Song Qingshu was taken by Boss Du's men to a cabin on the bottom floor. After those people pushed him inside, they closed the door, obviously not wanting to deal with him too much.

I think it is true that he is now a suspect of assaulting the female family of the Xiangfu, and also the guard of the Xiangfu. Boss Du would rather know as little as possible about the internal affairs of these big figures.

Song Qingshu was quite at ease, sitting in the room and began to adjust his breath. What happened tonight is obviously a trap. The other party will definitely not let it go. Rather than guessing without sufficient information, it is better to wait for the other party to find the door by themselves. Come.

He was not afraid of any danger. After all, he still had the assassin of the Great Soul Emancipation. Even a master would be caught off guard. What's more, according to his observations, the ship was just a few ordinary family guardians.

However, just in case, he still began to think about how to restore his skills. After all, he was used to being a master, and now there is really no sense of security in this state.

Song Qingshu carefully counted the martial arts he knew. Swordsmanship, palm techniques, and light skills obviously couldn't force poison. On the contrary, it seemed that it was a bit of a masculine finger that could live to death. He remembers that at the critical moment when the little dragon girl in The Legend of the Condor Heroes was poisoning her, she was shot by Guo Fu with a silver needle of the ice soul, which caused the poison to enter the internal organs. Later, he met Master Yideng. Master Yideng once lamented that he was hurt by Qiu Qianren's palm. You can use a yang finger to save the little dragon girl...

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile, but soon he was discouraged: "Unfortunately, I can't condense my internal strength now, and I can't use one yang finger. There is an old saying that one can heal but not oneself. It is indeed a well-known saying."

Throughout the world, besides himself, Yiyang refers to the attainment of attainment that can save people from life and death. Except for Master Yideng, only Wang Chongyang is the only one. It is a pity that these two people have never seen the end of the dragon. I am afraid that I will not be able to find it for a while. To them.

In addition to Yiyang Zhi, "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" and "Shen Zhao Jing" are both good at healing wounds. Unfortunately, he has tried it. Now that the poison of Jin Bo Xunhua penetrates into the viscera, the Jiu Yin Zhen Qi is already powerless; as for the "Shen Zhao Jing" I just ignore it directly, after all, Ding Dian, who was the master of the Scriptures in the original work, died of Jin Bo Xunhua.

In addition to these types of martial arts, only "Huanxi Zen" is left. Huanxi Zen is the most mysterious and eerie martial art in Tantric Buddhism for thousands of years. It is precisely because Huanxi Zhenqi protects the body that it is not like the original Ding Dian. In that way, after hitting Jinbo Xunhua, he would directly gg, but unfortunately he had tried many times in the past two days, and Huanxi’s true energy was also intermittent, and could not be used to force poison.

"The biggest problem right now is that the true energy is intermittent and cannot be called..." Song Qingshu thoughtfully, happy that the double cultivation method in Zen also has the magical work of reviving the dead, and it is mainly the control of the yin and yang two qi, the yin and yang two qi. Everyone already has it, it's not really true, and I don't know if it will work...

"It's a pity that there is no one who can do double repairs at this time, otherwise you can try to see if it works." Song Qingshu sighed, suddenly his heart moved, and the plump, white and tender body of Qi Fang could not help appearing in his mind when he opened the quilt just now.

"Why don't you go find her..."

This thought came up in his mind, Song Qingshu seemed to be able to feel a little devil tempting in his ear all the time:

"Now she is almost undefended, and it's easy to get her."

"Although she has married and had children, but she has a beautiful face, a tall chest and buttocks, plus she is breastfeeding, which happens to be an excellent stove."

"Wan Tongmao and Wan Gui made you so miserable. It is justified to use their granddaughter-in-law and wife as compensation."


After a long time, Song Qingshu sighed for a long time, his eyes filled with regrets: "Unfortunately, why are you Di Yun's favorite."

Di Yun is an old man and he is loyal and loyal to him. In addition, Song Qingshu has suffered misery in the past few years. After thinking about it, Song Qingshu can't bear to put salt on his wound.

"Forget it, I'll think of another way." Song Qingshu's eyes gradually restored the color of clarity.

At this moment, a noise suddenly rang from outside the door: "I take Xiong Da up and have a good interrogation at the order of my master."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and the voice seemed to be the young man named Si Xi next to Qi Fang. Did Qi Fang finally think of something and plan to ask herself.

Soon the hatch opened, and Si Xi walked in: "Xiong Da, follow me."

Song Qingshu chuckled secretly. The other party used to be very affectionate with Brother Xiong, but now they call him by his name. It really is the state of the world.

But this is human nature, Song Qingshu didn't take it to heart at all, and stood up with a slight smile.

The guard at the door offered to help with the escort, but Si Xi waved his hand and refused: "He is now **** with sesame oil-soaked rope. What is the use of martial arts no matter how high it is, I can handle it alone."

The guard would say more, but Sixi became impatient: "My master doesn't want this matter to be known by too many people. You have many eyes and it's not convenient to go up."

Hearing that he took out Qi Fang's name, Boss Du's men suddenly stopped and watched the two leave.

