Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1105: Flower of the Demon

Wan Gui didn't care about Li Kexiu's attitude. Instead, he pointed to the flower in the glass vase and solemnly introduced: "This is not an ordinary flower, but a Jinboxun flower!"

"Jin Bo Xunhua?" Li Kexiu frowned, thinking for a long time, and found that he had never heard of it.

Wan Gui explained: "The word Bo Xun is in Sanskrit, meaning devil. This poisonous flower came from Tianzhu. It turned out that Tianzhu people called it a devil flower. This thing is extremely poisonous and there is no cure in the world. , Even if you just smell it, you can make a top expert pass out."

Jin Bo Xunhua comes from Liancheng Jue. In the original work, Ding Dian fainted after just smelling it. Later, Ding Dian shone the scriptures and Ling Tuisi put the Jin Bo Xunhua poison on Ling Shuanghua’s coffin. When Ding Dian went to hold the coffin, he fainted. While telling the sentiment, Jin Bo Xunhua glued to his skin. As a result, Ding Dian, whose internal strength was almost invincible, was immediately invaded by the poisonous internal organs and died with hatred.

The world unexpectedly changed the plot because of the appearance of Song Qingshu. Ding Dian took Ling Shuang Huayuan to fly high in advance, but he did not expect that it would be his turn to bear the poison of Jin Bo Xunhua himself.

When Wan Zhenshan and his son were in Jiangling City, they learned of Jin Bo Xunhua’s magical poison from Ling Tuisi. Later, when Wan Tuomao became prime minister, Wan Zhenshan and his son used his power to get a few plants from Ling Tuisi. Jinbo Xunhua.

"What!" Li Kexiu's discoloration suddenly changed when he heard the poisonousness of this thing so terrifying, and stepped back subconsciously.

Wan Gui closed the wooden box again and said with a smile: "Master Li, don't worry, this flower is now sealed by a special technique, and the poisonous gas will not be emitted."

Only then did Wan Qiang say, "As long as you put this flower in Song Qingshu's room, no matter how good his martial arts is, he will still be in disaster."

Li Kexiu suddenly showed hesitation: "After all, this Song Qingshu once had a life-saving grace to me. I just want to restrain him and don't want to hurt his life."

Wan Haomao sneered to himself, thinking that you had tried to deal with Song Qingshu before, but now you have a way to make such an appearance, it is really hypocritical.

However, he didn't say what he was thinking. Instead, he said: "The Admiral can rest assured that Song Qingshu will faint after a few mouthfuls. He has not had time to touch the petals. As long as he doesn't touch the skin, there is no life worry. "

Wan Gui glanced at his grandfather in surprise, thinking that Jin Bo Xunhua was called the king of all poisons, and there would be no cure after smelling three mouthfuls. Why would grandpa deceive Li Kexiu.

However, he reacted quickly, and soon he woke up, smiling and echoing: "It is true."

Li Kexiu let out a sigh of relief: "Then I'm relieved."

"It's getting late today. I understand that Master Li will lead Song Qingshu out of the room during the day, and we will put Jin Bo Xunhua in again." Pour to yourself completely.

The next few people secretly discussed the details of tomorrow’s action in the room. They were also planning how Li Kexiu would march north in the shortest possible time after Song Qingshu was under control, and swallow the site of the Golden Snake Camp. Before they knew it, the sky brightened. , But the big event is imminent, the three of them are full of energy, not a trace of fatigue.

After daybreak, Wan Hao and Wan Kyu continued to hide in the room to perfect all the details, and Li Kexiu went out to greet the guests of the house.

After a night of rest and reorganization, the fighting power of the people in the Ruyang Palace was completely restored. Wang Baobao saw that the matter was over, and coupled with the heavy losses of his subordinates before, he took the lead in leaving without considering the retention of all parties.

After all, the members of the Southern Song Dynasty were caught and humiliated by the people of the Ruyang Palace. Although the two sides have reached a settlement agreement, it is not easy to completely relieve the previous suspicions. Rather than getting along awkwardly, it is better to separate during the honeymoon period, lest any conflict that occurs afterwards affects the previous contract.

Therefore, Wang Baobao had no intention of leaving, and the Southern Song Dynasty was not sincere in keeping it.

Li Kexiu offered to send troops to **** them, but Wang Baobao refused: "If this king can't protect himself, how can he do it?"

Song Qingshu nodded, knowing that with the strength of the masters of the Ruyang Palace, even if Songshan sent a group of people back to ambush, they would definitely not be able to keep them.

Li Kexiu didn't reluctantly see it. He just wanted the people from Ruyang Palace to leave, so as not to affect his actions at night, he left a few words at random and sent Wang Baobao and his party away.

"Boy, when you come to Mongolia, remember to come to Ruyang Prince's Mansion to find us. Hey, you cheated Minmin, you still have to tell your family." Wang Baobao took Song Qingshu to the side and whispered.

"That's for sure. I will personally go to Ruyang Palace to propose marriage in the future." Song Qingshu smiled, but secretly groaned in his heart. This time he lied to have a private appointment with Zhao Min for a lifetime, if Zhao Min knew about it. I don't know if it will make her angry.

Hearing his promise, Wang Baobao proceeded to leave with satisfaction.

Next, Li Kexiu put on a big feast to catch the wind and dust on behalf of the Southern Song and his party to suppress the shock. The ambitions on the banquet are staggered, but it can be regarded as a joy for the host and the guest.

During the dinner, Han Dongxuan expressed his sincere gratitude to Song Qingshu’s help during this trip. Song Qingshu gave Lu Guanying out at the same time, telling him how loyal and loyal he was during this period, running around to rescue them, making Han Dongzhen also deeply moved, personally He stood up and toasted to Lu Guanying. This time, Lu Guanying was flattered. At the same time, he was grateful to Song Qingshu for his kindness.

After that, Song Qingshu deliberately pulled Lu You and Xin Qiji toasted to drink. You must know that these two people were idols that he admired in his previous life. They had the opportunity to drink at the same table, so Song Qingshu had to sigh the wonders of the world.

Not to mention Lu You and Xin Qiji, even Han Dongxuan and Li Kexiu are a little unclear. After all, Song Qingshu's reputation and status are far higher than these two in this world. Until Song Qingshu said that he liked the poems of these two people, everyone did that. Relieved.

"Fang Weng and Jiaxuan’s poetry attainments are indeed extraordinary. Apart from Mr. Dongpo in this dynasty, I am afraid that no one can match them." Han Tong is also happy to see the relationship between his subordinates and Song Qingshu improve. Contribute to future cooperation.

Only Cheng Yaojia had the most five flavors in his heart. Song Qingshu and Xin Qiji had a good relationship. Seeing him and Lu You were also very happy brothers and brothers, she secretly sighed in her heart: "Huh, if you really admire him so much. , How could he put his nephew and daughter-in-law to sleep"

Thinking of the other party's endless bedclothing methods, Cheng Yaojia couldn't help feeling blushing, and hurriedly drank alcohol to hide his unnatural expression.

Ding Yan had been watching her secretly, and found that she had placed the gentle smoke waves on Song Qingshu from time to time, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but play with a playful smile.

This grand banquet lasted for several hours. After the end of the song, Song Qingshu finally had a chance to find Li Kexiu, and said with a smile, "What is Uncle Li planning on lately?"

Thanks to book friends n Dabingguo and rr for their rewards and monthly support!


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