Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1135: The Twelve Hairpins of the Red Chamber

Qi Fang was ashamed and anxious: "It's just what?"

"It's just Madam... The Qiongye Yuye can only temporarily suppress the toxicity. My internal force can't be maintained for long. Before, when the poison was being forced, the internal breath suddenly stagnated again, causing the toxic backlash, which... just offended Madam." Song Qingshu explained.

Qi Fang's face was red as blood, and said angrily: "Don't mention that again!"

Song Qingshu shrugged: "Since Madam doesn't want to listen, then I won't say anything."

After being silent for a while, Qi Fang bit her lip and asked: "Then how to deal with the poison in your body?"

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said: "Naturally, I can only press on the poison every time the internal strength recovers. I believe that the poison will be wiped out one day."

"How can your internal strength be restored...Ah!" Qi Fang's whole mind was a mess from just now, halfway through speaking, he remembered that the other party just mentioned that he needed that thing to temporarily restore his internal strength, and suddenly exclaimed, feeling ashamed in her heart. Angry again, staring at each other fiercely.

Song Qingshu could only bite the bullet and replied: "I think that every time the wife squeezes out, she has to dump it. Instead of wasting it, why don't she detoxify it?"

"Don't even think about it!" Qi Fang categorically refused. Before she saw him poisoned and unconscious, she reluctantly fed him some. Now that she is sober, how can she give him such a shameful thing?

"Uh..." Song Qingshu couldn't help but murmured, "It's not that I haven't drunk..."

"What are you talking about?" Qi Fang's face was pale with anger, and she would have liked to slap him if she hadn't worn her clothes now.

"Is the madam asleep?" When the atmosphere in the room was embarrassing, a pink voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Qi Fang stiffened, the blood on his face faded, and he replied in a flustered manner: "Sleep...I'm already asleep."

She wanted to solve the matter by herself, but once Tao Hong discovered something, the matter would no longer be under her control. There would be a lot of trouble at that time, and it would be fine for herself. In the future, let her daughter be carried in front of other people. It's the last thing she wants to see not to be able to stand up.

"I have something to say to Madam." Tao Hong replied.

"I...I've already fallen asleep, what's the point... I'll talk about it tomorrow." Qi Fang replied in a panic, how can she come in for a conversation at this time.

Song Qingshu's expression is quite playful. Before Sixi's words revealed that she was listening to Tao Hong's arrangement, then she must have been unkind when she rushed to the mistress's room so late, and there will be a good show later.

"But these words can only be said tonight." Tao Hong's tone was firm, and she didn't mean to retreat in the slightest.

"What to do...what to do..." Qi Fang felt that his head was about to grow bigger, and he rose again after a wave. He looked at Song Qingshu, pointed to the bottom of the bed, and whispered, "Hurry up and hide in."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I never hide under the bed."

Qi Fang was about to cry anxiously: "If you are discovered, everything is over."

As soon as Song Qingshu's eyes turned, he immediately thought: "If the lady is willing to provide it after agreeing...provide Qiongye Yuye to detoxify me, I will hide in."

"You!" Seeing that at this critical juncture, he actually took the opportunity to threaten himself, Qi Fang wanted to bite him to death.

"Madam, you are taking it out anyway, it is better to use it to save people, as the saying goes, saving one's life is better than building a seventh-level float." Song Qingshu continued to swim.

Qi Fang admired him a little bit, and he was able to say such a thing so grandly, I am afraid that this face is thicker than the city wall.

"Well, I promise you!" Qi Fang's chest rises and falls sharply, obviously not in a calm mood.

"Thank you, Madam." Song Qingshu showed a bright smile.

Qi Fang's heart jumped inexplicably by his smile. At this time, the pink outside the door spoke again: "Madam, I'm coming in." Then he opened the door. It turned out that the soldiers under Li Kexiu just took the door after they went out. After the past, Qi Fang was pushed by Song Qingshu before he could lock the door. He has not recovered until now.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Qi Fang was so frightened that he hurriedly looked back at Song Qingshu, but was surprised to find that the other party had long since disappeared. He couldn't help but spit out: "At first glance, I often do some scenes of stealing incense and jade, and his movements are so skilled ."

Tao Hong is different from the previous soldiers. It is impossible to go under the bed and search for anything. Qi Fang is a little calmer now. The clothes on her body are too late to wear, so she can only wrap her clothes in hastily, and then pull over the quilt on the bed. On top.

"The slave and maid had seen Madam." Tao Hong bowed and wrinkled her nose suddenly, "Hey, what's the smell in this room."

"It may be that too many soldiers came in just now, and the sweat left behind." Qi Fang flushed. The previous battle was too fierce, and there was still a strong ambiguity in the room. She hurriedly changed the topic. "What is it that you have to tell me so late."

Tao Hong was obviously also full of thoughts, and did not pay too much attention to the smell in the room, and replied after hearing the words: "It's nothing, I just want to come and chat with Madam."

Qi Fang was secretly angry. In the middle of the night, you had to come to the mistress's room, only to chat.

"Too many things happened today, I'm a little tired, let's talk to you tomorrow." Qi Fang just wanted to drive her out as soon as possible, but didn't have the time to get angry with her.

"Don't, I haven't finished speaking yet." Tao Hong laughed and didn't ask Qi Fang, she pulled a stool over and sat down, seeing Qi Fang suspiciously: Tao Hong pays most attention to etiquette, why is it now? Behaved so abnormally?

"Madam has been in Lin'an for a long time, but do you know who is the most powerful in the court now?" Tao Hong asked as if she was in her room, pouring tea.

