Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1191: Five poisons and western poisons

After the Mongolian group walked for a while, the King Kong sect master could no longer help saying: "The princess, although Ouyang Feng has a great reputation, I will not frustrate him. King Kong is not bad enough to make me invincible. , Why did you suddenly retreat?"

The two elders Xuan Ming also said: "Yes, princess, we are so many people, there are only three people on their side, and they may not be united.???"

Zhao Min gave them an angry look: "You two are as embarrassed to say that two beat Zhou Zhiruo and one, and others have the upper hand."

Lu Zhangke hurriedly said: "Return to the princess, it seems that Zhou Zhiruo has the upper hand, but that is just the strategy of our brothers. Her style of play is extremely internal. We just need to stand by the door and treat her with anger. , You will be able to secure the victory."

Zhao Min was not so foolish, and snorted: "You have been playing for so long, is there any sign of Zhou Zhiruo's unsustainable anger?"

The deer stick guest smirked: "That's not true."

The Crane Bi Weng on the side was going to be much more straightforward, and couldn't help saying: "I don't know what's going on, Zhou Zhiruo's martial arts has advanced by leaps and bounds. She was clearly not so good at the lion slaughter meeting."

Lu Zhangke's face suddenly showed a wretched smile: "It must be Song Qingshu's credit. The two of them closed the door. It's normal for them to discuss martial arts after the affection."

Thinking of those scenes, Zhao Min felt uncomfortable, and her face was cold: "Shut up!"

The two old Xuan Ming stared at each other and didn't know where to offend her, so they fell silent.

Zhao Min didn't want to think about this question again, and said to the King Kong Sect Master: "This princess does not have confidence in the Sect Master. The reason for retreating is because of other plans.

"I would like to hear the details." The King Kong Sect Master asked curiously.

Knowing that the King Ruyang is innocent, naturally there is no need to hurry. Zhao Min wanted to be idle and idle, so he explained to them: "Although we are crowded, Ouyang Feng and Zhou Zhiruo have great martial arts, plus Ouyang Feng and Lan. Phoenix is ​​a big connoisseur of poison in the world. Even if we can win, we will lose a lot in the real fight. It is not worth our risk to have a Jia Baoyu. It is better to give them directly and let them bite the dog."

The King Kong sect master frowned and said, "But Jia Baoyu is the son of Jia Sidao after all, and he was given to us by the Southern Song court. I am afraid it will be difficult to confess if we lose it like this."

Zhao Min snorted: "Why do our Mongolian Empire need to confess to the weak Song? Just tell them that the people of the Kingdom of Jin have robbed Jia Baoyu. It just so happens that they can break the relationship between the Jin and Song and let them rekindle the war."

The King Kong Sect Master and Xuan Ming suddenly realized that they all gave thumbs up: "The princess is wise!"

Zhao Min smiled slightly. Today, she learned that her father was innocent and confirmed Song Qingshu's safety. She couldn't help feeling very good. She flicked the reins and started to ride the horse again...

In the tea room, Zhou Zhiruo walked up to Song Qing's writing with a smile, imitating Zhao Min's tone when he left: "Don't forget the agreement with me, I have been waiting for him...what is your agreement with her? ?"

Zhou Zhiruo imitated so vividly, Song Qingshu listened so loudly, subconsciously looking to the side, only Lan Fenghuang pursed and smiled, Ouyang Feng also gloated in a posture of watching a good show.

Song Qingshu had to pull her aside and whispered quietly: "She is not poisoned by the Three Corpse Brain Pill, I promised her to find an antidote for her."

In fact, when Zhao Min was leaving just now, he actually thought about asking Ouyang Feng and Lan Fenghuang. After all, both of them are well-known poisonous masters in the world. Maybe they have a way but not necessarily. However, the two of them are enemies and not friends with Zhao Min. After thinking about it, she dispelled the idea. After all, the detoxification method of the Three Corpse Brain Pill is not difficult. It is rare that she does not know which three of them belong to. Ouyang Feng and Lan Fenghuang couldn't prescribe the right medicine for the corpse insects.

Zhou Zhiruo glanced at him suspiciously: "That's it?"

Song Qingshu nodded, with a serious expression: "That's it."

Zhou Zhiruo snorted angrily: "As a Mongolian princess, she has countless masters, why do you want you to find an antidote for her."

Song Qingshu thought that these two women were really natural rivals, so he had to explain: "The reason why she was poisoned is also because of me. How can I stand by and watch." This kind of thing is not clear, Song Qingshu immediately quietly told Ouyang Feng. With a wink, he asked him to find a way to relieve himself.

Although the age of the two is very different, they can be regarded as similar in their spleen and stomach. When Ouyang Feng saw that it was almost over, he deliberately coughed, and said to Lan Fenghuang on the side: "The Five Poison Cults are good at using poison, and the old man's nickname is Xi Du , I want to see it."

The Five Immortals Religion is a good name for the people in the teaching, but the people in the arena secretly call it the Five Poisons. Of course, in front of the people in the Five Poisons Sect, the people in the rivers and lakes will also call it the Five Immortals Sect, just worrying about offending the other party and getting into a troublesome opponent. With Ouyang Feng's status, those courtesy are naturally unnecessary.

Lan Fenghuang smiled: "Our Five Immortals Sect is located in the southwest, how can we compare to Mr. Ouyang's prestigious name."

