Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1117: A dead horse as a living horse doctor

Seeing this group of people stunned, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly on the side: "Little Junior Sister, your charm is really exaggerated. ┡"

Hearing his teasing, the little dragon girl frowned and did not answer, but the group finally came back to their senses:

"She is in the same group as Song!"

"Kill the surname Song!"

"The woman caught the job!"

A group of people screamed, Song Qingshu did not expect that he would set the little dragon **** fire with a casual sentence, but he was relieved soon. For this group of soldiers, the wilderness met a fairy-like woman. , The other party is still alone, even if they don't have themselves, they will be silly.

Feeling the blazing flames in these people's eyes, it is because the little dragon girl has never waved in the ancient well. At this time, she couldn't help feeling a little angry. When the group of soldiers rushed over, the little dragon girl flashed and directly greeted her.

Ah, eh, oops...

Everyone just felt that the white light flashed in front of them. Before they could see what was going on, they felt a sharp pain in their wrists. They could no longer hold the weapon in their hands. They clanged and dropped to the ground, and they looked at the distance in amazement. Woman.

The little dragon girl had already returned to her place, her swords in her sheaths, she stood there with a face indifferently, her clothes fluttering like a mysterious elf.

"Go, go!"

The ** faded from the eyes of the soldiers, and all that was left was a deep panic. I don't know if the woman in white clothes is a fairy or a banshee, or why would she use such a magical swordsmanship.

Seeing that the other party had no killer, a group of people ran out in a hurry like a pardon. In the blink of an eye, only Song Qingshu and Xiaolongnv were left in the cave.

"Why didn't you kill them?" Song Qingshu frowned slightly. These people will inevitably tell their comrades about the situation here after they return. I am afraid that it will not be long before more masters will hear the wind.

The little dragon girl faintly replied: "I don't like killing."

Song Qingshu was stunned. Looking back, although Xiaolongnv had a high level of martial arts, she did not kill many people from beginning to end. She couldn't help but admire her. Although she was cold on the outside, she was extremely kind in her bones.

"Why did you fall into this world?" The little dragon girl was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked. This is what she has always been curious about. If you want to know Song Qingshu's martial arts cultivation base, she can't know better. On weekdays, he is the only one who chases and kills others. How can anyone dare to chase him?

"It's a long story..." Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and then roughly talked about how he was poisoned, how he was betrayed by Li Kexiu, and how he was hunted down.

"There is such a powerful poison in the world?" When she heard Jinbo Xunhua's poison, the little dragon girl was also shocked. You must know that for martial arts masters, as long as the internal strength reaches a certain level, they can force the poison out by themselves, otherwise this The world's number one among the world has long since become the bag of the Five Poison Sects and other schools that use poison.

Reaching Song Qingshu's internal strength cultivation level is almost invincible, and who knows that Jinbo Xunhua still has the Tao of Jin Bo Xunhua, and at the same time, he can't force the poison out!

"Jinbo Xunhua really deserves to be named after the demon who fought with the Buddha back then." Song Qingshu was also filled with emotion.

"How can I save you?" Xiaolongnv asked suddenly, "Or I will go to the Admiral's Mansion to see if I can find an antidote for you."

Although she didn't want to meet him before, but after knowing his current situation, Xiaolongnu had ripples in her heart. She didn't understand why there was such an emotion. Back then, when even grandma was about to die, she was very calm. Why is he not willing to see him dying? Could it be that the kung fu of abandoning seven emotions and six desires that he has been practicing since childhood has regressed so much?

She couldn't understand it after thinking about it, just because the other party was the man of the master sister, the master sister was so good, if she knew that he was dead, she would definitely be sad.

Song Qingshu didn’t know that Kung Fu Little Dragon Girl had already had a thousand thoughts in her mind. He couldn’t help but replied: “It’s useless. As far as I know, Jin Bo Xunhua has no cure. And even if there is an antidote, I’m afraid ...I can't wait...I can't wait for that...time."

Listening to him, she gradually loses strength, and her eyes seem to open and close. Xiaolongnu hurried over to check his pulse. Suddenly, her delicate face was stunned, and she muttered, "I didn't expect to recover so quickly."

"Don't... touch me, I may still have the poison of Jinbo Xunhua..." Song Qingshu hurriedly said when he noticed that the other party was taking his pulse.

"I've touched you so many times just now, why isn't it poisoned?" Xiaolongnv asked strangely.

Song Qingshu was also startled, thinking that Linghuchong had not been poisoned when he took him out of the city before, and he quickly reacted. It should be because of the circumstance that the whole body was circulated, and the poisonous powder could not get close at all. He was poisoned because of the smell of Jinboxunhua , Naturally will not infect other people.

He was about to explain, but Xiaolongnv's eyes lit up: "I see!"

Then in Song Qingshu's suspicious eyes, he fetched something out of his arms and sent it in front of him, and saw a yellow ball the size of a pigeon egg in the white jade-like palm of the little dragon girl. The color was dark and unremarkable.

"This is the Tongxi Dilong Pill you gave me during the last parting. According to you, this thing can avoid hundreds of poisons, and it should be due to it."

Song Qingshu laughed dumbfounded. Tongxi Dilong Pill is the body of the Western Poison Ouyang Feng from the Western Regions and is made by various rare medicinal materials. The poisoning is obviously not because of this.

Just as he was about to explain, Xiaolongnu's face glowed with a strange brilliance: "Since this thing can avoid poison, after you take it, is it possible to unlock the poison of Jinbo Xunhua?"

Song Qingshu replied weakly: "This thing is for prevention, and it is mainly used to prevent poisonous snake venom. Now I have been poisoned, where is it still useful, not to mention... This thing is for wearing on the body, not for food. ..."

When Ouyang Feng handed this object to him, he also specially warned that this object was refined by his various medicinal materials, and it was also deeply toxic, so remember not to take it.

It's a pity that Jinbo Xunhua's poison was suppressed by the little dragon girl with the help of jade bee jelly and internal force. Now it is very fierce to come back. Song Qingshu has fainted before finishing a sentence.

Xiaolongnv hurriedly checked his breath, she was so angry that she could not help but change her face slightly: "Now that it is, you can only act as a doctor."

She actually knew that Tongxi Dilong Pills could not be taken, but now that she has no other way, she can't just watch him gradually lose his breath and do nothing.

Two jade fingers sandwiched Tongxi Dilong Wan to Song Qingshu's mouth, but because of the poison of Jinbo Xunhua, his muscles stiffened and his mouth was tightly closed, so he couldn't feed it! ——

Jing. Chongshangnao is actually a harmonious word, hey, rumblings 8

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