Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1023: Take the head of the general in the army

Dongfang Muxue's face seemed to be full of pride in the world at this time: "If the other party is a peerless star like Han Bai Li Yue, no matter how I rush into the battle, it will be a dead end, but it is absolutely impossible for Li Kexiu to command ten. Wan Dajun does not reveal a trace of flaws, so although tomorrow's dashing move is risky, it may not be impossible to succeed.?"

Xia Qingqing's eyes lit up when she heard it: "Snow Maiden's analysis made me suddenly full of confidence in tomorrow."

Ah Jiu on the side frowned and said, "I'll find someone else to send the signal. Then I will rush into the battle with Snow Maiden."

Xia Qingqing was about to say something, but Dongfang Muxue shook her head first: "My life is suspicious, and I must ensure that the person who signals is absolutely reliable."

"At that time, Qingqing will send the signal. I'll rush to the battle with you." Ah Jiu said hurriedly.

Xia Qingqing exclaimed: "No, Ajiu, you signal, I will accompany Snow Girl."

"You don't have to fight," Dongfang Muxue stopped the two. "The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. Ordinary people can't correctly judge which direction is more appropriate. After all, you are from the royal family, and you have experienced many wars in person. The number is more suitable than Qingqing."

Xia Qingqing nodded and said in agreement: "Ajiu, I lead a gang of mobs in the arena and it's back. You are still responsible for the task of commanding thousands of troops."

Ah Jiu bit his lip, and obviously made a great determination: "Well, I will signal you tomorrow. If anything goes wrong with you, I will come down to accompany you."

"Ajiu~" Xia Qingqing was moved in her heart, and her eyes were a little red.

Seeing the affectionate look of the two female sisters, the gloomy light in Dongfang Muxue's eyes flashed away. Although she said it was high-sounding, she did not say the most fundamental reason. Only when Ah Jiu is commanding from a high place can she allow Xia Qingqing to accompany herself in the battle.

On the top of Mount Tai, Yuan Chengzhi died by her hands. Dongfang Muxue didn't take it seriously, and he killed him if he killed it, but who knew that after the exhibition, he and Xia Qingqing became "sisters"!

Although Xia Qingqing doesn't know that Snow Maiden is the undefeated East, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Sooner or later, the other party will know the truth, and the ghost will know what will happen then.

Dongfang Muxue, as the leader of the Sun Moon God Cult for many years, has already developed a cruel temperament to kill and decisive, and decided to kill all dangers in the bud as soon as possible, and this battle is a wonderful opportunity.

On the battlefield of thousands of horses rushing directly to the opponent's army, it was originally a matter of life and death. When Xia Qingqing "accidentally" died on the battlefield, no one would have thought that she was the one who was in trouble.

Xia Qingqing didn't realize that the catastrophe was imminent, and after he was in a good mood with Jiu, they worked with Dongfang Muxue to study what secret code to use tomorrow. First, they proposed the use of a flag, but was quickly rejected by Dongfang Muxue. The battlefield was extremely dangerous and the timing It's fleeting, there is no time to look back at any banner.

After discussion and discussion, I finally decided to use the sound of war drums as a signal. The size and interval of the drums have different meanings. If Song Qingshu were here, I would definitely be surprised that these three women actually fiddled with similar games. Something with a password.

In the early morning of the second day, the Golden Snake Camp and Li Kexiu's Green Camp started a confrontation on a plain, and the battle was on the horizon.

Li Kexiu came out this time, bringing a full 80,000 green camp soldiers, all of whom were carefully selected. The old, weak, sick and disabled were left guarded by him in the rear, so all of them were full of fighting spirit. , The military appearance is neat.

Looking back at the Golden Snake Camp, after all, it was the Greenwood robbers who started, and the military discipline and military capacity are not comparable to those of the regular army. After two years of serious management by Song Qingshu and Ajiu Xia Qingqing, the combat effectiveness of the army under his command has been increasing day by day. It is a pity that Song Qingshu was poisoned in Yangzhou. The news of the death was raging, and Jin Snake Camp was terrified from top to bottom. Coupled with suspicion and suspicion, morale had fallen to the bottom.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Jin Snake Camp, an army mainly composed of rivers and lakes, are obvious. Once the morale is high, all of them are hungry and howling wolf puppies. Once the morale is lost, the army will be defeated like a mountain, and there will be no combat effectiveness. .

Seeing the soldiers on the opposite side downcast and the formation chaotic, Li Kexiu, who was sitting in the middle army, couldn't help but laughed, pointing to the generals facing the surroundings and saying: "These mobs will disperse their formation after a charge, and then chase. If you die to the north, you must rely on you, and we must completely eliminate the vigorous force of Jinsheying. Then the land of Shandong will be my Li's bag!"

"The admiral is invincible. Congratulations to the admiral, and the admiral Hexi."

"Even if Sun Wu resurrected and Bai Qi came back again, I am afraid he would not do better than the admiral."


The group of generals was obviously also extremely optimistic about the outcome of this battle, and they all slapped Li Kexiu's ass.

