Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1205: Kill a person in ten steps without staying for a thousand miles

"Silver saddle...photo...white horse..." Song Qingshu obviously didn't scream hard, just chanting poems quietly, but in this huge battlefield, every word he chanted on the battlefield could be heard clearly. Clearly Chu, as if it was a trembling from the depths of the soul. ???

Song Qingshu embraced Xia Qingqing in one hand and Dongfang Muxue in the other. He stepped out, the air seemed to be real, and there were circles of shallow ripples on the soles of his feet.

"How is this possible..." Everyone on the battlefield looked up at all this in disbelief, and everyone trembled in shock.

Don’t say other people, even Dongfang Muxue is dumbfounded. She is one of the best in the world. Song Qingshu’s light work before Song Qingshu is powerful, but it is not close to her when she was at the peak, but now all this makes her dare Believe in your own eyes.

If opportunistic, the top players in the arena can create the illusion that they are walking on the moon. When she fought against the top of the Forbidden City, she had seen Feng Qingyang do it before, but that could only be from top to bottom. , And the speed has to pass extremely fast, how can it be like Song Qingshu from bottom to top, walking in a leisurely courtyard as if stepping on a step?

This is no longer a light work, but a miracle!

Dongfang Muxue clearly didn't say it was him, that is, all the light gong masters on the rivers and lakes could not do it together.

Xia Qingqing at the side did not think so much about Dongfang Muxue, but simply enjoyed the happy dizziness, thinking that when she was bound to die, her lover came from the sky to save herself, and she appeared in such a way to hold her in such a way. In front of 100,000 people, she felt that her whole person was about to faint.

She just wanted to snuggle in the arms of her lover happily now, but suddenly she thought that in the eyes of the world, she was still Madam Yuan. If Xiao Niaoyi were shrunk in the arms of another man, what style would she be?

But this hesitation was instantly forgotten by her. At this moment, her young girl's heart was overflowing, and her eyes were full of peachy hearts.

"If you want to die, die." Xia Qingqing bit her lip, no longer worrying so much, hugged the lover directly, and most of her body was attached to his arms.

On the top of a mountain in the distance, Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min, and Lan Fenghuang were sitting on the horse and looking at them. Even though they were so familiar with Song Qingshu, they still trembled.

"The Supreme Profound Scripture is so magical..." Everyone in the field, probably only Zhou Zhiruo knew what was going on, but her shock was quickly replaced by a sour feeling in her heart, watching her husband behave in front of hundreds of thousands. She appeared in such a sulky way, but she hugged other women in her arms, and she regretted not following up just now.

Zhao Min's eyes widened, looking at Feng Xu Yufeng, Song Qingshu, who was like an immortal descending to the earth, his eyes were complicated and difficult to understand.

On the contrary, the Lan Phoenix next to him has a more direct character, and the exclamation in his heart blurted out: "Song Gongzi is really...tsk, even if such a man is slept for nothing by him, I am willing."

Hearing what she said, Zhao Min had to sigh that the Miao women are more enthusiastic and unrestrained than the Mongolians, but she seems to be right. Even if it is me, I am afraid that he would be willing to sleep for nothing...

Zhao Min instantly blushed, and quietly glanced at Zhou Zhiruo next to her, and he sighed with relief when she saw that she hadn't noticed her abnormality.

Unknowingly, Song Qingshu and the three of them had already stood in the sky at a height of several tens of meters, condescendingly looking at Li Kexiu diagonally below.

Li Kexiu glanced at him, feeling that the whole body was cold, his hands and feet were cold, and he hurriedly called: "Follow the arrow, quickly release the arrow, this is just a trick!"

He knew that when he was in Yangzhou, he betrayed Song Qingshu and caused the other side to be almost poisoned to death. The two sides have already forged a feud, and the other side will never let him go.

Unfortunately, no matter what he called, none of the green camp soldiers under his command were still immersed in this magical skill. The people of this world are far more superstitious and ignorant. Something changed?

However, after Li Kexiu has ruled the army for many years, there are still many loyal subordinates. After he repeatedly urged, a team of guards finally stretched their bows and aimed them at the three in mid-air.

Noting the change below, Song Qingshu smiled disdainfully.

"Suddenly like a meteor..." The three people in mid-air seemed to turn into a meteor from the sky, and instantly rushed from the sky tens of meters high to diagonally below, causing all the arrow rain under Li Kexiu to shoot into the air.

"Ten steps to kill one person..." Song Qingshu waved the Heaven Sword in his hand, and a monstrous sword aura surged out, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

"Thousands of miles do not stay!" When he stood still, the guards sprayed blood mist from the necks of the confidant guards in front of Li Kexiu, and fell to the ground one by one, leaving Li Kexiu alone standing alone .

Li Kexiu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but his legs were so soft that he couldn't take a step at all.

"You wait for me here." Song Qingshu whispered to the two women, then let go of their arms, and instantly appeared in front of Li Kexiu, grabbed him and flew above the handsome flag, pinched his neck and lifted him high. In mid-air, his sharp eyes scanned the battlefield for a week, and said lightly: "Those who descend will not die!"

