Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1204: It's like trying to get something

Dongfang Muxue shot a few green camp soldiers who were blocking the road again, and looked in the direction of Li Kexiu, and saw that Shuaiqi was only a few hundred steps away from her. Her thoughts turned sharply, and she planned to use the death squad behind him to hold the opponent. Attention, he rushed over with light work, maybe he could really cut the flag and win the command. Tian Lai Novels. 2

Just as he was about to leave, an exclamation suddenly came from behind him. Looking back, it turned out that Xia Qingqing's mount was shot and fell to the ground with a whine. Xia Qingqing was caught off guard and fell.

Seeing several spears poking at her at the same time, Dongfang Muxue's eyes condensed. Although she was able to help, she did not take action, but stood by and stood by.

I saw Xia Qingqing's crisis, with a little tiptoe, and the whole person was like a royal concubine drunk. She forced her upper body to stop in mid-air with the strength of her waist and escaped several life-threatening spears. Then the golden light flashed, the golden snake sword. He swiped it and forced them back.

"The flexibility of this small waist, tsk tsk, I don't know how many positions can be unlocked, Song Qingshu's boy is pretty lucky." Dongfang Muxue didn't know why she had such a thought at such a critical juncture.

Seeing more green camp soldiers rushing towards her, Dongfang Muxue sneered, knowing that she would soon be submerged in a sea of ​​people, but when she was about to leave, she heard Xia Qingqing's voice: " Snow Maiden, don't worry about me, go and catch Li Kexiu!"

It turned out that she noticed Dongfang Muxue looking here, thinking she was going to save herself, and hurriedly shouted.

Dongfang Muxue frowned. If Xia Qingqing called for help, she would definitely leave without paying any attention, but now this situation made her hesitate a bit.

Seeing Dongfang Muxue stunned there, Xia Qingqing suddenly became anxious, threw out a few golden snake cones and shot to death several soldiers who planned to attack each other: "Snow Maiden, go!"

Dongfang Muxue just woke up like a dream, snorted and rushed towards Shuaiqi with a light effort.

"Snow Girl, take good care of Qing Shu in the future." Looking at her leaving figure, Xia Qingqing had a smile of relief on her face, and shouted with all her last strength, she had no more power to deal with the spears that were pierced in all directions.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Dongfang Muxue paused, with a painful struggling color on her face, and finally gritted her teeth and returned to the world to pull Xia Qingqing back from the gate.

"Why are you back?" Xia Qingqing did not show the joy of escaping from birth, but was a little angry, because she could see that there was hope just now, and now that the opportunity is fleeting, I am afraid it is no longer to catch Li Kexiu. It's possible.

"I wonder why I came back." Dongfang Muxue snorted coldly. She would never admit that she was the kind of soft-hearted person. After thinking about it, she finally found a reason to convince herself: I can deceive the whole by using the knife to kill people. People in the world, but that stinky boy in Song Qingshu is cunning and like a ghost, and he can surely guess the truth. There is no need to have a grudge for a pretty widow and him...

Dongfang Muxue comforted herself, while leading Xia Qingqing to continue killing in the direction where Li Kexiu was. Unfortunately, after this delay, Li Kexiu's troops had reacted, and more and more people gathered around.

There are enemies in all directions, and Dongfang Muxue's most proud technique of moving and dodge is useless. She is like a phoenix with soaked wings, deliberately taking off, but is exhausted by the stickiness of Binghai.

I don't know how long they have fought in the blood, Dongfang Muxue and Xia Qingqing can no longer see a companion in their eyes, only the enemy in all directions, they still don't know that the entire cavalry squad has long been wiped out.

"Snow Maiden, you are good at work, find a chance to escape, I will cover you." Xia Qingqing and Dongfang Muxue back to back, gritted their teeth and said, she can't lift a little strength all over her body, knowing that she may not be able to hold on for long, but Dongfang Mu Xue is different. Although it is impossible to assassinate Li Kexiu now, but she is so easy to use, there is still a chance to escape.

"Escape?" Dongfang Muxue snorted, and said proudly, "This seat is in this life, and there are few rivals in the world. It is a shame and shame to escape once, how can you escape a second time?"

Hei Muya was hurt by Mingzun's sneak attack, which she regarded as a great shame, and she has sworn that she will never tolerate her embarrassment in the future.

Xia Qingqing was shocked by the change in her temperament at this moment, and she seemed to feel another figure that she didn't want to recall... She quickly shook her head, wondering how Snow Maiden would be invincible in the East.

Dongfang Muxue didn't know what Xia Qingqing was thinking at this time, and once again pushed back the green camp soldiers who had come up to besieged and killed. Suddenly her expression changed, and her body was turned over!

It turned out that she was wounded by Feng Qingyang’s innate sword aura, and she was hit by Ming Zun’s full force. She was already dead for many times when she changed to an ordinary master. It’s a shame that she was the undefeated Oriental in the past years. The profound skill has actually stood up, but the price is that the strength is only about 30 to 40% of the peak period, and a part of the skill must be allocated to suppress the injury in the body at the same time.

She has been fighting for so long, the body has been exhausted, and her life has been hanging by a thread several times. At this time, she will not pay attention to the specific situation in the body. As a result, the internal force used to suppress the injury has been requisitioned by her. , All the injuries have exploded suddenly.

