Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1133: Bo Xun Lao Buddha

"Bastard!" Qi Fang suddenly mentioned her throat with a heart, and hurriedly said angrily, "This lady is bathing in it, can you see it?"

"Please rest assured, Madam, I will only search for suspicious people in the end, and I will never look at Madam." The ginseng general replied lightly, and then walked towards the screen step by step. There was no way for him. Li Kexiu gave a death order. If Song Qingshu could not be caught, all of them would lose their heads.

Compared with the imminent danger, offending the female relatives of Xiangfu is not a big deal.

Seeing the other person’s figure approaching, Qi Fang was so anxious that she didn’t know what to do. As for her, it didn’t matter. Her body was under the water, and there was a thick layer of petals on the water. As long as she didn’t expose her body, she wouldn’t be emptied. Danger.

But once the other party comes in, where can the Song Qingshu in the tub be hidden? Although the other party said that he would not look at her, how could such words be believed? When he casually glanced at the bathtub, Song Qingshu would have nowhere to hide.

Looking at the thick petals on the water, Qi Fang's heart moved. If Song Qingshu sinks into the water, the other party will never notice anything, but the problem now is that Song Qingshu is now in a coma and cannot hold his breath. In the water, he is likely to choke and make a sound, which makes it easier to be spotted. It’s even more worrying if you don’t make a sound, because then you might drown.

While struggling, seeing the other party coming in, Qi Fang had no choice but to gently press Song Qingshu under the water, worrying that he would be choked by the water, so he made his face parallel to the water surface and exposed his mouth and nose to the surface of the water. .

In order to keep his mouth and nose out of the water from being discovered, Qi Fang had to pull him down into his arms, and put his hands around his chest, pretending to cover his body, and then left a small space between his hands and chest for Song Qingshu to breathe.

"If you wake up at this time, I will do it." Qi Fang was so nervous at this time that he could hear his heartbeat, but after thinking about it for half a day, he didn't figure out what would happen if Song Qingshu really woke up at this juncture. do.

The ginseng general walked in, glanced quickly for a week, without any notice, subconsciously moved his gaze into the barrel.

"Bold! Where do you look at your eyes?" Qi Fang was frightened and angry. If this person were not pressing harder and harder, she would not have held Song Qingshu in her arms in this position, the skin on her chest could faintly feel the other person's breath. With heat, a special blush gradually appeared on her snow-white skin.

"Excuse me, Madam, and the subordinate will retire." The attendant bent down and apologized. At that moment, he had already glanced at the bath tub. No one besides Qi Fang existed. The only thing that hasn't been checked is the surface of the water. Yes, but given him ten courage, he didn't dare to really offend the young lady in the Prime Minister's mansion. Now it is the ultimate to achieve this level.

"Get out!" Qi Fang would never be so rude on weekdays, but the facts that happened today are so absurd that she is also very angry, who has always been good-tempered.

"Go!" The general also had a gloomy expression. He just heard about the murder of the bear. He thought he could find any clues. Not only did he find nothing, he also offended the young lady of Xiangfu.

"Today is really bad luck." With a murmur in his heart, he led his hands and disappeared outside the door.

Seeing them go out, Tao Hong stayed in the house a little at a loss: "Young lady, let me help you change your clothes."

"You too!" Qi Fang couldn't help but exasperated. "You can't help looking at the door. Now go out and close the door, and then go to the stairway to guard it. If someone breaks in again, you won't want to be there in the future. Stayed in the house."

"Yes, yes, slaves obey orders." Tao Hong lowered her head to accuse her, but a trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes.

After the door was closed again, Qi Fang breathed a sigh of relief. He only felt that the whole person seemed to be collapsed, and the whole person subconsciously lifted back and leaned against the edge of the bathtub.

However, she forgot that Song Qingshu was still in her arms, and the man who fell into her arms also pressed on her body. Coincidentally, the other's mouth just touched her chest.

"Yeah" Qi Fang was full of spirits, and hurriedly reached out to push the other party away. Who knew that Song Qingshu who was in a coma subconsciously made a sucking action. Qi Fang stiffened, and the hand that stretched out seemed to lose strength for a moment, and fell weakly. Come down.

Sucking is an instinct to be born with, even in a coma.

Song Qingshu, who was in a coma, only felt a puff of jade liquid flowing into his mouth, and a warm heat in his abdomen gradually dissipated, which relieved the pain in his body a bit, and couldn't help taking another breath subconsciously.

"Ah!" Qi Fang finally reacted, her pink face turned extremely red, and she reached out again to push him away.

Song Qingshu, who was in a coma, sensed that someone wanted to take the Qiongye Yuye away. His human instinct could make him immediately protect his things. He stretched out his hand and hugged the slippery body next to him tightly, without any intention of letting go.

"Let go!" Qi Fang pushed a few times without success. Instead, he was hugged tighter and tighter by the opponent. The whole person was angry and anxious, and quickly used both hands and feet, trying to separate the opponent.

It's a pity that the other party didn't know where the strength came from. No matter how hard she used it, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, with no effect at all, but it made the other party more and more vigorous.

