Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1206: The second method

After answering the doubts of several women, Song Qingshu pointed a few big holes on Dongfang Muxue's body with a yang. With the help of his vigorous internal strength, Dongfang Muxue finally woke up quietly. Tian Lai Novels

"You should be aware of the current situation of your internal injuries, and you must rescue them as soon as possible, otherwise, even if the gods descend to the earth, they won't be able to save you." Song Qingshu said while losing internal strength for her.

Dongfang Muxue closed her eyes and felt the injury carefully, and soon said with a wry smile: "Now the meridians in my body have collapsed in a mess, I am afraid that now the gods will not be able to save it."

Lan Fenghuang wailed, thumped and knelt to the bed: "Master, don't be discouraged, and Song Gong is here, he is a god." She always respected Dongfang Muxue as a deity in her heart. Since the other party said so, I am afraid that most of them are not saved, and now the only hope is in Song Qingshu.

"Phoenix, when the manpower is exhausted, don't be too forceful." Dongfang Muxue reached out and touched the top of Lan Fenghuang's head, her eyes were extremely petting, but such a simple action caused her to cough after being seriously injured.

Song Qingshu had a strange expression on the side, thinking about the relationship between Dongfang Muxue and Lan Fenghuang, how did he feel the sour smell of love? Dongfang Muxue was really forward-conscious, and Lan Fenghuang was very devoted to her.

Seeing Lan Fenghuang holding Dongfang Muxue crying and crying, Zhao Min on the side couldn't help coughing: "Brother Qingshu said that she was seriously injured, but he didn't say that she could not be saved. How come you make it seem like you are explaining the funeral."

Zhao Min is always smart, and the observers are clear, and he has guessed seven or eight from Song Qingshu's reaction.

"Master Song, is there really a rescue?" Lan Fenghuang turned to Song Qingshu with tears.

Song Qingshu glared at Zhao Min, who had bad deeds, nodded, and came to Dongfang Muxue and said, "I have two ways to save you now, depending on which one you are willing to accept..."

Dongfang Muxue smiled: "I'm dying, how can I be so picky, whichever is fine."

"Listen to me first before deciding on these two methods." Song Qingshu's face was a little weird. "The first method is that I use a yang finger to get through your meridians, but this has two more problems. One is you. The injury is too serious, and I will consume a lot of internal strength. I am afraid that I will not be able to interact with people in a few years. Second, although you can save your life, it is difficult to return to the top with martial arts; huh..."

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Muxue interrupted him: "Needless to say, just choose."

Song Qingshu was startled: "You don't listen to what it is?"

"I know what it is." Dongfang Muxue's expression was a little strange at this time, as if he was embarrassed and ashamed, "Don't forget who sent you to Tubo in the first place."

Seeing that the little trick was seen through, Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed, Dongfang Muxue instead said, "Now is the critical moment for you to start a business. If you can't do it for a few years, it would be too deadly, and I don't want to become a man after he is injured. You don’t have to worry about it. I’ve been mentally prepared for this day. Before, your skill was not enough. Now your cultivation is even better than what I had in his heyday..." She didn’t go on with the following words, but The meaning is already obvious.

"What dumb riddles are you playing?" Zhao Min heard in a cloud of mist, "What the **** is it?"

Ah Jiu's face flushed on the side, apparently remembering the scene where Song Qingshu rescued him, and said hurriedly: "Qingshu, you can heal Snow Girl well, I won't bother you."

When he said that, he walked out of the tent, and when he passed by Xia Qingqing, he stretched out his hand to pull her: "Qingqing, let's go."

Who knew that Xia Qingqing didn't react at all, but stared directly at Dongfang Muxue on the bed.

"Qingqing, life is at stake, now is not the time to be jealous," A Jiu lowered her voice to comfort her, thinking that her abnormality was due to jealousy, "not to mention that Snow Maiden saved you on the battlefield before. ."

Xia Qingqing bit her lip with a complicated expression, and was finally pulled away by Ah Jiu.

Although Zhou Zhiruo had not experienced it personally like Ah Jiu, she and Song Qingshu were husband and wife. Naturally, they knew the healing power of Huanxi Zen. Seeing Ah Jiu retired, she couldn't stay in the tent anymore, so she got up and said goodbye. , Snow Maiden will leave it to you."

Although she feels a little bit sour in her heart, she knows the importance of it, so she will naturally not be emotional at this juncture.

Seeing them leave one by one, Zhao Min, who was sitting on a stool watching the show, looked blank: "What the **** are you doing, all mysterious?"

Zhou Zhiruo snorted coldly and pulled her out.

"Hey hey, it hurts! Zhou Zhiruo, do you deliberately, tap it~"

Hearing the faint voice coming from outside the tent, Dongfang Muxue had a strange smile on her face: "It seems that Mrs. Zun is very jealous."

Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "It's normal to be a little emotional, but she didn't say anything, so don't think too much."

