Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1103: Stinky forever

Because the envoys of Jin and Qing retreated, Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty have now reached a reconciliation. Naturally, Li Kexiu did not have to hide in the barracks as before, but chose to take the people back to his admiral's mansion.

Li Kexiu went up and down and arranged the people of Ruyang Palace in the East Hospital. At the same time, he summoned the best doctors in Yangzhou City to treat their injuries late at night. He also took out all kinds of panacea in the palace. Wang Baobao was very satisfied with his attitude. , His face suddenly eased a bit.

Han Chuan and his party were arranged by him in the Western Court. In their mission, except for 6 Guanying and other low-level officials, they were tortured at the beginning. The Mongols did not embarrass people with higher positions. After all, Wang Baobao did not want to completely tear his face with the Southern Song Dynasty. .

Most of them were imprisoned for too long, resulting in a little dirty on their bodies, and then Li Kexiu arranged for the maid to prepare hot water aromatherapy for you to bathe and change clothes, which made Han Tong and the group very satisfied.

Song Qingshu originally planned to discuss some merger matters with Li Kexiu, but after seeing him busy, it is not good to go to him at this time. Thinking that it is too late today and the so-called future is long, it is not in a hurry, so he arranged arrangements with Li Kexiu. Lived in a separate and secluded courtyard.

"It's a pity that Cheng Yaojia has a tender face, and he doesn't want to come over to accompany me. It's really empty and lonely." Lying on the bed, Song Qingshu sighed helplessly. He had passed the sound into the secret several times before, and gave Cheng Yaojia a wink to make her come quietly, but Cheng Yaojia always blushed and couldn't help shaking his head to refuse.

In private, it’s okay. If there are six elders in front of so many people, how can Cheng Yaojia dare to show a little strangeness?

Song Qingshu understood her situation, but didn't force her anymore, but saw her shy and angered appearance, and couldn't help but recall the beauty of her singing in bed. Song Qingshu felt a little dry.

"I knew I wouldn't rescue people like Han Tong..." Song Qingshu thought angrily, and fell asleep without knowing it.

On the other side, after Li Kexiu arranged the Ruyang Palace and Han Tong's entourage, the brilliant smile gradually reduced before returning to her bedroom with a solemn expression on her face.

After opening the door, I saw an ancient and rare old man slowly sipping tea. Although on the surface he was similar to those bad old men in the country, his eyes shone like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity. It was daunting and handsome. The young man stands behind the old man respectfully.

Li Kexiu frowned, did not shout at this moment, but hurriedly closed the door, as if he had known that the other party would be here.

"Admiral, how did you think about the things you said before." The old man gently put down his teacup and asked in a leisurely manner.

Li Kexiu smiled bitterly: "Leader Zuo, this is not a trivial matter after all, it is so easy to make a decision."

Master Zuo!

If Han Tong was here, he would inevitably exclaim, because the old man in front of him is the current prime minister of the Southern Song Dynasty, Wan Tuo, and his status is still above him. Zai Fuzhong's nominal leader!

Wan Tongmao said indifferently: "Since the admiral can't make up his mind, I will help you make up your mind."

After a pause, he continued: "Presumably, when the admiral came into contact with Han Tong just now, he told him about the old things. What was his reaction?"

Li Kexiu's face was a little ugly, and the urn replied angrily: "He has been thinking about other things, and he also hinted that I was at ease with the Golden Snake Camp."

Wan Tongmao showed an expression that he had anticipated: "That's natural. Now Song Qingshu is taking the lead. Han Chengzhan has reached an agreement with Mongolia to regain Sichuan. This is an unworldly achievement. How can he dare to make extravagances."

"Does the left minister also know?" Li Kexiu was surprised. He only learned of the tripartite agreement in Yuqing Guan just now. How well did the other party stay in the Admiral's Mansion?

"I have my own information channel," Wan Tsui said lightly, and then changed the conversation. He obviously didn't want to talk more about this issue. "The admiral is finally giving up now. Before, I had to try to rescue Han Chung, but now it turns out. How you saw it yourself."

"After all, I had an agreement with him before..." Li Kexiu was scornful, her face a little ugly.

In fact, Wan Chengmao came to Yangzhou very early, and has been trying to win him over, but Li Kexiu also has scruples in her heart. Although Wan Chengmao is now the leftist, Han Chengmao is only one of several deputy ministers, but Han Chengmao is obviously more worthy of choice than Wan Chengmao. :Firstly, after Han Qi is the famous and prime minister Han Qi, the Han family is the No. 1 wealthy family in the Song Dynasty. The family power is deeply entrenched, unlike Wan Qiong who has no foundation. Secondly, Wan Qiong is one of the culprits who killed Yue Fei that year, among the Han people. His reputation is a bit unpleasant, and if you take refuge in his sect, the ghost knows whether it will be scolded by thousands of people.

Therefore, Li Ke Xiucai tried to rescue Han Chung. If he could reconnect with this line, it would naturally be much better than relying on Wan Chung.

As for the earlier promised to join the Golden Snake Camp, it was just a postponement, trying to use Song Qingshu's power to rescue Han Tong.

From the beginning to the end, Li Kexiu did not consider the Golden Snake Camp. Although the Golden Snake Camp has been winning the limelight in the past two years, compared with other countries, it is still a little out of the table.

In terms of territory, the Jianghuai area under Li Kexiu’s command has always been prosperous. In addition to the dense water network, it is a nightmare for all northern cavalry. It is much better than the situation in Shandong where the enemy is on all sides. In terms of military strength, Li Kexiu has 100,000 green camps. , The strength is still above the Golden Snake Camp, how can he be willing to join the Golden Snake Camp and stay below Song Qingshu?

Seeing Li Kexiu's face hesitating, Wan Chengmao knew that the timing was too short, and he said, "Master Li, you should have heard about it. Although Han Tongzhu and Jia Sidao are powerful, they are talking about intimacy with the emperor. It's far from what it is."

Li Kexiu nodded. Wan Tumao is a master and sect, which fits Zhao Gou’s heart from beginning to end. Therefore, he was so spoiled a few years ago, and he was able to bring down Yue Fei, who is in the sky with Qin Hui, and now Han Dongzhen and Jia Sidao are far away. When the struggle was inexorable, Zhao Gou's first thought was to summon Wan Tuomen back to check and balance the two sides.

"Han Chuan was not sure about sending Ling Qianjin to the Queen's throne, but he was completely sure of the truth." Wan Chuan finally threw a heavy bomb.

"Take this seriously!" Li Kexiu's expression was shocked. He has been dreaming of the uncle of the country. If Li Yuanzhi could be the true queen of the Song Dynasty at the time, how could he look at Song Qingshu's illusory promise before, let alone the other party can only provide the noble concubine. Bit.

"Naturally take it seriously." Seeing Li Kexiu's intention to move, Wan Tumao smiled slightly, "not only that, after the admiral has taken refuge in the Song Dynasty, the truth can also say that the emperor can make the admiral the king of Wu. No change from the army."

Hearing the bargaining chips being thrown by Wan Chengmao one after another, Li Kexiu was finally moved.

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