Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1192: Purgatory on earth

While speaking, a group of warriors had already rode up their horses and surrounded the chaliao group. The group of warriors did not speak, but silently looked at the crowd. Only the sound of the horse's nose was left on the scene, which looked extremely strange. Tianlai Novel www.2

Although this group of warriors are dressed in casual clothes, the sturdy air on their bodies reveals the identity of their soldiers. Song Qingshu's heart is stunned. Is this Jia Sidao's arrangement? He actually dared to risk the world's bad faith and secretly mobilize the army to **** people, which is really bold.

The group of samurai is about five hundred people. Although five hundred people on the battlefield is not a big deal, it is very oppressive to deal with the people in the rivers and lakes who are alone.

What's more, this group of warriors are all cavalry. You must know that the Song Dynasty has always lacked horses. Cavalry has always been scarce. Back then, the Nong Zhigao rebellion swept Guangxi and Guangdong with tens of thousands of troops under his command. In the face of such a large-scale rebellion, Di Qing's counter-insurgency army only had 500 cavalry.

Five hundred cavalry appeared in this barren mountains and ridges, which is indeed a shocking masterpiece.

"Where are you military masters going?" Everyone in the field, Song Qingshu was meditating, Ouyang Feng was too lazy to deal with these people, Zhou Zhiruo was not used to dealing with so many men, Lan Fenghuang came forward and asked generously.

A knight greedily glanced at her graceful figure, but did not answer, but said to the companion next to him: "Why does it seem that the number of people is not right?"

"The Mongolian is gone." The knight on the other side said, "Boss, what should we do?"

The knight in the middle was obviously the leader, and said coldly: "Follow the plan."

The knight glanced at Lan Fenghuang and Zhou Zhiruo, and said in a low voice: "These two ladies are so beautiful, it would be a shame to kill them, it's better..." Although he deliberately lowered his voice, Song Qingshu and his party were all masters. His face is as cold as ice.

For the knight looked up at Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang, he couldn't help showing a sense of surprise, nodded and said: "The man is killed on the spot, the woman is taken away!" Not only did he not lower his words, but deliberately said it loudly to his men. , As soon as the voice fell, the knights behind seemed to be prepared, each holding up a short crossbow, instantly forming a large rain of arrows to Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng.

The crossbow is different from the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow have a long range. They are often thrown at an upward forty-five degree angle and attack indiscriminately. The crossbow is different. Compared with the bow and arrow, its range is much shorter, but it is far better than the bow and arrow in terms of accuracy and degree. The short-range lethality is extremely terrifying.

This thing can easily shoot and kill a well-trained soldier even in the hands of a child, so the crossbows of all dynasties have been strictly controlled by the court. In addition, crossbows are complicated in craftsmanship and high in cost. They are not as easy to deploy on a large scale like bows and arrows. They are often only equipped with special units.

This group of people said to shoot and shoot. There is no sign, and the crossbow arrow is extremely fast. If it is a general master of the rivers and lakes, he might be shot as a hedgehog before he can react. However, these people in the field are all masters of the game, Lan Fenghuang. Although it was inferior, there were a few other people who took care of it, and the arrows of those people did not shoot at the two women, so it was safe.

Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng have so much experience. Hearing their conversation just now, they have aroused their vigilance. When the group of soldiers just lifted the short crossbow, they had already pulled the two women back into the tea room and let The opponent shot a round of arrows.

The soldiers were all well-trained people. Seeing them hiding in the house, the crossbow arrows shot in like tarsal maggots. This Chaliao was originally a simple hut, how could it stop the penetrating crossbow arrows?

Had it not been for the use of bunkers such as tables and pillars in the house, Song Qingshu and his party might have been injured long ago.

"Stop it all!" The knight outside hurriedly stopped his men, thinking what to do if they shot two beauties to death? Seeing Jianyu stopped, he shouted to the hut: "Listen to the people inside. As long as you give the two women, we can let you live."

Although he said this, there was a cruel smile on his face. If the other party was really obedient and sent the girl out, how could he really let them go.

Song Qingshu's face was cold: "I'll go out and solve them." I thought he was a ruthless man who could smash away the sky with a wooden sword. If it weren't for Zhou Zhiruo and Lan Fenghuang's injury, he would have already taken action outside. Now that they have a barrier in the house, he naturally has no worries about the future.

Ouyang Feng shook his head and said: "The opponent's short crossbow is amazing, not to mention the empty terrain here, which is most suitable for cavalry sprinting. Although your martial arts is high, it is too risky to go out. It happened that Lan girl and I were preparing to fight poison, and these people outside will give it to them. Let us."

Listening to his voice full of confidence, Song Qingshu nodded, happily watching the play.

"Lan girl, let's compare with these people outside to see whoever kills them with poison first, and whoever wins. You are a junior, so you should come first." Ouyang Feng said.

Lan Fenghuang smiled and said: "The younger generation should be more respectful than fate." She picked up a wooden board to cover her whole body, walked to the window, and tried the wind direction with her hand. Now that she is on the windward, she can't help but secretly rejoice.

