Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1137: Assault

"What!" Thinking of Wan Qi's and her husband's harsh methods, Qi Fang subconsciously squeezed a sweat for Di Yun, and exclaimed with concern.

"In the past few months, the silly boy came to the door stupidly and said that he wanted to see you. Of course, the young master could not agree. He ordered the samurai in the mansion to capture him. Who knows that his martial arts has advanced by leaps and bounds, and even the guards in the mansion are not him. "My opponent, but what's the use of free force," Tao Hong sneered, her tone full of contempt, "Master casually arranged me to pretend to be you and deceived him. He was poisoned by Jinbo Xunhua, and let his martial arts be noble. , I can only wait to die obediently."

"Senior Brother is dead?" Qi Fang screamed, his eyes full of incredible color.

"With the poison of Jinbo Xunhua, even Song Qingshu, the invincible Golden Snake King, is in danger, not to mention Di Yun in a small area." Tao Hong sneered, obviously not looking at Di Yun, who also came from the countryside.

Hearing her mention Song Qingshu, Qi Fang couldn't help but think of the man who stole her innocence under the bed. He was indeed very badly poisoned by Jin Bo Xunhua...

However, Qi Fang soon realized that this was not the point, and finally came back to her senses: "Senior Brother is so kind, you actually succeeded!"

At this time, Song Qingshu, hiding under the bed, was also burning with anger. You must know that Di Yun had been his capable man a few years ago, not only did a lot of things for him, but also one of his few friends.

Song Qingshu admired Di Yun's innocent heart, and at the same time sympathized with his experience in the original book, so he has always taken care of him and cultivated him as a confidant. Who knows that he died at the hands of Xiao Xiao, how can he not be angry?

He subconsciously wanted to show up and kill this vicious woman, but in the end his reason defeated the impulse. This woman could kill at any time, but it might not be so easy to know the ins and outs of the whole thing. Now that she has something to talk about* *, it's better to wait for her to finish.

"Cut, a silly boy, he deserves to die," Tao Hong curled her lips dismissively. "Actually, the grandfather and the master have not made up their minds for the young master to change his wife, but when this happened, finally let They made the final decision, because sooner or later you will find out about Di Yun's affairs, just like a time bomb. It is really dangerous to keep you in the mansion."

"Three...Does the third brother think the same way?" Qi Fang's beautiful big eyes suddenly seemed to have lost all of his looks, and said dazedly. "What do you think?" Tao Hong looked at her with a smile.

"No, he is not my third brother." Qi Fang suddenly shook his head, thinking that the reason why he married him was a conspiracy. The brother who loved each other was wronged and went to jail for his own sake. Now he even lost his life. She instantly felt that she had been blinded by thinking of him as her husband.

At this moment, the door creaked and was pushed open, and Wang Er, one of the two small servants who had been walking along the way before, walked in with a smirk on his face.

Tao Hong frowned and said: "Didn't you let you look at the stairs and not allow other people on the boat to come up?"

"Don't worry, Sister Taohong, I have already dismissed Boss Du's subordinates, no one will come up." Wang Er said while looking at Qi Fang unscrupulously.

Qi Fang didn’t have time to put on clothes because he had just passed like Song Qingshu, and because he was shocked by the pink color just now, the quilt wrapped around her body slipped off a bit. Her white, round shoulders and her beautiful and **** collarbone were exposed to the air. In the middle, Wang Er's eyes were straight.

Feeling Wang Er's gaze, Qi Fang only felt uncomfortable all over, and hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover the exposed skin. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Song Qingshu saw her body before and seemed to be more acceptable.

"Then what do you want to do when you come in?" Tao Hong frowned and looked at Wang Er, very dissatisfied with his behavior at the moment.

Wang Er rubbed his hands and said with a wry face: "I was thinking that Mrs. Young would not be able to escape her death. It would be a waste to let her die like this. It would be a waste to make me feel better before I was dying. I can't stand the excitement all over my body when I taste the taste of young grandma."

Tao Hong glanced at the bulging part of his crotch, couldn't help but laughed: "You little bunny is so courageous, toad wants to eat swan meat."

Wang Er showed an obscene smile: "A toad that doesn't want to eat swan meat is not a good toad."

Hearing what they were discussing, Qi Fang almost fainted. She did not expect that Wang Er, who usually has a low eyebrow and a good temper, would have such nasty thoughts: "Wang Er, you are so courageous, even I dare to fight with my ideas!"

Wang Er laughed and said: "If I usually don't dare to call the young lady's idea, but now the grandfather and young master have abandoned his wife, I naturally have more courage. Don't be afraid, young lady, you should be thankful when you say it. I am the one who can still enjoy the bliss of the world before you die, hahaha~"

"You!" Qi Fang was trembling with anger. He didn't expect this person to be so shameless.

Tao Hong on the side suddenly smiled: "Wang Er's words are correct. His kung fu is much better than the young master, and he is guaranteed to let you taste the happiness you have never experienced before."

I don't know why, when Qi Fang heard Tao Hong's words, Song Qingshu was indulging in her own body just now, and her face flushed, thinking that I have just experienced this kind of happiness...

Suddenly Qi Fang seemed to realize something, and Huo Ran looked at Tao Hong: "You and the third brother..."

Tao Hong curled her lips disdainfully: "Although Wan Guina is handsome, it is a pity that he has a silver-like pewter tip. It doesn't look good, and it's not as good as his father, let alone compares with Wang Er."

Song Qingshu at the bottom of the bed heard her tongue secretly, thinking that this woman is really amazing. As Wan Zhenshan’s concubine, she had an affair with Wan Kyu and hooked up with the servants of the house. Is there any man in Wanfu who has never slept with her? I just don't know if Wan Tong has had a relationship with her, maybe Tao Hong can achieve the feat of sleeping for three generations.

"Shameless, disgusting! Wan Gui is even more shameless and disgusting!" At this point in time, Qi Fang finally abandoned all illusions about her husband and completely regarded him as a passerby.

Pink face twitched, and cursed: "What right does a girl from the country have to go with me? Are you really the young lady of the Xiangfu! Well, don't you pretend to be innocent and chaste, Wang Er? , Play with her well, and sell her to the cheapest kiln after it's done, and see what she can be proud of!"

"Yeah!" Wang Er couldn't wait long ago, he took off his clothes, leaned on Qi Fang on the bed, and smiled lewdly, "Young lady, the servant is here to take care of you."——

I mentioned earlier that the elements of the Red Mansions were added, just to take the opportunity to establish the Southern Song Dynasty officialdom system and make the family appear more plump. It will not be added to the plot in the Red Mansions.

Many readers are complaining that they haven't seen the Dream of Red Mansions

Here, the monk can tell everyone quietly, in fact, the monk has never finished watching the Dream of Red Mansions.

So I don’t know how to get involved in the plot of the Red Mansions.

You can rest assured

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