Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1125: Shame

After the group arrived at the wharf, there was a huge merchant ship on the shore long ago. The world's water transportation is extremely developed, and despite the conflicts between countries, there are still countless ships going north and south.

Wan Gui used his background to find such a ship in a short period of time. The owner of this ship is a long-established Zhejiang merchant. Knowing that there are nobles, he deliberately left the uppermost floor room.

A sailor had already helped the young man to carry his luggage up. When all of them got on the boat, the boat set sail.

"The face of the Southern Song Dynasty Xiangfu is really big enough." Song Qingshu glanced at the shipowner with a smirk and couldn't help laughing.

As the young lady of Xiangfu, Qi Fang naturally didn't have to come forward to deal with these businessmen. All these entertainment activities were handed over to Tao Hong, and she went back to her room to rest alone.

The other two little servants are laying the accompanying luggage. Song Qingshu is a bit boring at the moment. After all, this ship is a big business, and the **** force on the ship is already very impressive. In addition, they are the top tier, no one will disagree. Open your eyes to disturb.

Song Qingshu went out and stood on the terrace on the top deck, looking at the city of Yangzhou that was going away. He was sighing in his heart. This trip to Yangzhou has been smooth and smooth, and he is about to succeed. Who knows that such a big change has happened in the end.

This time he was able to escape from the dead, Song Qingshu had to rejoice that his fate was so long, the day and night that had just passed was so long, several times during the period he thought he was in a catastrophe, and who knew he would survive in the end.

"When I first came to this world, people all over the world looking for martial arts cheats were first published by the original protagonist. At that time, I sighed that the protagonists were invincible. Now it seems that my luck is also leveraged."

Song Qingshu felt refreshed when the wind was blowing on his face. He has always been an optimistic person. Perhaps in the eyes of others, he has lost his martial arts, which is a bit miserable, but in his opinion, when he first entered this world. The meridians are all dying and it is called despair, and now his heart is strong enough.

The years of experience and vision made him know that his power was only temporarily dissipated because of Jinbo Xunhua. As long as he finds a way to detoxify Jinbo Xunhua, restoring his skills is a matter of course.

What's more, this catastrophe is not without results, at least from the current situation, he is now completely invincible.

t "Hey, people are more popular than others. Duan Yu, who eats a toad, can be invincible, but I have to struggle for so long on the edge of life and death." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

t "Why is the guard bear laughing?" A gentle voice suddenly came from behind him.

Song Qingshu froze for a moment, and did not react for a while. Now he is the bear guard in the other party's mouth. It was not until the other party repeatedly asked that he turned his head back: "It turned out to be the young lady."

The breeze on the river made Qi Fang's dress fluttering, and the hair on her head dropped to her cheeks in a scattered manner. She was slim and slender, as if she was about to be blown down by the wind.

"It's windy outside, the young lady should go back to the house and rest." Song Qingshu didn't want to have anything to do with her. He just waited for the ship to leave Yangzhou far enough, and he would find an opportunity to get off the ship quietly, and have his destiny from now on.

Qi Fang shook his head and smiled slightly: "It's okay, I also learned martial arts in my early years, and my body is not as delicate as the other ladies in the capital."

Song Qingshu couldn’t help but look at her when he heard the words. Although he has lost his skill now, his eyesight is still there. The young woman's skin is white and red, exuding a moisturizing luster. It is indeed healthier and more energetic than many deep-bowed women, but it is also That's it, presumably these years of pampered young grandmother's life, coupled with the birth of a child, her martial arts has long been ruined.

t noticed that Song Qingshu had been staring at him, Qi Fangxiu frowned, wondering how this person is so rude, but after all she was born in the rivers and lakes, and she is not as particular as the other Madam Hao Ming, he coughed slightly and said, "Xiong Guard, what are you doing in the past two days?"

Song Qingshu raised his eyebrows: "Young lady doesn't know?"

"I probably know a little bit, but Xiong Shiwei needs to talk about the specific details." Qi Fang stood in the upper hand at this time, and Song Qingshu faintly smelled a woman's body scent on the tip of his nose.

