Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1099: Token of love

But Ding Yan quickly woke up, huh, it's still the best of my brother.

Cheng Yaojia, who was following behind Song Qingshu, was a little unaccustomed to the scene where so many men looked at him, and shrank back from behind Song Qingshu, but when he was ashamed, there was a radiance of happiness on his face. Which woman doesn't want her own. Men are so powerful.

Guanying had a look of excitement. He watched the big figures salute to him on weekdays. This was something that had never been imagined before. It would be good for people of these levels to look directly at him on weekdays.

At this moment, 6 Guanying suddenly felt that it was worth paying so much, and Song Qingshu was really a person to rely on.

"The last time I left, Song Gongzi still has the same style, which is really enviable." Daoist Bai Hau also laughed. The King Kong sect master next to him was not as good-looking. After all, his King Kong in the inn last time was not bad for his magical skills. It is really not an interesting memory to be broken by the other party.

"Sir, don't you always be strong." Song Qingshu smiled faintly, even if he had responded.

The reactions of Hejian Shuangsha and Baishasha were good before. Seeing that the Daoist and the King Kong Master were so polite, the others were even more moved.

"How come this kid has grown so fast in recent years, I need to look up to him." Zuo Lengchan's face was very ugly. Back then, he was defeated by Song Qingshu on Mount Tai. He has always regarded it as a great shame and shame for all these years. Working hard in secret, it's a pity that every time I see Song Qingshu, the opponent's cultivation base has skyrocketed, so that now he doesn't dare to expect revenge and hate.

The captured Han Tong's eyes were brilliant. This person was alone, standing there casually, shocked that all the forces did not dare to move. If he could be drawn to him, there would be no cause for concern.

Wang Baobao was also very moved. He had heard from the people in the mansion before that the top masters such as the master of King Kong, the Taoist of Baihe, and the King of the Golden Wheel under Kublai Khan guarded his sister and aunt Huazheng to go south. Unfortunately, Song Qingshu was completely ashamed.

Wang Baobao is very clear about how high the martial arts of the King Kong Sect Master and Baishui Taoist people are. When he thinks that they have been defeated by the young man in front of him, his heart suddenly hangs. I am afraid it will be difficult to do well today.

"It turned out that it was the King of the Golden Snake who came here. He has heard of his name for a long time. Today, I saw it and he was well-deserved." Despite his anxiety, Wang Baobao quickly picked up his mood and said with a smile.

Even Wang Baobao has such an attitude?

The people of the Southern Song Dynasty were shocked. You must know that the Mongols have always been arrogant and domineering. Even an ordinary Mongolian messenger, they looked like an uncle when they saw the Song people, not to mention a little prince this time.

They could see how horizontal Wang Baobao was before, but now they see Song Qingshu as a different person, which makes the Southern Song Dynasty group suddenly feel suspicious of life.

"Song has long heard that the little prince is the most outstanding star of the younger generation of Mongolia. Now, when I see it, it is really extraordinary." As the saying goes, the other party is likely to be his brother-in-law in the future. Of course, Song Qingshu is a lot more polite.

His flattery just scratched Wang Baobao's itch. You must know that he has always regarded himself as a famous general, but unfortunately because he was not a descendant of Temujin, the commander of the Western Expedition and the Southern Expedition fell to Xu Liewu and Kublai Khan. I have always regretted it.

If ordinary people praised him like this, he might not appreciate it, but now Song Qingshu's prestige status is already an important figure in the world. Being praised by such a person in person, Wang Baobao has always been calm, and at this moment it is also a little airy.

However, Wang Baobao didn't get dazzled after all, and quickly calmed down: "I don't know why Song Gongzi came here this time?"

When he said this, the hearts of the masters of the Ruyang Palace suddenly hung up. Once Song Qingshu came to help the Southern Song Dynasty this time, there would be a fierce battle later.

You must know that they were a little bit awkward to deal with Song Qingshu in the peak period, not to mention that each of them is hurting now.

The Songshan faction and his party also looked solemnly, and suddenly there was such a high-level master who accidentally not only failed to complete the set goal tonight, it is very likely that they will lose their money.

Song Qingshu looked around: "It's too noisy, it's not a place to talk. I don't know if the little prince can appreciate his face and talk with Song in private."

Wang Baobao's face changed slightly, and the men next to him immediately exclaimed: "The little prince must not stand under a dangerous wall. As the saying goes, the gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. This man is so high in martial arts that there are rare opponents in the world. Do everything in his hands?"

Seeing that Wang Baobao was also struggling in his heart, Song Qingshu took out something from his arms: "The little prince should understand after seeing this thing."

Someone from the Ruyang Palace had long since ran over and carried the thing in his hand and passed it to Wang Baobao. Wang Baobao saw the thing clearly and couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Okay, please come in, please come in!"

The King Kong sect master and others were shocked: "Little Prince!"

Wang Baobao waved his hand: "You are all guarding at the door. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

Song Qingshu also said softly to Cheng Yaojia: "Wait for me here."

