Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1187: Atonement

Jia Sidao sighed and waved to Chen Jian again: "You have injuries on your body, so go down and take care of it. Come, send him back."

Chen Jian was already on the verge of instability at this time. He was struggling to support him with only perseverance. Hearing his words was like an amnesty. When he was helped out, he turned his head back and grateful: "Thank you, sir."

Jia Sidao nodded, and after the next person closed the door, he said to Song Qingshu: "Your aunt has now been beaten into the cold palace because of you."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu pretended to be surprised, but it was almost as he expected.

"Ahhhhhhhh, if it were not for you to be my only son, I would really like to slap you to death." Jia Sidao would never be so gloomy on weekdays, it is indeed today's affairs that made him feel bad.

"This is already the best result. If she were to be an ordinary concubine, the emperor would have given her a white silk." After a few swearing, Jia Sidao's mood gradually calmed down, staring at Song Qingshu, "As for you... …"

"What's the matter with me?" Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and the other party's expression was solemn, could things go beyond expectations?

"I used all my relationships to keep you, but the fact that you committed this time is a bit big," Jia Sidao wanted to scold him as he said, but then I thought that someone was behind the scenes. I really can’t blame him. Continue to say, "In addition, Wan Hao and Han Hao are fanning the flames in front of the emperor. The emperor has committed murder several times. I have tried my best to save your life, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is inevitable. The court decided to send you and Princess Na Shaomin back to Mongolia to explain to the Mongolian Great Khan the previous breach of contract and calm their anger."

Song Qingshu was startled: "It's just a messenger, it doesn't seem to be a big deal."

"You know what a fart!" Jia Si cursed, "On the surface, you are acting as a messenger, but in fact you are going to be a hostage. Although Mongolia has focused on the West Expedition in the past two years, sooner or later it will turn its soldiers to the south. Mongolia and the Song Dynasty go to war, you will be the first person to be used to sacrifice the flag!"

Listening to Jia Sidao describe how greedy and brutal the Mongols are, how despicable and shameless, Song Qingshu gradually realized that it is a matter of life and death to dare to go to Mongolia. It's much better to cut the boss right away, so Jia Sidao can only accept it.

Seeing Song Qing's expressionless writing, Jia Sidao only thought he was frightened, and couldn't help but change his conversation: "But you don't have to be too scared. I will naturally not just sit back and watch what happens to you. Don't worry, I will arrange it freely when the time comes."

Song Qingshu's heart moved and couldn't help but tentatively asked, "I don't know what the arrangement is?" If he knew his plan in advance, he would be able to make corresponding countermeasures.

Who knows that Jia Sidao gave him an angry look: "Huh, you, a guy who didn't succeed and failed, told you that it was a twists and turns. It's good to know that there is such a thing, and you don't need to ask more about the rest."

"Oh." After all, according to Song Qingshu's investigation, Jia Baoyu was like a mouse and a cat in front of Jia Sidao.

"You go back and let Xiren help you clean up your things. Tomorrow, I will go with the people from the Mongolian mission." Jia Sidao rubbed his temples. "When the time comes, go and say goodbye to your mother. As for the old lady, don't go there. , Her elderly is very old, so she won’t be frightened."

"Leave tomorrow?" Song Qingshu was actually happy in his heart, wishing to leave overnight, but reason still told him that it was too hasty.

"As the saying goes, there are many dreams in the night. If the time is too long, the ghost knows that Wan Hao Han and Han Dong will come up with some poisonous tricks. If the emperor changes his mind, you will not be able to leave." Jia Sidao coldly snorted. In fact, the emperor really He had a murderous heart, and he also had a way to send Jia Baoyu out of the city, but that would be too straightforward to scan the royal face, and then Jia's life would be difficult. Now that he is allowed to leave as an envoy to Mongolia, the faces of all parties are better.

After all, to be a hostage in Mongolia can also be said to be loyal to the imperial court at the risk of his life, enough to block the lingering mouth of the Manchu civil and military.

In addition, Zhao Min has received the news in the post house where the Mongolian mission is located. He can’t help but angrily said: “What, these Tianben princesses tried all kinds of ways to pressure, and the Southern Song Dynasty court wanted to beat me with a second generation ancestor? Is Minmin Temur so foolish!"

The second elder Xuan Ming persuaded: "The princess, after all, this time you sneaked over, not by the will of a profuse sweat. You should just accept it when things are not revealed."

With a crackling sound, Zhao Min slammed the teacup in his hand to the ground: "This princess does not need you two to teach things. In short, I will not leave Lin'an until I find out the whereabouts of Song Qingshu."

The two elders Xuan Ming asked for a boring look, and quietly called out a look. The two senior brothers had been in the same mind for decades:

"Brother, they all say that women are fickle, but she has become too exaggerated. Before, she almost broke ties with her family for Zhang Wuji, but now she is all focused on the kid surnamed Song."

"Isn't it? It's said that women's hearts are needles in the sea. We men don't understand what their women are thinking. Fortunately, I am smart. I only like women's bodies in my life and have no interest in their hearts."

"Brother wise, brother, I only like food and wine..."

When the two elders Xuan Ming were making eye contact, there was a burst of laughter outside the door: "Who made our princess lady angry?"

