Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1155: Joy begets sorrow

Song Qingshu asked this question because he wanted to take a look at how much the people like on Xia Ke Island had understood about the Supreme Profound Scripture, and also had a rough estimate of the overall strength of Xia Ke Island. Who knew that this question made the other person suspicious. ≈

"I was not very interested in the past, but this time someone came to assassinate me. If I hadn't taken the assassin's ultimate move by mistake, I'm afraid I would have died, so I think it's better to learn martial arts to defend myself, otherwise I will be a young man. If you die young, there is no chance to meet so many beauties in the world." Song Qingshu's reaction was also surprisingly quick, and he didn't rush to find a reason, and at the same time he cursed the young man in Jinyi half to death. After a good skin, the result is not learning and skillless, making myself almost exposed.

"It turns out that this is the case, so it seems that this assassin incident is not all bad. If the island owner knows what the son thinks, he will definitely be pleased." Zhang San said with a smile.

Song Qingshu smiled on his face, but in his heart he wondered what the relationship between the island owner and this young man was. It seemed that the relationship between the two seemed very unusual. Is this young man the illegitimate child of the island owner? I don’t know if it’s the owner of Dragon Island or Wood Island. These two do not repair...

"Here, let the son go in by himself, it is not convenient for us to go in." Song Qingshu was running the train with his head full, and Zhang San's words suddenly came in his ear.

Song Qingshu looked up, and saw that he was already outside a stone room. Looking at the surroundings, it was obvious that it was the last stone room he could not enter before.

"It seems that this stone room is exclusively for the island owner. Others are not qualified to enter. No wonder I ate closed doors before." Song Qingshu secretly nodded, and suddenly raised his tone: "This young man will definitely work hard this time and learn the magic inside."

"The son is naturally intelligent, and he will certainly understand. [For the latest chapters of this book, please go to anhuatangcc]" Zhang San smiled on his face, but he sneered in his heart, even thinking about the two island masters day and night. After so many years, I dare not say that I can realize one-tenth, you dude just went in and read the heavenly book.

Seeing them staying outside the door, Song Qingshu immediately relieved his heart and walked into the stone room calmly. After a long passage, the front suddenly became abnormally open, and a space about the size of a basketball stadium appeared in front of him.

Noting that there were two brocade pads in front of a wall not far away, Song Qingshu thought that this should be the place where the two island masters of Longmu practiced their exercises. When he looked up, there was a smooth stone wall in front of the brocade pads, densely engraved with text. . Unlike the other twenty-three stone chambers, those stone chambers have pictures and characters, but this stone chamber only has characters.

Moreover, it is a bit reluctant to say that it is written. Song Qingshu boasts that he is also a person who is fluent in Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and French. If he knows that Yali, Anihasel, and Stupid Pig are also familiar, it is a pity that he still can't recognize it. Any word on this stone wall.

"Sure enough, it's tadpole writing." Song Qing's book thought that he was better than the silly boy Shi Potian, but he did not expect to become illiterate on this stone wall.

In desperation, Song Qingshu had to follow the stupid way in the original work and draw from the strokes of each word. The strokes of the handwriting seemed to have turned into tadpoles, wriggling on the wall, but if you stared at only one stroke, the tadpoles did not move.

Looking closely at the shape of the tadpoles, there are countless tadpoles jumping up or down, with different postures, which is very interesting.

"These tadpoles should be closely related to the inside." Song Qingshu now sees why Song Qingshu has waited so much, he can see the key at a glance.

He watched for a long time, and his inner breath jumped on the "Zhiyang Point" of the Doujue vest. When he looked at another tadpole, there was another jump on the "Xuanshu Point" of the vest, but from the "Zhiyang Point" to the "Xuanshu Point". One of the internal breaths can't be connected; when I turn to look at the third tadpole, there is no movement of the internal breath.

Song Qingshu couldn't help but feel overjoyed. You must know that these meridians in his body have been silent for a long time because of the Jinbo Xunhua. Now looking at these tadpoles, there are signs of loosening in the acupoints. Wouldn't it be unnecessary to connect all the internal breath routes in his body? With the help of milk, the skills can be restored.

Song Qingshu was energetic, looking at each of the tadpoles, and the corresponding acupoints on his body began to violently jump. There were thousands of small tadpoles painted on the wall. Sometimes, by chance, the internal auras of the two acupoints were connected together, and the whole body felt comfortable.

Song Qingshu was searching for suitable tadpoles on his own, trying to connect the internal auras in various acupuncture points, suddenly spit out a mouthful of faintly golden blood.

"Crap!" Song Qingshu's face suddenly became difficult to look. Maybe the various acupoints began to beat, stimulating the poison of Jinbo Xunhua in the body, and it exploded at this critical moment.

Song Qingshu hurriedly tried to suppress the toxicity temporarily, but now the zhenqi in his body was not connected together, but fighting in each acupuncture points, and was quickly forced to retreat by the ferocious toxicity.

"I can't go on like this!" Song Qingshu tried to stand up and walk outside, wanting to go back to Qi Fang to see if he could temporarily suppress the toxicity with her help. He fell on the futon again.

At this kind of crisis, Song Qingshu didn't care whether it would arouse suspicion. He was about to call out to Zhang San and Li Si outside the door. Who knew that his mouth was open, but there was no sound.

The familiar numbness of the whole body struck again, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. He did not expect to be extremely happy and sorrowful. If it were not for the covetous "Tai Xuan Jing" of Lao Shizi, Jin Bo Xunhua, who had been silent in his body, would not explode like this, nor would he Will be dying again.

"Do you want to die here silently?" Song Qingshu was a little lost, but when he thought of Zhou Zhiruo who was still waiting for his return, and many confidantes, he immediately regained his spirit, "No, you can't just give up like this."

But what can we do if we don't give up? Before, he had had enough of Jin Bo Xunhua's suffering. At that time, he also tried all the methods. If Xiaolongnu accidentally appeared with Tongxi Dilongwan, he would have been dead for a long time.

Now this stone room is a forbidden area on Xia Ke Island, no one will show up, no one can help him.

Now I can only rely on myself!

Song Qingshu bit his lip, trying to clear himself up. Perhaps it was the critical moment of life and death. His thoughts were a little faster than usual. The methods that could be tried before have been tried, so there is no need to waste time. Now the only hope is the "Tai Xuan Jing" on the stone wall.

He didn't dare to neglect, and regrouped his mind to observe the direction of each tadpole, but it didn't take long for him to get discouraged. There are countless tadpoles on the stone wall. How easy is it to string hundreds of acupuncture points all over the body into an internal breath?

In the original book, the two islands of Longmu have been subjectively studied for a lifetime and have not been comprehended. Later, when the stone broke the sky, he did not go astray. However, it took more than three months to integrate the acupuncture points in his whole body. Song Qingshu even experienced and cultivated. Because it is much taller than that dull boy, it may not take so much time, but with so many tadpoles, it is always necessary to straighten out all of them for ten days and a half, but where does Song Qingshu still have so much time now?

The more anxious the heart, the slower the progress. After several mistakes in a row, Song Qingshu finally gave up: "No matter, when I practice this Taixuan Sutra, there will be 80 times after I die without a hundred times." 8

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