Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1109: Sacrifice fame

A slim and light girl stood in front of Song Qing's writing. She was elegant and beautiful. Song Qingshu looked at her from behind and saw that the skin on her neck was snowy, white and red, so tender that she could pinch water.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Li Kexiu's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly greeted the archers under his command: "Stop shooting arrows!" Then he turned his head and glared at the girl: "Yuanzhi, don't mess around, get out of the way!"

That young girl was Li Yuanzhi, who had been gone for a long time!

"I'm not fooling around!" Li Yuanzhi bit her lip with tears in her eyes. "Big Brother Song has a life-saving grace to Dad, and he has saved his daughter's life time and time again. How can you avenge your grudge and turn your head to hurt him!"

She had been arranged in the barracks by Li Kexiu before, and could not come out even if she thought of it. After the envoys of Jin and Qing retreated, Li Kexiu returned to the admiral's mansion, but Li Yuanzhi was still left in the barracks and was not allowed to come out.

However, she has a strange temperament. Without Li Kexiu, she is pressing next to her. Who else can cure her? Coupled with her status as the eldest, no one in the barracks dare to really embarrass her.

It was okay at the beginning. Although she was bored, she could stay in the barracks, but when she heard from the soldiers that the golden snake king Song Qingshu was a guest in the mansion, she could not bear it, so she just found a chance to run out of the barracks, originally happily She wanted to go and play with her own Big Brother Song, who knew that when she returned to the mansion, she saw that his father was besieging him. She didn't care about so much when she returned to the mansion, and she ran out to block Song Qing's writing.

After being scolded by her daughter in public, Li Kexiu was shocked and angry, her face gloomy and terribly gloomy.

Song Qingshu sighed: "Sister Yuanzhi, I didn't expect that we would meet again in this situation."

Li Yuanzhi's eyes were sour, and he said with a bit of choking, "I'm all to blame. If I came to you earlier, these things won't happen."

Song Qingshu smiled indifferently: "The one who should come will always come. As the saying goes, you can avoid the first day of the junior high school and the fifteenth. You don't have to blame yourself."

Hearing what he said so free and easy, and thinking about what his father did, Li Yuanzhi was even more sad: "Big Brother Song!"

Sobbing as he wanted to rush into his arms, Song Qingshu hurriedly took a step back: "Don't touch me, I have been poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, and I am worried that it will be transmitted to you."

He knew that Ding Dian in the Liancheng Jue was poisoned with poison all over his body, so he was worried that Li Yuanzhi would be injured. It's just that he was too worried this time. The reason why Ding Dian was poisoned all over his body was because he had been crying for a long time while holding Ling Shuanghua's coffin. The coffin was covered with the poison of Jinbo Xunhua, and Ding Dian was distraught with grief. , Kept kissing and stroking the coffin, which made the whole body poisonous.

Because Song Qingshu was involved in protecting the true energy of his body, there was no poisonous powder on his body, so direct contact would not cause Li Yuanzhi to be poisoned.

"Poisoning?" Li Yuanzhi suddenly turned to Li Kexiu, "Father, you are so cruel!"

"Shut up!" In front of outsiders, Li Kexiu's face was finally lost because of her daughter's constant accusations. "Come here, go and help Miss go back to the room to rest!"

He could see that Song Qingshu had a good relationship with his daughter, and coupled with the character of the other party, he was determined to be unable to hold his daughter hostage, so he decided to send someone over to take her away.

Seeing someone approaching here, Li Yuanzhi suddenly screamed, took out the dagger around his waist, and put a knife across his snow-white neck: "Don't come here!"

"You!" Li Kexiu hurriedly stopped his subordinates, glaring at her daughter, "What do you want to do!"

Song Qingshu also frowned slightly: "Sister Yuanzhi, I appreciate your kindness. You really don't have to do this. Put the knife down quickly, it's too dangerous."

Although he is usually more greedy and lustful, he also has his own pride. Although he knows that Li Yuanzhi may save his life by doing this, he still does not want to see the other party taking such risks.