"I don't know what kind of rouge gouache she uses, it smells good." Song Qingshu secretly thought.

t "Sergeant Xiong?" Qi Fang frowned and asked.

t "Since Wan...Young Master doesn't tell you, he naturally has his reason, and his subordinates don't dare to talk nonsense." After all, Song Qingshu had not completely escaped from the danger at this time, and Song Qingshu had to be careful. The imitator Xiong Daying replied in a tone of voice. .

t "Shiwei Xiong only sees the young master, so there is no me?" Qi Fang was a little annoyed

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) gave him an angry look.

t "Don't dare." Song Qingshu lowered his head and didn't touch her eyes. He was very aware of his lustful character. This Qi Fang was the first beauty in Jingzhou City at the beginning. With Song Qingshu's critical eyes now, I have to admit that the young woman in front of me is a flowery beauty, for fear that the problem of lustful and lustful after a few more glances has been committed again.

But today’s Song Qingshu is no longer as unprincipled as in previous years. Di Yun’s silly boy was loyal and honest, and he tried his best to do things for himself a few years ago. As the saying goes, friends’ wives can’t be deceived, even though the woman in front of him is now Mrs. Wan. She is also Di Yun's sweetheart, so Song Qingshu tries to avoid any intersection with the other party.

Qi Fang didn't expect to touch a soft nail. When he was angry, she suddenly thought about it: "Just now you...you were a little rude to me. If I say it, you should know what the consequences are."

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, but didn't expect this Nizi to know how to do both grace and power: "What does the young lady want to know?"

When he saw him on the road, Qi Fang smiled in satisfaction: "You were busy last night, who were you dealing with?"

t "Golden Snake King... Song Qingshu." There is always a strange feeling when talking about his name.

"Sure enough, it's him." Qi Fang heard some vaguely yesterday, "But as far as I know, the Golden Snake King is martial and unparalleled. How can you guys deal with him?"

t "Hmph, of course it is necessary to use some despicable means." Song Qingshu coldly snorted, and gave a brief overview of Jin Bo Xunhua's affairs.

After finishing talking, Song Qingshu suddenly noticed Qi Fang's surprised eyes, and he couldn't help but stunned: "Young lady, please don't spread these words."

Noting his nervous look, Qi Fang said with a light smile: "Don't worry, I won't tell the young master, let alone I think this method is a bit despicable."

After a pause, she suddenly sighed quietly: "Why do you want to deal with the Golden Snake King?"

"The subordinates don't know." Song Qingshu casually responded.

t "I heard that the Golden Snake King rose up to fight against the Manchus. He was a great hero of the Han Chinese in the Central Plains. In addition, he saved more than a dozen princesses... Well, the third brother shouldn't be so big this time..." Qi Fang said The third brother naturally refers to Wan Kyu. There were many disciples of Wan Zhenshan, and Wan Kyu ranked third in it, so it is called this way.

Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly. You must know that everyone she has come into contact with in her entire life, except Di Yun, is that kind of shameless villain who is so bad that she is so bad, her father Qi Changfa, her father Wan Zhenshan, and her husband Wan Wan. Kyu, and today's Wan Tao...

Living in such an environment, it is really rare that she can still maintain a pure heart.

Qi Fang just sent it out of feelings. Suddenly remembered that there was an outsider next to her, she couldn't help but flushed, and hurriedly asked: "Today I just talk about it at will, don't go to your heart, let alone spread it." Turn around to go back to his room.

t "Madam..." Song Qingshu suddenly called her.

t "Huh?" Qi Fang turned around, looking at him suspiciously with big eyes.

"Why did the young lady conceal the things in the carriage before?" Song Qingshu still couldn't help asking.

At that time, Qi Fang blushed when the man grabbed her chest, but she quickly calmed down, fearing that the other party might have any misunderstandings, and hurriedly replied in a cold voice: "Don’t think about it, I just don’t want to be harmed because of me. One life is dead." He didn't wait for him to answer after he finished speaking, and hurriedly returned to his room with his skirt.

Song Qingshu was stunned, and quickly realized what she was worried about, and couldn't help laughing: she was indeed a woman who abides by women's way.

However, Qi Fang’s tragedy lies in her being too obedient to women’s morals. In her bones, she is an extremely traditional woman who follows the principle of marrying chickens and dogs, even if she later learns that her husband’s family has harmed her father and Di Yun. In addition to suffering, she was still thinking about her husband, but in the end she died in Wangui's hands.

If she has the character of a later urban woman, it should be another ending. After all, Di Yun liked her so much and didn't mind that she had married and had children. If she were brave, the couple would live happily together for the rest of their lives.

After Qi Fang returned to the room, he hurriedly hid behind the screen, untied the clothes on it, looked at the wet chest, and couldn't help but flushed. It turned out that the reason why she came back in such a hurry was that she didn’t want to be misunderstood. , And the more important reason is that her **** are soaring.