Qi Fangxiu frowned. She didn't know what medicine she sold in the gourd, so she replied perfunctorily: "Naturally it is the grandfather." In fact, she should call Grandpa Wan Tusao, but she doesn't like the other person as a person, so she usually does It is commensurate with the grandfather.

Tao Hong shook her head: "Although the grandfather ranks first among the hundred officials, it is a pity that he has an unstable foundation and fledgling wings, so he is not the most powerful person."

Qi Fang was annoyed. In the middle of the night, she was not in the mood to discuss court politics with her, but she was guilty of a guilty conscience and didn't dare to scold the other party.

Tao Hong chuckled: "After the downfall of Zhao Ruyu, Han Dongzuo was regarded as the most likely candidate to be in charge. Unfortunately, the grandfather picked the fruit. Now the momentum is not as good as before. In fact, even if he becomes the prime minister, he is probably unable to sit down. how long."

"Why?" Today, Tao Hong is uncharacteristically, but talkative but eloquent, so Qi Fang is also interested.

"Although the Han family is said to be the No. 1 wealthy family in the Song Dynasty, they all have the light of the ancestor Han Qi. After so many years, how much of the ancestor's Yuyin can be left? In addition to the Wu family and Chen family who can barely support the Chen family, Haining Chen family, Taiyuan Yang family, and Shanyin Lu family, the Yang family and Lu family have been in decline for many years, and no one in the family has been able to enter the core circle of the imperial court for a long time. "

"So the Han family looks brilliant now, and his bones are already empty." Tao Hong curled her lips in disdain.

Qi Fang frowned and said, "Tao Hong, who taught you these words?" She decided not to believe that Tao Hong could have such insights.

Tao Hong did not answer. Instead, she said: "Madam has been in Lin'an for so long. I don't know if I have ever heard a folk song:

Jia is not fake, and Bai Yu serves as the golden horse for the church.

A Fang Palace, three hundred miles away, can't live in Mingzhou.

The East China Sea lacks white jade beds, so the Dragon King invited Gusu King.

It is snowy in good harvest, and pearls are as earth and gold as iron. "

Song Qingshu under the bed looked weird. What kind of situation does it feel like the Dream of Red Mansions has entered into chaos?

Noting Qi Fang's puzzled face, Tao Hong said with a smile: "Let me explain for the wife, Jia is not fake, it is natural to say that today's privy envoy Jia Sidao Jia, his sister is also the emperor's favorite concubine. "

"The second sentence of a history in Mingzhou refers to the Mingzhou historian. Shi Hao, the previous historian of the historian, was the emperor, and this generation of family history Miyuan was in charge of Yushitai."

"The third sentence is about the Gusu Wang Family. The Linchuan Wang family, whose predecessor was Wang Anshi, moved to Gusu after the change of Jingkang. He was not inferior to the Han family in those days. This generation of paternal princes became the commander of the palace. , In charge of the imperial army."

"The last sentence refers to the Xue family in Jiangyin. Xue Ji, the head of the family, is now a member of the political affairs and Guanwendian college. In terms of official position alone, he is on the same level as Han Tong."

"Each of these four major families is the top wealthy of the Song Dynasty. They formed an unbreakable political group through in-laws. Jia Sidao’s wife is Wang Ziteng’s sister, and his nephew married a Wang’s young lady; Shi Mi Yuan’s aunt is Jia Sidao’s mother. It is heard that he is still planning to marry his daughter to Jia Sidao’s son; Wang Ziteng’s eldest sister married Jia Sidao, the second sister married Xue Ji, and his niece married Jia Sidao. Dao-like nephew; Xue Ji’s daughter and niece are both well-known talents in Lin'an, and I heard that they also intend to marry Master Jia."

"In addition to these four major families, there are the Lin family, the Li family, the Lu family, and the Murong family. They are also inextricably linked by marriage: Lin Ruhai, the head of the Lin family, now serves as the salt and iron envoy of the third division and is in charge of the court. Nearly one-third of the taxes, his wife is Jia Sidao’s younger sister, and she also gave birth to a daughter of unparalleled beauty, and seems to have plans to marry the son of the Jia family; the head of the Li family, Li Shouzhong, served as the prisoner of the country’s son, and the second daughter is Jia Sidao’s eldest daughter-in-law, the younger sister married into the family of King Gusu; Murong Bo, the former head of the Murong family, married Wang Ziteng’s cousin."

Song Qingshu at the bottom of the bed was shocked to hear that Li Shouzhong's sister in the other party's mouth, did she mean Li Qingluo who married into the family of Gusu Wang? And the Murong Family was originally a member of the Jia Family.

Qi Fang couldn't help asking, "What do you mean by telling me this?"

Tao Hong showed a weird smile: "I said so much, mainly to explain that if you want to be more stable, you can only marry the rich and the rich. Unfortunately, the wife was born in a peasant family and could not bring even a little bit of political capital to the Wanzu family, so The grandfather and the master have discussed and decided to give the son a change of marriage."——

Actually, I have hesitated for a long time if I want to add the elements of the Dream of Red Mansions. On the one hand, I want to keep the elements of the golden book pure, but on the other hand, the structure of the people in the Dream of Red Mansions fits perfectly with the pattern of the Southern Song Dynasty in the book. It’s hard to handle, and in the Dream of Red Mansions, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin, Qin Keqing, and Wang Xifeng are very attractive.

In the end, the creative impulse that was really unbearable was finally added!

This chapter uses the mouth of Taohong to draw the outline of the Jia Shi Group, and at the same time integrates the characters of the Red Mansion and the characters in the book.

However, it is not very intuitive to look at it this way. I will publish the internal marriage relationship of the Jiashi Group in the form of a table in the official account. I hope it can be clear at a glance.

WeChat public account of this book: Liu Ru Monk

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