"The result is not yet known. You still need to work hard." Although Li Kexiu said so, there was an uncontrollable smile on his face. Obviously these flattering slapped him extremely comfortably.

Although the design of poisoning Song Qingshu this time is very risky, it is still very rich in terms of the result. First, it formed an alliance with the Southern Song Dynasty and became the uncle of the Southern Song Dynasty. If the daughter really becomes the queen, it will be even more perfect; He annexed the Golden Snake Camp, and the territory instantly doubled, and the army under his command could grow to hundreds of thousands. Looking at the world, he could completely fight against the rituals of neighboring countries and sit on an equal footing.

Thinking of the beauty, Li Kexiu suddenly felt agitated, and waved his hand to signal his subordinates to start the attack.

The front lines of the two sides collided together. It didn’t take long before the camp of the Golden Snake Camp became loose and there were signs of collapse. Li Kexiu could see clearly, sneered, and commanded the backup troops to continue to attack the torn rift, trying to finish their efforts. One battle.

Seeing that the Golden Snake Camp was about to retreat across the board, suddenly a cavalry slashed out from the ground and rushed into Li Kexiu’s army, wearing a ferocious bronze mask on his head. There was no enemy in the place where he passed. All the green camp soldiers were there. In front of him, it seemed as if the first snow meets the scorching sun, and disappeared.

Everyone of the cavalry in that team seemed to have a tragic and determined aura. The two warring parties quickly noticed the situation here, and the two warring parties quickly noticed their situation.

"The Golden Snake King, that is the Golden Snake King!" I don't know who roared in the battlefield. The soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp who were on the verge of collapse seemed to have been beaten in blood, abruptly blocking the tidal attack of Li Kexiu's troops, and stood firmly in front of him. Up the heel.

"Golden Snake King?" Li Kexiu sneered. He obviously also noticed this special cavalry. "Song Qingshu has already died in Yangzhou. I don't know where the counterfeit came from, and I want to come to Huanglong?"

After all, Li Kexiu, the veteran on the battlefield, although he knew that the opponent was fake, he didn't care about it. He hurriedly instructed the corresponding troops to surround the lonely and deep cavalry: "I will personally crush the last hope of the Golden Snake Camp!"

With the arrangement of Li Kexiu, the situation of the cavalry force that was like a broken bamboo really slowed down, and there were more and more green camp soldiers around. Although the hand of the man wearing the bronze mask was raised, a piece of green camp soldiers must fall, but unfortunately there are too many enemies, and gradually The footsteps of the ground assault slowed down, as if a tiger fell into the swamp and could only struggle in vain.

"Boom... boom boom... boom boom boom!"

At this moment, there was a burst of exciting drums from the Golden Snake Camp. The rhythm of the drums was so special, it was not like a normal war drum at all.

Normally, it is impossible for even the most powerful drummer to make the drum sound clear into everyone's ears on the battlefield, but the drum sound did it, and it seemed to be mingled with peculiar magic power. Everyone felt the heart. Pang pounding, as if the blood all over his body began to boil.

"It's the Ninth Princess!"

"It's really the Ninth Princess!"

The cheers of the soldiers of the Jinshe Camp came and went one after another, and saw a woman in a white dress fluttering like a nine-day fairy descending to the earth waving drumsticks in the formation, and bursts of drums immediately dispersed.

All the people who saw this picture were lost for a while. In their hearts, this kind of fairy girl should play flute and flute to meet her own temperament. Drumming should be left to the full face. The big guy with a beard, I don't know why, watching Ah Jiu playing drums in the formation at this moment, there is no sense of disobedience.

The man wearing the bronze mask seemed to have been waiting for the drums. He heard the sound all over his body and screamed: "Here!" Then he rushed to the southeast with a horizontal knife. With a wave of his hand, there was another large green camp. The soldier fell down.

"Demon method, this person can be demon method!" The green camp soldier did not see that he had a weapon in his hand, but his companions fell one by one inexplicably, all in horror.

I don't know who screamed, wherever the bronze masked knight went, the formation of the green camp was faintly collapsed.

Naturally, this cavalry was a death squad led by Dongfang Muxue. She trained into the Sunflower Collection. She was too fast to use any weapon and it would be a drag. In the end, the embroidery needles were the most comfortable.

This time she went south, she prepared in advance and had thousands of embroidery needles on her body. Although she had injuries on her body, her repairing base was greatly damaged, but it had no effect on some ordinary soldiers.

Although the green camp soldiers have armor all over their bodies, Dongfang Muxue's embroidery needles go to their eyes. What if they have armor on them? Therefore, under the guidance of the sound of drums, she rushed out a **** path for the obviously heavy army!

This cavalry was like a **** descending from the earth, rushing from left to right in the battlefield, and the 80,000 green battalion soldiers could not stop them!

Seeing that cavalry was getting closer, Li Kexiu also panicked in the game, and hurriedly sent out all the spare hole cards, so that they must stop the killing cavalry.

Dongfang Muxue is now covered in blood, feeling the increasing pressure from all directions, and can't help but frown secretly. Although this death squad is brave, but after all, the number is too small. Faced with thousands of enemies, they obviously have arrived. The end of the crossbow. 8

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