Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1147: Go to bed

Song Qingshu just listened to the group of maidservants blowing the son of Rao Shizi to nothing in the sky, joking in his heart, and at the same time, he wanted to see what kind of character it was.

I saw a young man in brocade walked in leisurely, tied with multicolored silk and knotted long spikes, covered with azurite and satin-forged satin gown, and wore small green satin and powder-soled boots.

The short turns around the head are all formed into small braids, the red silk ends, and they are gathered up to the top middle tire. The chief braid is a big braid, black and bright as lacquer, from top to tip, a string of four large beads, made of gold The eight treasures have pendant horns, wearing a silver-red half-old coat with flowers on the body, still carrying a collar, jewels, name locks, amulets, etc., underneath the half exposed pine flowers and flowers on the trousers, brocade-rimmed ink socks, and thick-soled red shoes. The more he looks like a powder, his lips look amorous, and his language smiles. There is a natural charm, all in the brows, all kinds of emotions, Xidui's eyes. Looking at its appearance, it is the best, but it is difficult to know its details.

"It's really...a young man with pink makeup and jade." Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it for half a day, he could only come up with such a word to describe him.

Song Qingshu had to admit that this young man is indeed very handsome, but his body is too fat. With his current eyesight, it is natural to see that the other party is definitely not a woman pretending to be a man, but a real man. The man has a powdery air, either a sissy or a weird temperament, such as the undefeated Oriental in those days. However, this young man has a powdery air on his body, but it is not objectionable, on the contrary, he feels that it fits his own temperament very well.

Seeing so many precious accessories hanging on his body, Song Qingshu can realize how spoiled he is at home. It is definitely the kind of feeling that he is holding it in his hand and is afraid of falling and holding it in his mouth.

Although Song Qingshu admitted that this person was indeed a handsome man, he still had some disapproval in his heart: "It's better for a man to be masculine."

The handsome young man saw Zhou Zhiruo in the room, his eyes lit up: "My sister is really beautiful and beautiful, and the ancient Diaochan Xishi will be ashamed of herself in front of her sister..."

Song Qingshu was horrified by a bunch of nasty flattery, thinking that he was enough to coax women, but compared with the kid below, it was nothing short of a witch.

His mouth is more than just smearing honey, and it's just ignoring his conscience. Although Zhou Zhiruo is beautiful, it is too exaggerated to say that it is better than Diao Chan Xi Shi.

The group of maids were also knowledgeable and interesting. Seeing that the son and Zhou Zhiruo had a conversation, they no longer stayed as light bulbs, but exchanged winks in secret, quietly exited the house, and finally closed the door for the two intimately.

Song Qingshu was secretly angry when he saw it, and this group of maids were really hateful!

"Diao Chan Xi Shi?" Zhou Zhiruo snorted softly, her tone full of sarcasm, "Does the son use this trick to deceive girls?"

"Heaven and Earth Conscience, if it weren't for my sister's stunning appearance, how would I say that?" The son stretched out his hand and swears, "If I had a lie just now, I would not die!"

Song Qingshu narrowed his eyes and wanted you to set up f1ag in disorder. If you do anything wrong in a while, you will immediately make your vows come true.

Zhou Zhiruo frowned slightly, "It's really frivolous."

Who knows that the young man is not angry but smiles, and he licks his face together: "How does my sister know that the elders in my family also commented on me like this? It seems that we are born with a natural fate."

Zhou Zhiruo danced with her skirt, keeping a distance from the other party without showing a trace, and asked tentatively: "It seems that the son is very afraid of the elders in the family?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo knew how to protect herself, Song Qingshu withdrew his hand. At this moment, he also figured out that Zhou Zhiruo was playing the other party's words, so he didn't rush to disturb her.

Hearing her mentioning the elders in the family, the young son clearly showed a little fear in his eyes, but he quickly covered up the past, haha ​​laughed: "Hundreds of filial piety is the first, and respect for the elders in the family should be the same."

"The people on this island seem to be very afraid of you, the son must be very honorable, right?" Zhou Zhiruo continued to probe.

"It's too horrible to talk about these nowadays," the young son was a little impatient with her one question after another, and opened his arms to come over and hug her. "Take a taste of the beauty of my sister first, if my sister can serve her. It makes me comfortable. I can answer you one hundred and fifty-one if your sister has any questions."

Song Qingshu sneered in his heart. He thought he was a good son in the world, but he didn't expect that he was still a lewd person in essence. He wanted to see him so soon. He naturally couldn't sit back and watch the other party's frivolous Zhou Zhiruo.

Seeing that young man rushed over with open arms, Zhou Zhiruo's eyes flickered with cold light, and the index finger in his sleeve was slightly opened. He was obviously really angry and planned to use the powerful Jiuyin bone claws.

At this moment, there was a sudden click, and a black-clothed figure jumped in from the window like electricity, and pressed a palm on the back of the young man's heart. There was still a fragrant smile on the young man's face, and suddenly the whole People fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The black-clothed man was hit by the blow, and stopped staying any more. The whole person jumped out of the house like a ghost and disappeared into the night silently, leaving only the two in the room dumbfounded.

Regardless of whether it was Song Qingshu or Zhou Zhiruo, they originally planned to attack the young man, so seeing the man in black rushing in and attacking the young man, the first reaction was to treat him as an ally. The life of Young Master Jin Yi. When the two of them reacted, the person had disappeared without a trace.

Zhou Zhiruo suddenly realized something, her face changed drastically, and she was about to chase it out. Suddenly, there was a noise from the courtyard outside:

"There are assassins, there are assassins!"

"How about going to see the son?"

Hearing a group of people running here, Zhou Zhiruo secretly screamed. She knew that this young man in Jinyi was of great importance, and now he died in her own room. It was really impossible to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River. Even if you tell the truth, the people on Xia Ke Island may not believe it, and will definitely capture her first and then torture her.

Zhou Zhiruo was not willing to sit and wait for death. With a bite of her teeth, she was about to break through desperately when she was gently pressed on her shoulder with a hand. She couldn't help but fade away. When she was about to fight back, she heard a familiar voice:

"Zhiruo, it's me!"

Zhou Zhiruo turned her head in disbelief, looked at the familiar smile of the man in front of him, and her body trembled: "Qing Shu?"

"I'll talk about other things slowly later." Song Qingshu gently pressed her lips while flicking her sleeves, closing the open window, and then hurriedly ran to the corpse of the young man in Jinyi and squatted down, holding her hands internally. After smoothing his mask, he stuck it on the opponent's face.

At this moment, the people of Xia Ke Island had already rushed to the door, and began to knock on the door banging: "Young Master, Young Master?"

Song Qingshu hurriedly signaled to Zhou Zhiruo and said: "!"

"Huh?" Zhou Zhiruo's white face was flushed instantly.

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