Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1132: Water milk. Blending

Song Qingshu's profound art resumed its operation, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged and began to force poison. He is so capable now that he quickly forced a drop of golden poisonous blood from his fingertips.

It's just that Jinbo Xunhua is the strange poison of the three fights in the golden book, and now it is lingering in his viscera. If you want to force all the poisonous blood out, I am afraid it will not be an overnight effort.

Song Qingshu didn't know whether the recovery of the true qi in her body was a permanent phenomenon or a temporary phenomenon, so she didn't dare to delay, and continued to be poisoned.

As his skill worked, a faint white qi gradually emerged from his body. After an unknown period of time, he suddenly felt a stunned heart, because the movement of true qi in his body suddenly felt a little obscure.

"Oh, it seems to be too early to be happy." Song Qingshu hurriedly collected his merits, did not dare to continue to force poison, worried that his true energy would suddenly disappear in the middle of a while, causing poison backlash.

However, although he was cautious enough, he didn't expect the zhenqi to disappear so fast, and when he felt obscure, the circulation of zhenqi suddenly broke the next moment, and he had no time to collect power in time.

Without real pressure, the poison of Jinbo Xunhua came back, a bit more ferocious than before, Song Qingshu snorted, and then the whole person fainted.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Qi Fang was originally sitting there in a daze, and when she saw Song Qingshu suddenly fainted, she was also at a loss. "Isn't it all good just now?"

Checking the pulse of the other party, the confusion was frightening, Qi Fang wondered in her heart: Is it because he accidentally got into a madness when he was forced to poison?

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the door: "Ma'am, ma'am?"

Hearing the pink voice, Qi Fang was startled. He glanced at Song Qingshu on the ground with some guilty conscience, and hurriedly pulled the screen to block in front of him, and then asked calmly, "What's the matter?"

"There are officers and soldiers on the ship to search, I specially came to remind my wife." Tao Hong replied.

Qi Fang frowned: "Remind me what to do, don't they dare to come to me to search for it?" On weekdays, she has never put on airs, but now there is still a strange man hidden in the room, and the other party is a wanted criminal, so she has to Putting on the posture of the young lady of Xiangfu.

Tao Hong’s panicked voice came: "I also told those people about the identity of the lady, but the general leader did not relax. He said that this was ordered by the Admiral Li to strictly search all ships, carriages, and pedestrians leaving Yangzhou. You are not allowed to let it go, and no one is allowed to make exceptions, as if it was to capture an important criminal surnamed Song."

It turned out that the soldiers were led away by the little dragon girl, but finally recognized that the only one behind her was a scarecrow. Li Kexiu received the news and was very furious. He ordered the closure of the entrance and exit waterways and strictly investigated all suspicious persons.

Li Kexiu understood that once Song Qingshu was born this time, he would be in great trouble, so he knew that this action would offend many powerful and powerful people, and he ordered the soldiers to check every room at all costs.

"What!" Qi Fang couldn't help exclaiming when she heard Tao Hong's words, Hua Rong looked at the screen with a bleak look. When the group of soldiers comes in, how can a mere screen hide people?

Qi Fang hurried over and shook Song Qingshu: "Quickly wake up, quickly wake up." Unfortunately, the other party didn't react at all. She gritted her teeth, hurriedly put one of his hands on her shoulders, and helped him to the side of the bed.

Fortunately, she once learned martial arts and grew up in the mountains. Her bones are extremely healthy, so she can drag such a burly man to the bedside.

Her first reaction was to hide Song Qingshu under the bed, but she hesitated again when she got to the bedside. Since people even dared to break into her room, they would definitely search around, and the bed would definitely be found.

Qi Fang shuddered at the thought of Song Qingshu being discovered by those soldiers. Song Qingshu is now unconscious and has no luck after being found. She is kind-hearted, how would she want to see this ending, let alone he is still a friend of the senior brother.

On the other hand, she is a married woman who hides a man in the room most of the night. Once it spreads out, how can she see people?

After the Jingkang change, because a large number of women from the Song clan were abducted for adultery by the Jin people, the Southern Song court was unable to avenge revenge. Gradually, geography prevailed, and the issue of women’s chastity was valued to a perverted level. Women should be taught that they should encounter similar situations in the future. Innocent life is saved.

In such a big environment, Qi Fang is aware of the character of Wan Yumao and will never allow her family to be ashamed, and Wan Gui...she really has no confidence that her husband can protect herself.

"Never let him be discovered!" Qi Fang bit her lip and said inwardly.

Even at this critical juncture, Qi Fang helped Song Qingshu to put him on the bed, pulled a quilt over him, and then blushed and hid in the quilt.

But her brows frowned quickly, because she found that no matter how hard she tried, the bulging under the covers was still too obvious. As long as the caring person looks at it, he can see that there is an extra person in the bed.

