Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1145: Reunion

Song Qingshu has now learned the Taixuan Sutra, and he is naturally emboldened a bit. Although this Taixuan Sutra hadn't really been studied, at least there was a little more self-preservation, and there was no need to rely on the soul moving cautiously as before.

First, he grabbed a servant on the island and used his soul to ask where Qi Fang was imprisoned. Song Qingshu picked up the light work recorded in the Taixuanjing and drove in that direction. Although he could not reach the state of ignoring gravity, it was effective. It is also much better than ordinary light work.

Xia Ke Island records martial arts pictures and texts on the rock wall of the cave, but the people's residence is in the valley on the other side. A large courtyard is scattered there. The outer courtyard rooms are obviously smaller, and the closer the atmosphere is to the middle. The more magnificent, the two innermost courtyards are the residences of the two island owners on the island.

Song Qingshu just learned from the servants on the island that the two island owners of Longmu were not on the island these days, and couldn’t help but secretly rejoice. You must know that these two people can be called unpredictable in the original work, if you are in full body condition. , May not be afraid of the two, but now he can only rely on the half-studied Taixuan Sutra, his confidence is not so full.

The residence of the mysterious guest is near the two island owners' courtyards, which is the most central location, while Qi Fang was carefully dressed up by the servant maid on the island and sent to the guest's residence.

"I hope it's still too late." Song Qingshu blamed himself, that he shouldn't be immersed in the Taixuan Sutra and put Qi Fang in danger. The anxiety in his heart also speeded up the whole life a bit, like a night owl, hurried to the middle courtyard.

In fact, Song Qingshu didn’t realize that Qi Fang didn’t have enough weight in his heart in the final analysis. If Zhou Zhiruo, Ah Jiu, and Qingqing were arrested, he wouldn’t be in the mood to learn Tai Xuan Sutra. It must be the first time to save him. People.

Song Qingshu was cautious all the way, but didn't encounter any guards or the like. He couldn't help being surprised. After thinking about it, he was relieved. The location of Xia Ke Island is mysterious. Outsiders don't know where the island is. The people on the island are all masters. Naturally, no guards are needed.

In addition, the masters on the island almost spent sleep and food trying to figure out the Taixuan Sutra in the cave, and at this point in time they simply couldn't bear to come back to sleep. This allowed Song Qingshu to sneak in with little hindrance.

The room where Qi Fang is located is easy to find, because the other rooms nearby are all dark, but the courtyard where she is located is brightly lit. This place is different from other places. There are a few people guarding the gate of the yard. They are not weak at first sight. Song Qingshu cautiously avoided them and sneaked in from a remote place from the side.

Who knew that after entering the room, there was no one inside, but the floor was covered with petals, the table was also burned with good incense, and the whole room was filled with a pink romantic atmosphere.

Song Qingshu had to sigh, these ancients really know how to play, and the **** big bed rooms have been created.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, the whole person tapped his toes, and jumped over the beam with a slight leap, hiding in the shadows.

Not long after, the room door opened with a creak, and several maids filed in: "Madam, be careful of the steps."

"Yeah" A sound like a clear spring sounded, and Song Qingshu on the beam of the room was shocked: Why is this sound so familiar?

There was an impulse in his heart, and he wanted to come and take a look, but there were so many people outside, he was worried about being spotted, so he had to forbear curiosity, and at the same time secretly cried out in his heart: Oops, this person who came in is obviously not Qi Fang , Did you find the wrong place!

Song Qingshu was worried about Qi Fang's upcoming destiny, and the following maid just started talking: "Madam is really beautiful!"

"Yes, in fact, they brought back a woman earlier today, who is also a beauty I feel pity for, but compared with the wife, it is still far behind."

"The son observed the two of you secretly, and finally chose the lady's first attendant without hesitation."

"The son's vision is so high, it's really rare that Madam can make him feel amazing at first sight."


A few maids were chattering, but Song Qingshu let out a long sigh of relief. The other beauty in their mouths that I see pity for should be Qi Fang. Since the perverted son first selected this person, Qi Fang must be safe for the time being.

"Who is the son in your mouth?" The stunning beauty in the mouth of the maids spoke again, his tone full of doubts.

"It's too much, too much like... Is it her, but how is this possible?" Song Qingshu is itchy, but he can distinguish the importance. Even a servant can martial arts on this knight island. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, wait for these maids to go out and watch them slowly.

"The son is the son, who else can it be." The maids said with a grin.

"Madam, don't worry too much. The son is a very distinguished figure, definitely better than the wife's previous husband. If you can please him, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth in the next half of your life."

"The most important thing is that even if he put aside his distinguished identity, the son himself is also a handsome son of the world, and is the dream lover of all women."

Song Qingshu had just seen how a few girls used to praise the lady so much, but he didn't expect to talk about that young man, it was even more spectacular.

"Huh, he can't be as good as my mate." Only when the lady snorted coldly, Song Qing couldn't help feeling a kind of pleasure, and could no longer help quietly sticking out her head.

I saw a woman sitting in front of the vanity mirror, with a slender figure, a green skirt dangling on the ground, a waterfall-like light for reflection, she draped softly on her shoulders, the fire in the room was shining, and she saw her white face faintly revealed. Two blushes, elegant and beautiful, there are Ruoxiaolu narcissus. All of the maids around are considered to be beautiful, but it is a pity that they are suddenly overshadowed in front of her.

How can the light of fireflies compete with Haoyue?

"Zhiruo! It's really you!" Song Qingshu was surprised and happy, happy that the husband and wife reunited, but surprised how could she appear on Xia Ke Island?

"Could it be that they were arrested?" Recalling the tone of those maids just now, Song Qingshu was surprised, but he clearly felt that Zhou Zhiruo didn't seem to be restrained, and it seemed that most of them had hidden secrets.

If it were changed to a few years ago, he might have doubted something, but over the years, with the rise in ability and status, he has become extremely open-minded, more confident and willing to trust some people unconditionally. Zhou Zhiruo is him. 'S wife, don't believe who else she can trust.

Suddenly there was a movement outside the door, and the maids greeted them with joy: "The son is here!"

During this period of time, I have been running in several cities, so the update is unstable. I hope you forgive me

This is life. I guess I won’t be as cool as classmate Xiao Song in my life.

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