anyway, they dare not move me. If something happens to me, I will kill all these people later! "Han Tong's face showed a sorrowful smile.

"Shut up!" Wang Baobao was angry, but he also knew that the other party was telling the truth. At this time, his party was already at the end of the fight. If it really gets together, whether it's against the previous group or the masters of the Southern Song Dynasty, They are all bad luck and bad luck, and people like Han Tong are their only bargaining chips.

"Wait!" Su Shidan worried that the other party's anger slipped one hand and killed Han Tong. By then, the Han group in Jiangnan would be completely disintegrated. In recent years, as the think tank of the Han group, he has long been a long way from Jia Sidao. When a person is offended and dead, there will be no way for him to survive.

Seeing Wang Baobao's suspicious eyes, Su Shidan hurriedly replied: "You release the people first, and then we will break our arms."

Wang Baobao angrily smiled: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

Su Shidan looked sullen, he also knew that this proposal was too unreliable, but now, he has to bite the bullet and give it a try.

"I counted three times. If you don't break your arms, I will kill them." Wang Baobao showed a hint of cruelty on his face. After all, he is a famous general on the grassland, and he knows that the more you can't give up at this time.


Hearing him starting to count, the Southern Song Dynasty group looked at each other, and no one knew what to do. They were indeed trying to save Han Cheng, but how stupid they would break their right arm at this time?

"Two!" Seeing that the Southern Song and his party were indifferent, Wang Baobao's voice became colder and colder.

Su Shidan was flustered and looked at Han Tong subconsciously. He shook his head imperceptibly, and suddenly felt complacent. He replied: "If you moved a hair of Han Dao today, you will not live alone today. !"

In fact, with Su Shidan's wisdom, how could he not know how to choose, but he was worried about being settled by Han Cheng in the future, so he hesitated all the time. Now that Han Cheng has expressed his opinion, he is naturally more confident.

"Really?" Wang Baobao showed a cruel smile. On the other side, one of his subordinates was signaled. He raised the knife and fell. The head of the person he was holding fell off the steps. His eyes were wide open. Obviously it is not scornful.

"This time is just to teach you a lesson. From now on, every time I count, if you still do not respond, I will kill one person until the knife falls on your Han Lord." Seeing the blood shocked everyone in the field. People, Wang Baobao is very satisfied with this effect.

Six Guanying, who was hiding in the distance, had a pale face. He recognized the person who was killed. He had the same status in the mission as himself. If he hadn't been rescued not long ago, he might have died at this moment. Suddenly He was a little grateful to Tang Kuo who had been cursing before and argued.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, but the deeper the conflict between Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty, the better, he didn't rush to show up.

"One!" Wang Baobao started counting again.

Su Shidan hurriedly discussed with Ding Dian and Xin Qiji, but what results can they discuss in this situation?

Wang Baobao waited for a while before snorting coldly, and his subordinates got a signal, and he was a wrongdoer again.

"You!" Xin Qiji looked furious, and was about to start rushing over, but Wang Baobao swung the knife on Han Tong's neck, frightening Su Shidan and hurriedly grabbed him.

"Two!" Wang Baobao finished yelling this time, but instead of giving the Southern Song group some time as before, he gave a wink and lost another life.

Seeing him killing faster and faster, Mo said that Su Shidan and the others were terrified. Even Han Tongzhan, who had been calm before, had a pale face and a slight tremor. Although he knew that Wang Baobao most of them did not dare to kill himself, his body's instincts made him shape. The trembling could not be suppressed.

Su Shidan and the others were silent for a while, but their eyes were full of hatred. If the eyes could kill people, the Mongolian group would have been broken into pieces.

"Three!" Wang Baobao sneered, seeing their eyes as nothing, and continued to shout.

Song Qingshu sighed. At this time, he couldn't help but shoot, because now the butcher knife was hanging on Wu Tiande's Linghu punch.

Although in Song Qingshu's mind, based on the original work, Linghu Chong is not a good apprentice. As a big disciple of Huashan, he has no sense of responsibility and responsibility. Later, his inability to be in the right way is the inevitable end of his own continuous death. Wan, Linghu Chong has at least one advantage that he is chivalrous!

Back in the Yanlou, he knew he was going to die but fought life and death with Tian Boguang in order to save a strange little nun. It was really admirable.

What's more, in addition to chivalry, Linghu Chong is Ren Yingying's sweetheart. Although the other party was his love rival, Song Qingshu did not want to see him die in the hands of Xiao Xiao. He had his own pride. If he wanted to **** Ren Yingying from him, how could he just watch him die here?

Taking ten thousand steps back, in the future, when Ren Yingying learns that Linghu is rushing to death, Song Qingshu will stand by and will forgive him?

When Song Qingshu made up his mind and was about to rescue Linghu Chong, Zuo Lengchan spoke first: "Wait!"

Wang Baobao's expression changed, he intentionally or unconsciously ignored this side, just didn't want to provoke a strong enemy, who knew that the other party would take the initiative to come.

"What is the responsibility of the left head!" At this moment, some subordinates have found out the identity of the Songshan faction and told Wang Baobao.

Hearing the other party recognizing his identity, Zuo Lengchan's face became more gloomy, but now that he can only bite the bullet and hold on: "Little prince will hand this person to us, and we will leave immediately." Pointed to Linghu Chong.

"It turns out that the Songshan faction came for this person." Wang Baobao wondered in his mind. A Quanzhou general, besides martial arts, could pass by, what on earth was they worth paying such a high price?

However, he knew that it was not the time to think about this, so he thought about it, "You kill these people, and I will give this General Wu to you."

As soon as this statement came out, the expressions of everyone in the field changed drastically.

Seeing Zuo Lengchan's face gloomy, Wang Baobao continued: "Don't worry, this General Wu has no value to me. As long as you slaughter these few Song pigs, I will give him to you."

Song Qingshu secretly smacked his tongue, this Wang Baobao really deserves to be a famous general in history, this trick of killing people with a knife is really perfect.

However, Zuo Lengchan is not a good-looking character. He only heard him say in a deep voice: "These people are very powerful in martial arts. We are not sure to kill them. It is better for us to join forces and kill these Song people, little lord. Then give this Wu Tiande to us, and the previous grievances will be wiped out. What does the little prince think?"

Wang Baobao knew in his heart that these people in the Southern Song Dynasty couldn't be stupid enough to break their arms. When they were riding a tiger, the Songshan school was a variable. He almost didn't hesitate, and nodded and said, "Good!"

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