Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1098: Festivals and Shougongsha

The reason Zuo Lengchan was willing to help is to a large extent because he accidentally offended Mongolia just now. In order not to be retaliated in the future, he could only try to ease the relationship between the two parties. He was worried that Wang Baobao would not appreciate it, so he could only fight hard. The strength is greatly lost, and everyone on the scene today will also be silenced.

Fortunately, Wang Baobao almost agreed to his request without hesitation. Zuo Lengchan let out a sigh of relief and ordered his men to surround him.

The faces of Su Shidan and his party were extremely ugly. It was originally a good situation of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, but now it has become two tigers uniting to deal with hunters. Although their combat power has not been lost, they are definitely not Ruyang. The opponent of the joint masters of the Wangfu and Songshan faction.

"Before I was misled by an adulterer, so I offended the little lord. I'm really sorry. I killed this old swordsman for you to apologize." How did Zuo Lengchan not realize that he was thinking about it now. He thought about it, the most suspicious of these Song people in front of him, he was anxious in his heart, but he did not forget to greet Wang Bao.

He saw that Xin Qiji had performed the most brilliantly just now, and he almost threatened Wang Baobao's life, so he chose this person to start.

Wang Baobao is also a wise man. It can be seen that Zuo Lengchan’s goal is only Wu Tiande, obviously not for himself. Thinking of the heavy losses caused by an unjust fight, his face can’t help but smoke, but he quickly He suppressed the negative emotions, and replied with a smile: "How can you let the left head take a risk alone, the master will go and help the left head."

Wang Baobao’s eyesight is quite high, and he can see that Zuo Lengchan may not be able to defeat the opponent in the martial arts that Xin Qiji has just shown. Now it is a time of life and death, how could he unwisely choose the refueling tactics? , He seeks to solve the masters of the Southern Song Dynasty in the shortest time, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Because Xin Qiji's sword aura is fierce, the King Kong Sect master who is the only one in the Royal Palace of Ruyang who has the magical protection of King Kong does not need to be afraid of the opponent's sword aura, so he is the best candidate to deal with Xin Qiji.

Hearing Wang Baobao's order, the King Kong Sect Master gave a grin, and rushed over to join the battle group.

Zuo Lengchan, as the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, is the top swordsman in the arena. Coupled with the strange Frost Chi, Xin Qiji is already quite difficult to deal with. With the addition of a King Kong Sect Master, his pressure suddenly increased. , Often only two of the ten strokes can be fought back.

Seeing Xin Qiji in distress, Ding Dian and Su Shidan rushed to rescue him, but the people from the Ruyang Palace and Songshan faction were prepared:

The Taoist Baihu led the two elders of Xuanming to stop Ding Dian. Originally, Ding Dian’s divine photo was so strong that he was not affected by the cold poison of Xuanming’s palm. He is not afraid of the Taoist or the two elders of Shang Xuan Ming, but when the three masters and apprentices join hands, the power of Xuan Ming's palm is not only multiplied, but because he has a magical body protection, he is still affected by the cold. Not smooth. Fortunately, he has achieved great success, and he can barely maintain his inner strength.

The white evil star and Hejian Shuangsha encircle Su Shidan together. The white evil star is the demon of the Daoist generation. The Hejian Shuangsha once hit one of the Shaolin Three Crosses in danger, plus three People are from the Qinghai school, martial arts are of the same origin, and there is no sense of obscurity when combined, and Su Shidan quickly became quite embarrassed.

"Why are you Shaolin's One-Finger Zen!" Su Shidan was frightened and angry. If he hadn't cared about the power of the other's one-finger Zen, he wouldn't look so embarrassed at this moment.

"Who said One Finger Zen belongs to Shaolin?" Hejian Shuangsha hates that when people say this, the two brothers snorted coldly, and the shot was even more fierce. Su Shidan no longer has the energy to speak, but can only be very energetic. Against the enemy.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Fourth, go and help." Although Ding Yan's martial arts is not very good, he is the most clever and clever in the week. After only two glances, he knows that he is defeated and invincible. Four sleeves.

Ding Busan said with a sullen expression: "Grandpa hurt his arm, and he can perform at most 50% of martial arts. What's more, Zuo Lengchan's juniors are eyeing us, and we will only attract more enemies."

Ding Busi also looked at the blood hole on his arm and couldn't help but cursed: "Mother, the Dali King Kong finger is really amazing."

Seeing that the two grandfathers could not count on, Shi Potian was hit at Tanzhong acupoint and couldn't recover his fighting power in a short time. Ding Yan was almost mad. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in her mind, and she shouted: "Song, if you are If you don’t come out, the people here will almost die."

Whether it was the Ruyang Palace or the Songshan School in the field, they didn't take her seriously. After all, Ding Yan's martial arts were too bad, so she knew any masters.

Who knows that a faint snort suddenly came from the night sky: "Song? You call me out and I'll come out, then I'll lose face."

