Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1202: Song Qingshu

Ah Jiu took off the mask on her face. Although she spoke calmly, her tone was full of decisiveness. Xia Qingqing couldn't help but stand in awe. In her heart, Ah Jiu has always been that kind of weak temperament. People did not expect that they are actually soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

"Ajiu, I will always be with you." Xia Qingqing went to hug her tightly.

When the two women were distressed, suddenly a joking voice came from the door: "It's a bit difficult to take a general from the army, but it's not completely impossible."

Hearing the familiar voice, the two women trembled. Huo Ran turned around and saw a handsome man standing at the door with a smile, not who Song Qingshu was.

"Song Lang!"

"Big Brother Song!"

The two pretty girls showed incredible expressions on their faces first, and it didn't take long for them to finally react and rushed over.

Song Qingshu opened her arms with a smile, and put the two girls in her arms one by one: "Did you miss me?" "Hate~" The two girls are irritated. Although they are now in love with sisters, they are working together and they are in their hearts. It is inevitable to be a little embarrassed. If they would never let Song Qingshu hug from left to right so easily, but this time they were worried about each other's safety day and night. Now that they knew that he was safe, they were excited and forgot about it.

Seeing the two women with delicate and fair skin, each with its own charm and each with its own beauty, Song Qingshu looked at her index finger, bowed her head and took a scent on everyone's face.

Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing frowned. After the initial surprise, they gradually regained their composure. I don’t know why, this Song Qingshu was full of strange auras. They subconsciously glanced at each other. The two women love the same sisters, and they get along during this time. I had already connected my mind, I could see the same worry as my own in the eyes of the opponent, nodded without showing a trace, and then at the same time grabbed Song Qingshu's hands on their shoulders, and the other hand attacked his ribs and shot. Extremely hot, without the tenderness and sweetness at first, as if the other party is an unshakable enemy.

The hand is imprisoned, and it is such a close attack, no matter how high the martial arts is, it is difficult to guard against. Song Qingshu was obviously caught off guard, but at a critical moment, he avoided the two women's killer moves with an incredible twist of his body, and then the internal force spread to his wrists, shaking away the hands of Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing, and his body flashed. Appeared on the desk not far away.

"You didn't steal the man secretly, this is the rhythm of murdering your husband." Song Qingshu squatted halfway on the table, guarding against the next attack of the two women, and teasing.

"Bah!" Ah Jiu blushed, "Where are you from the thief, dare to pretend to be Song Lang!"

It turned out that Ajiu Xia Qingqing, as the pillow person of Song Qingshu, naturally knew that there was a magical skill of disguise in this world. Compared with other unsuspecting women, their alertness was much higher. As soon as I noticed that there was nothing right, I would immediately wonder if the other party was disgusting, instead of being muddled like other women.

After Ah Jiu finished speaking, he attacked with Xia Qingqing. The two women are first-rate masters in the arena, especially Ah Jiu, who can be ranked among the top. Coupled with the familiarity with each other, the power of cooperation is more than doubled. That "Song Qingshu" Despite the high martial arts, he was still forced to be in a hurry.

After finally pushing the right block to repel the attack of the two women, "Song Qingshu" hurriedly made a stop gesture: "Stop! Where did the two beauties see the flaws?"

Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing looked at each other and saw the uncertainty in each other's eyes. The man no longer deliberately pretended to be Song Qingshu's voice, revealing the original tone, which was clearly a woman's voice.

"Who are you?" Xia Qingqing asked in a deep voice, swiftly filtering out the masters in the arena in her heart, but she still didn't have the slightest clue.

"Girl Qingqing doesn't remember me?" The "Song Qingshu" tore off the mask on her face, revealing a face full of beauty, but unlike ordinary beauties, she was majestic in the eyes of the clouds and the phoenix on her temples. The average woman is a little bit more heroic, and a bit more...domineering, who is it if it's not Dongfang Muxue?

"Snow Girl?" Xia Qingqing exclaimed, and hurriedly stopped Ah Jiu next to him, "Why did you appear here?" While explaining her identity to Ah Jiu.

"It turned out to be Snow Maiden." Ah Jiu also put away the sword, with a hint of surprise in her eyes. She has always known the existence of this woman, and she is curious about what kind of strange woman can make Song Qingshu so trust and be able to. The Forbidden City is covered with rain and clouds, manipulating a huge empire.

Now I finally met, and it really looked like a fairy-like character.

"I have seen the nine princesses." Dongfang Muxue replied.

"The Snow Girl is polite." The heroic woman in front of her seemed to have an inexplicable aura, and Ah Jiu couldn't help but admire it.

Dongfang Muxue smiled and asked curiously: "How did you see the flaw? I thought I was dressed perfectly."

"Your breath is different from him." Ah Jiu replied with a flushed face.

"It turned out to be like this." Dongfang Muxue suddenly realized, and looked at the two with a smile, "You are very familiar with his breath."

