Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1039: Suddenly

Perceiving the physical change of the other party, Qi Fang's body trembled, and said in a flustered manner: "You...you are too close."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, not half ashamed: "This ghost is too cold, so I still sleep warmly."

Qi Fang couldn't help rolling her eyes silently, wondering where is the weather cold? Knowing that this was an excuse by the other party, she realized that she didn't know how to deal with it.

When the other party's hand gradually moved up from her lower abdomen, Qi Fang couldn't help but screamed. Even in the dark, she could feel that she must have a peach blossom on her face and her breathing was scattered.

Song Qingshu bit her ear beads and said softly: "If you don't want to, just say it directly, I won't force you."

"I..." Qi Fang opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. Although he had a husband, the other party not only killed Di Yun, but now he still wanted to get rid of him cruelly. Is it necessary to abide by the woman's way for him now?

In fact, if Di Yun was still alive, even if Qi Fang showed Wan Gui's true face, he would not be so self-defeating. Unfortunately, learning that his childhood sweetheart was killed by him, Qi Fang suddenly realized that his life was meaningless.

Thinking of revenge against her husband in this way, Qi Fang immediately resisted the shame in her heart, and the man behind her kept belittle her body.

Song Qingshu originally thought that Qi Fang would refuse to resist at least symbolically. Who knew that she had been silently choosing to obey. When she was slightly astonished, she guessed what she was thinking.

At this moment, the comfort of words was so pale and weak, Song Qingshu could only comfort her in his own way, kissed her gently, then lifted the bottom edge of her skirt and pressed it tightly.

Qi Fang's body became stiff, the clouds scattered, her red lips bite Xiu, blushing face and her body curled up, silently catering to the man behind her...

In the next few days, Song Qingshu changed from the embarrassment of the previous two days and had a happy life. Qi Fang made full use of the identity of Xiangfu's young grandmother. Boss Du on the ship thought he had a relationship with Xiangfu, and was so ecstatic that she could not wait to confess her as an ancestor, and even brought Song Qingshu to enjoy the supreme treatment.

Qi Fang lives on the top floor of the cabin, and other people rarely come up. When they come up occasionally, Song Qingshu pretends to be Sixi. The reason why he does not pretend to be Wang Er is because Qi Fang strongly protested, because Wang Er could have her The nausea is broken.

Boss Du quickly realized that they were missing two people in this line, but this kind of thing is really common among the rich and nobles. The two Wang Er are average, still doing their best to meet the requirements of the distinguished guests.

"I want to drink crucian fish soup again." Looking at the fragrant crucian fish soup in front of him, Qi Fang couldn't help pouting his mouth while sitting at the table. Although the crucian is delicious, no one can stand it every day.

Song Qingshu hugged her from behind, and said with a smile: "Crucian carp soup milk, madam drink more to have enough nutrition. How about I drink with you, you take a sip?"

Qi Fang sighed lightly: "I haven't even drank my water spinach, but it's all cheaper for you."

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to support her chest, and was extremely satisfied with the heavy hand feeling: "To blame, you can only blame your cruel husband. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have to rely on such detoxification."

With Qi Fang’s help, Song Qingshu’s force of poisoning has been significantly accelerated. In a few days, he has forced almost 10% of Jinbo’s poisonous blood. You must know that it was difficult for him to force a drop of poisonous blood before. Follow this schedule and go on in one or two Within months, the toxicity in his body can be completely removed.

"Don't mention that person!" Qi Fang snorted coldly, "He is not a thing, but you are not much better."

Song Qingshu said depressed: "Madam's words are too unconscionable. Even if I am not good at all, at least I will help you solve the problem of milk increase in weekdays. You have to take a bowl to squeeze hard. Now I just..."

"Don't say it!" Qi Fang screamed and hurriedly covered his mouth.

"It's okay if you don't say it, then drink this bowl of soup?" Song Qingshu's eyes were bent like a fox.

"You're a rascal~" Qi Fang sighed, but after all he picked up the fish soup and drank it cleanly.

Song Qingshu whispered a word in her ear, and Qi Fang's ears were red in an instant. Without waiting for her to respond, Song Qingshu unbuttoned her shirt, then buried her head in...

After nightfall, the two of them were lying on the bed, and Qi Fang suddenly bit her lip and said: "Tomorrow we will arrive in Lin'an City." I don't know why, although these few days are a bit absurd, it has been the most relaxed and most relaxed in recent years. In the carefree days, it is a pity that all the happiness disappears just before arriving in Lin'an city.

Qi Fang finally returned to reality. She knew that once they returned to Lin'an City, Wan Tuyu, Wan Gui and others would immediately find that things did not go as planned, and she would definitely think of another way to get rid of herself.

Now it is a dead end to return to Xiangfu, but she has to go back again. Maternal love made her unable to give up her daughter and let her grow up in an environment surrounded by wolves.

"So what?" Song Qingshu gently rubbed her white and plump skin with her fingers, smiling but not smiling.

Qi Fang almost didn't get **** off by his nonchalant tone, and couldn't help but pinch him severely: "You, you only know to bully me!"

Song Qingshu repeatedly told Rao: "Should we elope?"

"Elopement?" These two words seem to have great attraction to women. Qi Fang's heart jumped, as if she was back to the age of a young girl Huaichun, but when she thought of her daughter, she quickly calmed down and shook her head. Said, "If it was a few years ago, I might have promised you, but now I have too many things to let go."

Song Qingshu smiled and said: "You are misunderstood. I am not not helping you save water spinach, but now that the poison in my body is still unclear. If you return to Xiangfu, I am really not sure to protect you. So it is better for us to find a place first. Hide, and wait until the poison in my body is detoxified, how about going back to Xiangfu with you to rescue my daughter?"

"Speaking of it, you just help me as... as..." Qi Fang blushed suddenly and couldn't speak.

"As what?" Song Qingshu asked jokingly.

"You know what I'm talking about." Qi Fang groaned, wondering how embarrassed he could say those two words.

Song Qingshu was also planning to tease her. Who knew that at this time there was a scream of slaughter on the boat. The two looked at each other and looked out the window together, only to see that the dark sky had been dyed red by the fire.

"Hurry up and get dressed." After Song Qingshu ordered Qi Fang, he jumped out of bed and ran to the window to look out. After seeing the situation outside, he couldn't help being surprised.

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