Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1040: Perverted hobby


I saw the fire on the ship, all the sailors and guests on the ship fled while screaming, and a bunch of fierce people behind were chasing everyone everywhere.

"What's the situation?" Song Qing frowned. The first reaction was that Wan Hao and Wan Gui knew that Tao Hong had failed, so they sent someone else to kill them.

However, Song Qing quickly rejected this speculation. After all, Tao Hong and the others were dealt with by herself now, how could they possibly know about it, and the following people's posture of killing every one of them would have caused too much movement.

Suddenly the sound of pedaling upstairs came from the stairway, Song Qing shrank to the side of the shadow, and soon Boss Du's anxious voice came: "Young lady, young lady?"

Received Song Qing's signal, Qi Fang got up and asked, "What's the matter?"

Boss Du's panicked voice sounded: "A group of ferocious water bandits who have come from outside I don't know where they are. Now they are looting the ships, and they kill people when they see them. Mrs. Young, please run away."

Qi Fangqi said: "Here is almost the Lin'an city, where is the water bandit so bold?"

"Little one doesn't know," Boss Du was anxious, "Madam, think of a way to escape." Without waiting for Qi Fang's response, he hurried downstairs.

Although he wanted to use Qi Fang to take the road to Xiangfu, but now he can't save his life. Whatever the grandmother of Xiangfu, the notification was just in case.

When Boss Du left, Song Qing appeared from the shadows, looking at his flustered back, thoughtful, Qi Fang couldn't help looking at him: "What are we going to do now?"

Song Qing walked to the window again and looked at the situation below, suddenly her eyes condensed: "Let's hide first."

It turned out that he noticed that among the group of water bandits, there were two people standing in the middle with Jindao Damadi, smiling at everything on board the boat, one was wearing a golden robe outside of a rich man, white and fat, with kindness on his face at all times. He smiled, one by one in black, tall and thin, as if thousands of years of ice were always hanging on his face, as if everyone in the world owed him money.

Song Qing happened to know these two people! The two messengers of reward, good and punishment on Xia Ke Island, Zhang San Li Si!

"Why are they here?" Song Qing frowned, and soon realized that things are not simple. Xia Ke Island has always been mysterious, but now how come a water bandit has appeared?

If it was normal, Song Qing would naturally not be afraid of letting countless small and medium-sized gangs in the Central Plains learn about the situation, rewarding good and punishing evil. The last time he fought in the inn, Zhang Sanlisi should have been afraid of him. The skill hasn't recovered, and it's better to deal with ordinary people in the world. Faced with masters like Zhang San Li Si, it is by no means an opponent.

Song Qing also considered using an empty city trick to frighten each other, after all, the two were folded in his own hands last time. But he finally gave up this method. Now the news of his poisoning and being hunted down may have spread from Yangzhou. As long as Zhang San and Li Si have heard it, he will never be bluffed by himself. Instead, he will take the opportunity to report that he was killed in the inn last time. hatred.

Hearing the messy footsteps coming from the stairs, Song Qing stopped delaying, grabbed Qi Fang's hand and ran to the rear window: "Follow me!"

Song Qing jumped down from the window first. Although he could not call his cultivation base now, his body was light, and coupled with his proficiency in force techniques, the distance of one or two feet would not be difficult for him.

"Quickly jump down, don't be afraid, I will follow you." Song Qing opened his hand and said to Qi Fang above.

Qi Fang gritted her teeth, but didn't jump into his arms, but just a little bit more body, and she fell beside Song Qing incomparably light, not knowing how elegant his posture was.

Noting Song Qing's surprised gaze, Qi Fang pursed his lips and smiled: "Have you forgotten that I also learned martial arts back then? What's the point of this height?"

"Yes, yes, my wife is a hero of the female middle school." Song Qing also laughed, but she felt a little regretful. Although Qi Fang knows martial arts, her martial arts is too low. Too much.

"Hey, when you are in these few skies, you should give her some tips on martial arts, and you shouldn't pull her to the top of her body when she gets down." Song Qing regretted it, but regrettably now it's useless.

"There is someone down there!" Suddenly there was an exclamation over his head. It turned out that Qi Fang had forgotten to close the window when he came down. The water bandit who happened to be searched upstairs appeared strange.

Listening to the footsteps coming here, Song Qing laughed bitterly, and could only hold Qi Fang's small hand and hide in a hurry. It is a pity that in this rush, there is no way to find a hiding place for a while, and a group of people are soon surrounded by a corner.

"Wait later, you will let me take two sips, and I will deal with these people." Song Qing said quickly, protecting Qi Fang behind her back.

"No!" Qi Fang's face was red, and under all the eyes, she asked her to untie her clothes and let the other party suck, how could she do it.

"Kill them." A small leader nearby ordered, and then a group of people raised their knives.

"Wait!" At this moment, Zhang San Li Si came over, and when he saw Qi Fang's face clearly, his eyes lit up, "Where did the little lady go on this trip?"

Qi Fang subconsciously looked at Song Qing to ask for his advice. Song Qing nodded slightly and motioned her to deal with a few words at will. At the same time, she was glad that she had just changed the appearance of Sixi, otherwise she would be recognized by Zhang Sanlisi at this time.

"We are here in Lin'an Province..." Qi Fang said in a panic.

Song Qing sighed in her heart. It seems that Qi Fang really hates her husband's family. Otherwise, she will report the name of Xiangfu Shaoxiang. Maybe these water bandits will worry about it. Now she is an ordinary woman who returns home to the province. People, how can these gangsters let her go?

"The madam looks pretty iconic." Looking at the bun on her head, Zhang San could naturally judge that she was married, and immediately looked at Song Qing who was aside, "Who is this madam?"

"He... he is my... my husband." Qi Fang blushed as soon as he said this.

Song Qing was also very surprised and couldn't help but smile, which made Qi Fang even more embarrassed to stand there.

"Woman, beautiful, keep it; husband, useless, kill." Li Si on the side said coldly.

Hearing what he said, a group of people on Xia Ke Island were about to rush up with a knife, but Zhang San raised his hand: "Slow!"

Looking at Li Si's puzzled eyes, Zhang San said with a smile: "Did you look at the man on the island? He likes people. Wife. Although this little lady is beautiful, if her husband dies, she will be there. I am afraid that the charm will be greatly reduced."

Li Si also looked stunned, but his tone was full of disdain: "At a young age, I like others. Wife, fuck!"

Zhang San hurriedly grabbed him: "Quiet, that little master is a distinguished guest of the island owner. If you are heard by someone who is interested, you will have to be punished."

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