"What to do..." Hearing a noisy sound coming from far away from the stairs, Qi Fang quickly jumped out of her throat. She knew that there must be a decision. Either handed over Song Qingshu or had to There is nothing wrong, otherwise if Song Qingshu was found in his bed, then he would really have jumped into the Yellow River and would not be able to clean it.

Suddenly her eyes fell on the still steaming bathtub not far away, and her heart moved.

"No, no, that's ridiculous." Qi Fangqiao's face was blushing like blood, shaking like a rattle.

"But anyway, he is now in a coma, and he won't see anything..." Qi Fang bit her lip, hesitated again in her heart.

Qi Fang's complexion changed, and Qi Fang thought in her heart: hiding in the bed, will be seen strangely from the outside; but if hiding in the tub, those people will not be able to get in the bucket to see...

There was a loud noise not far away. Qi Fang heard that Tao Hong was negotiating with the soldiers who came up, knowing that she would not hesitate anymore, bit her teeth, and finally got down.

Put Song Qingshu in the tub, let him lean against the edge of the barrel, his mouth and nose faintly exposed to the surface of the water, so as not to suffocate and drown, and then moved the screen on the corner.

Looking at the still unconscious man in the bathtub, Qi Fang sprinkled the petals from the plate beside the water on the surface of the water, showing hesitation on her face, sighed faintly, after all, she gently untied her belt, and her clothes slowly changed. She slipped on her silky skin.

Biting her lip and holding her chest, Qi Fang blushed and stepped into the bathtub.

Not long after her body was submerged in the water, the door outside was pushed a little rudely.

"Madam Young, I have told them many times, but they have to come in and search." Tao Hong also followed, her tone full of complaints.

"Bold, do you know who I am!" Qi Fang was also very angry in her heart. If it weren't for them, how could she have made such a bad move and fell into such an embarrassing situation.

"I will see Madam at the end!" The leader didn't expect this to be the case in the room. Through the screen, you could vaguely see that the other party seemed to be bathing.

"Since you know me, do you still dare to break in?" Qi Fang was nervous and could only pretend to be stern, and wanted to drive these people out soon.

"Mrs. Replied, this time it was the admiral's personal order, everyone must be checked without exception; at the same time, the admiral also consulted the grandfather, and the grandfather agreed." The senator was not frightened by her tone. When he arrived, instead, he answered quickly while scanning the whole house quickly, his eyes sharp.

Hearing that Wan Chengmao agreed to this matter, Qi Fang couldn't help but breathe. She could no longer use her identity to press the other party. She had to say, "My lady is bathing now, so many of you are coming in, isn't it bad for my reputation? !"

Qi Fang looked sad, thinking that her husband should also be aware of this, and he actually agreed to let these soldiers search his room, so he was not afraid of his wife's loss.

"Madam, don't worry, you have a screen to block it, it doesn't get in the way, we will check in the room and we will leave." After speaking, he waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to enter the house for inspection.

A group of people filed in, performing their duties, and searched the room very skillfully. None of the places where there might be Tibetans was missed.

Through the screen, Qi Fang faintly saw the soldiers lifted the quilt on the bed to confirm, and couldn't help but feel terrified: Fortunately, he didn't hide him in the bed, otherwise he would definitely not be able to hide this posture.

Quietly looking at the handsome face of the man not far away, Qi Fang's heart was pounding, praying non-stop: "Don't wake up at this time, don't wake up..."

Soon the soldiers searched the house many times, and shook their heads to the general when they closed the group one by one, indicating that there was nothing to be found.

The general nodded, and then said to Qi Fang: "I'm disturbing Madam, and the subordinates retire."

Hearing what he said, Qi Fang couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The ginseng general was walking to the door, and suddenly he moved in his heart. He turned to look at the screen and asked suspiciously: "Why does the madam bathe during the third watch?"

Qi Fang raised her heart all at once, and hurriedly replied: "Something happened just now, so I decided to take a shower at this time."

"Something happened?" The ginseng looked at Tao Hong inquiringly.

Tao Hong's face was also a little unnatural, and she roughly talked about what had just happened.

"Oh, is there a bad guy Ye Chuang's wife Xiang Gui?" The general thought thought.

Qi Fang cried out secretly in her heart. She had known that she had just found a reason to deal with it just now, so she had to pretend to be indifferent: "It's nothing, that gangster has already been arrested."

The general enquired about the situation of his subordinates, and soon one person came up to report, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "The news that just came, the gangster is no longer in the cell."

"Yes...Is it?" Qi Fang's tone was a little panicked, and the ginseng general frowned and looked at Tao Hong, only to see a trace of unnaturalness on her face, and suspiciousness suddenly grew in her heart.

"Madam is being threatened by the gangster at this moment. Subordinates have to come in and check. If there is any offense, please forgive me, Madam." The attendant stared at the figure behind the screen closely.

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