Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1108: Life and death

After a while, Li Kexiu finally turned out from the corridor and looked at Song Qingshu with a wistful expression: "My nephew, I don't want to get things to this point, but your martial arts are too high, so I can only stop you first. .Chinese Net.ん."

"Stop me" Song Qingshu snorted coldly, "Sure enough to use Jinbo Xunhua to stop me, it's really generous."

Li Kexiu also gradually regained her composure, and said in a slightly embarrassing manner: "Nephew, don't worry, this poison will only temporarily lose your mobility and will not kill you."

Song Qingshu's expression was indifferent: "Why do you deceive yourself and others? Jin Bo Xunhua is so poisonous that there is no cure in the world."

"Ah" Li Kexiu looked shocked, turned his head and looked at Wan Tongmao, "Left, take this seriously."

"Zuoxiang" Song Qingshu's heart moved, and he immediately realized the identity of this old man. It turned out to be the Southern Song Dynasty Zuoxiang Wan Yumao. Seeing that he was so nervous just now, it seems that he is a direct elder of Wan Gui.

Faced with Li Kexiu’s question, Wan Tuomao replied indifferently: “Master Li, as the saying goes, don’t stop. Since you’ve torn your face, why should you be merciful? Don’t take advantage of Song Qingshu’s defense to poison him and wait for him to come back for revenge. What?"

Li Kexiu's heart shuddered, as expected to be the culprit who killed Yue Fei that year, and his cruelty was really shocking.

Song Qingshu frowned slightly. At this time, it didn't matter whether Li Kexiu was acting or not. All of his attention was on the poison in his body. Unfortunately, not only did the effort not push the poison out, but his skill dissipated more.

Noting his subtle reaction, Wan Tongmao became more determined in his heart and waved his hand and said, "Who killed him and promoted him to the third rank, he would reward him with gold." Although he didn't know martial arts, he knew that Song Qingshu could not be so leisurely and poisonous.

Although Song Qingshu's fame is outstanding, and the shot that shocked the audience just now, there must be a brave man under the great reward. Hearing that he was promoted to the third-level gold million tael, the guards who accompanied Wan Chengmao shone in their eyes. This is their lifetime. You can’t make any fortune. For this reward, it’s worth a fight.

People died for money and birds died for food. A group of people rushed up with red eyes and wailing. Song Qingshu was already afraid to use the sword qi at will, so he could only take the knife in one of them, a set of sharp knives. The law came out.

The audience only felt the cold light in front of them, and had to admire the poisonousness in Song Qing's body, and he was able to perform such a delicate and sharp sword technique.

It didn't take long for Song Qingshu to stab the ground with a sword and tremble slightly in the cold wind. At first, a dozen people rushed past and fell into a pool of blood around him.

After all, these people are masters carefully selected and brought by Wan Hao. If Song Qingshu usually does not have to put them in his eyes, but now killing these more than a dozen people seems to have exhausted all his spare power.


Song Qingshu only felt the qi and blood in his body churning, and couldn't help it anymore as a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Everyone in the field was stunned by him, but he was hesitating to see him vomiting blood and all his expressions shook up: "He is very poisonous and can't be supported for long."

Despite this, Song Qingshu Yu Wei was still there, and a group of people only dared to yell in their mouths, but no one dared to rush to die.

Song Qingshu was aware of the internal conditions. He tried to delay the time to force the poison out, but the facts proved that over time, not only could he not force the poison out, but his combat effectiveness was constantly weakening. If he continues to entangle here, I am afraid that he will die today by Xiao Xiao’s hand. Up.

After taking a deep look at Wan Tuan, Li Kexiu and others, Song Qingshu coldly snorted, "Even if Song dies today, he will take you to the funeral."

After speaking, they rushed to the two of them. Wan Tuyu and others were shocked, and they retreated and shouted: "Stop him, stop him."

His subordinate masters hurriedly gathered to the master, and a gap was suddenly revealed in the previously airtight encircling circle. Song Qingshu rushed halfway, and suddenly retreated back, rushing out of the group of people and flew outside the courtyard wall.

It's a pity that his skill has been consumed by the poison now, and he can no longer use it at the end of the world, otherwise he can fly out of the admiral's mansion with almost one step in his usual state.

Seeing that he was about to fly over the courtyard wall, a group of archers suddenly appeared on the top of the wall, shooting arrows in succession. Song Qingshu was shocked, knowing that if he was forced back to the courtyard, he would be in a disaster today, so he could only force a sigh of invigoration and move almost ten feet away Distance, avoiding the rain of arrows at him, and then just about to take the opportunity to jump out of the wall, suddenly the real qi in his body disappeared, and he fell heavily into the yard.

"Hahaha, he has poisoned his heart, and he can't support it anymore." Wan Tsui looked excited, and ordered his men to surround him.

A group of people looked at each other. The other party easily killed more than a dozen masters just now. Who knows if he will bring someone to the funeral when he is dying. Although the reward is tempting, it must have a life flower. Therefore, no one dares to come forward. Vaguely surround it in the middle.

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile. Just now forcibly moved horizontally in the air to avoid the arrow rain. It was really too exhausting. It was okay on weekdays. Today, this situation is dying. The poison in the body causes the zhenqi in the body to be intermittent. Excessive consumption at once caused the follow-up Zhenqi to be unable to be mentioned for a while.

After this change just now, his true energy could no longer suppress Jin Bo Xunhua’s poisonousness. He noticed that the poison had penetrated into the internal organs. Song Qingshu sighed in his heart: After crossing into this world, the start of **** is difficult. Thinking of finally dying by Xiao Xiao's hand. That's it, I tried my last breath to see if I could kill Wan Tuo, and avenge Lord Yue at the same time.

Perceiving Song Qingshu's murderous gaze, Wan Tongmao's heart was cold, and he hurriedly backed away a few steps. Only when he saw that there were all guards in front of him, did he feel a little relieved. Apart from reassuring himself, he became irritated by his fear and shame.

Seeing the group of people hesitate to move forward, they were angry that these people were greedy for life and fear of death, but he also knew that the martial arts of the other party was too high, and when he turned his eyes, he thought about it: "Master Li, you will let the archer shoot this to death. Rebellious courtiers and thieves."

"This" Li Kexiu looked hesitant.

Wan Tongmao said sharply: "There is no way out of it until now, if the surname Song Yu is born, neither you nor I will survive."

Wan Gui also took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and said: "Lord Li, as long as the surname Song Yi dies, you can march northward, annex the Golden Snake Camp site, and then unite with Wu Sangui to divide the Manchu Qing from the north and the south. By then, you will be one of the best forces in the Central Plains."

Li Kexiu's eyes lit up, and finally his heart moved, and he stretched out his hand and waved: "Archer"

Song Qingshu's heart was cold. Just as he was about to rush to kill Wan Tuan while still having a little bit of anger, suddenly a beautiful figure rushed out, opened his arms in front of him, and exclaimed at Li Kexiu: "No."

As the saying goes, the remaining brave should chase the poor. Based on the status of yesterday, I plan to update 5 chapters today. At the same time, I ask readers to vote for the monk with the guaranteed monthly pass. Thank you, everyone,

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