After giving birth to a daughter, coupled with pampering, her milk has always been sufficient, but there are special nurses in the big family, no need

(To be finished in this chapter, please turn the page) She breastfeeds by herself, which causes her **** to become heavy, and she has to quietly squeeze out some of it every once in a while.

After a long time, Qi Fang was sweating, and finally finished his routine. Seeing a bowl of milk in front of him, his cheeks were extremely red.

Time came to the evening very quickly. Because the ship’s guards were well-equipped, Song Qingshu had nothing to do, so he meditated in the room, trying to communicate the true qi scattered around his body. Suddenly, if he felt something, he opened his eyes and found A dark shadow sneaked past the door.

Song Qingshu's heart was stunned, knowing that Qi Fang is now the young lady of Xiangfu, the owner of the merchant ship naturally did not dare to neglect, and vacated the top floor for their group of people to live in.

But Song Qingshu’s room is just on the entrance of the corridor, Qi Fang and Taohong’s room are inside, so that Song Qingshu can provide better protection. If you want to go to Qi Fang’s room, you will inevitably pass by his door.

t "Is there a thief?" Song Qingshu frowned. I really can't figure out anyone who would dare to break the ground too much, not to mention that there is a guard arranged by a merchant ship under the stairs. How did this person get up?

If Qi Fang is only Wan Qian’s grand-daughter-in-law, Song Qingshu is too lazy to care about her life and death, but unfortunately she is also Di Yun’s favorite, and Song Qingshu is unwilling to see such a kind-hearted person have any accidents.

When he mentioned the long sword, Song Qingshu hurriedly chased it out. Now, although he can't use his internal power, he still has a sword skill. He can deal with ordinary thieves, not to mention that he has the killer skill of moving soul **, what kind of master he really encountered. , It is not without self-protection.

Song Qingshu came out of the room and found that a dark shadow flashed past the corner of the corridor not far away, and his heart sank. It happened to be Qi Fang's bedroom over there.

When he chased the past, he had already lost the trace of the dark shadow. After looking around, he suddenly saw a window swaying slightly, and inside it happened to be Qi Fang's bedroom!

t "Did that person go in?" Song Qingshu was startled, but he didn't dare to rush in now, after all, this was just his speculation.

"Young lady, young lady?" Song Qingshu knocked on the door and asked in a deep voice.

Who knows that he even yelled a few times, but there was no response inside. Song Qingshu’s heart sank: "Madam Young, I chased a man in black just now. If Madam Young does not answer yet, in order to ensure Madam Young’s safety, the subordinates are now Come in?"

t still did not answer, and there was no movement in the pink room next door. Song Qingshu no longer hesitated. He reached out and pushed the door, and found that the door was locked inside. In desperation, he turned in through the open window. .

t "Madam?" After entering the house, Song Qingshu continued to shout Qi Fang while fighting for the culprit hiding in the dark.

t crunch~

There was movement on the other side. Song Qingshu looked up and saw a dark figure turned out from the window over there. Song Qingshu went forward and chased for two steps, but suddenly stopped. Now the arrest of the culprit is the second one. The most important thing is Qi Fang’s safety. .

After lighting the candles, Song Qingshu hurriedly went over to investigate a person lying on the bed.

"Huh?" I saw Qi Fang lying quietly on the bed with a quilt on her body.

"Madam Young?" Song Qingshu yelled twice, but there was still no movement.

Song Qingshu probed her breath and found that she was still breathing. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's just a drug."

Noting Qi Fang's round shoulders faintly exposed, Song Qingshu couldn't help but frown, hesitated, stretched out a corner of the quilt, and couldn't help but breathe.

It turned out that Qi Fang in the quilt couldn't get a piece of it all over her body!

The white, tender and plump body is unreservedly displayed in front of you, with round fragrant shoulders, delicate collarbone, slender waist, round thighs, especially on the heavy and plump breasts, there is also a faint trace of bright milk stains... …

"Could it be a flower picking thief!" Song Qingshu was startled, his eyes swept over her body, and there was no trace of infringement. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, "I must have discovered it before I could do it."

Song Qingshu thought about the need to strengthen defenses in the future, and was about to put the quilt down. Suddenly the door was kicked open, and Tao Hong led a group of people in.

"You guys came just right..." Noting that there was a man who came in, Song Qingshu hurriedly put down the quilt, and was about to tell the situation just now, Tao Hong was already shaking with anger, pointing at him and cursing: "Come here, this intention is wrong. , Take the beast that violated the mistress!"-

Although there is only one chapter today, the number of words is the same as the normal chapter 2.

(End of this chapter)

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