Dongfang Muxue nodded: "She has a little bit of Donggong empress."

Lan Phoenix on the side was worried about the owner’s injury, and was unwilling to stay here to disturb the two of them. He hurriedly said, "Master, son, I will retire first." Song Qingshu was originally from the Five Poison Sect to go out to Tubo Nyingma Temple, and she naturally did. I thought of what it was.

"Phoenix, you stay." Who knew Dongfang Muxue beckoned her to stay here.

"Huh?" Lan Fenghuang was stunned immediately, thinking that it would be embarrassing for him to stay here for a while. Even Song Qingshu looked at Dongfang Muxue with some doubts.

"Leaving you here is for us to protect the law, second..." Dongfang Muxue glanced at Song Qingshu, her pale cheeks with a slight blush, "Don't look at this **** now being gentle and gentle, wait for you to go to bed. The beast is very bad, I am seriously injured, but I can't stand his toss, wait for you to serve him for me."

Although Dongfang Muxue did not have **** with Song Qingshu, she had already gotten a lot of things out of Qu Fei's cigarette holder. What's more, she had seen him in the empress Xiaotong and the scene of Princess Jingnan on his body. Although Dongfang Muxue has always been Self-confidence, but where can my weak body stand that kind of petting?

Lan Fenghuang didn't expect Dongfang Muxue to stay her for this, her eyes were red, and she hurriedly knelt down: "Master, although our Miao women behave a little sloppily, but in their bones, the emotions are the most dedicated. I am already. If you are the leader, how can you serve others?"

She had witnessed Song Qingshu's fairy-like performance before. Although she thought that he would be willing to sleep in vain, she was just thinking about it, and she panicked when things really happened.

Dongfang Muxue's face sank: "You are my woman, and I am his woman now, and you are naturally his woman. A man that you can admire, can you still feel wronged?"

"No, I didn't mean that." Lan Fenghuang took a peek at Song Qingshu, a peach blossom-like blush appeared on her milky white skin, "Song Gongzi is a fairy-like figure, it's because I can't match his posture like a willow. ."

"That's not it," Dongfang Muxue's expression was a little relieved, "After he healed my injury later, you will serve him well for me."

"But...but..." Blue Phoenix, who has always been brave and seductive, was as shy as a boudoir girl at this moment, hesitating and didn't know how to refuse.

Seeing the scene where she was about to cry, Dongfang Muxue's voice softened: "Phoenix, I am a woman after all. I also want to marry, and I can't give you the happiness of a lifetime."

"As long as I can stay with my master for the rest of my life, I am willing to do anything!" Lan Fenghuang said hurriedly.

"Well," Dongfang Muxue pointed to Song Qingshu, "From today, he is also your master. How you served me before, you will serve him in the future."

"Since the master asked Fenghuang'er to do this, Fenghuang'er has to do it." Blue Phoenix said with some choked tears in her beautiful eyes.

Song Qingshu on the side heard a black line, and finally couldn't help but said: "Hey hey hey, you two have been talking here for half a day, have you considered my feelings?"

Dongfang Muxue chuckled: "Do you have any comments on this kind of good thing that is cheap to you?"

Song Qingshu said solemnly, "I am not a beast?"

"Then who used to stare at Fenghuang'er's chest and **** peeking?" Dongfang Muxue said nothing, making the other two people blushing.

Song Qingshu said depressed: "My appreciation of beautiful things is not as sordid as you think."

Dongfang Muxue wanted to say something, but suddenly a violent cough: "If you delay any more time, I'm afraid I'm really going to report to Wangye Yan."

Lan Fenghuang was shocked, crying in his voice so anxious: "It's me who is not good, I am willing to listen to the master's arrangement."

Song Qingshu didn't have the time to pay attention to Lan Phoenix at this time, and hurriedly reached out and clicked on some of Dongfang Muxue's strange acupoints and said, "Xue'er, I'm about to start."

Hearing his name, Dongfang Muxue looked weird: "Back then, this seat made people in the rivers and lakes feel terrified. I never thought that there is such a delicate name now."

"If you don't like it, I can change it." Song Qingshu asked.

"Forget it, just this, it feels quite fresh." Dongfang Muxue's amazing cheek showed a slight smile.

Song Qingshu nodded, helped her up and sat across from him, and said: "Let go of your body and mind later, and remember not to resist, let my true energy dominate your body."

"Long-winded!" Dongfang Muxue gave him angrily, "I'm already prepared, are you coming?"

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and he was indeed the overlord of Megatron Rivers and Lakes back then. This stall was so sturdy.

With a cold snort, Song Qingshu was unwilling to fall into the wind, stretched out her hand and brushed it gently from top to bottom. Her clothes seemed to be cut by a pair of invisible scissors, sliding along the skin to the waist, as if they were peeling. Like an egg, revealing a jade-like body inside.

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