Ah Jiu is okay. After all, it is considered Song Qingshu's wife that the Ming media is marrying. On the contrary, Xia Qingqing's face is a little uncomfortable. After all, she is still Mrs. Yuan on the face. She hurriedly changed the subject and asked: "Snow Maiden, why are you here? Can you walk away from the capital?"

"If you can't go, you have to go. If the kid surnamed Song comes back and discovers that something has happened to his two beauties and lovers, and I stand by and watch, it's strange that he doesn't turn his face with me." Dongfang Muxue sighed long. Tone.

"Snow Maiden~" Even Ah Jiu couldn't stand it now.

"Okay, okay," Dongfang Muxue said with a solemn expression when he saw that the molesting was almost done, and returned to his solemn expression, "According to the intelligence agency at the sticky pole, the situation in Jinsheying is not optimistic. I have synthesized all kinds of intelligence and inferred the situation. It’s worse than expected. I’m afraid this side is on the verge of collapse, so I arranged everything in the Forbidden City and pulled out to see if there is anything that can help."

Ah Jiu said worriedly: "But the chaos of San Francisco is in full swing, and the situation of the court is not optimistic. If you leave at this time and cause San Francisco to become bigger, we will lose more." She apparently brought the Qing court to the Golden Snake. Yingdu was regarded as Song Qingshu's property, so Dongfang Muxue and Xia Qingqing didn't show any strange expressions. Obviously, the three women had the same idea.

"Don't worry, I arranged everything before I left. Feiyan is there to preside over the overall situation. In addition, in the past two years I have promoted a lot of very capable confidants to help. I leave for a few days. As long as I go back as soon as possible, it shouldn’t be a big problem. "Dongfang Muxue replied.

Hearing her words, Ah Jiu and Xia Qingqing only noticed the look of dust on her face. It was nearly 2,000 miles from the capital to here, and she had to race against time to hurry, knowing how hard it was to travel.

What a character Dongfang Muxue, when he noticed the expressions of the two women, he instantly understood their thoughts, and couldn't help but smiled: "Don't worry, with my skill, it's nothing to be tired. Let's talk about the battle tomorrow. "

Ah Jiu smiled bitterly: "It's because I was too impulsive. If I had known that Snow Maiden was coming, I would postpone it a little bit. There should be a better way."

"Nine Princesses, you may seem impulsive, but thinking about it is the most effective way to solve today's problems," Dongfang Muxue comforted her. "Now the news of Song Qingshu's accident at Jinsheying has made people panic, and morale is extremely low. , Almost the defeat is set, in this case, it is better to gamble, maybe there is still a chance of comeback."

Ah Jiu sighed: "But in the midst of thousands of horses, it is not easy to catch the thief and the king first."

Xia Qingqing stepped forward and hugged her and said softly: "Tomorrow I will accompany you."

Dongfang Muxue suddenly said: "Tomorrow, I will change my face to be like Song Qingshu."

Jiu was shocked: "How can this work? Tomorrow will be dead and dead, not to mention this is my proposal, how can you take risks."

Dongfang Muxue reached out and hooked Go Ajiu's soft and beautiful chin, making the other person's face flushed: "Don't worry, if you change to another person, it is true that there is no life, but I am 30% sure."

Ah Jiuxiu frowned, as if she was organizing the words in her heart: "Snow Maiden, although your martial arts is higher than mine, but it is also limited..." The implication was somewhat dissatisfied with Dongfang Muxue's words. They fought against each other just now. Ah Jiu also roughly estimated Dongfang Muxue's martial arts.

Dongfang Muxue was first injured by Feng Qingyang’s innate sword aura, and then attacked by Mingzun. Although she had recovered her life, she was still seriously injured. After so long recuperation, she now barely recovered to 40% of her peak. The strength of the left and right, relying on the outstanding combat experience, had a certain advantage over Ah Jiu.

Dongfang Muxue explained: "The battle on the battlefield is different from the fight between the rivers and lakes. Now we are really not much different in martial arts, but the nine princesses are golden branches and jade leaves, and you are kind-hearted by nature, and you lack enough murderous aura on the battlefield. Uncertainty is not as good as a battle-tested veteran."

Ah Jiu was silent. She knew what Dongfang Muxue said was true. When the Qing Dynasty sent a large army to encircle and suppress the Golden Snake Camp, their masters were trapped by a team of hundreds.

Dongfang Muxue went on to say: "So the only candidate for the battle is me, but I also need your help."

Ah Jiu's eyes lit up: "How can I help you?"

Dongfang Muxue said while thinking about it: "The reason why so many people rushed into the battle in history ended in failure. The main reason is that the generals who rushed into the battle were brave but were a little blind. They would often subconsciously rush to crowded places. There is only one death. Only to hit the junction between the enemy’s troops, like a cat and a cat, bet that the troops cannot react quickly and uniformly, and there will be a ray of life. However, when I am in the game, I may not be able to fight. The enemy’s position can be seen clearly, so it is necessary for the nine princesses to stand high and send a signal to me to direct me in the direction of the battle."8

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