"Bring Jin Bo Xunhua's antidote, or her daughter will die for you!" Li Yuanzhi ignored Song Qingshu's persuasion, her slender body trembled slightly in the cold wind, but the whole person stood there, still very determined.

"Don't be impulsive!" Li Kexiu has always loved her daughter, and subconsciously looked at Wan Hao.

Wan Haomao replied coldly: "Jinbo Xunhua, there is no cure!" Seeing Li Kexiu's slight change of color, he continued: "It's already an arrow at the time, so why bother with Lord Li."

Li Kexiu's eyes flickered, and he gradually calmed down. He was fighting on the battlefield, and he naturally knew the truth of non-stop. Now he has offended Song Qingshu. If he is allowed to recover, it will be his turn to be miserable.

"Yuanzhi, you heard it yourself, it's not that Dad didn't give the antidote, but that there was no antidote at all." Li Kexiu said lightly.

Li Yuanzhi wanted to talk more, Song Qingshu also said: "Sister Yuanzhi, your father is right, Jin Bo Xunhua really has no cure."

"Brother Song, you are so capable, you must be able to detoxify," Li Yuanzhi looked at him with tears in his eyes, and then turned to his father and said, "Father, my daughter just asks you to let him go."

"Sure enough, it's a girl outgoing!" Seeing her daughter antagonizing herself over and over again, Li Kexiu was shocked and angry. "Now my father is already in conflict with the surname Song. If you can't kill him today, you will be the one who will die tomorrow. , Would you rather watch Dad die?"

"No, he won't," Li Yuanzhi looked at Song Qingshu, "Brother Song, you have something to say."

Song Qingshu frowned, did not speak, but snorted heavily, making him begging for mercy at this moment, which is really impossible. Although life is important, there are some things as important as life.

"You see, he is like this now, and he won't be able to frustrate your father in the future!" Li Kexiu laughed angrily.

"No, he will never!" Li Yuanzhi seemed to have made up his mind. Huo Ran raised his head and said clearly, "Because my daughter has been privately set up with him for life, and... also pregnant with his flesh and blood, what about him? I will start with my father-in-law and my child's grandfather!"

"What!" Li Kexiu only felt that his eyes were dark, and couldn't help but sway, and almost fell to the ground.

Wan Yumao and Wan Gui's faces are also extremely ugly. You must know that the basis of their cooperation with Li Kexiu is to send Li Yuanzhi to the Southern Song imperial palace to be the queen. If she has a secret knot with other men, how can she be sent to the palace.

"Yuanzhi..." Song Qingshu was also extremely shocked, he naturally knew that he and Li Yuanzhi were innocent, and the other party said that he clearly wanted to save himself.

He knew how important the women's fame is in this world. Now that there are so many people on the scene, if you just spread it out with one mouth, Li Yuanzhi will probably be a problem in marrying someone in the future.

Song Qingshu was about to speak, but Li Yuanzhi interrupted him as expected, and whispered: "Brother Song, I know what you are going to say, please don't disappoint me. I will save you whatever I say today. "

Seeing the girl's begging eyes and feeling the girl's innocent and exquisite mind, Song Qingshu felt soft and acquiesced to the facts.

"The family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate!" Li Kexiu was distressed, looking at Song Qingshu, the **** who took advantage of his daughter, his eyes burst into flames.

Second, I implore you to vote for your precious monthly tickets!

In addition, there was a bug in the previous plot. Hejian Shuangsha mentioned in the chapter long ago that he had secretly sought refuge in the Royal Palace of Ruyang.

In fact, in the first few chapters, I wrote about Hejian Shuangsha, and I also vaguely remember that they seemed to take refuge in Ruyang Palace, but when I looked back on the relevant chapters, I didn’t see

I thought this was just my initial idea, and I didn’t write it in the novel.

As a result, an enthusiastic reader pointed it out yesterday, and the monk was really ashamed.

Fortunately, Shuangsha Hejian is not an important person and does not affect the plot. I need to think about how to deal with the two afterwards.

Every reader knows that this is a bug

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