Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1134: Celestial fantasy

Before Song Qingshu passed through, watching the endless spy war films, he once seriously thought about a question. If he was in the revolutionary age, if he was captured by the enemy, would he be a traitor?

After thinking about it, he finally came to a conclusion: If the enemy is tortured, he is not sure if he will betray; but if the enemy uses the beauty trick, he will probably not be able to resist the temptation.

"This demon is also enough for the blood. He actually let his daughter go out in person, and sent three at once." Song Qingshu slapped his tongue, but did not have the slightest sense of suspicion.

Modern scientific research shows that when dreaming, people are unaware that they are dreaming in most cases, because the common sense judgment module in the brain is not activated, so even if the scene in the dream is strange, the dreamer himself is completely unconscious. This is just a dream.

Of course, there are very few situations where dreamers know that they are dreaming, and call it "lucid dreaming", which is a digression.

The poison of Jinbo Xunhua in Song Qingshu belongs to plant toxins, and plant toxins mostly act on human nerves, causing abnormal excitement in the corresponding nervous system of the body, so people who are poisoned often have hallucinations.

Before Song Qingshu was backlashed by the poison of Jinbo Xunhua, the current situation is between dream and fantasy. Perhaps because of the deep impression of Jin Bo Xunhua, the big demon Song Qingshu encountered in the fantasy world became Bo Xun.

The three witches, Yingying and Yanyan, put on various enchanting gestures beside Song Qingshu, and from time to time they touched him with graceful bodies, smelling the scent of bone-eroding scent that kept coming, Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Dare to ask three What is the name of a beautiful woman?"

"My name is Trishna."

"My name is Rorty."

"My name is Roga."

The three beautiful and enchanting witches replied sweetly.

"Te...Li...Xi...Na?" Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "It's really hard to remember this name."

"You can also call me eros." Trishna lay in his arms, took his hand on his soft chest, and looked up at her charmingly.

"You can also make me happy." Rorty chuckled, knelt beside Song Qingshu, leaned in his ear and let out a breath.

"I am greedy." Luo Jia pressed his body tightly behind him, and a pair of white and delicate arms slowly slipped in from his neckline.

With this method, Song Qingshu's body was almost ashamed: "This name sounds good, and I happen to like it."

He faintly felt that this scene was a bit like the scene when the Buddha was enlightening the Dao, but Song Qingshu quickly left it behind and let it go. Anyway, he was not a Buddha, and he didn't need to be like the Buddha. Are all gone.

As the saying goes, the blooming of flowers is worthy of being broken, not to mention the fact that people take the initiative to give and hug, there is no reason for Song Qingshu to refuse.

Reaching out his hand and pulling Rorty and Luo Jia into his arms, Song Qingshu was immediately drowned in a sea of ​​joy.

Only halfway through vaguely felt that Trishna's appearance had become somewhat similar to Qi Fang, making him a little confused. However, his **** has been thoroughly provoked by the three witches, and soon put the doubts in his mind behind him.

Even if it is Qi Fang, now that the arrow is on the line, he has to send the arrow, and it is Wan Gui's grandson and grandson who caused him to be like this. Song Qingshu feels strangely excited when he thinks of pressing the enemy's wife and grandson-in-law under him.

Of course, these are just a little gloom in his heart. Under the constraints of morals and principles, Song Qingshu will not take any action at all. But now in the fantasy world, he only regards the other party as love, happiness, and greed. **Witch, naturally there is nothing to worry about.

Yun Pinyu Ji, Song Qingshu released the depression and tension of the past two days to his heart's content. At the same time, there was something strange in his heart. This dream is a bit too real...

Suddenly he realized something and suddenly opened it, only to see Qi Fangyun lying on his temples scattered, his eyes blurred, and the white skin was still blushing after enthusiasm, and tears could be seen on his cheeks.

"Young... young lady." Song Qingshu was embarrassingly embarrassed now. Not long ago, he patted his chest and promised that he would never do anything to her. In the blink of an eye, he gave them to others. Although he didn't mean it, after all Things have been done.

"I don't know why this happened...I..." Song Qingshu retreated from her body while explaining.

Perceiving his movements, Qi Fang couldn't help but tremble, and sat up silently, pulled the clean clothes that had been placed by the bed before and draped it over her body, and then tucked her knees in the corner of the bed without saying a word.

"I'm sorry!" Song Qingshu also knew how pale these three words were, but in this case, he didn't know what to say.

"Go out, I don't want to see you." Qi Fang said weakly. She was in a very complicated mood at the moment. Just now she experienced the ultimate physical pleasure that a woman can enjoy. This feeling has never been brought by her husband. , But at the same time her heart is suffering extremely, the condemnation of conscience and moral restraint make her fall into deep guilt and pain.