Zhao Min looked up, and couldn't help being stunned: "Vajra Sect Master, why are you here?" Regardless of whether it is martial arts or seniority, the King Kong Sect Master is surprisingly high, so her tone is not as casual as it was to Xuan Ming's second elder.

The King Kong sect master sighed: "The prince is sick."

Zhao Min was startled: "Is very sick?" She actually already had the answer in her mind. If it was an ordinary minor illness, how could she send someone to notify herself.

"Well," the King Kong sect master nodded, "The prince wants to see the princess."

Zhao Min's eye circles turned red in an instant. He gritted his teeth and resisted the tears falling in front of his subordinates. He calmed down a bit and said immediately: "Immediately pack up and salute, let's go now!"

"Now?" He Bi Weng looked out the window in surprise, "It's getting late now, and the city gate is closed. It might not be convenient to get out of the city."

Zhao Min said coldly: "What's the inconvenience, it's a big deal to get out of the city wall."

"It would be no good if the guards of the city gate were disturbed," Lu Zhangke also persuaded, "It's not long before dawn, and the Southern Song Dynasty had to send protons tomorrow. It would be more convenient to leave the city together tomorrow."

At this time, Zhao Min had gradually calmed down from his impulse, and he also understood the truth that desire is not fulfilled. If the night rushing to the city gate alarmed the Southern Song garrison, it would be even more time lag.

"Okay, come here!" Zhao Min arranged to hand over the hostage transfer procedures with the relevant officials of the Southern Song Dynasty, even if the other party was sleeping, he had to call out; at the same time, he arranged for someone to wait at the gate of the palace and enter the palace to meet Zhao Gou at dawn; Then sent someone to notify Jia's house in advance; even arranged for his subordinates to stay in Lin'an to investigate the news of Song Qingshu...

The whole process was arranged in an orderly manner, and the master of the King Kong gate and the two elders Xuan Ming looked admired.

At the dawn of the next day, Song Qingshu called out the attacker, and was shocked to hear that the Mongolian mission was already waiting outside the house: "So fast?"

"In the middle of the night, a Mongolian came to inform, but I saw that the son was sleeping soundly, so I didn't have the heart to call the son." Xiren replied with red eyes, apparently knowing that Jia Baoyu will be hostage in Mobei, she was sad all night.

Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted her a few words, and then remembered that after dealing with the people in Jia Mansion last night, a group of people cried and cried, and finally managed to get out, and then sneaked out to inform Zhou Zhiruo and the others. Only then did they return to the room and toss him all the way. Exhausted, fell asleep after returning.

After serving him and getting dressed, Xiren stared at him with watery eyes: "My son, Xiren will always wait for you to come back."

Seeing her eagerly tearful, Song Qingshu sighed inwardly. Although she was a little bit more scheming in the Dream of Red Mansions, she felt affectionate for Jia Baoyu. It was a pity that she did not know that the real Jia Baoyu would never come back.

Hearing that the wives and young ladies of Jia Mansion were coming to see them off, Song Qingshu was a big head and didn't wait for them, so he slipped out lightly.

After leaving the mansion gate, Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned. A group of Mongolians were waiting at the gate of the mansion riding tall horses. The most eye-catching thing was the girl with a bright rose, who was not Zhao Min!

I thought that the Mongolian mission would send someone to pick him up, but I didn't know that it was Zhao Min who came in person.

In the past, Song Qingshu saw more of Zhao Min's charming side. Now she is dressed in Mongolian outfit, and her boots look straight and slender, which perfectly shows the other side of heroism and bravery.

But what made Song Qingshu even more concerned was that Zhao Min's star eyes turned slightly red like the attacker just now, as if he had been crying all night.

"I don't know why she is so sad?" Song Qingshu's heart suddenly moved, "Is it because of me?" Thinking of the beauty, the corners of her lips couldn't help but smile.

Zhao Min was already in a irritable mood. When he saw him standing there and just smirking, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, and said angrily: "Why are you still so stupid and stupefied? Get on the horse soon!"

Zhao Min had heard about the virtues of Jia Baoyu on weekdays, not to mention the fact that the imperial birth last night could not be hidden from insiders. As a woman, Zhao Min is also a woman, so of course it is impossible to have a good face to him.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and didn't care. He was about to pass, but Jia Sidao's voice came from behind him: "Baoyu, wait a minute."

A group of guards walked out surrounded by Jia Sidao. Instead of looking at Song Qingshu, he walked up to Zhao Min first and said, "The dog is stubborn, so please ask the princess to take care of him along the way."

Zhao Min replied indifferently: "He is a big man, and he naturally knows how to take care of himself." The whole person sat proudly on horseback and looked at him condescendingly, without any intention of dismounting in return.

There was a dark anger flashing in Jia Sidao's eyes. With his current status, let alone general ministers, even politicians such as Wan Chengmao, Han Chengzhu, and even Emperor Zhao Gou would not be so rude, but Who made the Southern Song Dynasty weak? The Liao and Jin envoys have been so arrogant for hundreds of years. Although he was angry in his heart, he could only endure it.

He touched a soft nail at Zhao Min's place, and Jia Sidao didn't bother to be boring with him, so he pulled Song Qingshu aside and said, "Don't run into her these few days, lest you suffer hardships. Well, I have arranged everything." 8

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