Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1136: Picture poor see

After listening to Tao Hong's commentary, Song Qingshu's face was very wonderful, thinking how to listen to their relationship, so there is a sense of sight of the Dream of Red Mansions? Is Jia Sidao's son Jia Baoyu?

At this time, Qi Fang was upset by the stormy sea, and couldn't help but said: "Everyone in Lin'an knows that I am the wife of Wanjia. How can I change it?"

There was a dangerous light in the pink eyes: "If the lady accidentally dies by accident, she can naturally change it."

"What do you mean!" Qi Fang didn't care about so much at this time. She was so startled that she subconsciously wanted to sit up. Who knew she moved, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell down involuntarily.

"What's the matter?" Qi Fang's Huarong paled. She wondered if Song Qingshu made her legs feel weak and hasn't recovered yet? But she soon realized that this was not the reason, and she raised her head to look at Tao Hong, "You poisoned?"

Tao Hong took out a lighted incense from her sleeve and shook it in front of her triumphantly: "Young lady is a martial artist, how dare I not prepare for it."

Qi Fang suddenly realized something and exclaimed: "I was stunned before, but you did it?"

"Of course!" The pink tone couldn't hide the pride, "If you want to start with Madam, that Xiong Da is a hindrance, you can only get rid of him first, so after I fascinated Madam, I took off your clothes first. , And then ordered Si Xi to lead Xiong Da to come over. The man stupidly broke in and fell directly into our carefully designed layout. Hehe, that silly big guy is probably already feeding the **** at the bottom of the river. , Ah, but he could see the beautiful body of the young lady before he died, it is worth his life."

"Taohong, you are so brave, you dare to murder your mistress!" Qi Fang was trembling with anger, and at the same time remembering that the world was really unpredictable. Before, I felt that being looked at by other men is the most terrible thing in the world, but I have never experienced it. How long did she lose her innocence; at the time she thought it was the most terrifying thing in the world, but now she has a vague premonition that what will happen immediately will be even more terrifying.

"Madam, are you really confused or fake." Tao Hong looked at her with a pity on her face, "Madam still doesn't understand, if it weren't for the master and master's instructions, even if I borrowed ten thousand courage from me, I would I dare not do anything to you."

"What!" Tao Hong's words were like a bolt from the blue, Qi Fang was stunned for a moment, muttering to herself, "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, and the third brother will never treat me like this."

Based on Qi Fang's understanding of Wan Zhenshan, she believes that it is indeed very possible to do such a thing with the other's cruelty, but she is absolutely unwilling to believe that her husband will do the same.

Although the husband and wife have disagreeed on some issues over the years, they still can be regarded as sweet and affectionate, and they gave birth to a lovely daughter for him not long ago, so Qi Fang can't accept the person by the bed of affection. Will put such a bad hand on myself.

"The young master did hesitate at first, but he finally made up his mind two days ago. Otherwise, do you think he would agree that there is only Xiong Da a guard next to you?" Tao Hong sneered.

"But the other guards have other tasks. This is arranged by the grandfather." Qi Fang didn't give up.

"The young master knows the grandfather's plan, but he still agrees to this arrangement, which can only prove that he has acquiesced in this matter," Tao Hong replied, "in fact, even if the grandfather did not transfer the guard, the young master will think of other ways. Compared to a girl from the country, the wealthy daughter of Lin'an is more attractive."

"You nonsense! Third Brother is definitely not such a person." Qi Fang shook her head and said mechanically. Her head was completely blank at the moment after one blow after another tonight.

"The third brother sometimes has a bit of a vicious method, but we have been married for so many years, I don't believe that he will use the method on me."

"Won't use the method on you?" Tao Hong sneered, "If it didn't apply to you, how could you become Madame Wan?"

"What do you mean?" Qi Fang's heart jumped and hurriedly asked.

"Did you not have a good relationship with that Di Yun back then?" Tao Hong said with a smile. "If there is no young master, you should get married and have children."

Qi Fang's face flushed: "Yes, I did have a very good relationship with my brother back then, but my third brother also knew about it, and it's all past events. You shouldn't want to use this to provoke the relationship between our husband and wife.

"Of course the young master knows this. It's your wife who doesn't know this." Tao Hong's tone was full of pity.

"What the **** is going on? Shao is playing mystery there!" Qi Fang glared at her.

"Well, just let you be a ghost." Tao Hong sneered again and again, "Madam still remember how your stupid brother was sent to prison?"

"At the beginning, he ran into your room in the middle of the night to treat you with bad intentions..." Qi Fang's face was not good-looking. This incident has always been a shadow in her heart. At the beginning, she and Di Yun were in love with each other and came to Jiangling City with their father. At the same time as freshness, she also secretly feels inferior deep in her heart, especially when she sees the gorgeously dressed peach, feels like a Cinderella, so she later learned that Di Yun sneaked into the peach bedroom in the middle of the night, she subconsciously believed it. Because I care too much, coupled with the inherent sensitivity, I can't calm down and judge at all.

But at this time Tao Hong mentioned this, and reminiscent of the words Song Qingshu said before, Qi Fang suddenly realized something: "Could it be that you framed him!"

Tao Hong looked at her contemptuously: "So the lady is really not suitable for being a rich young grandmother, and she has only reacted until now. How can she advise her husband to help him rise?"

Hearing Tao Hong's words, Qi Fang's first reaction was not to be angry, but to be heartbroken: "It turns out that I really misunderstood Senior Brother. Back then, Senior Brother saw that I didn't believe him and didn't know how sad it was..."

Thinking of Di Yun suffering alone in the dark prison, she only felt that her heart was held tightly by an invisible big hand, making her breathless: "You just said the third brother...said him..."

"Madam is right." Looking at Qi Fang's painful look, Tao Hong has a special pleasure. Why can this little mountain girl be able to turn a sparrow into a phoenix, but she doesn't even have a reputation. "This thing is The young master specially arranged that in order to get you, he must get rid of the rival of Di Yun."

"How could this happen, how could this happen..." Qi Fang slumped on the bed, muttering to herself, but thinking of her husband's fierce temper, it is indeed possible to do such a thing.

"That kid was really lucky. Later he escaped from prison and learned a good martial arts, but the silly kid is a silly kid, martial arts can be changed, and his brain is still as silly as before," Tao Hong smiled disdainfully. He smiled, "The silly boy didn't know where he found your news not long ago, and he ran to find you again. In the end, the elder and the young master didn’t just do a little trick and he easily cleaned up."——

My son poured the milk on my computer before, so it's better to have a daughter, not so bearish.

It took some time to repair the computer

Hey, it’s a pity that the computer can still be repaired.

Otherwise, the monk will be able to talk about his son and confidently ask his wife for reimbursement to buy a new computer.

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