Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1180: Waking up girl

Li Yuanzhi only felt that she had had a long, long dream. Some extremely shameful things had happened in the dream. She wanted to wake up, but she had an unprecedented feeling of greed. Tianlai Novel www.2

That feeling became more and more real, not like a dream at all. Li Yuanzhi suddenly realized that there was a person on him. This shock was not trivial, and he kicked that person quickly.

Although she was an official lady, she didn't love the female celebrity since she was a child, but yearned for the rivers and lakes. In addition, there happened to be an incognito senior expert in the house. By chance, she practiced a good martial arts.

She was on the verge of shock and fear, and this kick was ruthless and cruel, and when things happened suddenly, it was even more difficult to prevent.

However, the opponent was not kicked into the air as expected. Instead, he raised his hand with a relaxed expression. It was obvious that Li Yuanzhi's movements were horribly slow in Li Yuanzhi's eyes, but he came first and caught her round ankle.

Song Qingshu laughed and said: "Women are really fickle. She was gentle and obedient to death just now, but now she turns her face and refuses to recognize people."

It's a pity that he now wears Jia Baoyu's mask, and his smile falls in Li Yuanzhi's eyes, which is extremely trivial: "Shameless!"

Li Yuanzhi didn't know why such a thing happened, but years of experience in the rivers and lakes told her that this person must have used some despicable means to defile her.

Thinking that his innocent body, which he had kept for more than ten years, was taken away by a strange man in such an unknown way, Li Yuanzhi couldn't help feeling sad, and wished to smash the man before him.

She tried to pull her foot back, but it was a pity that she didn't move, and she felt as if she was bound by an iron hoop. Li Yuanzhi quickly realized how embarrassing this posture was, and said with shame and anger: "Let go!"

Seeing her face flushed, and her long and charming eyes were full of anger, Song Qingshu showed love and pity, but couldn't help but want to tease her one or two: "If you promise not to kick me again later, I'll let it go."

Li Yuanzhi has always been a stranger, even if she has such a thing, she still does not look for life like an ordinary woman, but suppresses the anger in her heart, and said sweetly: "Okay~"

Her smile seems to be light, no man can resist the sweet smile of a girl, even Song Qingshu's current Taoism has been lost for a moment, and her hands are not as tight as they were just pinched.

Li Yuanzhi had been waiting for this moment long ago, then she retracted her feet in an instant, picked up the golden hairpin by the bed, and pierced the opponent's chest with Wudang Furong golden needles. The sweet smile on her face had long since disappeared and replaced it. It was frosty.

Song Qingshu was taken aback, not because the other party's shot was fierce, but because he felt a little distressed. It seemed that he had been joking a bit.

With a flick of a few fingers, Li Yuanzhi suddenly felt his wrist numb, and could no longer hold the golden hairpin. Song Qingshu saw that she still did not give up, so he hugged her in his arms: "Sorry to scare you, sister Yuanzhi, yes I."

Li Yuanzhi was originally held in his arms, and the thought of death was raised. When he heard what he said, the whole person was suddenly stunned: "This voice... but how is it possible..."

Realizing that she was a little confused, Song Qingshu gently pushed her in front of him, and then took the mask off.

"Brother Qingshu?" Li Yuanzhi shuddered and couldn't help pinching his cheek with his hand. After confirming that it was not someone who was disgusting, he said with a trembling, "Really it is you?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and said, "It's really me."

Li Yuanzhi said in surprise: "How did you escape from birth? I thought... I thought you..."

"The whole thing is a long story, but it's all based on the fact that you saved me in Yangzhou. Without you, I would have hated Jiuquan." Song Qingshu said with emotion.

Li Yuanzhi was also embarrassed when she thought of saying that she was pregnant with his child in front of so many people, but she quickly remembered something and stared at him with her mouth open: "Then you are here to repay me?"

Rao is because Song Qingshu's face is thick enough, and it is also embarrassing at this time. I don't know how to explain the whole thing. Could it be that I saw her in a poisonous body, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice his innocence to save her?

Song Qingshu felt that if Li Yuanzhi heard such remarks, he would definitely slap it.

When he was struggling, it was Li Yuanzhi who spoke first: "Forget it, you are better than other men. I was really terrified just now." After speaking, he patted his chest and looked shocked.

Song Qingshu was startled, she was too open-minded: "Aren't you... angry?"

Li Yuanzhi snorted: "If it were other men, I would want to kill each other, but you..." She raised her head and said sweetly, "I'm not angry."

Song Qingshu's heart was like a heavy hammer, and a feeling of tenderness immediately filled her, and she hugged her tightly.

Feeling the masculine aura of the man, Li Yuanzhi felt a trace of shame in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he stretched out his hands and put his arms around his back: "Brother Qingshu, if it weren't for this, how could I be in front of everyone when I was in Yangzhou? The face said that."