"Let go" Qi Fang snorted, only feeling a strange sensation coming from her body, and she shrank her whole body to the surface of the water. Song Qingshu's mouth and nose suddenly flooded, choked all of a sudden, and coughed violently. stand up.

Qi Fang took the opportunity to kick him away, then hurriedly crawled out of the tub, pulled the clothes on the screen and wrapped it around her body. Looking back, she found that Song Qingshu was plopping in the water, obviously choked. It's powerful enough.

"Deserve it!" Qi Fang sipped, thinking that he sacrificed so much to help you, but you turned your head back to be rude to me, "It's best to drown!"

As if to confirm her curse, Song Qingshu flopped a few times in the bathtub, and then the whole person gradually sank, and there was no more sound.

"Don't pretend, get up quickly!" Qi Fang snorted angrily while wearing a belt. In her opinion, Song Qingshu must have been awake long ago, so she deliberately took advantage of herself.

"I thought it hadn't happened before, and no one is allowed to mention it in the future!" Qi Fang's chest fluctuated sharply, obviously not in a peaceful mood.

Seeing that there was still no response in the bathtub, Qi Fang suddenly panicked: "Hello?"

"That's it! Is he still in a coma?" Although Qi Fang was angry at the other party's previous rudeness, it was a human life after all. She worked so hard to save him. In the end, she died because of herself. What should she do? acceptable?

Qi Fang hurriedly leaned to the side of the bath tub and reached in to try to fish Song Qingshu, but she did not touch the other party a few times, and her heart was even more anxious. Her upper body was bent unknowingly. It was squeezed by the edge of the barrel, and it became more full and abnormal.

At this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out in the water and grabbed her bright wrist. Before Qi Fang could react, the whole person was instantly pulled into the bucket.

"Woo" Qi Fang was about to call for help, who knew that as soon as she opened her mouth, a hot lip came up, blocking her call for help back into her throat.

Qi Fang Huarong turned pale, and didn't care about hurting the other party. He used both hands and feet and even used internal force to hit the other party, but the other party's body seemed to be hit with iron, and there was no reaction at all.

Because the whole person was dragged into the water, after a while, the air in her lungs was not enough, and her pretty face was flushed. Because of the lack of oxygen, her head gradually became a little confused, and her rebellious hands and feet were also starting from the beginning. The aggressiveness turned into a light pat.

Qi Fang thought that she was going to die soon. Who knew that at this time a trace of fresh oxygen came through the other's mouth, and the instinctive reaction of her body made her **** greedily.

"Why is he still angry?" Qi Fang gradually recovered from the confusion after receiving oxygen supplements, feeling extremely surprised.

However, she quickly reacted. It is not the time to care about this. She hurriedly struggled to get out of the water, but unfortunately the other party pressed her hands and feet to death, and the whole person pressed her on her body again, pressing her firmly. Under the water.

"Woo" Qi Fang made some unexplained calls. In her heart, she would rather die than be humiliated, but the instinct for survival made her involuntarily kiss each other's lips tightly, and get oxygen from the other's mouth. .

"I see how long you can support!" Qi Fang thought bitterly, even if Song Qingshu's martial arts is high, but he is not a fish, and sooner or later when the qi in his body is exhausted, he will surface.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive. Song Qingshu not only showed no signs of shortness of breath, but instead slid a hand into her clothes.

"What is he going to do?" Qi Fang's eyes widened, and the whole person was a little stupid.

Song Qingshu's body was like red-hot iron. Even in the water, Qi Fang could feel the astonishing heat of the other party's body. When the other party removed her lips and buried them in her chest, Qi Fang finally broke out, the whole portrait An angry female leopard generally struggled desperately.

Who knows that after struggling for half a day, she was stunned to find that not only was there no effect at all, on the contrary, the clothes on her body were getting less and less. Watching the tulle on her body fall off and gradually float to the surface of the water, Qi Fang also suffered from lack of oxygen in her brain. , The line of sight gradually blurred.

Just when she was desperate, the other party suddenly gave her a sigh of relief.

"Don't torture me anymore!" Qi Fang begged silently in her heart. Suddenly her whole body seemed to be pierced by a hot soldering iron. She couldn't help stiffening, and closed her eyes involuntarily.

Song Qingshu only felt that he had a dream, dreaming that he was enlightening the Tao while sitting under the Bodhi tree. The Devil Bo Xun suddenly appeared and tried all kinds of ways to stop him.

First of all, he threatened him and summoned various monsters and beasts to try to attack him, but Song Qingshu had seen so many big movies in his previous life, how could he be frightened by this scene, and instead appreciated the other party's performance like watching a movie.

Seeing that the threatening attack had no effect, Tianmabo changed his tactics and sent out his three beautiful and unparalleled and enchanting daughters to lure him.

Various versions of Huang Rong were released in the public account today. The result of the voting is that the young woman's version of Huang Rong is far more popular than the girl's Huang Rong.

Unfortunately, the role of the young woman Huang Rong does not seem to be pretty enough in the divine sculptures of the past.

If you have any suitable candidates in your mind, please send a message to the monk in the official account.

Strive to choose a mature and glamorous actor!

Set the role of Huang Rong in the character gallery.

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