Song Qingshu sighed: "Madam may not believe it, but I still have to say that I was really not aware of it just now. The poison of Jinbo Xunhua made me fall into a kind of illusion..."

When he said this, he was stunned. Before, he seemed to have been stunned by the poison of Jinbo Xunhua. Why is there nothing now?

Song Qingshu felt the condition inside his body, and found that although the poison had not been forced out, it had returned to calm again, and his internal strength seemed to have resumed operation.

Why is it so?

Song Qingshu's thoughts turned sharply, could it be the joy of Zen?

He shook his head subconsciously. He hadn't used the joyful meditation method to double cultivation in the illusion before, so naturally he couldn't talk about detoxification.

Suddenly, he felt that his lips were a little sweet. Song Qingshu subconsciously touched the corners of his mouth and found that there was still a drop of clear milk hanging on it. He looked at Qi Fang's chest with a weird expression, and found that it was not as full and swollen as before.

"Hey, it seems that the breast milk really has the effect of detoxification." Thinking of regaining internal strength, it was also because of drinking a bowl, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly became very exciting, "I don't know how much I drank just now..."

Qi Fang heard Song Qingshu say that he had fallen into the illusion because of Jinbo Xunhua’s poison, and couldn’t help but smile. Your wife lost her innocence. After all, she was photographed by you.

She was pitying herself, and she suddenly noticed Song Qingshu's gaze. First she was startled, then she was ashamed and angry, and while clutching her chest, she said angrily: "Where are you looking!"

Song Qingshu chuckled, and said embarrassingly: "I have a question to ask Madam, but I am worried that this question offends Madam..."

Qi Fang snorted coldly, "Don't you offend me enough?"

Song Qingshu gradually recovered his usual calmness, and things happened that shouldn't have happened, and now it doesn't help to be coy. It's better to face it calmly and see if there is a chance for a turn for the better.

However, I still need to confirm the doubts in my heart. Song Qingshu said: "Then I just asked... er, just... did I suck... sucked Madam's place just now?"

Following his gaze, Qi Fang glanced at his chest, couldn't help but jade cheeks with a fever, grabbed a pillow next to him and smashed it: "Shameless, nasty!"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly: "Madam, I didn't mean to speak frivolly, but wanted to know if the poison in my body was relieved, whether it was because of the madam, the madam..."

"Don't say it!" Qi Fang almost fainted, unexpectedly that thing could really relieve Jin Bo Xunhua's poison, "Although my husband harmed you, he owes you what I just... just paid him back. At the same time, I also...and..."

Qi Fang was ashamed and embarrassed, bit her lip before continuing, "At the same time, I also relieved the poison of Jinbo Xunhua for you. If you know your gratitude, you will not find my husband for revenge in the future, and do not show up to me. In front of the two."

"What's going on tonight...Madam is not going to pursue it?" Song Qingshu asked in surprise.

"How can I pursue it!" Qi Fang felt miserable. When such a thing happened, she should have died, but when she thought that her newly-born daughter was so young and lost her mother, she felt distressed and had to give up. Thought of suicide.

At the same time, even if Wan Gui was all bad, it was her husband and daughter's father. Qi Fang didn't want to cause something to happen to her husband because she saved Song Qingshu, so she could only use it to force the other party to give up revenge.

"If you promise not to retaliate against my husband in the future, what happened tonight...I can treat it as it didn't happen." As soon as Qi Fang said, she felt as if she was exhausted. She felt that she was a bad woman and took her innocence. As a bargaining chip.

"Madam is a good wife." Song Qingshu sighed, "It's a pity that Wangui has caused me so miserable this time. How can I not report this hatred!"

"You!" Qi Fang Liu eyebrows were upright, "What is wrong with you! Yes, you had suffered a lot before, but now the poison in your body has also been detoxified, and...you got my body, you still What is dissatisfying?"

The corners of Qi Fang's eyes were sour, tears couldn't stop streaming, thinking that the worst thing was that I was okay.

Seeing her in tears, Song Qingshu hurriedly grabbed a piece of Jinpa on the bed and wiped it for her, but Qi Fang didn't appreciate it. He overrecognized and suddenly seemed to realize something. Turning back, blushing, he swiped what was in his hand. Jinpa was taken back.

Song Qingshu saw that the "Jinpa" she took to wipe her tears was actually the close-fitting bellyband she took off just now, and her face became hot, and she hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Madam said something wrong. The poison of Jinbo Xunhua has not been solved."

"You just... don't look like you're still poisoned." Qi Fangyu's cheeks reddened, thinking that the other party was as strong as a bull just now, how could he look like he was poisoned.

"That's because the madam bestowed the Qiongye Jade Liquid," Song Qingshu couldn't help but glanced at her chest. "For some reason, Madam...it seems to be able to suppress the toxicity in my body and restore my internal strength, as long as Once the internal strength is restored, I can force the poison out little by little, but..."

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