Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1190: Eating in the bowl and thinking in the pot

Song Qingshu sighed secretly. The master of the King Kong sect was not damaged even with swords and spears, not to mention the mouthparts of these animals. Seeing that the master of the King Kong sect lifted up Dali King Kong and pointed it to the blue Phoenix's white and pink neck, it was obviously already With the intention of destroying the flowers by hand, he no longer dared to sit idly by, flicking his hand in his sleeves lightly, two wisps of sword energy shot towards the back of the Vajra Sect Master's head. ?

Seeing that he was about to catch the blue phoenix, the master of King Kong was suddenly vigilant and hurried to the side. Although he has the magical power of King Kong, but the back of his head was originally one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, how could he be reckless to try?

Two strands of sword aura hit a side pillar, and a pile of sawdust exploded, forming two deep circular holes. The King Kong sect master saw his pupils shrink and stopped chasing the Blue Phoenix, but looked around vigilantly: " Who is an expert hiding in the dark, please come out and see."

"Hahaha, the sect master is really clever and eye-catching. I was seen by you as soon as I got here." A bold voice came, and everyone looked back, only a slightly curled head, a tall foreign old man walking from the side of the woods. Came out.

"Who am I? It turned out to be Mr. Ouyang from White Camel Villa." The master of King Kong Gate arched his hands, his expression getting more solemn. Xidu is famous, although he is not afraid of each other, but few people in this world are willing to get such an opponent.

Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ouyang Feng arrived in time to avoid revealing his identity. His identity is important. If the news of pretending to be Jia Baoyu is leaked out, it will cause an uproar. It is a pity that Song Qingshu is not the kind of cruel person who can't kill so many people, especially Zhao Min among them.

"Since the last time we left the inn, the master's demeanor has remained the same, and a little girl was forced to be helpless." Ouyang Feng was complimenting each other on the surface, but his tone was full of sarcasm, taunting him for bullying him. small.

The master of King Kong’s face turned dark, although he would also respect his identity, but unfortunately it is far less than Ouyang Feng’s attitude towards these things, and without taking his words, he directly asked: "Mr. Ouyang is not close to them, why bother to go forward? Come on this round of muddy water."

Ouyang Feng smiled faintly: "Did the master forget what my nickname is?"

"Western poison?" The King Kong Sect master frowned slightly, and he was a little unsure for a while.

Ouyang Feng glanced at Lan Fenghuang: "In addition to martial arts, I have also been very interested in poisons in my life. This young girl from the Five Poison Cult is very clever in her use of poison, and I appreciate it. Naturally, I can't just sit back and watch her being bullied. "Blue Phoenix is ​​actually already twenty-seven and eighteen, and she is no longer a little girl, but Ouyang Feng and the master of King Kong are both dozens of years old, and it's not wrong to call her a little girl.

The master of King Kong's face sank: "It seems that Mr. Ouyang is determined to embarrass us?"

Ouyang Feng smiled and said, "I didn't have time in the inn last time to teach the master's King Kong is not bad magic, so I have to see how it is today."

The King Kong Sect master snorted and did not answer, but a layer of gold gradually appeared on his body, and it was clear that the King Kong body had been transported.

Ouyang Feng didn't dare to be careless, his legs were slightly bent, and his toad power had already begun to move.

Seeing the battle between the two masters was about to come, Zhao Min suddenly got up and said, "Wait! Mr. Ouyang is here for him." The green jade finger pointed to Song Qingshu on the table next to him.

Zhao Min is so smart, how can she believe that a character like Xidu would really fight to death with a master of the same level because of a blue phoenix who met by the water. After thinking about it, only the son of Jia Sidao has enough attraction.

Ouyang Feng was startled, and said with a pun: "Yes, I did come here because of him this time."

"Then you don't have to compare, I will hand him to Mr. Ouyang." Zhao Min said, "Mr. Deer, Mr. Crane, come back."

Lu Zhangke and Hebi Weng brushed back Zhou Zhiruo with a few tricks, and took the opportunity to jump out of the battle circle and return to Zhao Min. Zhou Zhiruo also frowned because of Zhao Min's words, and did not chase him.

Don't say Ouyang Feng and others, even Song Qingshu is confused. Although there is one more Ouyang Feng, Zhao Min has a lot of masters under his command, and he still has an advantage in numbers. Why would he give up?

However, he reacted quickly. In order not to reveal any flaws, he immediately imitated Jia Baoyu's mentality and shouted in panic: "Princess, I am going to Mongolia this time, how can you hand me over to them!"

Who knows that Zhao Min didn't even bother to look at him, and said directly to Ouyang Feng Zhou Zhiruo: "Please help yourself." After speaking, he greeted his men to go out and lead the horse, leaving Song Qingshu alone at the table.

Song Qingshu can just perform casually, it is impossible to really run to hold the Mongolian horse legs like Jia Baoyu begged for something.

The Mongolian group was dumbfounded when he was sitting there, but no one had doubts when he was frightened.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely strange. The sword was drawn at the first moment, but the next moment it died down. Zhou Zhiruo and Ouyang Feng turned sideways and made a way for the Mongols to leave.

After getting on the horse, Zhao Min suddenly pulled the reins, turned around and looked at Zhou Zhiruo and asked, "Is Song Qingshu alive or dead?"

Zhou Zhiruo glanced at Song Qingshu and snorted coldly, "He is alive or dead, what's up to you!"

Zhao Min stared at her expression intently, and Zhou Zhiruo's expression seemed a little unnatural: "What are you looking at?"

"If you haven't seen it for a while, you seem to have become beautiful." Zhao Min said suddenly.

Zhou Zhiruo didn't know what medicine she sold in the gourd, and snorted: "You are not bad, you still have a fox and charming face."

Zhao Minsi was not angry, but a smile appeared on her face: "You don't need to answer the question just now. I don't see any worry about Song Qingshu in your body. Either you have transferred to love or you are coming. You already know that he is safe. Huh, that **** is really lucky." At the last sentence, his tone was full of anger.

An unpleasant look appeared on Zhou Zhiruo’s face. Just as he was about to say something, Zhao Min said first: "Zhou Zhiruo, there will be a period later. By the way, next time you see Song Qingshu, remember to remind him not to forget the agreement with me, I But I've been waiting for him." After talking, the horse belly moved away, leaving only a series of silver bell-like smiles.

Song Qingshu's mind showed the style of Zhao Min's smile just now. He couldn't help but feel hot, and suddenly noticed a sharp gaze. When he looked back, Zhou Zhiruo was staring at him with a cold face.

Song Qingshu suddenly smiled bitterly, eating what was in the bowl and seeing if what was in the pot was a common problem with men? In the original work, Zhang Wuji's kind of gentleman also fantasizes about the scene where he embraces the left and the right. It seems normal for him to have this kind of thought. But the only difference is that in the original work, Zhang Wuji only dared to yy in his heart, but he dared to act. 8

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