Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1129: Close protection

"Master?" Song Qingshu sneered, "Wan Gui is unworthy to even give me shoes, so how dare He De call my master!"

"You!" Qi Fang was furious when he heard him insult her husband like this, but he reacted quickly and exclaimed, "You are not Xiong Da!" The voice of the other party was completely different from that of Xiong Da. The aura of gaze is definitely not something that Xiong Da's first-time domestic slaves can dissipate. 81ΔΔChineseΔNet

So far, there is nothing worth concealing. Song Qingshu took off the mask on his face, revealing his original appearance: "Of course I am not Xiong Da."

Seeing the man in front of him transforming from a reckless guard in the Xiangfu mansion into a elder brother in Yushu Linfeng, Qi Fang was taken aback and involuntarily stepped back: "Who... who are you?"

"In the next Song Qingshu."

"Ah, you are the Golden Snake King Song... Song Qingshu?" Qi Fang exclaimed, and suddenly looked up at him with some curiosity. After all, he had only heard of this person in various rumors before. Handsome, as described by those storytellers.

"If the ladies and ladies in Lin'an see him, I am afraid that everyone will not sleep." Qi Fang has been dealing with the noble ladies and ladies in Lin'an for the past two years. Many rumors about Song Qingshu are still from those people. It sounds.

However, Qi Fang is not the kind of person who values ​​appearance, otherwise she would not like Di Yun so much at the beginning. She soon recovered, her expression was solemn, and she snorted: "You are being chased by my husband everywhere, and you dare to show up. Here, are you going to die!"

Song Qingshu smiled disapprovingly: "Madam is now in a much more dangerous situation than me, but she still cares about others here."

"Who cares about you!" Qi Fang was suppressed by him just now and took advantage of him, and then thought that he had seen his appearance without clothes before. Naturally, he could not have any good impressions of him, only if he was deliberately speaking frivolous. Can't help but snorted, "What danger can I have."

Song Qingshu took the previously torn off mask and gestured on his face: "Madame, don't you forget, my current identity is your guardian? The previous incident was obviously to get rid of me, but Xiong Da has no enemies. No complaint, what's the point of framing him? After thinking about it, the only explanation is that someone wants to attack you and needs to get rid of the guards around you in advance."

Qi Fang's eyes were wide-eyed, and he was shocked and suspicious by what he said.

"Madam, did you know that Sixi just said that he had brought me up for interrogation by your will?" Song Qingshu continued to ask.

Qi Fang snorted: "Nonsense, I just planned to make it...Where did I give him such an order."

Song Qingshu shrugged: "That's not enough. After Si Xi brought me out of Boss Du, he didn't come here. Instead, he took me to the stern of the boat and wanted to kill me."

"Kill you kill your mouth?" Qi Fang's face changed slightly. Although she is not a smart woman like Huang Rong, but the granddaughter-in-law who has been the prime minister these years, she has a lot of knowledge and her vision is no longer comparable to that of the girl who just came out of the countryside. Things are extraordinary.

"Unfortunately, I was prepared for a long time, so I got him into the river instead, and then hurried over to remind you." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Qi Fang's heart was cold. After listening to his tone, Sixi should be dead. After a long silence, she said: "After all, this is only your side of the word. Now Sixi is dead, and there is no evidence of death. How do you make me believe you."

Song Qingshu frowned, "If you were so cautious a few years ago, Di Yun would not have fallen to that point! After all, I could have left quietly, but it was because of Di Yun's love. I deliberately took the risk to remind you, lest that stupid boy will be sad in the future if something happens to you."

"Senior Brother..." Qi Fang's expression changed when he heard him mention Di Yun. "Where is Senior Brother now?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen him for a long time. When we entered Yanjing City together, I was to assassinate Kangxi, but he was to investigate your whereabouts using the intelligence network at the sticky pole. , About a year ago, I heard him mention that it seemed to have found your whereabouts, so he resigned to me and came to you. Didn't he find you?"

"No." Qi Fang looked blank.

Song Qingshu frowned, wondering if something happened to him? However, with Di Yun's current martial arts, self-protection should be no problem.

Suppressing the worry in his heart, Song Qingshu said casually: "Then maybe the information he got before was wrong."

Qi Fang suddenly sighed faintly: "Even if he finds me now, how can I think about him now that I have become someone else's wife."

"I told you that it was Wan Guina's vile villain playing tricks, and he broke you all alive," Song Qingshu said impatiently, seeing Qi Fang's eyebrows erected, "Forget it, I know you won't believe me as an outsider. In the future, when Di Yun finds you, I will tell you by myself."

Why is this woman so stubborn, remembering the **** feudal dregs of marrying chickens and dogs, Song Qingshu is depressed.

Qi Fang's expression was a little relieved: "You can tell me more about me, how did you meet?" She was curious, how could her stupid brother know such a big man like the Golden Snake King.

"How did you meet?" Song Qingshu's face showed a hint of nostalgia, "All this must be mentioned from the Jingzhou prison at that time..."

Then he recounted what happened in the past. In the process, he couldn't help but recall the despair of entering this world at the beginning, and Bing Xueer suddenly appeared in his own world like a Goddess of Mercy who was saving the suffering, and for a while, he was a bit silly .

"Senior brother had suffered so much." Qi Fang only felt a colic in her heart, and she couldn't help shaking. Now that she has believed in Song Qingshu seven or eight points, after all, these things are so detailed that they can never be made up temporarily. Come out. And the Di Yun in his mouth is exactly the same as the brother in his own impression. This is the most impossible to fake.

Qi Fang hesitated for a while, then suddenly said, "Well, I believe what you said for the time being. For the face of brother, I will not reveal your whereabouts. When you get to a safe place, you can leave quietly. ."

"Well, in return, I will be by your side to protect you during this time." Song Qingshu replied.

"By my side?" Qi Fang was stunned, and said in disbelief, "You plan to live in this room?"

"Of course," Song Qingshu nodded naturally, "If I used to be able to protect you in the next room, but now I have been poisoned by your husband's Jinbo Xunhua, and I have gone most of my martial arts. If you are really in danger, I have no time to rescue, so only in this room can I protect you well."

"How can this be!" Qi Fang was ashamed and angry, how could she live in the same room with a strange man.

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