Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1156: Bitter and willing

Putting aside the obsessions in his heart, Song Qingshu lay on the ground and recalled the various things of his rebirth. In fact, although the time is not long, it is more magnificent and exciting than his previous life. Unfortunately, the more exciting, the more regretful he is in his heart. Standing at the top of this world, suddenly the ship capsized in the gutter, especially those women who were deeply affectionate for him, thinking of their sadness after their death, Song Qing Shuxin

I accidentally looked at the stone wall, only to feel that the words on the wall seemed to be circling and dancing, and I couldn't help but feel dizzy. At first, Song Qingshu thought it was due to poison, but quickly realized that it was indeed the words that were moving. general.

Perhaps when he was dying, the blessings were so ordinary, Song Qingshu suddenly thought of a question, other people's travels are all mixed up, why is he so hard?

After thinking about it, he realized that other people often have golden fingers when they cross, but doesn't he have it?

As long as he reads or listens to the secrets of any martial arts, he can immediately understand it! Before, the gods were like this, Tasha Wuhen was like this, and the Five Sacred Sword was like this...

Why didn't it work this time?

Song Qingshu immediately realized that the most important factor was that he blindly followed the original book. In the original book, Shibatian learned the Taixuanjing through the method of tadpoles corresponding to the acupoints, so he subconsciously adopted the same method, but it is a method suitable for Shibatian. , May not be suitable for him.

In addition, I don't know the tadpole texts, so my subconsciousness denies myself and directly brings the perspective of the original work.

Maybe for other people, if they don't know these tadpoles, they really can't see the magic, but he is different, he has the talent that he can learn as long as he knows the secret!

Previous experience has proved that you can learn this martial arts by reading it or listening it once, so what about the secret? Although he doesn't know the tadpole text now, he can memorize the whole tadpole text by rote with his strong memory. Although I don't understand the meaning of each word, and I don't know the pronunciation of each word, it is not difficult to write down the shape of each word!

Although not sure whether this is useful or not, Song Qingshu's current situation is just like a dead horse.

Knowing that the hope is slim, Song Qingshu still does not give up the last possibility. Once he was born again, now his mentality is extraordinarily stronger than ordinary people; secondly, thinking that there are many confidantes waiting for him to return safely, he can't choose to give up.

The numbness caused by the poison of Jinbo Xunhua has gradually spread throughout the body. Song Qingshu knew that it should not be too late, and immediately eliminated all distracting thoughts, and concentrated all the words on the stone wall into his mind.

He is no longer entangled in the meaning of each tadpole text, nor is he entangled in each tadpole text which tadpole corresponds to the acupuncture point luck direction, purely memorizing the shape of each word, purely memorizing it by rote.

Originally, this dense tadpole writing on a large wall was replaced by an ordinary person, even if he wanted to memorize it by rote, he couldn’t memorize it. But because of the twin souls, coupled with the profound cultivation base, the whole brain’s reflexes and memory are all required by Song Qingshu. Far more than normal people, not to mention that now his life is hanging by a thread, he is even more bursting in the small universe, and he only feels that his mind is unprecedentedly clear.

After reading the last word, Song Qingshu quickly closed his eyes, and silently wrote the entire article from beginning to end. When the silent writing was completed, his mind suddenly turned into a golden figure, which was quickly and slowly displayed in front of him.

"How does it feel like a holographic projection in a science fiction movie?" Song Qingshu was lost for a moment, but immediately watched it intently.

After seeing the person's personal demonstration, Song Qingshu is like a divine initiation: "So that's the way it is!"

In the previous twenty-three stone chambers, although he had consciously comprehended about it, he still couldn't figure out some key points, so what he actually learned was too far from the power he deduced from the stone chamber records, so he always knew for sure. There is something I didn't realize by myself.

It is only now that he understands that the palm technique of "Five Sacred Mountains is Light" is used in this way. The sword technique of "Ten Steps to Kill One" is here again. The light skill of "Silver Saddle Illuminates White Horse" needs to meet those conditions. Can perform the most powerful...

The golden villain in his mind successively unfolded the martial arts recorded in the twenty-three stone chambers. In the end, his swordsmanship, palm skills, internal skills, and light skills were all integrated into one, and they could no longer distinguish between the palm and the sword. .

After the golden villain used all the martial arts once, he suddenly did it cross-legged, and then the points of the various acupoints all over his body began to flash, indicating the path of the true energy in the body at this moment.

Song Qingshu looked more and more surprised: "It's really incredible. In the end, this Zhen Qi operation route is obviously contrary to the previous martial arts. It can be said that it is a breath reversal. It turns out that this can be a great success..."

I don’t know how long it took, Song Qingshu suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to the side of the stone wall and pointed at it. A stream of pure golden blood was taken into the wall like a sharp sword. Only a small round hole was left on the wall, unless it was deep. Digging in, it will never reveal that there is still a thick and extremely poisonous blood hidden inside.

"This Taixuan Sutra really is amazing!" Song Qingshu was surprised and delighted. For thousands of years, through the study of countless talented and talented people in the rivers and lakes, the strange meridians and eight channels in the body of the martial artist, various acupoints, have long become The consensus is general. However, this Taixuan Jing takes a different approach. Most of the acupuncture points are unprecedented. Although there are many acupuncture points that overlap with common sense points, their functions are quite different from those in common sense.

In other words, Tai Xuan Jing is equivalent to re-creating a brand new meridian in the human body. It is also very reluctant to say that it is meridian. After all, based on Song Qingshu's cultivation base, it is clear that there is nothing special about those parts in the past. The method of luck in the Profound Scriptures, but there can form a cyclone like acupuncture points.

Do these Taixuan meridian points exist or not?

Song Qingshu was also a little at a loss, saying that they existed, it proved that the people in the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, including Song Qingshu, who had cultivated to such a high level before, were all fools; to say that they did not exist, use the Taixuan Sutra. The unique method of luck, but you can clearly feel them.

"Follow it, as long as it can be used!" Song Qingshu has always been an optimist, and the problems that I can't figure out are no longer tangled. What's more, he just used the new meridians created by the Taixuan Jing to force the poison of Jinbo Xunhua in the body out of the body with the new meridians.

Now he has not only recovered his peak strength, but also learned the real Taixuan Sutra!

Song Qingshu didn’t understand until now that Shi Potian in the original work was illiterate. He learned the Taixuan Sutra by chance and coincidence by looking at pictures. It can only be regarded as an opportunism and learned some fur. The real Taixuan Sutra is far better than Shibatian. Learning is much more magical.

"I really want to go out and pretend to be forced at this time." Song Qingshu suddenly had a tumultuous impulse in his heart. 8

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