Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1188: The glamorous proprietress of the deserted mountains

Song Qingshu was startled, not knowing what arrangements Jia Sidao had made, a faint worry arose in her heart, and she also arranged Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang to rob people. If there was a conflict with Jia Sidao’s arrangements, then it would be troublesome. . Tianlai Novel www.2

"Alright? We are ready to go out." Zhao Min said impatiently not far away. She has always admired heroes and heroes, and has no affection for Jia Baoyu, who is full of fat and powder. What's more, now she is eager to go back to see her father. Seeing his mother-in-law there, he naturally didn't look good.

Jia Sidao frowned slightly, and said to him reluctantly: "You go first, be careful along the way." Originally, Mrs. Wang planned to provide Jia Baoyu with a maid to serve along the way, but the Mongolian side directly refused, Jia I was thinking about my own plan, and it was troublesome for two more people, so I didn't insist on it.

Song Qingshu nodded, and when he came to a Mongolian tall horse, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed: I don't know if the kid Jia Baoyu can ride a horse or how he can ride. Now Jia Sidao is staring behind him, and if he gets caught, he will fall short.

"What are you doing in a daze, get on the horse!" Zhao Min urged impatiently there again, and Song Qingshu was itchy with hatred, this little girl, do you know that you might have ruined your husband's big business.

Maybe it was Zhao Min's urging that gave him a lot of brains. He immediately thought that if Jia Baoyu can't ride a horse, Jia Sidao must have come out to intercede at this time. Since he hasn't spoken until now, he obviously can ride. However, Jia Baoyu mingled with women all the time, even if he could ride a horse, he would certainly be limited.

With a plan in mind, Song Qingshu pretended to be clumsy and jerky and climbed onto the steed, which made Zhao Min contempt again.

"Drive!" Zhao Min didn't bother to look at him again, his slender legs clamped his horse belly, and the lead galloped away. The rest of the Mongols also came and went like wind. Song Qingshu gave a wry smile and had to bite the bullet and follow.

The group of Mongols obviously intended to make this Southern Song noble son suffer a bit. They all rode fast, as if waiting for him to fall from his horse to the ground. Unexpectedly, Song Qingshu had been swaying right and left at once, and watched as he was about to fall off his horse several times. Come, who knows that the waist has stabilized the figure, they can't help being disappointed.

Because the handover has already been completed with the Southern Song Dynasty officials, the road for a group of people to leave the city can be described as the green light all the way, saving a lot of complicated procedures, and it didn't take long to leave the city of Lin'an.

When he was in the city, Song Qingshu was worried that Jia Sidao’s eyes and ears would see the flaws, so he performed poorly in riding. After leaving the city, he didn’t have so much scruples. There is no need to hide anything.

Seeing Song Qingshu gradually followed up, it seemed that there was no embarrassment at all. The people in the Mongolian delegation looked at him, and even Zhao Min turned his head and took a deep look at him. How did they know that Song Qingshu was a figure who had been on the battlefield after all, and riding horses was a commonplace for him.

"This is just like a man." Zhao Min murmured, speeding up again. Now she is back home, no longer choosing a comfortable carriage or a big boat, but using the fastest and hardest horse riding.

The group of people rushed like this. When they were tired, they drank and ate dry food on their horses. When the horses were exhausted, they changed to the horses they were carrying. They had already left Lin'an for a hundred miles in half a day.

Song Qingshu was stunned, no wonder the Mongol army came and went like wind, which is evident from this. However, the Central Plains dynasty wanted to learn but couldn’t learn it. Mongolian soldiers were all born knights. They grew up on horsebacks. In addition, each knight was equipped with three horses at the same time. They would change horses at intervals to ensure that they were always abundant In terms of physical strength, how could the Central Plains Dynasty have so many war horse reserves.

At the same time, Song Qingshu was also very worried. Although Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang both left early, but the Mongolian group was so fast, I don't know if they have arranged them well.

Seeing a tea house on the side of the road from a distance, Song Qingshu was overjoyed, pulled the reins, and deliberately called out: "Stop and have some tea, I really can't hold on anymore."

Zhao Min frowned, and the King Kong sect master beside him said: "Princess, we have been on our way for a long time, so it's time to take a break."

"The sect master doesn't seem to be very worried about my father's condition." Zhao Min said thoughtfully.

The King Kong master's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "How can I learn from King Ruyang's loyalty, but after driving so long, everyone is tired, and it won't take much time to eat."

At the same time, he secretly cried out. Although his martial arts is high, but he is also old, this kind of toss is really a bit uncomfortable. Thinking that this trip to Mobei is more than thousands of miles, he regrets it, knowing that he should push this errand, and the old miscellaneous hair must be damaged. I had expected this situation a long time ago, so I urged me to come.

Zhao Min suddenly thought of something, and a slight smile appeared on his lips: "Alright, everyone dismounts and rests in the tea room in front of him for an hour."

"One hour?" The Mongolian guards who were accompanying them looked at each other. They were so anxious on the road, and suddenly took a rest for an hour. Wouldn't it be too extravagant. However, Zhao Min has always been wise, and this group of subordinates are very convinced of her, but no one expresses any objection.

After arranging the horses, the group entered the tea house, which was originally not big. When they entered, the whole tea house was occupied.

