Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1110: First line of life

Li Kexiu is now angry and regretful. What is angry is that the cabbage that she has worked so hard to raise for more than ten years was overwhelmed by other pigs. What regrets is that she shouldn't be so easy to agree to Wan Chengmao to deal with Song Qingshu.

Although in Li Kexiu's mind, marrying her daughter to Song Qingshu is far less than marrying her to become a queen in the Southern Song Dynasty, but it is undeniable that Song Qingshu is still a good choice.

What's more, his daughter is still pregnant by him now!

As far as Li Kexiu knows, although Song Qingshu has a wife and a lot of beauties around him, but he does not have any heirs, then his grandson is his eldest son. Even if Li Yuanzhi cannot become a queen in the future, it is also very likely that a mother is expensive by her son. In troubled times , The eldest son and the aunt are not so different, it is very likely that they can still become the heir of the Golden Snake Camp.

But now it’s useless to regret it. Song Qingshu is already very toxic and has no medicine to cure. The two sides have also developed a crack. It is impossible to cooperate anymore. Also, because of her daughter’s pregnancy, the agreement with Wan Tsumeng is also likely to go bankrupt.

"Half a day's work makes a chicken fly!" Li Kexiu's mind came out. By now, he is already on the verge of a tiger. Killing Song Qingshu is not the same, nor is it not killing.

Noting that Li Kexiu's eyes were cloudy and uncertain, Wan Tongmao's eyelids twitched, worrying that the other party would do something irrational, and hurriedly went over and said to him in a low voice: "Master Li don't have to worry, so Qianjin might just deliberately lie to you. It’s okay to find a few mothers to check it up later, and even if she is really...really pregnant, it doesn’t matter. I can hide her from the sky and still send her to the palace."

Li Kexiu's eyes suddenly brightened. He was concerned and confused just now. His daughter has been back for so long. During this period, she has never seen Song Qingshu. Now there is no sign of a big belly. How could she be pregnant with his baby.

But he didn't dare to be very sure, after all, Song Qingshu's martial arts was too high, and it would not be impossible to steal incense and jade one night and get into his daughter's boudoir. Therefore, after hearing the assurance of Wan Hao-mao, a big stone fell in his heart.

However, when Li Kexiu looked back and saw his daughter's dagger close to her neck, there was a faint trace of blood flowing out. He was distressed again, and looked awkwardly at Wan Tsui: "Little girl...this...what do you think about the left? "

"The safety of Qianjin is important." Wan Tumo smiled slightly and replied in a low voice, "Let Song Qingshu go first."

"But..." Li Kexiu hesitated to say something, and looked at Song Qingshu with quite a jealous look.

"Don't worry, he is poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, and he won't survive tonight," Wan Tongmao had a cold smile on his face, "not to mention that I have arranged manpower outside."

Li Kexiu suddenly realized that he had a decision in his heart, but he did not intend to let Song Qingshu go directly because he was worried that his daughter would leave with him, and that matter would be even more troublesome.

So he pretended to be embarrassed: "Yuanzhi, aren't you embarrassing dad?"

Hearing his father's tone loosened, Li Yuanzhi was overjoyed and quietly pushed Song Qingshu: "Brother Song, you go now, I will stay here to stare at them, not let them chase you, you will leave the city as soon as possible."

Song Qingshu sighed secretly. After all, Li Yuanzhi was young, so he couldn't compare to the old fox like his father. She thought she had read through her father's mind, who knew that Li Kexiu was deliberately letting herself leave in order to separate the two talents.

But he didn't intend to break it. After all, Li Yuanzhi had done enough for herself, and there was no need to let her take risks all the time. What's more, she had already won a ray of life for her. Even if there were traps outside, it was not like this place.

"Thank you, be careful yourself!" Song Qingshu took a deep look at the girl in front of him, and then staggered out.

As soon as the people around him wanted to stop, Li Yuanzhi pressed the dagger to his neck, shocked Li Kexiu hurriedly waved and let Song Qingshu leave.

Seeing Song Qingshu leaving, Li Yuanzhi was relieved. Li Kexiu sneered and said, "Huh, are you satisfied now?"

Li Yuanzhi bit her lip: "My daughter knows that what she did today makes her daddy angry, but her daughter can only do this."

"Okay, okay," Li Kexiu said distressedly, looking at the faintly oozing blood beads on her delicate neck, "Hurry up and put the dagger down."

"No!" Li Yuanzhi shook his head firmly, "I'll talk about it when Brother Song gets away."

Li Kexiu made a stinky face and snorted heavily: "I won't stay in the female college!"

At this moment, there was a noise from the corridor, and Han Tong led the people directly in. It turned out that they heard the movement from here at first, but it was inconvenient to think about being a guest at the house. It just sent someone to investigate it quietly.

Later, I learned that Song Qingshu was actually attacking Song Qingshu. This surprise was not trivial. Song Qingshu was related to his deal with Mongolia. If something happened to him that caused the Mongols to break the contract, it would be a thunderbolt, so I hurried. Brought someone through.

When I saw the situation in the yard, I couldn't help but frown. When I saw the appearance of Wan Hao, I was even more shocked: "Lesson Zuo, why are you here?"

Wan Tong said without a smile, "Why, Master Han can come, but he can't come?"

He glanced over the faces of Wan Qixiu and Li Kexiu. Han Chen, who had been in the officialdom for a long time, didn’t understand how the two might have hooked up, and his heart sank: "I have always been in charge of Jianghuai’s affairs, left. What does it mean for the grandmaster to cross his foot?"

Wan Haomao arched his hand to the south direction: "I don't understand what Han Lord said. They are all working for the emperor, so why do you have to separate you and me?"

Seeing him lifting the emperor to press himself, Han Dongxun hated him so much that he didn't dare to show it, but his face became more and more ugly.

Wan Tongmao continued: "What's more, I heard that Lord Han was in jail and came to rescue me from thousands of miles..."

Han Zhang directly interrupted: "Don’t bother to bother you, Han has already gotten out of trouble, and reached an agreement with Mongolia and the Golden Snake Camp to re-conquer Sichuan. As a result, Mr. Zuo made such a fuss today. The land is lost and regained, can the left-minister bear this responsibility?

"Master Han don't have to scare me like that," Wan Tumo said with a faint smile. "The surname Song is just acting as a middleman. Now that he has negotiated with Mongolia, his middleman naturally loses its use value. Mongolia's energy is nowadays. All on the western front, even if there is dissatisfaction in your heart, you will not be in a big fight because of him Song Qingshu. Don't worry, Lord Han, no one can take the credit for regaining Sichuan."

"You!" Han Tong touched a soft nail, and his heart was full of fire. "How can we do such unbelievable things and make the world laugh at it!"

Third, continue to ask for a monthly pass!

How come the number of monthly passes is so small, even if only one-tenth of the subscribers has voted for a guaranteed monthly pass, there shouldn’t be so much.

It seems that the charm is not good, the monk will cry for a while first

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