Song Qingshu was moved in her heart and said in her ear: "Sister Yuanzhi, I also like you very much, but I have always thought that your sweetheart is Yu..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yuanzhi sat up straight, pressed his slender jade fingers on his lips, and his big eyes flickered, filled with a sly smile: "Have you never heard a word? It's fickle."

With her arms around her smooth and delicate body like suet, Song Qingshu's heart swayed, and he let out a sigh of relief in her ear: "But you are not a girl anymore."

The girl's body is extremely sensitive, and Li Yuanzhi has always been ticklish, and chuckled while leaning her head to dodge: "Brother Qingshu, you are really good or bad~"

The two of them played around for a while, unknowingly their bodies entangled, and the room gradually fell into an ambiguous tranquility.

Li Yuanzhi looked at the man close at hand tightly, his eyelashes trembling lightly: "Brother Qingshu, who was just stupefied just now...I want to feel you again when I am awake."

The girl’s love words seemed to be cooking oil, Song Qingshu could not bear it, and kissed it hard...

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Yuanzhiyun lying scattered in Song Qingshu's arms, muttering in his mouth: "If I could stay by your side all the time..."

Although her voice is soft, Song Qingshu's cultivation level is so clear that she can hear every word clearly, and she can also hear the melancholy and helplessness in her tone, and she can't help but move in her heart: "Are you worried about the imperial concubine?"

At this moment, Song Qingshu suddenly realized that although Li Yuanzhi has always been strange and strange, unlike an ordinary boudoir lady, he is too bold today. He originally thought that he would eventually become the concubine of the Southern Song Emperor, so that he would not leave regrets in this life.

Li Yuanzhi was stunned, but she didn't expect her lover to guess her mind with just one sentence. When moved, she shook her head: "No, it's good to be an imperial concubine, what's the worry."

After all, the person she is about to marry is the prince of a country. In this era, imperial power is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although Song Qingshu's martial arts is powerful, but after all, it is not as good as Zhao Gou's possession of the world. If it is for his own sake, how can he be in danger? Peace of mind.

Song Qingshu is now about to cultivate into the old black mountain demon, the other side is careful about how he can't break it, and suddenly he is angry and funny: "Don't worry, how can I let my woman be someone else's concubine."

"You want to take me to elope?" Li Yuanzhi said with a look of excitement. After all, she is still the quirky girl in her bones. Song Qingshu's words instantly ignited the adventure factor in her heart. If the lover is not afraid, she will wander with him What about Tianya.

"Elopement?" Song Qingshu almost didn't get choked to death. "That kind of untechnical recklessness is not my style of acting."

"What else can I do if I don't elope?" Li Yuanzhi asked strangely.

Song Qingshu did not answer directly, but instead asked: "You seemed to have been drugged before. Do you know who is going to harm you?"

Li Yuanzhi shook his head: "I don't know what I gave birth to. Today I was summoned by Fei Jia to talk for a while. When I came back, I felt a little dizzy in my head. Later I didn't know anything... ... Now that you are on me, I almost didn't scare to death... "Even if things are over, the thought of opening your eyes is a strange man invading your body, that feeling is really creepy.

Song Qingshu chuckled twice, comforted her for a while, and then asked: "Really is Concubine Jia?" It doesn't make sense. If Concubine Jia is behind the scenes, why would she pull her nephew in?

Li Yuanzhi said strangely: "I haven't seen her once or twice, so how come I admit it?"

Song Qingshu frowned, wondering if it was really the jealousy of the female that caused Jia Fei to do some extreme things. However, he quickly rejected this speculation that Fei Jia is not the daughter of Xiaomen Xiaohu. The education she received from a young age made her never do such irrational things. There must be other people hiding behind. The purpose is to deal with the Jia family, and Li Yuanzhi is just an incidental victim!

After Song Qingshu's influence in various palace fighting dramas in later generations, coupled with his experience in the Qing and Jin imperial palaces, he had a very clear understanding of the tricks of ghosts hidden behind the court and the public, and quickly clarified the context of the whole matter.

At this moment, noisy footsteps came from outside the palace, as if a large group of court ladies and eunuchs were coming here, Song Qingshu's heart moved: the person who catches the **** has finally arrived.

These people came later than he expected. Song Qingshu looked at Li Yuanzhi: "Sister Yuanzhi, do you believe me?"

Li Yuanzhi bit her moist lips and snorted: "If I don't believe in you, how can I let you... let you be such a scourge."

"Okay," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and quickly said in her ear, "You will be so so on then..."

After listening to it, Li Yuanzhi's face became extremely weird: "Is this really OK?"

"Don't worry, as long as you do what I said, you will be safe and sound in this storm. You don't have to worry about marrying the emperor anymore. When I arrange everything, I will take you away..." People had already arrived at the door, Song Qingshu quickly asked her a few words, then pulled off the clothes on the side and jumped out of the window.

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