Although Song Qingshu’s voice was flat, everyone on the battlefield seemed to be shocked. Seeing Li Kexiu, who was like a chicken in his hand, the tens of thousands of soldiers in the green camp. Look at me. I will see you. I don’t know who brought it. Head, more and more people dropped their weapons and bowed in front of him: "Meet the Golden Snake King!"

"Meet the Golden Snake King!"


There were waves one after another. In the end, no matter the soldiers of the Green Camp or the Golden Snake Camp, they all knelt down on the ground and showed the highest respect.

The picture at this moment is destined to be recorded in the annals of history, and it will be unforgettable for Zhao Min and others.

The war ended in this way. Song Qingshu did not kill Li Kexiu. After all, Li Kexiu was the leader of the Jianghuai land. He who was alive was more valuable than his dead. Secondly, Li Kexiu was the father of Li Yuanzhi after all.

Although Li Kexiu betrayed Song Qingshu, Li Yuanzhi was very kind to him from start to finish. Yangzhou spared his daughter’s reputation to save him, and Linan gave him the body of a young girl. With these two things alone, how could Song Qingshu make her sad for a lifetime ?

Of course, the death penalty can be avoided and the living sin cannot escape. Song Qingshu sent someone to imprison Li Kexiu. I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to see the sun again in his life.

While working on the acquisition of Jiangnan Green Camp, Xia Qingqing suddenly ran over, crying in her voice: "Big Brother Song, go and see Snow Maiden, she is going to die soon." She and Dongfang Muxue were only in the palace before. I have seen it once, and the relationship is definitely not familiar, but this time the two experienced life and death together, Dongfang Muxue also saved her life several times on the way, and she had already regarded each other as a sister in her heart.

Song Qingshu was shocked, only then did he remember the injuries in Dongfang Muxue's body, and quickly handed over the matters at hand to his subordinates, and he hurried to Dongfang Muxue's tent.

Zhao Min and the other women were already in the tent. Among them, Zhou Zhiruo and A nine kilometers were the tallest, and they were desperately sending infuriating energy into Dongfang Muxue's body, and Lan Fenghuang was anxiously turning around.

Zhao Min finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Sister Lan, don't walk around like this. Not only is it useless, but it's easy to disturb their healing."

"I owe it to you." Lan Fenghuang stopped and looked at Dongfang Muxue's pale cheeks with a worried expression.

Zhao Min looked at the fairy-like figure on the couch, secretly surprised: Why are Song Qingshu surrounded by women who are so damaging to the country and the people? Who on earth is she, seems to have an extraordinary relationship with Song Qingshu.

Zhao Min wasn't as worried as the other women. After all, she and Dongfang Muxue didn't know each other, and she was not the Virgin of compassion. How could she worry about an irrelevant woman? What's more, the other party is likely to be her potential rival in love, and she's already saving face without applauding.

Apart from Xia Qingqing and Lan Fenghuang, Ah Jiu should be another person who worried about Dongfang Muxue. If Dongfang Muxue hadn't replaced her, she would probably be lying here now. Ah Jiu didn't know the cause of Dongfang Muxue's injury, but he was seriously injured in the battle.

Zhou Zhiruo's mood at this time is extremely complicated. She has always regarded Dongfang Muxue as a strong enemy. Seeing her life hanging by a thread, she even has a hint of joy in her heart, but Dongfang Muxue is related to the overall situation of the Forbidden City. What happened to her? Song Qingshu's good situation in the Qing Dynasty might be in vain, and she was injured this time because of Qingshu's career...

After all, Zhou Zhiruo wasn't the kind of cruel and merciless woman in her bones, so she quickly got rid of distracting thoughts and concentrated on healing Dongfang Muxue's injuries. It's a pity that the internal strength of her and Ajiu's loss was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no response at all.

When there was nothing to do, Song Qingshu finally rushed over.

"Young Master Song, you must save my master's life!" Lan Fenghuang threw a plop and knelt before Song Qing's writing. Just now she had witnessed such a miracle. At this time, there was nothing in her mind that Song Qingshu could not do.

"Master?" Xia Qingqing on the side was shocked, only to notice her dressing style, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Song Qingshu nodded, and went to the couch, reaching out to check Dongfang Muxue's injury.

"Qingshu, Snow Maiden..." Zhou Zhiruo and Ah Jiu said the weirdness in her body again, "I don't know why, we lost so much internal force to enter, Snow Maiden's injuries are not at all. Get better."

"She was not injured by ordinary internal injuries," Song Qingshu explained: "It was because she was injured by the congenital sword qi in her meridian, and then was attacked by Ming Zun. She was hit with a full blow from him, and she held her life with her profound skill. This time, the attack on Li Kexiu's Chinese army caused the old wounds to bounce back with excessive force, so your usual healing methods are useless."

Xia Qingqing on the side turned pale, and murmured: "The congenital sword qi hurts meridians? Mingzun?" There are only a handful of masters in this world who can use the congenital sword qi, and she also knows that Mingzun is Zhang Wuji. The undefeated East was hit by Zhang Wuji into the cliff back then, and the identity of the Snow Girl was ready to emerge.

It's a pity that the entire room's attention was focused on Song Qingshu and Dongfang Muxue, and no one noticed her abnormality. 8

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