She took out a porcelain bottle, poured some golden powder on the handkerchief, and put it on the window sill, her red lips blew slightly, and the golden powder followed the wind, blowing towards the knights unconsciously. past.

It turns out that in addition to being good at driving five kinds of poisons, Blue Phoenix also has two highly poisonous things on his body: golden silkworm Gu poison and green silkworm Gu poison. Both poisons are scary poisons in the rivers and lakes, because the green silkworm Gu poison is not very poisonous if there is no blood, so she chose the golden silkworm Gu poison. As long as this thing touches a little bit, the poisoned person can bite like thousands of worms all over the body. It is painful, unable to survive or die.

However, both of these two types of poisons have a drawback, that is, the opponent's internal force will easily return to the opponent when they are used against the master, and they will suffer from the chaos. Therefore, before facing the King Kong Sect Master and Xuan Ming, Lan Fenghuang did not dare to use it. But now facing this group of soldiers, naturally there is no need to worry about the risk of backlash.

"My patience is limited. If you don't come out again, we will switch to rockets." The knight outside saw that there had been no movement inside, and couldn't help getting impatient.

At this moment, there were screams of screams from the team, and many soldiers fell to their horses one after another, rolling on the ground while gripping the skin all over their bodies and wailing.

Not to mention the soldiers, even their horses were very grumpy, and soon there was a large-scale riot in the team.

"What's going on?" The leader was surprised, and the instinct on the battlefield made him subconsciously order, "Everyone is going back!"

This order saved the remaining people. Although the golden silkworm gu poison is poisonous, the quantity is limited after all. In such an empty venue, the poison powder can't be floated everywhere, and the golden silkworm gu poison can't do anything if it retreats to a certain distance.

The cavalry leader finally stabilized the formation. Those colleagues who were staying in the same place had gradually stopped wailing. The people and horses fell apart in a large area, and there was no sign of life.

Ouyang Feng stood at the window and looked out, and couldn't help but smiled: "It seems it's my turn to take action."

Blue Phoenix pursed her lips. In fact, after her calculations, the amount of golden silkworm gu poison in her body is enough to poison 500 people and there is still surplus. It is a pity that she ignores that people are not dead and will not stand still, plus The terrain here is empty, and once the group of cavalry disperses, her golden silkworm gu poison is ineffective.

Despite this, nearly a third of the cavalry had been poisoned by the effort just now, which shows the overbearing of the golden silkworm Gu poison.

Hearing that Ouyang Feng was about to take action, Lan Fenghuang was also full of curiosity. Now that the other party is prepared and retreated so far, it is not easy to talk about poisoning them.

The cavalry outside was investigating what was happening. They didn’t have the time to pay attention to the movement. Ouyang Feng found a teacup and put it on the ground, took the strange snake from the snake stick, opened its mouth and squeezed out a drop of venom. After putting it back, Lan Fenghuang was startled and asked curiously, "Why didn't the senior take out more venom?"

She noticed that the drop of venom in the teacup was as black as ink. It was obviously extremely poisonous, but there was only one drop of poison. It was really impossible to use this drop of poison to deal with three or four hundred people.

Ouyang Feng smiled without saying a word, found a pot of clean water, diluted the venom in the cup several times, and then picked up the crossbow arrows scattered on the ground. The venom-soaked crossbow arrows were shot out.

Now Song Qingshu is also a little confused. Although the strange snake is poisonous, but a drop of venom has been diluted so many times, it is hard to say how much poison is left. Even if it can poison people to death, he has less than twenty crossbow arrows. Twenty more people are killed by poisoning, what effect can it play?

There was a burst of exclamation from outside, and apparently many people had been shot. Song Qingshu curiously leaned into the window and saw that the crossbow arrows did not hit the vital point, but instead hit the arms and legs of those people. , What is even more strange is that those people tore off the crossbow arrow directly, it seems that it was just because the wound hurts, and there was no sign of poisoning.

Noting that it was a crossbow arrow shot out of the hut, the cavalry was furious and immediately picked up the crossbow to fight back. Song Qingshu and the others had to leave the window and hide behind the table again.

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly, "Isn't this the way you came up with?"

Ouyang Feng smiled unpredictably: "Wait for a good show."

Don’t say that people like Song Qingshu Zhou Zhiruo who don’t use poison, even the master of poisoning like Lan Fenghuang, the monk Zhang Er couldn’t figure it out. After a while, the crossbow arrow stopped unknowingly, and there were shouts of fright and anger from outside. An exaggerated scream.

Song Qingshu was startled, and hurriedly ran to the window to look out, and saw that the pair of cavalry outside had become a mess. The dozen people who had been injured by the arrow just now seemed to have lost their minds. They caught and bitten when they saw someone. Anyone who was scratched or bitten by them quickly became as crazy as they were, desperately trying to catch and bite other people...The madman grew exponentially, and soon became outside.

Zhou Zhiruo took a few glances and buried her body in Song Qingshu's arms. Song Qingshu was also browsing around. The scene outside was a bit too miserable, as if it were a Resident Evil.

Lan Fenghuang couldn't help but salute Ouyang Feng: "The junior is convinced of the loss, and I hope the senior will give me some advice."

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