Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1126: confusing

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and then realized that the current situation is indeed a bit easy to misunderstand, and hurriedly explained: "You have misunderstood, I am..."

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, a group of people rushed to surround him, the blades in their hands shone with cold, as if they were about to be chopped off at any time.

Song Qingshu wondered why there are so many people, isn't he the only one accompanying him? If you look carefully, you can tell from the costumes of these people that they should be the guards of the merchant ship itself.

"The gangster is someone else, and I just came in." Song Qingshu said quickly, and at the same time he pressed his hand tightly on the hilt of the knife around his waist, and he was on guard. He didn't want to be hacked to death by a knife here.

But his temples also ooze fine sweat, after all, he can't mobilize his internal strength now, and he is not sure that he will be unharmed when so many people go together.

Fortunately, Xiong Da was the guard of the Xiangfu. These people didn't know the actual situation of his foreign powers, and they were also afraid of him in their hearts, so they didn't rush over immediately.

But this is only a temporary situation. Song Qingshu understands that this balance will not last long. After all, there are so many people, and once someone starts, they will swarm.

"The young lady is drugged, wake her up and ask." Song Qingshu said quickly.

Tao Hong's mouth opened, but what the other party said was reasonable and she couldn't refuse, so she had to tell those people: "Watch him!" Then she ran to the bed and called Qi Fang up.

Seeing her yelling for a few times, Qi Fang didn't respond, Song Qingshu frowned and said: "She has been drugged, so she can't wake up. You can find some clean water to put on her face."

Tao Hong seemed to have caught some handle, and pointed at him with her arms akimbo and said, "Even the young lady knows that she is drugged. You said it wasn't you?"

Song Qingshu sneered: "This is the common sense necessary to walk the rivers and lakes. As a guard next to the grandfather, how can I not know? Huh, it is terrible to have no culture." He deliberately pointed out that he was the guard next to the prime minister, just to make These people voted against rats.

Tao Hong's face was flushed by his ridicule, but unfortunately there was nothing to do for a while, so she could only wake up Qi Fang first.


Tao Hong got clean water and put it on her face, Qi Fang finally woke up.

"What's the matter?" Qi Fang vaguely saw that there were many people in the room, and did not react for a while.

"That's it..." Tao Hong was about to add her jealousy, Qi Fang suddenly noticed that there were no strands on her body, so she couldn't help but screamed, and hurriedly clutched the quilt on her body, for fear that there was a little bit of it going out.

"How could this be..." Qi Fang's mind was blank, her eyes were a little dull, and she muttered to herself.

"Don’t worry, Madam Young, I came in in time. The gangster ran away before he could do anything. Madam Young should not have suffered any damage." Song Qingshu said, "On the contrary, there are so many men crowded in Madam’s room. It’s not appropriate, so let them step back and talk."

"Ah...well..." Qi Fang was not used to being surrounded by so many men, so why bother she didn't wear a single piece of clothing under the bed now, and she was so embarrassed that she almost didn't find a place to sew in.

"Young grandma, don't be deceived by this thief," Tao Hong hurriedly interrupted Qi Fang, "just now he broke into the young grandmother's room. Just when he was about to make a mistake, we were fortunate to ran into him."

"It's you!" Qi Fang turned his head and stared at Song Qingshu, her beautiful eyes full of anger. After all, she woke up, she was stripped naked and almost humiliated. No woman could accept this drastic change. .

"Do not misunderstand the young grandma. I noticed that the culprit came up from the stairs quietly, and then came out to investigate. Now that he entered the young grandma's room, I asked the young grandma several times outside the door, but there was no response. I was worried about going out. What's the matter, this just came in." Song Qingshu didn't rush in, restoring the situation just now in just a few words.

"Huh?" Qi Fangxiu frowned, and she was also puzzled for a while.

"It's better to say than singing!" Tao Hong sneered, "It's obviously you who are so daring. At night, I accidentally discovered that you sneaked into the young lady's room. It's a pity that I am a weak woman and I dare not come out to stop me. His life is small. If I can’t save Madam Young, I’ll die, so I rushed to find Boss Du and asked him to call his guards to rush up, just in time to ran into you who were planning to treat the young lady... bad intentions!"

The boss Du in her mouth is the owner of this merchant ship. After all, as the war is going on and chaos today, it is really difficult to walk north and south without some guards around him.

Song Qingshu was shocked and angry: "What nonsense are you talking about, did your eye see me? Just now I obviously knocked on your door and there was no movement inside. I thought you were also stunned by the drug."

His thoughts turned sharply, why did Tao Hong say that she saw me? Did the thief deliberately change my clothes to confuse her, or...this was originally a conspiracy against yourself?

But now I am in Xiong Da’s identity. I have deliberately inquired about it before. Apart from not being in harmony with Zhang Quan, I didn’t have any enemies with him on weekdays. The mistress is involved, is he so bold?

Qi Fang was drugged, and now she woke up still feeling a splitting headache. Hearing Tao Hong and Song Qingshu's arguments, her expression was also shocked: "Boss Du, what Tao Hong said just now is true?"

