Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1179: Tranquility before the storm

Song Qingshu was startled: What's the situation?

Looking closely, Li Yuanzhi's eyes were blurred, and he was obviously in a state of loss of consciousness.

Song Qingshu was suspicious of Congsheng. Wasn't Li Yuanzhi sent by his father to marry the Southern Song Dynasty? How could he appear here? But he quickly realized that Li Yuanzhi should have arrived in Lin'an long ago, and she was originally sent by Li Kexiu to compete for the queen, so it is not surprising that she appeared in the palace.

But the strange thing is why she appeared here and now? Didn’t Jia Fei announce that she was in the palace?

Song Qingshu's thoughts were fast in his mind, and he assumed countless possibilities, but he denied each one.

He was stunned at this moment. Li Yuanzhi had already torn off the imperial attire on his body, and only the close-fitting clothes were left on him. Song Qingshu hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her hand to check her pulse. She couldn't help but frown, and her breath was scattered. , Obviously what kind of medicine.

Song Qingshu hadn’t seen those palace fights in his previous life. Although he knew that there was no war in the harem, it was a TV drama after all. Although he had a lot of confidantes after he came to this world, it was because of his own strength that the harem also Nothing has happened, and now this is the first time he has personally experienced the horror of Gongdou.

Although I don’t know the ins and outs, Song Qingshu can roughly guess that Li Yuanzhi’s current situation must be caused by the harassment of the harem. Her father is the most popular figure in the Southern Song Dynasty. There is also the assistance of the imperial palace Wan Hao. She is an ugly monster, and she can't be underestimated. What's more, she was born beautifully and sweetly. Many people in the DPRK regarded her as the most likely candidate for the new queen.

"Who is aiming at her?" Given the relationship between the two of them in the past, Song Qingshu could not sit idly by, not to mention that Li Yuanzhi had just made such a big sacrifice to save him not long ago.

He thought about it, the most likely behind the scenes was Fei Jia. After all, before Li Yuanzhi came, she was the most likely candidate to take over as the queen. As soon as Li Yuanzhi came, Jia Fei was the most impacted, and she would act no matter how reasonable she was. but.

But Song Qingshu couldn't figure out who Jia Fei didn't choose, and why she chose her nephew to complete this conspiracy. After that, she couldn't escape the relationship...

While Song Qingshu was puzzled, Li Yuanzhi felt the masculine aura of the man next to him, and he couldn't help but wrap it up. There seemed to be a strange brilliance flowing in his eyes, and he murmured, "Big Brother Song~"

Song Qingshu was shocked, and she changed her face so that she could recognize it? But he soon realized that he was worrying too much. Li Yuanzhi was already unconscious at the moment, and he was just muttering meaninglessly.

I thought that Li Yuanzhi’s favorite was Yu Yutong, but at this juncture she actually called her own name. Song Qingshu was deeply moved, and subconsciously responded with her original voice: "Sister Yuanzhi~"

"Big Brother Song, you are really fine, it is really great." Li Yuanzhi's eyes were covered with a trace of water vapor, obviously the whole person was not sober, just subconsciously answering, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know my father would be like that. Do it." With a cry in her voice, she hugged Song Qingshu tightly.

Song Qingshu tried several times, but couldn't get rid of it. Worried that she would hurt her too much, she was held by her, and she reached out and patted her powder back to comfort her: "I know it's none of your business..."

Li Yuanzhi suddenly raised his head, her moist eyes staring at him closely: "Big Brother Song, can you take it for my sake, forgive my dad?"

Song Qingshu frowned slightly, and did not immediately answer her. You must know that Li Kexiu did a great job this time. If he forgives everything, how will he convince the public in the future? The more serious ones will cause his enemies to try their best to deal with him in the future, knowing that even if they fail in the end, they will be forgiven.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was a chaos, and the world's heroes came together. In the later period, the most powerful force in the west was Li Tang, and the most powerful force in the east was Dou Jiande. At that time, every time Dou Jiande captured Li Tang's generals, if the other party swears to die, Dou Jiande would praise his subordinates, and finally release the other party back.

This action won Dou Jiande a huge reputation, so that after his death, many people still miss him. However, Song Qingshu sneered at Dou Jiande’s behavior. After Dou Jiande thought that he was so magnanimous, Li Tang’s generals should feel his sincerity and rush to serve him; but in reality, because of his excessive magnanimity, Li Tang’s generals would Against him, he would last until he was the last soldier. General Li Tang thought that he wouldn’t have to worry about his life in the end anyway. He might as well resist desperately. First, he would be loyal to Li Tang, and second, he would get Dou Jiande’s worth. Appreciate.

Contrary to Dou Jiande, the Mongolian and Qing dynasties were extremely brutal when they swept the world in history. As long as one person dared to resist, after the city was broken, they would massacre everyone in the city. As a result, most of the cities fell on the lookout.

Generosity in exchange for defeat and death, brutality, but easy to get everything, history is so ironic.

Song Qingshu naturally did not want to be Dou Jiande, so facing Li Yuanzhi's pleading, he was silent.