Ouyang Feng said with a smile: "You only praised my martial arts but didn't mention my knowledge in poisoning. Obviously, there was some disapproval in his heart." He has lived for most of his life and has already cultivated his favor. Lan Fenghuang praised Mr. Ouyang. , But didn't pick him up with Xi Du's words, and I still don't understand her thoughts.

Lan Fenghuang giggled and said, "Mr. Ouyang is serious, but we have inherited the Five Immortal Religion for hundreds of years and have accumulated the experience of countless predecessors. Although we dare not say that poison is the number one in the world, we dare not arrogantly humble ourselves and fall predecessors. prestige."

Although Lan Fenghuang's martial arts and Ouyang Feng are like clouds and mud, she has full confidence in the use of poison alone. What's more, for experts with poison, to learn from experts of the same level is also a good opportunity to increase cultivation.

Ouyang Feng laughed: "The old man hasn't met a poisonous master for many years, so let's discuss it."

Song Qingshu and Zhou Zhiruo had noticed the movement here and hurried over.

"Drug fights are too dangerous. Everyone is their own. It won't be good to hurt anyone. I don't think so." Song Qingshu was a big head and asked Ouyang Feng to relieve himself. Who knew he had come.

Song Qingshu has heard a little about the methods of fighting poison in the arena. It is often that the two take turns to detoxify. The poisoned person uses what he has learned in his life to detoxify. If he can successfully detoxify, it is his turn to poison the other party; if it can't be solved, he will naturally divide the poison. Out of the game. Because they are all masters of poisoning, the poisons given to the opponent are by no means ordinary poisons, they are all extremely powerful poisons, and often distinguish the victory and defeat, and also the life and death. Song Qingshu is not willing to see this scene of life.

Ouyang Feng smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, we naturally won't use that vicious comparison method." After speaking, he looked at Lan Fenghuang: "I have long heard that the five poisons teach the five poisons as snakes, spiders, toads, scorpions, and centipedes. It just so happens that I also have a strange white camel snake here. Why don't you compare the five poisons with my snake?"

Lan Fenghuang had noticed early in the morning that a slender strange snake was wrapped around the head of Ouyang Feng's snake rod. Its body was as dark as ink, and the eyes of the snake had a glimmer of light from time to time, which was obviously extraordinary.

Song Qingshu knows more. This strange snake was carefully cultivated by Ouyang Feng. He used the venom of this strange snake to poison thousands of sharks in the entire sea, and later bit it with that strange snake. With one mouthful, Hong Qigong immediately fell into a coma with the strength of the opponent, and finally managed to force out the venom. Unfortunately, his skills were basically ruined. If it hadn't been for Guo Jing to honor the Jiuyin Scriptures, Hong Qigong would have become a useless person from then on.

All of this is based on the fact that most of the venom in the monster's body has been taken out and the shark has not had time to recover. If the monster is in a full state, it will take a bite, I am afraid that it will be possible with Hong Qigong's cultivation base. Killed immediately.

"It's so good." Blue Phoenix was also happy with Lie, found a big basin, and then stretched out a finger to point into the basin.

Blue Phoenix's fingers were white as jade, and her long nails were dyed bright red. Soon a little green snake swam out of her sleeve and slid down her fingers into the tub. There are three colors of white, red and green. Intertwined together to form a strong visual impact.

Song Qingshu secretly sighed, if she didn't know her identity in advance, who would have thought that such a beautiful and charming beauty would be full of poisonous things.

Ouyang Feng smiled slightly: "Unless the five poisons gather, I am afraid it is not my strange snake's opponent."

"That junior will take advantage." Lan Fenghuang nodded, apparently agreeing with him, and then released the hairy giant spider, the variegated poisonous scorpion, the red-backed toad, and the centipede.

Zhou Zhiruo took a sigh of relief when she saw it, and hurriedly turned her face away, putting her whole body in Song Qingshu's arms, not daring to look again, causing Song Qingshu to laugh.

As soon as the five poisonous insects came out, they immediately occupied several corners of the tub, each looking at each other vigilantly, restlessly.

Ouyang Feng smiled and said: "If I don't put the strange snake in, they will probably fight by themselves." He didn't want to take advantage, and directly put the strange snake in the middle of the tub.

Wudu was at first tense, but as soon as the strange snake entered the wooden plate, Wudu's body trembled visibly, and all of them shrank back subconsciously.

Blue Phoenix frowned, and his red lips blew a peculiar whistle. The Five Poisons gradually settled down. After all, they are elites trained by the Five Poisons. Although there is a bit of fear of the strange snake in the middle, they still occupy it. The quantity advantage gradually revealed its ferocity, and under the command of Blue Phoenix, it gradually moved towards the direction of the strange snake.

Ouyang Feng also took out a bone piccolo, and also blew a weird flute sound. After hearing the flute sound, the white camel snake twisted its whole body, the snake head swayed slightly from side to side, as if a martial arts master was waiting. .

Zhou Zhiruo didn't dare to look at it while hiding in her arms, but Song Qingshu was an eye-opener. He didn't expect that the two of them could directly control these poisons that acted almost instinctively.

Seeing that the battle in the tub was looming, there was a rush of horseshoes not far away. Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng's skill, immediately heard these people coming from several directions, and faintly surrounded them, obviously. The comer is not good.

Ouyang Feng took the snake stick, took the white camel monster back from the tub, and smiled at Lan Fenghuang: "I'm afraid we have to use a new method to compare." 8

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