Cheng Yaojia glanced at the fierce Ruyang Royal Mansion and the Songshan Sect and his group, feeling a little scared: "If they..."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, they dare not attack you." After speaking, he glanced at the audience.

Wherever he looked, all the people were shocked. Even Zuo Lengchan, the top masters, had a chill in their hearts, and they looked away unnaturally.

"His martial arts has actually reached this level!" Zuo Lengchan's expression was very ugly. Although he did not want to see Song Qingshu and Wang Baobao talking in private, he had no way to stop it. Now the three forces have reached a delicate balance. If he is not careful, he will be attacked by the other two groups, so he can only watch the changes.

Song Qingshu walked to Wang Baobao leisurely like this. Wherever he passed, the master of Ruyang Palace subconsciously hid a few steps aside, leaving him a path that was not too big or not too small.

Seeing him swaggering past, Ding Yan couldn't help but yelled: "Be careful!"

She didn’t like Song Qingshu at all. The reason she acted like she cared about him is that Song Qingshu has become their only hope. If he is swept up by the masters of the Ruyang Palace, the Southern Song Dynasty will not be able to stop him. The alliance between Ruyang Palace and Songshan School.

Song Qingshu's figure did not stop at all, as if he hadn't heard it, and passed directly through the middle of the Ruyang Palace master.

Ding Yan couldn't help cursing secretly: "Dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people. It's best to be calculated by others."

Cheng Yaojia couldn't help smiling at this time: "Girl Ding doesn't have to worry about him, these people can't hurt him."

Speaking of the Southern Song Dynasty, the group of people who have the most confidence in Song Qingshu is Cheng Yaojia. Others have more or less doubts. Only she has seen Song Qingshu shot more than once, and faced the masters of the Ruyang Palace in its heyday. The other party easily took her away, not to mention that now that he is no longer a burden, and facing the end of some violent crossbows, how could it be dangerous.

"Who is worried about him!" Ding Yan snorted, and suddenly smiled strangely, "How does Madam 6 know other men so much?"

Cheng Yaojia's expression changed, she turned around and left. Six Guanying gave him a fierce look: "Little girl put her mouth clean."

This incident was originally his inverse scale, and when Ding Yan meant something, he couldn't help being furious. Before he might not fight back with such fierce means, but now he is backed by Song Qingshu, coupled with the practice of warding evil swordsmanship, he feels more confident in his heart.

"You!" Ding Yan was furious and was about to sneer, but Ding Dian glared at her: "Shut up! Now the enemy is now, don't let outsiders look at jokes."

"Huh!" Ding Dian had a sense of righteousness. Ding Yan had always been a little afraid of this clan uncle, so he had to snorted heavily.

Ding Busan originally saw that his granddaughter was wronged, his eyes narrowed. Obviously, his heart was murderous, but Ding Dian came forward, he couldn't say anything, he just looked at the Cheng Yaojia and his wife meaningfully and sneered in his heart. Again and again.

This little episode in the Southern Song team did not attract much attention, because now the attention of all parties is on the closed door, and they are speculating about what Wang Baobao and Song Qingshu are talking in secret.

"Why are Minmin's earrings with you?" After entering the room, Wang Baobao stared at the unique earrings in his hands and said suspiciously. It was precisely because he recognized that this was his sister Zhao Min's favorite earrings that he agreed to take the risk and live in the same room with Song Qingshu.

"Please also my brother-in-law to return the earrings to me first." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and did not see how he moved, and the earrings on Wang Baobao's palms immediately returned to his hands.

However, Wang Baobao didn't have the time to pay attention to this at this moment. Instead, he looked at him with a weird look: "What did you call me just now?"

"Big brother-in-law." Song Qingshu said naturally, "This earring is a token of love from Minmin. Why shouldn't I call your brother-in-law to call you?" This earring is the first time Song Qingshu met Zhao Min after the lion slaughter conference. Taking her off her ears when she was robbed in chaos, Zhao Min had promised to use this as a token at the beginning and fulfilled his wish in the future. How could he not keep hiding next to him?

"Creditable token?" Wang Baobao's expression at the moment was very wonderful. He was still a little skeptical, but when he thought that his sister and Zhang Wuji had fallen out a long time ago, and in recent years, the two elders Xuan Ming often mentioned this sister and this person a little ambiguity. My heart suddenly believed.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be a family!" Wang Baobao patted him on the shoulder, "Not bad, not bad, I think you are more pleasing to the eye than that Zhang Wuji."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "I don't like him either."

"It seems like a hero sees the same thing." Wang Baobao greeted him to sit down, "The **** almost made Minmin deny his parents and brothers, and even didn't want the family. I've seen him displeased a long time ago."

Song Qingshu has been able to face Zhang Wuji with a normal heart. Anyway, the revenge has been avenged, but he didn't have much interest in talking about this person, so he couldn't help but change the subject: "Why didn't Minmin come to Yangzhou this time?"

"Why don't you know?" Wang Baobao's expression suddenly fell cold, and doubts arose in his eyes——

The status is a bit bad recently. It takes a long time to write things to hold back a little bit, so the update is a bit unstable, I will adjust it as soon as possible, and I hope you can forgive me! 8

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