Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1104: Fall into a wolf kiss

Li Kexiu knew that the Song Dynasty's system of granting kings was very strict in controlling the number of kings.

The highest class is the king, such as the King of Qin, the King of Jin, the King of Chu, and so on. Generally, those who win these kings are either extremely favored princes who are likely to succeed the emperor, or some special characters, such as Chai Zongxun who was named King Zheng and Meng Chang was named the king of Chu, Li Yu was named the king of Wu, and Qian Chu was named the king of Deng. These people were once genuine emperors who surrendered after being defeated by the Song Dynasty and received the corresponding kings;

Of course, there are some ministers who have made mortal merits and may be named kings. For example, Zhao Pu was named Han King, Cao Bin was named Han King, Wang Anshi was named Shu King, but these people are without exception. They were all chased after death, no one can enjoy this honor while alive, let alone have their own country and army.

The second class is the heir king, these are generally the transmission of the clan princes, and have nothing to do with foreigners.

The third class is the county king, such as the Runan county king, Qinghe county king, etc., which are generally used to confer princes and grandchildren.

At the beginning, Li Kexiu guessed that he would be able to make a man of the country, and thank God. If he could be named the king of Guangling County (Guangling, the ancient name of Yangzhou), his ancestral grave would be smoked. How could he know that Wan Tumao directly threw him a king of Wu, or The kind of real king with state-owned soldiers!

Seeing Li Kexiu's stunned and shocked look, Wan Tama proudly stroked his chin and beard. The reason why he is so generous also has his own difficulties. After all, he knows his current situation better than anyone else. Now, even though he is named Zaifu However, the actual power below is divided by Han Tong and Jia Sidao Shi. The value of his existence is that Zhao Gou launched to check and balance these two groups, so that the government can reach a delicate balance. Once the time is right, he and Zhang Jun The transition team may be demolished by crossing the river at any time.

They are naturally unwilling to end up lonely. Now their power is all from Zhao Go, and they don’t have their own foundation like Han Tong and Jia Sidao. It’s okay for Zhang Jun. After all, as one of the four famous generals of ZTE, he has a certain degree in the army. The forces, as well as the loyal army Zhang Rou as a foreign aid, will be a lot miserable for him. When Qin Hui fell from power, his minions were also liquidated. He himself also lived in the wild for many years, and now he has been recruited into Zaifu again. He is almost a polished commander, so he desperately wants his team, and the powerful Li Kexiu is his best choice.

Therefore, he was more active than anyone in wooing Li Kexiu, and the conditions offered were much better than those of Han Dong.

Li Kexiu's face changed, and she suddenly said, "But I have agreed to take refuge in Song Qingshu..."

Hearing this, Wan Tongmao showed a smile on his face, because he knew that Li Kexiu had agreed: "Don't worry about this, I have my own way to deal with him."

Li Kexiu frowned and said, "Legendary may not know how powerful Song Qingshu is. This person's martial arts is rare in the world. I think it is impossible to keep him even if Ruyang Palace and the masters under Han Tong joined forces. Once he reacts, After he became furious, he brought the soldiers from the Golden Snake Camp to the south, and I...not sure of defeating him."

Although Li Kexiu has one hundred thousand green battalions, the number of troops is better than Song Qingshu’s Golden Snake Camp, but Song Qingshu had broken the Qing court with one hundred thousand elite and famous people. Although Li Kexiu claimed to be a famous general, he was the former Prince An sent by the court. Which of these people, Yue Le, Tuhai, and Sabsu, is not a famous player?

If Li Kexiu is really unsure of the fight, and even if he wins, it will be a tragic victory. He will definitely lose his troops and replace his generals. Now the army is his capital. If the loss is too great, the surrounding forces will never mind swallowing his fat flesh. .

"Golden Snake Camp is just a group of bandits. Song Qingshu is the reason why they are invincible. As long as Song Qingshu is not there, what kind of climate can the rabble crowd become?" Wan Tuo said meaningfully.

"Yes, if there is no Song Qingshu, I have the confidence to annex the site of the Golden Snake Camp within a month." Li Kexiu said, frustrated, "But Song Qingshu is so high in martial arts, who can keep him in the world."

Wan Tongmao smiled slightly and pointed to the young man behind him and said, "I brought this grandson to deal with Song Qingshu, Guier, come and meet Master Li."

The young man stepped forward and walked for a salute: "Wan Tung-gyu has seen Master Li."

If Song Qingshu or Di Yun are here, they must be exclaimed, because this Wan Tonggui is surprisingly the man in Jingzhou City who snatched Di Yun's childhood sweetheart Qi Fang by despicable means!

It turned out that Wan Gui’s father, Wan Zhenshan, was Wan Qian’s concubine. After Qin Hui’s death, Qin Hui was liquidated, and Wan Qian was soon forced to go to the field. In order to avoid revenge from his enemies, the family changed Wan Qian’s surname to Wan. Zhenshan and his sons were sent to the rivers and lakes to find the legendary treasures of Emperor Liang Yuan, so that they could be used for the comeback of the Wantong family in the future.

Later, Song Qingshu, Ding Dian, and Di Yun made a big fuss in Jiangling City. Wan Zhenshan was worried about being revenge, so he brought his son Wangui and daughter-in-law Qi Fang back to the family in advance, just as Wan Tudao was killed by Zhao Gou. They were recruited again, and urgently needed manpower help, so their family followed to Lin'an and hid in the court.

It's no wonder that Di Yun has never found out Qi Fang's whereabouts with the help of Xuedizi's intelligence network.

"Master, please get up soon!" Li Kexiu gave him a surprised look, and suddenly frowned and said to Wan Tongmao, "Excuse me, although the master is a talent, he may be a martial artist..."

He didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was already obvious. After all, Li Kexiu was a martial artist in his life as a military horse. He could see that although this young man had martial arts, he would never be very high. I am afraid that he would not even be able to beat him, let alone Song Qingshu.

"Little white face!" This was Li Kexiu's true reaction.

Wan Yumao laughed and said nothing, but Wan Gui replied, "Master Li misunderstood. Song Qingshu's martial arts is world-renowned. Naturally, he cannot be defeated by martial arts. It is not me who has to deal with him, but it." After speaking, he took it out of his luggage. A wooden box, holding the wooden box to the table solemnly.

Seeing him so cautious, Li Kexiu suddenly became interested: "What is this?"

Wan Gui had no time to distract and answer him, and he opened the wooden box attentively. The whole process was cautious, for fear that something might be broken by his movements, and a trace of sweat oozes from the temples.

Li Kexiu frowned and looked in, and saw a glass bottle in the wooden box, inside it was a bunch of lotus-shaped flowers, but each leaf was shining like gold.

Seeing Wan Gui's cautious look before, Li Kexiu originally looked expectant, but found that there was only a flower in the box. He was immediately disappointed, and his tone inevitably became sarcasm: "The son intends to defeat martial arts with a flower. Song Qingshu, the world's golden snake king?" —

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