Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1116: Fairy? Demon?

Hearing this ethereal voice, Song Qingshu opened his eyes in a daze. Because of Jin Bo Xunhua’s poison, his eyesight is greatly affected. He can only vaguely see a woman in white standing next to him, but he doesn’t know. Was it a psychological effect? ​​He seemed to see this woman as if she was walking through the clouds, like a fairy in the Nine Worlds. Chinese ΔΔWennetん

Song Qingshu couldn't help laughing: "I thought that a greedy person like me would go down to eighteen levels of **** after death. I didn't expect that a fairy would come to pick me up to heaven."

I saw the white-clothed woman stroking her forehead with her hand, as if she was speechless, Song Qingshu was immediately happy, thinking in her heart: It seems that the fairy is not completely devoid of emotions and desires, I have to practice a skill before shaking it, and please this fairy sister. Avoid being able to wear small shoes afterwards.

Seeing his mouth opened, as if to say something again, the white-clothed woman finally became a little annoyed: "You are very poisonous. Don't talk too much and waste your energy at this time."

"Sister Fairy told me not to speak, I will not speak." Song Qingshu is now a little confused between reality and illusion because of Jin Bo Xunhua.

Seeing him sober at the moment, the white-clothed woman frowned slightly, knelt down and put Song Qingshu's head on her lap, then took out a porcelain bottle from her arms, and a crystal clear amber liquid gradually poured into his mouth.

"It's so sweet, is this the Immortal Realm Qiongye Yulu?" Song Qingshu smacked his lips and muttered to himself.

The white-clothed woman withdrew her finger as if she was electrocuted. Just now Song Qingshu greedily sucked and sucked the porcelain bottle like a baby sucking, and accidentally sucked on her finger.

Glancing at him rather angrily, the white-clothed woman helped him up and let him sit in front of him, and then used a unique technique to hit a few large holes on his back, and the pure internal force continued to enter his body.

It was about a time for the incense stick, Song Qingshu finally opened his eyes, and the turbidity in his eyes gradually returned to Qingming. When he saw the stunning appearance of the woman next to him, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Little Junior Sister, why are you?"

The woman in front of her was dressed in a white dress like a veil, as if she was in the middle of the fog, the faint moonlight shining in, reflecting her beautiful and vulgar face, who is not the little dragon girl

"It's not the fairy of Nine Heavens, are you disappointed?" Xiaolongnv said lightly, but there was a faint smile between her eyebrows.

Song Qingshu's face blushed, and he had a faint impression of ugliness just now, but he had always been thick-skinned, and he quickly laughed: "How can I be disappointed again, the little junior sister is much more beautiful than a nine-day fairy."

"I'm so greasy when I die." Xiaolong's girl frowned slightly, and she was obviously not used to him praising herself like this. "I just fed you jade bee jelly and cooperated with it internally, but unfortunately it still can't get rid of your body. Very toxic, it can only delay your toxicity a little bit, and it won’t be long before you will probably"

"I can recover for a moment, take another look at this beautiful world, and see you before I die, I'm already content." Song Qingshu had already expected such a result, if the poison of Jinbo Xunhua would be so easy to remove, There is really something wrong with the title of "no cure" in the original book.

"You can see it." Xiaolongnv faintly responded, and there is no more text. She was originally such a cold temper. When she took care of her from childhood to grandma's death in front of her, she did not have any mood swings, not to mention Song Qingshu.

This time it was Song Qingshu's turn to be depressed: "Hey, with our friendship, you can comfort me somehow, and I will pretend to be calm and calm to show that I am indifferent to life and death. This is a normal exhibition to the plot."

"What friendship do I have with you" For some reason, hearing the other person's words, Xiaolongnu suddenly thought of the scene where the two were naked in the tomb. She was always cold and she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. angry.

Seeing her white jade cheeks faintly revealing a blushing color, Song Qingshu couldn't help being a little stunned. The little dragon girl was originally beautiful and beautiful, but now with a blush on her cheeks, she is even more beautiful and beautiful, and the country is all over the world.

"I suddenly felt reluctant to die." Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh when he thought that after death, he would never be able to appreciate such a beauty again.

"Everyone will die after all. It doesn't make a difference if they die sooner or later." At this moment, the little dragon girl has returned to normal and replied indifferently.

"Yes, don't comfort me anymore. Your way of comfort makes people even more uncomfortable." Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Oh." Xiaolongnv replied, and she didn't speak any more.

She is really a girl with three nos. After all, Song Qingshu is a lively person. She doesn't want to die too deserted, so she couldn't help but ask: "Why are you here?"

"I was here originally, it's just that you didn't notice me." Xiaolongnu's face was slightly hot, in fact, she didn't tell the truth, she was actually resting in this cave, but she was still inside, Song Qingshu looked on He came in in a daze, not thinking that there would be people in the barren mountains and ridges, and not having the energy to explore the entire cave.

Xiaolongnv woke up as soon as he broke in. When she saw that it was Song Qingshu, she changed her normal and her expression was extremely wonderful. Because of the incident in the ancient tomb, Xiaolongn didn't want to face him anymore. , So he hid it quietly, Song Qingshu has lost all his skills now, and naturally can't detect her existence.

At the beginning, Xiaolongnu only thought Song Qingshu was passing by, and she prayed for him to leave soon. Fortunately, she had a calm temper from a young age, so she waited patiently for him to leave. Who knows that later she gradually discovered Song Qingshu’s body was wrong, and noticed him. After being highly poisoned, she could no longer hide, so she walked out.

Although she did not want to face Song Qingshu again, she also did not want to die. After all, the other party was her brother-in-law, and she had saved her life time and time again.

It's a pity that she tried her best to delay his death, and there was no way to detoxify him.

"So that's it." Song Qingshu wanted to say something, and suddenly a soldier shouted from outside the cave: "There is a cave here. The surname Song is probably hidden in it. Go in and search for it."

The little dragon girl looked at him in surprise: "These people are chasing you."

Song Qingshu nodded with a wry smile. Once upon a time, he was a general-level figure in the army of a million. Now he has been chased by some small soldiers to the sky and nowhere to go. It's really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being deceived by a dog.

At this moment, a group of soldiers had broken in. Seeing Song Qingshu, his eyes flashed. After all, his rank was worth ten thousand gold, and he was promoted to the third rank.

But when they saw the little dragon girl next to them clearly, the noisy cave fell silent for an instant, and everyone thought: How could there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

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