Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1128: Close hands

t was crawling in through the window in a rather embarrassing manner, so it was Song Qingshu. Since the normal way upstairs was heavily guarded, he could only go around to the other side and try to climb in in the dark.

Unfortunately, he is not a rock climber. After a few attempts, he had to give up completely. He could only change his mind and see if he could try his best to go up.

The biggest problem for him now is not that he has no internal power, but that internal power cannot flow freely in his body, which makes him unable to perform his martial arts, but like Duan Yu, he tries ten times eight times, and there is always such a moment that he can use his power. , Although it is fleeting, it is enough for light work.

After countless failures, Song Qingshu finally recovered his skills in an instant. He was as light as a swallow and jumped to the top floor room several meters high. However, he just flew out of Qi Fang’s window, and the true energy in his body suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, his eyesight and hands were quick and he grabbed onto the window edge, otherwise he would fall from such a high place, immortal and crippled.

"It seems that you can't take the risk of using light gong in the future, or you will become the first light gong master in the world to fall to death. That would be really laughable." Song Qingshu looked at his feet, and was immediately frightened.

He hung both hands on the edge of the window, his whole person hanging in the air, and it took a lot of effort to climb into the window.

As soon as he was struggling to turn over from the window, he looked up and saw Qi Fang opening his mouth not far away to scream. He shook his heart, knowing that if he disturbed the people outside, he would be in trouble.

Don't know where the strength came from, he strode forward and threw Qi Fang to the ground, and at the same time he held her mouth tightly with his hand.

t "Woo~"

Qi Fang was shocked. Originally, she was half-doubt about whether the previous murderer was Xiong Da, but now that she still had doubts in this situation, she hurriedly opened her mouth and shouted, but unfortunately her mouth was tightly covered by the opponent's hand, and the cry for help was completely turned into A deep sob.

At the same time, she struggled desperately. After all, she had learned martial arts, and she was not as delicate as an ordinary boudoir. She twisted her body desperately like a female leopard, trying to get out from under the other party.

It is a pity that the woman's inherent weakness caused her hands to be held tightly by the man on her body, and she couldn't move at all. In a hurry, she lifted her leg and slammed into the opponent's lower body.

t Song Qingshu was startled in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough, with his legs tight at the crisis.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Clamping the other party tightly, otherwise the confidantes in the family will be a widow.

Although Qi Fang seems to be pampered now, his body is full of vitality because of martial arts, and the whole person is still constantly twisting and struggling. If Song Qingshu hadn't used her weight to suppress her, he might not be able to mobilize her internal force. Able to hold each other.

Song Qingshu suddenly felt a little strange in her heart. At this time, Qi Fang took off her coat and only wore a piece of close-fitting clothes, which could not conceal her energetic body at all. Song Qingshu was embarrassed to find that he had reacted through the amazing elasticity of the clothes, the faint fragrance of the young woman's body, and the other party's constant writhing under him.

Qi Fang's body trembled, as if he had noticed something, and then struggled more desperately.

Song Qingshu vaguely felt that she couldn't control her a little. He knew in his heart that if the outsiders were disturbed, he would be in great trouble. In desperation, he had no choice but to whisper: "I am Di Yun's friend!"

When he heard what he said, Qi Fang really stopped struggling, but looked at him suspiciously.

Song Qingshu went on to say: "I will let you go right now, but don't yell. If you agree, just blink."

As expected, Qi Fang kept blinking, and at the same time trying to nod his head, Song Qingshu slowly removed his hand from her lips.

t "Are you really Brother Brother's friend?" Qi Fang did not yell, but rather eagerly asked. If you want to know her relationship with Di Yun, people in Wanfu should know something about him. Xiong Da is the same. It is impossible for the guards in the mansion to know the existence of Di Yun.

t "Not bad!" Song Qingshu replied affirmatively.

Qi Fang opened her mouth and was about to speak, when she suddenly noticed something, her face turned red, biting her lip, and said, "When are you going to ride on me?"

Song Qingshu’s old face became hot, and he hurriedly stood up, and at the same time stretched out his hand to help her: "Sorry, the situation was urgent just now, and I had to do it. If there is any offense, please forgive me."

Qi Fang refused his support, stood up from the ground, sorted out the messy hair, and hurriedly asked, "Is my brother still alive?" She obviously didn't want to discuss the question just now.

Song Qingshu was startled: "Of course he is alive, who told you he was dead?"

t "Yes..." Qi Fang

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) I opened my mouth, and soon realized something, and my face suddenly became a little difficult to look.

"Father and son Wan told you," Although she didn't say it, Song Qingshu could probably guess a seven or eight points, "Don't worry, your brother is alive, but..."

"It's just what?" Qi Fang heard Di Yun's whereabouts suddenly, and at the moment he was surprised and happy.

"It's just that he was wronged and went to jail. He was pierced with a pipa bone, and later his fingers were cut off." Song Qingshu sighed, "But these are not what made him the saddest, he is the saddest thing. The beloved junior sister finally married another man."

"My poor brother..." Hearing what happened to Di Yun, Qi Fang shook her whole body, and hurriedly supported the table next to her before she stood still, but she quickly remembered something and said sadly, " If you weren't confused for a while, it would have been great."

Song Qingshu frowned, "What do you mean by the momentary confusion?"

Qi Fang bit her lip and shook her head after all, "I don't want to recall what happened back then."

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Although I don't know what happened that year, I can tell you that Di Yun was wronged at the beginning." Although he is familiar with the original work, "Liancheng Jue" is a relatively unpopular novel after all. , He can't even remember every detail. He only remembers that Di Yun was wronged and imprisoned by the Wanjia father and son, but he can't remember exactly how the Wanjia father and son framed him back then.

"You said that Brother was wronged? What the **** is going on?" Qi Fang shook his heart, and hurriedly asked.

"I don't know the specifics, I only know that Wan Gui coveted your beauty, the design framed Di Yun, and you stayed in Wanfu." Song Qingshu replied.

Qi Fang only felt dizzy, her eyes turned black, and the other party's words were like piercing a sharp knife into her heart, and she couldn't help but whisper: "I... I wronged you, wronged you!"

However, thinking that her husband has always been gentle and considerate to herself over the years, she suddenly shaken up again, wondering in her heart: "Could this man deliberately make up some shocking lies to separate our relationship between husband and wife in order to survive?"

Thinking of this, Qi Fang's face suddenly became cold: "I can't listen to your words and doubt my husband, and you, as the guard of the Xiangfu, it is really a bit shameless to say bad things about your master behind your back."

(End of this chapter)

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