Zhao Min was naturally in the best position. Although the King Kong Sect Master was respected, he was actually not qualified to sit at the same table with her, but Zhao Min seemed to ask him about things again, and specifically called him to sit with her.

Song Qingshu originally wanted to move forward eagerly. Even if he couldn't do anything, smelling the fragrance of Zhao Min's body was much more pleasant than smelling the sweat of those men. Who knew that Zhao Min couldn't look down on him at all, and didn't mean to invite him at the same table. , He could only sit on a table next to him and Xuan Ming.

Curious about what Zhao Min would say, Song Qingshu pricked his ears after sitting down.

Just listen to Zhao Min's words: "Sect Master, my father shouldn't be sick, right."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and then suddenly realized that she was so anxious all the way, because she thought her father was seriously ill.

The face of the King Kong Sect Master changed slightly, and he smiled and said, "Why did the princess say this?"

Zhao Min said indifferently: "I am concerned and confused. I haven't thought about it until I saw that the sect master seemed to be unable to withstand such a rapid march."

"So what's the problem?" The King Kong sect master looked blank.

Zhao Min replied: "If my father is really sick, in fact, just send a knight over. Why bother with someone like the sect master to go there in person? After much deliberation, the biggest reason is that the sect master should come over. Maybe it’s because I’m worried that I won’t go back and need the force and prestige of the sect master to force me back. If my father is really sick, how can I not go back?”

"The princess is really witty, yes, King Ruyang did not get sick." Now, the King Kong Sect master has no need to conceal it. "The prince knew that your false propaganda of the will of the Great Sweat this time went to the Southern Song Dynasty and was extremely angry, so he deliberately Send me here and take the princess back before the matter is not serious."

After speaking, he took out a gold medal from his arms and raised it in front of everyone: "If the prince has an order, you can **** the princess back to Ruyang Palace without error."

The two elders Xuan Ming and the other guards looked at each other and had to stand up and salute. Seeing the gold medal, such as seeing King Ruyang himself, after all, Zhao Min's power was given by King Ruyang, and they naturally could only obey.

Song Qingshu was exclaiming that Zhao Min was really quick-witted, and inferred the whole thing from a little detail. Suddenly she was deprived of command and could only lament the impermanence of the world.

Seeing Zhao Min's expressionless face, the King Kong Sect Master was also a little panicked for this Ji Zhi Wushuang little master, worried that she would settle accounts after the fall, and hurriedly advised: "Actually, the princess doesn't have to worry too much, Song Qingshu's martial arts boy has a high life. It's rare, let alone look at his face, it's definitely not a short-lived look, this time it will definitely turn a good luck."

Hearing them mentioning himself, Song Qingshu was immediately moved. It turned out that Zhao Min's false preaching of the sacred decree of the Mongolian Khan, specially came to the south of the Yangtze River for me...

Zhao Min's expression was only slightly relieved, and he chuckled, "Isn't it the craftsmanship of Taoist priests? When will the masters of the Buddhist priests also look at the pictures?"

"Everything is interlinked, understand a little, only a little." The King Kong Sect master laughed.

"I don't know what this lady would like to eat. In addition to tea, we also have a variety of Jiangnan special desserts." At this time, the proprietress of Kungfu Tea Room has come out to give them tea on the table. Still can't bear the amorous feelings that mature and full body exudes, who is it if it isn't Blue Phoenix?

Zhao Min looked up at her, her expression changed, and immediately sneered: "With your outstanding appearance, how can you sell tea in this barren mountain?"

Song Qingshu had a black thread. In the original plan, Lan Fenghuang poisoned most of the people, and then Zhou Zhiruo took the initiative to "rob him". Who knew that Zhao Min was smarter than a fox, and he saw the flaws at a glance. .

Lu Zhangke was already greedily looking at her bumpy body, and couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words: "I will capture her first and let the princess interrogate her." As soon as she moved, she had already appeared beside Lan Phoenix.

Although Lan Fenghuang was the master of a sect, all his attainments were in the use of poison, and martial arts could only be said to be average, so the deer stick guest grabbed her by the arm as soon as he stretched out his hand.

The deer rode was delighted, and was about to reach out and touch her milky skin. Who knew there was a fluffy spider on his hand, which was bigger than the largest spider he had ever seen. The long hairs on the feet show that it is extremely poisonous.

The Luzhanger screamed in fright, shook his hand in fright, and at the same time retreated faster than he had come.

Seeing that the brother was at a disadvantage, Hebi Weng hurriedly rushed over and learned the lesson of Luzhangke. He didn't dare to touch the opponent with his bare hands, but sacrificed the Hebi Pen and went to Lan Phoenix.

Lan Fenghuang's face changed slightly, and a ball of poisonous powder was sprinkled back. Crane Pen Weng stretched out his palm, and the power of the **** Xuanming's palm shook the poisonous powder to one side, and he continued on his toes without stopping. Lan Phoenix attacked.

Seeing that the blue phoenix was inevitable, suddenly the blue shadow flickered, and a long whip came head on, the Crane Biweng hurriedly jumped and avoided it, the long whip quickly and incoherently moved forward, the Crane Biweng retreated quickly Three moves, who knows the other side's whip technique is magical, he has been trapped in the three moves.

After seeing the face of the person who made the whip, a faint smile appeared on Zhao Min's lips: "Things are getting more and more interesting."

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