It is like a flood held by a dam. Once the dam collapses, the flood potential will increase exponentially than before. The injuries in Dongfang Muxue's body have been suppressed by her powerful internal forces, and she has accumulated a lot of anger. Now she has the opportunity to backlash, which is naturally unstoppable.

"Wow~" Dongfang Muxue spit out a mouthful of blood, only feeling that all her strength was leaving her, her meridians seemed to be pierced by a knife.

"Snow Maiden, what's the matter with you?" Xia Qingqing was shocked when she felt Dongfang Muxue's body suddenly soft like cotton behind her.

It's a pity that Dongfang Muxue doesn't even have the strength to speak now!

Seeing the opportunity, the nearby soldiers rushed up. Xia Qingqing was already dark in front of her eyes, as if she was about to fall asleep as soon as she closed her eyes. Seeing this, she hurriedly bit her lips to bleed, and exchanged her pain for a short time. Sober.

Using the Golden Snake Sword to cut off a few spears that were poking at Dongfang Muxue, Xia Qingqing felt dizzy and no longer had the strength to stand up, and could only watch the group of green camp soldiers surge up again.

With the shimmering spear head close at hand, Xia Qingqing subconsciously hugged Dongfang Muxue tightly in her arms, leaving only the last thought in her mind: I don't know if the spear will hurt if it is stuck in her body...

Seeing that the group of soldiers held their spears and was about to poke the two women in the center of the circle into candied gourds, suddenly a sword aura fell from the sky. The scattered sword aura made the group of soldiers no longer able to resist, and their armor was broken into pieces. They fell to the ground one after another, and when the clamor retreated, only a handsome man stood in front of the two women.

"Big Brother Song!" Xia Qingqing opened her eyes in disbelief, choking in her tone.

Although Dongfang Muxue was unable to speak due to the injuries in his body, the eyes looking at his back were still shining.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Song Qingshu helped the two girls up with one hand. He was a little curious about who the man wearing the bronze mask was. He took off her mask and said in surprise, "It's you."

"Is it unexpected?" Dongfang Muxue finally squeezed out a word, her hoarse voice showed that her current physical condition is not optimistic.

"It's really unexpected?" Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and quickly found out her physical condition, frowned slightly and quickly relaxed again, "Don't worry, leave the rest to me."

Dongfang Muxue smiled and nodded, seeming to have absolute trust in him.

At this time, there was a shocking cheer in the direction of the Golden Snake Camp. It turned out that the people in the Golden Snake Camp had always regarded Dongfang Muxue wearing a bronze mask as their collar. Seeing her unstoppable, the whole Golden Snake Camp seemed to explode, and then watched. She was gradually overwhelmed by the green camp soldiers. The whole Golden Snake Camp was like ten thousand horses, and there was a feeling of despair everywhere. Now the real Song Qingshu is like a **** soldier. After a short period of immersion, the Golden Snake Camp burst into cheers like a tsunami , As if the depressed emotions have finally been released.

"Song Qingshu?" Li Kexiu in the distance also saw the scene here, and the whole person couldn't help shaking. "He didn't die?"

At that moment, all kinds of negative emotions rushed into my heart, but fortunately, Li Kexiu was determined and did not collapse on the spot.

"I can make you die once, and naturally I can make you die a second time!" Li Kexiu is now struggling to ride a tiger, and hastily passed the order. Anyone who can kill Song Qingshu will be promoted to the third level of gold.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. When the group of green camp soldiers heard the instructions, their eyes flashed green, and they rushed over.

Song Qingshu hugged Xia Qingqing with his left hand and Dongfang Muxue with his right hand. Seeing them rushing up, with a toe kick, the Yitian sword inserted in the center suddenly appeared like a sharply rotating cutter, and the surrounding soldiers fell in a crash. A large piece of it.

With the three as the center, no green camp soldier within a radius of several meters dared to approach again. Song Qingshu then asked the two women: "Why are you in such a dangerous place?"

Being held in his arms, Xia Qingqing was almost overwhelmed by happiness at this moment. Hearing his question, she only regained consciousness: "We plan to go straight to the army and see if we can catch the thief first..."

Then I talked about the situation facing the Golden Snake Camp and their plans, and finally sighed quietly: "It's a pity that Snow Maiden fell short in order to save me. Now Li Kexiu is heavily guarded by his side, and she wants to attack him again. may."

"Your plan is very beautiful. As for Li Kexiu..." Song Qingshu glanced at the green camp soldier Shuaiqi. Although the two sides are only a few hundred meters apart, thousands of troops have been blocked in the middle. The guards around him can be described as It is solid.

Even Dongfang Muxue was going to persuade him to take the opportunity to retreat from the long-term plan, but he heard Song Qingshu continue to say: "Taking the generals from the army is like trying to get things!"

The two women hadn't reacted yet, and there was already a heart-stirring Tang poem on the battlefield:

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu Goushuang Xueming."

Regardless of the soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp or the Green Camp soldiers, their eyes straightened instantly, because they saw that as the verse sounded, Song Qingshu embraced Xia Qingqing with his left hand and Dongfang Muxue with his right hand, and took a light step forward. As if there are layers of invisible stairs, the three people actually walked into the air step by step!

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