After walking behind Si Xi for a while, Song Qingshu suddenly said, "This is not the way upstairs."

Si Xi cursed and said: "What nonsense, just follow me."

Song Qingshu sneered secretly in his heart. It seemed that what he had expected was not bad, and the fox was finally about to show his tail.

Si Xi led him to the remote part of the stern, and then stopped.

"What are you bringing me here? I want to see Mrs. Young!" Song Qingshu pretended to panic.

Si Xi looked around, and no one came here on weekdays. What's more, it was dead in the night at this time. He drew a simple knife from his waist and said with a grin: "Meet the young lady? Go and see King Yan first."

Song Qingshu sneered: "It turns out that you are behind the scenes."

Si Xi brightened the dazzling knife in his hand: "Now that I know it's too late, after all, do you want to eat Bandao noodles or want to eat wontons?"

This is a black word on the rivers and lakes. Bandao noodles means picking up a knife and throwing them into the water. Wontons took off their clothes and jumped into the river to drown.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "Unfortunately, the fortune teller said that I still have a very long life."

Si Xi was taken aback, and then furious: "It seems that you want to eat ban dao noodles."

Song Qingshu ignored him and looked up at him directly: "Who sent you on earth?" He didn't believe that a young man like Sixi could be so bold.

"You have no chance..." Sixi's voice suddenly lowered, "It's Taohong sister."

It really was her!

However, Song Qingshu is still very puzzled. Even if Tao Hong's status is higher, her height is limited. Does she have the courage?

"Then who instigated Tao Hong?" Song Qingshu continued to ask.

"I don't know." Sixi's eyes were blank, apparently because of the soul-shifting method.

"Untie the rope for me first."

After untying the rope, Song Qingshu asked again: "Why do you dare to help Tao Hong murder the mistress?" You must know that this is a highly hierarchical society. If a servant commits the following crimes, the punishment he faces is unprecedentedly severe.

Sixi's face blushed: "Tao Hong is Master Wan's concubine room. The small head became muddled for a while, and she couldn't hold back her bed..."

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and he probably understood what was going on, anyway, adultery with Tao Hong was already a capital crime, and he could only go to the dark.

Then I asked a few more questions. Seeing that I couldn't ask anything of value anymore, Song Qingshu said indifferently: "You just wanted to invite me to eat Bandao noodles, then I will invite you to eat wonton..."

Si Xi nodded, and walked to the edge of the deck mechanically, then jumped into the water with a plop.


After falling into the cold water, Si Xi finally recovered his sobriety, but it was a pity that he only had time to shout a word before disappearing into the turbulent river.

"I have no grievances or grudges against Tao Hong, she can't do it to harm me..." Song Qingshu's thoughts turned, suddenly raised his head and glanced at the faint light of the room on the top floor in the distance, "It seems to be against Qi Fang."

Song Qingshu hesitated for a moment. Originally, he took the opportunity to leave without knowing it. Unfortunately, he is still within Li Kexiu's sphere of influence. It is far more convenient to flee by himself than to take this ship down the river, and now that he knows Qi Fang is in danger. If he ignores it, he will be unable to explain to Di Yun in the future.

After weighing in, Song Qingshu finally decided to go to Qi Fang first and inform her.

It's a pity that Qi Fang lives in the top floor room, and something like that happened tonight. The main staircase leading to the top floor is covered with Boss Du's guards, and it is impossible to pass.

If it were the usual Song Qingshu, these would naturally not trouble him, but it is a pity that now...

Furthermore, after Song Qingshu was detained before, Qi Fang hurriedly changed his clothes and immediately ordered his servants to prepare a bucket of hot water.

Perhaps it was the thought of her clothes being stripped off unknowingly, which would always make her feel tarnished. Although she carefully checked her body and did not show any traces of infringement, she still wanted to wash it with clean water. To be at ease.

With such a thing happening tonight, Boss Du on the ship was so frightened that he could not wait to use all his abilities to cheat her. Hearing that she was going to take a bath, he immediately sent the maids to boil a large bucket of water and prepared a lot of fresh petals. Bring it up.

Kicked everyone out of the room, even Tao Hong. After carefully inspecting the doors and windows of the room, Qi Fang came to the front of the bathtub, feeling the steaming steam, and her cold heart felt a trace of warmth. meaning.

Gently unfastening the belt, Qi Fang just took off the light gauze skirt outside, and suddenly heard a noise from the window.

Although the voice was very quiet, Qi Fang is now like a frightened bird, and Huo Ran turned her head back: "Who?"

Without a response, she hesitated for a moment, worried that she was hearing hallucinations and did not call anyone outside. Instead, she pulled out the sword on the side and walked vigilantly towards the window. After all, she had learned martial arts, and now she has a sword in her hand. No longer as scared as before.

Who knew she had just turned the screen, and saw the window wide open, and a person was crawling in embarrassingly.

Seeing that person's appearance, Qi Fang suddenly turned pale, and opened his mouth to exclaim--

There was no update yesterday, so sorry

Originally I wanted to have two more chapters today, but unfortunately the state is not good. Today I only have one chapter for now. I will try to have as many more chapters as possible tomorrow.

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