Su Shidan and his party were about to be unable to support it. At this moment, they suddenly realized that the enemy's moves were gradually slowing down. They couldn't help but lifted their spirits and slowly moved back to their decline.

"This voice is familiar." The King Kong Sect master frowned, as if remembering an unbearable past.

Zuo Lengchan also looked in the direction where the sound came from, but it was a pity that there was not a single figure.

"I seem to have heard this sound somewhere." Daoist Bai Hou showed a confused look on his face, but the second elder Xuan Ming hurriedly leaned into his ear and said a name, causing his face to change suddenly.

The three of the Qinghai faction looked at each other even more, and Bu Tai asked with difficulty: "Is it that person?"

Haomi looked like he had seen a ghost: "Who else could he be?"

The evil spirits of the white board caused the five sense organs to corrode and fall off. The whole face has no ups and downs except for the two eyes and nostrils. It is like a white board, hence the name. Because he has no facial features, he is always the same in his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy. Hejian Shuangsha always teased him about this, but now the two of them actually saw the color of horror on his face, which shows how much the white evil star is at this moment. Afraid.

Seeing that the Ruyang Palace and the Songshan faction masters stopped by appointment, Su Shidan and his team did not dare to continue attacking despite their doubts in their hearts. Only a little more at ease together.

Seeing that Song Qingshu still did not come out, Ding Yan realized that the other party must have had a grievance because of the previous things, and his big eyes turned around, and he smiled sweetly: "Master Song, Brother Song, good brother, please come out for help. People~"

Her voice suddenly became muffled, causing all the men in the field to be full of spirits. Some young disciples with weak concentration unnaturally turned sideways to prevent the protrusions in their crotch from being seen.

Fortunately, those people in the lead were either half-lengthed old men or people who were ambitious and uninterested in female sex, all staring at the direction of the sound just now.

Of course, there is one exception, that is the deer stick guest. His greedy eyes can't help but sweep Ding Yan all over, thinking that he is really a little fairy. If he gets to the bed and is so charming, it would be the most joy in the world... …

Fortunately, other people's attention is now on the door of the yard, and no one notices his wicked eyes.

Bu Tai Haomi glanced at each other, stepped forward and bowed respectfully: "Dare to ask, but Young Master Song is coming here?"

The Southern Song and his party couldn't help but look at each other, and they didn't expect the other's attitude to change so much. You must know that Hejian Shuangsha's attack on Shang Su Shidan just now was fatal. How could there be any politeness at all?

How did they know that these people of the Qinghai School were beaten into dogs by Zhang San Li Si Diao from Xia Ke Island at the inn, and then Song Qingshu beat Zhang San Li Si Diao into dogs as soon as they shot. The gap between the two sides made them incapable of being an enemy at all. The mind and tone naturally became extremely respectful.

Now that there is no need to hide, Song Qingshu walked out of the hiding place with a black thread, and glared at Ding Yan: "Girl, what about your ethics?"

He had no affection for Ding Yan. He was even more angry when he heard the other party calling his surname Song directly. He wanted to take the opportunity to grind her temper. In his opinion, Ding Yan, such a savage demon girl, would certainly not be easy to subdue, and he took the opportunity to let her suffer. Who knew that her unscrupulous son elder brother yelled and caught him off guard.

"Fairness?" Ding Yan was startled first, then blushed on her face, her eyes flashed sharply, but she quickly concealed the past, giggling, "Big Brother Song, how are you? Of course Shougongsha is still there."

On weekdays, if she encounters a stinky man who dared to molest herself in this way, she would have to cut his tongue, but who made Song Qingshu's martial arts better than her, and now this dangerous situation still needs to rely on the other side's efforts, she can only suppress the anger , On the contrary revealed a sweet smile.

"Shougongsha?" Seeing all the men in the field looking at him with weird faces, Song Qingshu was eager to cry without tears. He just said a mantra from his previous life. How can anyone in this world have never heard of it, Ding As soon as Yun heard about the shame, he thought about chastity and chastity directly.

Song Qing wrote Shen Rushui. The key is that such a misunderstanding can't be explained? Under the public, could it be possible that he chased Ding Yan and said that he was asking her about her virginity.

Fortunately, Hejian Shuangsha relieved him: "It turns out that Song Gongzi really came here, disrespectful."

The evil star of the white board also bowed respectfully: "I have seen Master Song."

Elder Xuan Ming gave a wry smile, and had no choice but to greet him: "Good son." The two of them and Song Qingshu did not fight once or twice, knowing that each other's martial arts is far above the brothers, and the two have been following Zhao Min. By my side, I know that the princess empress and the other party are a little unclear, maybe this person will become the master in the future, and I am afraid that she will offend the other party a little bit.

This change made the eyes of others in the field straight. You must know that these are the top players in the world. Before, they all looked rebellious, but now they see Song Qingshu like a mouse and a cat. general.

Ding Yan's face was brilliant, thinking that the two grandfathers were unhelpful before, and it turns out that this little white face is so amazing! ——

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