Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1130: Relentless please

"Don't think so dirty, I won't do anything to you," Song Qingshu said lightly, "If it weren't for Di Yun's sake, I wouldn't do my best like this."

"It's absolutely impossible to live with me!" Qi Fang shook his head like a rattle, and flatly refused.

"I know what you are worried about," Song Qingshu said, "You can rest assured that no one will know that I am in your room, and I will leave quietly afterwards, and it will not cause any harm to your reputation."

Seeing what Qi Fang had to say, Song Qingshu interrupted: "Even if you don't think about your own safety, you still have to think about Di Yun. He has been looking for you all these years. Not for Di Yun, you have to think about your daughter who was born recently, don't you think she has lost her mother at such a young age?"

"Water spinach..." Qi Fang muttered to herself, thinking of her daughter's cute appearance, her heart suddenly softened, "Okay...well, but you have to promise me that you must never be rude to me, or I will take care of it. If you don’t have friendship with Senior Brother, you will directly call someone to come in and arrest you."

"Don't worry, your friend's wife should not be deceived. I am a very principled person." Song Qingshu replied sternly.

"Senior Brother and I are not... not what you think." Although Qi Fang still loves Di Yun in her heart, she also knows that she is the daughter-in-law of Wanjia, and she doesn't dare to think about other aspects at all. When Song Qingshu's joking eyes turned, she could not help but flushed, "Then... well, but you have to keep a distance from me these days, um... you move the screen over there, there is a gap between us on weekdays. The screen, the well water does not offend the river water."

"Yes." Song Qingshu knew that it was a bit embarrassing to let her a married woman and a strange man in the same room. He walked over to move the screen to the corner and felt the heat in the tub. He couldn't help but startled: "Madam is going to take a bath. Change clothes?"

"No need." Qi Fang shook his head, but secretly annoyed in his heart. There was a man in the room, how could he take a shower.

"Okay, I'm going to start to force the poison, Madam is free." Song Qingshu was vaguely inspired in the cell before, but was interrupted by Sixi. Now that he has settled down temporarily, he can't wait to prepare. Continue to force the poison, after all, this physical state now makes him really unsure.

Seeing Song Qingshu walking behind the screen, Qi Fang breathed a sigh of relief. When she relaxed, she suddenly noticed some coldness in her chest. Looking down, she found two wet marks on her chest.

Her face turned red all of a sudden. It turned out that Song Qingshu was thrown down just now and she was struggling desperately. It is inevitable that the two of them would have physical contact. Her **** were also squeezed in various ways, and she actually squeezed the milk out, soaking her breasts. Clothes before. I didn't notice it before, but now I relax and then react.

"It's really embarrassing. I don't know if I was seen by him." Qi Fang's face was red and bleeding quickly, and she glanced at the screen with some guilty conscience. Seeing that there was no movement, she felt a little relieved. .

"It's so full..." Qi Fang bit her lip and showed an embarrassed expression. Counting the time, it's almost the daily milking time, but now there is still a strange man in the room!

"Or today..." As soon as the thought came up, Qi Fang shook her head subconsciously. Just after giving birth, she felt uncomfortable, but because of her inexperience and shyness, she didn't know to squeeze. After she came out, it didn't take long for people to have fever, and her chest was swollen and hard. The serious illness almost killed her.

Later, she was diagnosed and treated by the doctor and taught by an experienced mother in the house that she knew that she had to squeeze several times a day to ensure her health.

She still remembers the uncomfortable feeling during her illness, and she really doesn't want to experience it again.

After all, the shyness in her heart is no match for the real problems of the body. Qi Fang glanced at the screen again and thought: "He is now driving poisonously. He should...should not pay attention to the situation here."

Pursing her lips, Qi Fang finally made up her mind, found a wooden bowl on her lap, sat on the edge of the bed with her back facing the screen, and quietly unbuttoned her chest.

Her heart was beating wildly, and she looked back again to confirm, and then she began to squeeze cautiously.

Perhaps it was the thought of a strange man not far behind him. Qi Fang's hands had been trembling slightly, which made the usual extremely skilled movements become jerky, and the delicate body under the thin clothes was also a little trembling from time to time.

Because she was too flustered, Qi Fang only spent half of her daily time today. Looking at the milk in the wooden bowl, she couldn't help but flushed, and hurriedly sorted out the clothes on her chest, and planned to take it. Quietly dumped the wooden bowl.

"Madam, I have an unrelenting request." At this moment, Song Qingshu's voice suddenly sounded not far behind him. Qi Fang was so frightened that he almost dropped the wooden bowl in his hand to the ground.

"You...when did you stand there?" Looking back at Song Qingshu, Qi Fang's heart trembled, and the blood on his face faded away and became extremely pale.

"Please don't worry, Madam, I just came out just now and didn't see anything that shouldn't be seen." Song Qingshu replied.

The more the other party said this, the more Qi Fang felt that there was something in her heart, and she kept exclaiming in her heart: It's over, everything is seen by him...

Qi Fang forced herself to calm down, but her voice still trembled: "You...are you calling me something?"

"Uh..." Song Qingshu also showed embarrassment, and said unnaturally, "that...that...madam is going to dump it anyway, or give it to me."

"What's for you?" Qi Fang didn't react for a while. When she noticed the other person's gaze and glanced at the wooden bowl in her hand from time to time, she realized what she was, and the whole person was ashamed and angry, "You...you..."

Seeing the young woman in front of her face flushed with anger, Song Qingshu hurriedly explained: "Madam, don't misunderstand. It is not frivolity, but just to detoxify."

"Relieve... detoxify?" Qi Fang was startled, but soon became even more ashamed, "What can this thing detoxify!"

"I and Master Wang Wu'an, the poisonous hand medicine, are a year-long acquaintance. I heard him mention by chance that human milk is a very magical thing and can cure a lot of strange poisons." Song Qingshu quickly explained, "This time I was caught by your husband The poison of Jinbo Xunhua has been thought of many ways, but there is no way to detoxify it. Now, in desperation, I have no choice but to come up with this. If there is any offense, I hope Mrs.

He did not lie. When he was in Yaowangzhuang, Poison Hand Yaowang did mention that human milk can solve many symptoms of poisoning. He also heard that milk can resolve heavy metal poisoning in his previous life.

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