Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1118: Dragon Girl Hengchen

Xiaolongnu tried several times but failed to put Tongxi Dilong Wan into Song Qingshu's mouth, and she couldn't help but wrinkle her delicate eyebrows.

Perceiving that Song Qingshu's aura is getting weaker and weaker, Xiaolongnu's face is hesitant. If she can't feed the medicine anymore, she probably won't even have a chance to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

And she also noticed that the Tongxi Dilong Pill in her hand was the size of a pigeon egg. Even if it was successfully fed into his mouth, she didn't know how long it would take to dissolve and produce the medicine. What Song Qingshu lacks most now is time.

As if she had made a very difficult decision, she saw Xiaolongnu hesitating to put Tongxi Dilong Pills into her mouth, biting her teeth. Who knew that Tongxi Dilong Pills were as hard as a stone, but she smashed under one bite. Her teeth hurt.

In desperation, she could only transport her internal strength, and bite down again. Tongxi Dilong Wan was finally bitten by her, and a fishy smell spread out. The little dragon girl frowned, she could only hold back her heart. Tired of vomiting, he chewed it up, then leaned over to Song Qingshu's lips.

Reached out and clicked on his chin acupuncture points. While his lips were soft, the little dragon girl leaned forward and opened his lips with the tip of her tongue. Who knew the teeth were closed tightly.

The little dragon girl was secretly angry, but her life was dead, she could only endure the shame in her heart and kept her tongue temptation. As the saying goes, all steel-smelting must be soft and soft. With her unremitting efforts, Song Qingshu's jaws are tightly closed. Finally opened a slight gap, Xiaolongnu hurriedly buckled in, and delivered the chewed Tongxi Dilong Pill to his mouth.

Feeling the other party swallowing it down, Xiaolongnv hurriedly left him, wiped her lips, faintly felt the hot cheeks on the back of her hands, and her face that had always been cold and frosty at the moment was as red as a rose.

"I haven't even kissed a child!" Xiaolongnv couldn't help stomping her feet, her face intertwined with various emotions of upset, regret, and shame.

Suddenly there was a dizziness in her mind, and a faint feeling of numbness in her lips, the little dragon girl could not help but be shocked: "What a powerful poison!"

Regardless of being ashamed or annoyed, when he was about to spit out what was left in his mouth, he took out a bottle of jade bee jelly and drank it, and hurriedly sat down in a row to force the poison.

Tongxi Dilong Pill is a holy medicine developed by Xidu with great concentration. It can only be worn and cannot be taken. If a normal person swallows it, it may have died violently. Fortunately, the little dragon girl just chewed it up and did not swallow it, and the poison was not deep. .

Later, when she fed Song Qingshu, her tongue touched his lips and teeth, so she was naturally infected with the poison of Jinbo Xunhua. However, the poison in Song Qingshu's saliva has been diluted, and Xiaolongnu's mouth contains the antidote holy medicine, so she Will not end up with the same fate as Song Qingshu.

But this is the case, she also had to rush to transport the true energy and start to be poisonous.


Song Qingshu, who was originally in a coma, suddenly turned over and vomited a mouthful of blood. The blood on the ground was exceptionally bright red and dazzling, exuding a kind of fascinating brilliance.

Little Dragon Girl was shocked, and ignoring the poison on her body, she hurried over and asked, "How do you feel?"

Her own numb lips and head dizzy are naturally signs of Jin Bo Xunhua, but at the same time, she feels upset and disgusted, but it should be due to the toxicity of Tongxi Dilong Wan. Therefore, she is very worried that Song Qingshu was not caught by Jin Bo Xunhua. Poisoned to death, on the contrary, he was first poisoned to death by Tongxi Dilong Wan.

Who knew that after Song Qingshu vomited blood, he fell into a coma again, and his body was getting hot, obviously starting to burn.

Little Dragon Girl was helpless at this moment, she could only resign herself to her fate. She took a deep look at Song Qingshu, and she took the opportunity to sit down next to her and continued her deeds.

This is the difference between Xiaolongnv and others. If Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing are with Song Qingshu at this moment, even if they know there is no way, they will always stare at him and focus all their attention on him.

Xiaolongnv’s practice was to abandon the seven emotions and six desires since she was young, and she has long been able to stop her heart. When she realizes that she has done what she can do, Song Qingshu's salvation can only be determined by his own good fortune, so she calmly sits aside and meditates. stand up.

After Xiaolongnv resolved the poison on her body, Song Qingshu was still not awake, but fortunately, although he was hot now, his breathing was much stronger than before.

Thinking of Song Qingshu's previous description of the toxicity of Jinbo Xunhua, he should have been breathless at this moment.

"It seems that Tongxi Dilong Wan is still effective." The little dragon girl nodded, unknowingly she was relieved.

"It's hot, it's hot" Song Qingshu suddenly dreamed, and saw that he kept tearing his shirt, and soon revealed his strong upper body.

"Bah!" The little dragon girl couldn't help taking a sip, and she hurriedly looked away after only one glance, then went back to the cave and lay down on the rope that had been on the wall before.

On weekdays, she could easily fall asleep as soon as she lay on the rope, but today she couldn't fall asleep, so she could only change a position on the rope and lay on her side, watching Song Qingshu's situation from a distance.

If there is a third person in the cave at this moment, she must be amazed that the little dragon girl is on the rope as if she is on the bed, changing her posture arbitrarily, but there is no sign of falling.

At this moment, the little dragon girl is supporting her with her hands, lying on her side on the rope, her slender figure is drawn more attractively by the rope, but it is a pity that no one has ever seen this picture of the dragon girl horizontally, and the only man Song Qingshu is also double at this moment. Eyes closed, life and death do not know.

I don't know how long it took, Song Qingshu suddenly sat up straight, Xiaolongnu looked beautiful, and stared at him nervously.

I saw Song Qingshu still closing his eyes, but the whole person sat up cross-legged, drew some weird patterns with both hands, and began to use his exercises to heal his injuries.

Xiaolongnv's eyes lit up, and seeing that he could start to work, she must have saved her life.

Not daring to go there for fear of disturbing the other person, Xiaolongnv still lay on the rope, staring at him with her big eyes.

I don't know how long it took before Song Qingshu spurted out another mouthful of blood, but this time the blood showed a faint golden luster. The little dragon girl flew to him lightly when he was in a madness, flashed her body.

Feeling the elegant fragrance coming from his side, Song Qingshu finally slowly opened his eyes.

"How are you?" Now even the little dragon girl couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's not that easy," Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "I didn't have time to tell you just now that Tongxi Dilong Pill itself is very poisonous, who knows you really fed it to me."

Thinking of the scene of feeding the medicine just now, Xiaolongnu's face was a little unnatural: "I had no other way at the time."

"If someone else swallowed the Tongxi Dilong Pill, I am afraid it would have been killed on the spot," Song Qingshu said with lingering fear. "Fortunately, the poison of Jinbo Xunhua in my body, the two kinds of poisons oppose each other, so I can take the opportunity to mobilize a little The zhenqi in the body protects the heart pulse, so that he will not die immediately."

"Is this the legendary fight with poison?" Xiaolongnv asked in surprise.

Song Qingshu sighed, "Now that the toxicity in my body has reached a delicate balance, Jinbo Xunhua's poison should not be applied again in a short time. It depends on whether I can find a way to detoxify it before it is done next time Up."

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