Seeing that he refused to respond, Li Yuanzhi suddenly cried: "Big Brother Song, I know that my father is sorry for you..."

Song Qingshu sighed and was about to comfort her, who knew Li Yuanzhi suddenly said: "I will compensate you for my father." As soon as the voice fell, her sweet lips were printed.

Feeling her youthful and clumsy movements, Song Qingshu was angry and funny, gently pushed her away, and said softly: "You are you, your father is your father, I can tell, your father's actions will not affect your presence. The image in my heart..."

"But I can't tell!" Li Yuanzhi suddenly yelled, then bit his lip and stared at him in a daze, "but he is my father after all!"

Song Qingshu was silent.

Seeing that he was indifferent, Li Yuanzhi seemed to have lost his strength. She lay in his arms and started crying, crying very sadly.

Feeling her shrugging and trembling shoulders, Song Qingshu could only pat her back gently, trying to ease her emotions.

After crying for a long time, I heard Li Yuanzhi suddenly say: "Big Brother Song, can you promise me one thing?"

"This..." Song Qingshu looked embarrassed.

Li Yuanzhi smiled bitterly: "Don't worry, I won't ask you to forgive my father."

"Well then, I promise you." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, with her previous life-saving grace in Yangzhou, promised any conditions should be.

Li Yuanzhi raised his head, an abnormal blush appeared on his face. He didn't know if it was because of the effect of the medicine or because of his shyness: "Take me."

"Huh?" Song Qing's book thought it was something difficult to do. After hearing her words clearly, he didn't react for a while.

Li Yuanzhi sat up straight, did not open her mouth, but used gestures instead of speaking. She stretched her hand to the side and unbuckled the buckle of her clothes...

"What are you doing? Put on your clothes." Song Qingshu turned his face instantly. It wasn't that he was really sitting still, but that Li Yuanzhi was obviously unconscious now. How could he take advantage of the danger?

Song Qingshu picked up the clothes she took off and wanted to pull it up again. Who knew that the other party took his hand and pressed it directly on his chest: "Big Brother Song, I don't want to marry the Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, but I can't help myself. What you do is give your body to the one you like first."

Trying not to feel the softness from the palm of his hand, Song Qingshu said solemnly: "Don't you like Yu Yutong?"

"I liked him before, but I don't like him anymore." Li Yuanzhi really dared to love and hate, even when he was confused, there was no hint of coy.

Song Qingshu's heart was shaken, and he subconsciously asked, "Then who do you like now?"

Li Yuanzhi did not answer immediately, but slightly lowered her head with her lips, gestured for a hand on her chest, and said shyly, "Isn't this obvious?" After finishing speaking, a fiery body was posted.

Song Qingshu banged in his head, and couldn't help but kissed back. At that moment, he was tangled in his mind. Now, what should be done? The people hiding in the dark wanted to cause Li Yuanzhi to give a stranger to a strange man, but in fact because of his disability, Li Yuanzhi confessed to the wrong person on the surface, but actually did not admit the wrong person...

In fact, it is not that he has no other way to solve the emotional poison in Li Yuanzhi's body, but after thinking twice, he still chose the most direct and effective method.

On the surface, it seems that Li Yuanzhi is missing. Later, she will fall into a crisis, but in the long run, this will protect her instead. Although Li Yuanzhi is eccentric, but after all he is too young, who is the opponent of those deep palace women who have experienced many battles? Things like this today are the best proof. Song Qingshu can save her once, but how can it be so coincidental that Li Yuanzhi can appear in time every time he is in danger? Rather than guard against thieves for a thousand days, it is better to let the thieves not to worry about it. Once Li Yuanzhi is no longer a virgin body, the women in the Southern Song Palace can no longer treat her as an enemy, she is safer instead.

Li Yuanzhi has a heavily armed father as his backer. Even if such a thing is born, Zhao Gou will not do anything to her after weighing the pros and cons. He will probably suppress the whole matter. Of course, the marriage will be naturally stopped, and no man wants to head. Wearing a green hat, not to mention that he is still the emperor.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for all this, that is, Li Yuanzhi himself is willing, if it hadn't heard her true feelings just now, Song Qingshu would never make such a decision for her.

The young and energetic girl in her arms kept twisting, Song Qingshu soon couldn't think rationally, but the next thing didn't need any reason, just follow the man's instinct.

He gently hugged Li Yuanzhi and walked towards the Fengtao, only to feel that the bones of the girl in her arms seemed to be melted, and Song Qingshu's breath became thicker.

The decorative patterns on the bed are extremely elegant, and it can be seen that the status of its owner is extraordinary. Song Qingshu knew that Li Yuanzhi had just entered the palace, and it was impossible to receive such a grand treatment. This bed should be owned by a very favored concubine in the harem, but this At the juncture, Song Qingshu didn't have the mind to care who the original owner was, and fell down with the girl in his arms, and the moment he fell, he even put down the curtain.

It didn't take long for the swaying sound of the phoenix couch and the tender hum of the girl to form a beautiful melody. There was no one in the entire garden, which further brought out the turning of Xian Le Wan from the room.

But the abnormal tranquility outside seemed to signal the coming storm...8

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