The middle-aged blessed man saluted respectfully: "As Mrs. Hui, Tao Hong did rush to me in a panic and said that a culprit broke into Mrs. Young’s room. I hurriedly brought someone over and just happened to ran into this. A bear guard was standing in front of the young lady's bed."

He secretly groaned in his heart. This time he sent the young grandmother from the Xiangfu mansion back to Lin'an. He was still very happy. He only got on the line of Xiangfu. Who knows that something happened in the first night. How will you get along? The government confessed.

Tao Hong spoke again at this time: "Xiong Da, you just said that you saw someone coming up from the top of the stairs, right?"

"Yes." Song Qingshu replied faintly. He has calmed down. Tonight's affairs are clearly a pit. As the so-called soldiers are coming to cover the water and earth, he wants to see what the other party is playing.

"That's surprising, boss Du's people have been guarding under the stairs, have you ever seen someone coming up?" Tao Hong looked at boss Nadu.

"Absolutely not!" Boss Du said while wiping the sweat from his fat face, "The villain is worried that the idlers will disturb his wife's rest. He specifically asked his subordinates to stay below and not allow anyone to come up and disturb."

"Sixi, Wang Er, you also live in the room at the top of the stairs. Did you see any suspicious people coming up?" Tao Hong asked when she turned her head and looked at the two servants who were accompanying him in the mansion.

"No, no." The two young men shook their heads like rattles.

Tao Hong turned around and looked at Song Qingshu: "Xiong Da, when we came in just now, were you opening your lady's quilt?"

"Ah?" Qi Fang exclaimed, looking at Song Qingshu nervously, thinking that he hasn't worn anything now. If he really lifted the quilt, wouldn't he have seen everything?

Song Qingshu frowned, and finally nodded: "Not bad."

With his confirmation, Qi Fang almost didn't faint.

"Xiong Da, what do you have to say now?" Tao Hong glared at him triumphantly.

Song Qingshu was too lazy to pay attention to her, looked directly at Qi Fang, and said calmly: "At that time, I was only worried that Mrs. Young would be injured, so I opened the quilt and planned to check it. I didn't expect..."

"Don't say it!" Qi Fang hurriedly interrupted him, her blushing face was about to bleed. Now she is hiding in the bed, and other people don't know what they have given birth. If they knew they were being watched, Spread it all over, how will you behave in the future?

"Boss Du, this time there is such a big incident on your boat. You who are the owner of the boat can't bear the blame?" Tao Hong moved to Boss Na Du and whispered.

Boss Du went down in a cold sweat and whispered: "I hope I can say a few words in front of Mrs. Young, and I will give a generous gift to thank you afterwards."

The corner of Tao Hong's mouth rose slightly, and she pointed to Song Qingshu: "First, let this daring evil slave rectify the law on the spot, so as to follow your example!"

"Yes, yes!" Boss Du gritted his teeth and waved, "Kill him!"

Song Qingshu's heart shuddered. Just as he was about to fight for his life, Qi Fang suddenly spoke: "Hold on!"

She was the most distinguished person in the field, and Boss Du's men stopped after hearing this.

Tao Hong hurried to her side and said, "Madam, what is this thief still keeping him for!"

Qi Fang also showed hesitation, but after all, she shook her head: "I don't like killing, and I don't want anyone to die because of me. Let him lock him up first, and wait for the third brother to come back to deal with him when he arrives in Lin'an."

Song Qingshu took the opportunity to say, "In order to show my innocence, I am willing to catch it with my hands and wait until I return to Xiangfu to thoroughly investigate today's affairs." After speaking, he threw the weapon in his hand on the ground, and the people around immediately surrounded him and tied him. .

Qi Fang's heart moved, and she glanced at him in surprise, Tao Hong hurriedly said: "Young Lady Mo was deceived by him. He knew that he was surrounded by so many people and couldn't escape, so he deliberately pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring. ."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "All right and wrong will eventually come to light."

Qi Fang glanced at him in surprise again, never expected that a subordinate would show such a unique and outstanding temperament.

Noting her expression, Tao Hong secretly screamed, and was about to speak, but Qi Fang said: "Let's do it, put him in safekeeping first. Also, let everyone else get out."

You must know that she is still naked, even though she is surrounded by quilts, but under the eyes of so many men, she really doesn't want to stay longer.

"Yes, yes!" Boss Du nodded and bowed when he heard the words, "The villain will send additional staff, and will never disturb Madam again."

"No, you just guard the downstairs." Qi Fang was going to take a shower and change clothes later, so she wouldn't want other men outside.

"No problem, no problem." Boss Du greeted his subordinates to take Song Qingshu out. It didn't take long for the people in the room to be evacuated cleanly, and only Tao Hong and the two little servants were left.

"Taohong, you prepare a set of clean clothes for me, I want to bathe and change Sixi, Wang Er, you go to the door to guard, no one is allowed to come in." After today's events, Qi Fang only dared to trust these former ten thousand mansions People.

The little grandma’s room, the milk room is illegal, and it’s taken too.

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