Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1210: Bitterness

"That was when I was worried that Big Brother Song would be in danger because of revenge. Now I take revenge on my own and don't need his help. Naturally, it is not a violation of the oath." Xia Qingqing picked up the golden snake sword and pointed it at Dongfang Muxue again. Defeat, die!"

Dongfang Muxue glanced at her with a smile but a smile: "Don't help Song Qingshu, you are not my opponent at all."

Xia Qingqing was breathing fast, gritted her teeth and said, "It's a big deal."

"Miss Xia, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate." Lan Fenghuang also arranged his clothes at this time and walked over and said.

"If you have fart." Xia Qingqing has never had a good impression of the Five Poison Sect women, not to mention that she is still an undefeated subordinate of the East. She just shamelessly poses such a posture to seduce Song Qingshu. It is strange that she can be polite.

Lan Fenghuang didn't mind, her voice was still charming as usual, as if there was no mood swing: "Although you used to be Mrs. Yuan, you are now Song Gongzi's woman. The master is also Song Gongzi's woman. You are both sisters, but for another one. The man is going to fight or kill, so where will Song Gongzi's face be put?"

Xia Qingqing was startled when she heard this, yes, she is already from Song Qingshu, but she has been talking about her ex-husband all these years. Thanks to his generosity, if he changes to another man, I am afraid it would have exploded long ago. Even so, he might have it too. I'm sorry.

"Big Brother Song, I... I didn't mean that..." Xia Qingqing hurriedly explained, but she didn't know how to explain when she opened her mouth.

Song Qingshu patted her fragrant shoulder and comforted: "Although it is a bit uncomfortable from the perspective of an ordinary man, I admire you more, admire your love and love, and admire your unwillingness to love. Just change the angle. Thinking, if I die in the future, you will avenge me in this way. My dissatisfaction has long since vanished..."

Xia Qingqing hurriedly reached out and pressed his lips: "Big Brother Song, don't say such unlucky things."

Dongfang Muxue sneered and said: "As the so-called strong fortune, with your brother Song's current cultivation base, no one in this world can hurt him, not like that unlucky ghost Yuan Chengzhi."

"What are you talking about!" Xia Qingqing suddenly frowned and glared at her.

"This arena was originally the weak and the strong. Are there few people who die under Yuan Chengzhi? He can kill others, but they can't kill him? To die on Mount Tai, he can only be blamed for his inferior skills." Dongfang Muxue said coldly. .

Song Qingshu's head suddenly became big. It was obvious that the atmosphere had improved just now. She suddenly said this, didn't she deliberately irritate Xia Qingqing and add fuel to the fire.

"I killed you!" Xia Qingqing couldn't hold back anymore, waved Song Qingshu's hand, and stabbed Dongfang Muxue with a sword.

Dongfang Muxue's figure dodged in a flash, but appeared behind Xia Qingqing and attacked her back.

Xia Qingqing made a mistake with her feet and avoided it with a mysterious and mysterious angle.

Dongfang Muxue missed the air and couldn't help but sighed: "Well, it seems that Song Xiaozi has not less to cultivate and irrigate on you." After she said that, she glanced at Song Qingshu with a smile, and she naturally knew that Song Qingshu's joyful meditation was not only It can improve one's own skills and it is also of great benefit to women.

Song Qingshu was having a headache on the side. The two women were fighting so hard that he really didn't know how to resolve this hatred.

"Shut up!" Xia Qingqing couldn't wait for a seam to get in, and the golden snake sword swung even more anxiously.

Dongfang Muxue dodges her attack leisurely, while looking for an opportunity to find flaws: "Although the magic is amazing, even Feng Qingyang and Yuan Chengzhi can't avoid me when they come out. Are you a girl?"

Hearing her words, Xia Qingqing's heart trembled, and her movements froze a little, but this flaw was enough for Dongfang Muxue to grasp, and her figure flashed into her within three feet, and patted her chest with a palm. .

Before the palm of her hand arrived, the wind of the palm was already pressing Xia Qingqing out of breath. Knowing that she couldn't close her, she turned her head back nostalgic and wanted to take another look at Song Qingshu.

Who knew that Song Qingshu was no longer where he was, and Xia Qingqing's heart was immediately full of regrets. Could it be that before he died, he wouldn't even be able to see him for the last time.

She closed her eyes in resignation, but after waiting for a long time, Dongfang Muxue's palm strength did not fall on her body, she couldn't help opening her eyes in doubt, and saw Song Qingshu standing in front of her, while Dongfang Muxue's palm was pressing on him. Above the chest.

A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Song Qingshu's mouth, and smiled bitterly: "Dear, you are really playing it." Dongfang Muxue's palm contains terrifying power. Thanks to his profound skill, if she hit Xia Qingqing, she might die on the spot. .

Seeing Song Qingshu's injury, Xia Qingqing was shocked and angry, and didn't even want to stab Dongfang Muxue with a sword.

She didn't know if Dongfang Muxue was shocked by hurting Song Qingshu or something. She stood there as if she was stupid, not evading the sword that was so close at hand.

Seeing that the tip of the sword was about to pierce Dongfang Muxue's chest, Song Qingshu hurriedly shot, grabbed the sword of the Golden Snake Sword, and finally stopped it dangerously.

Song Qingshu martial arts no matter how high it is, after all, it is a body of flesh and blood, and the golden snake sword is a well-known magic weapon in the rivers and lakes, and soon blood will be left from the palm of his hand along the sword.

"Big Brother Song!" Xia Qingqing exclaimed, and hurriedly threw away the Golden Snake Sword and stepped forward to check his wound. When he saw that his palm was dripping with blood, there was a cry in his voice: "I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's just skin trauma." Song Qingshu thought, Zhen Qi sealed the acupuncture points near the wound, and the blood quickly stopped, and at the same time, he thought to himself that it was because the outfits on the battlefield during the day were exhausted. When they entered the bridal chamber at night, they did not bleed, but instead they bleed.

"I'll find gauze for you to wrap it up." Xia Qingqing hurriedly ran to the side cabinet and searched for it.

Song Qingshu then quietly asked Dongfang Muxue: "Are you crazy? If I hadn't stopped it just now, Xia Qingqing had already been beaten to death by your palm."

Who knows Dongfang Muxue’s unreasonable enlightenment: "How can you resolve this hatred if you don’t come to such a bitter trick?" She expected that Song Qingshu would definitely come to rescue, so she deliberately used 70% to 80% of her power to kill him. Only by injury can Xia Qingqing's attention be distracted.

Song Qingshu thoughtfully, and roughly understood her intention: "But why didn't you hide afterwards?"

"Try my weight in your heart," Dongfang Muxue smiled sweetly, "Otherwise, if you only see you fighting for her, I will not be able to understand."

Song Qingshu heard a black line: "Then if I was a little slower just now, would you just watch the Golden Snake Sword inserted into your chest?"

Noting that Xia Qingqing ran back here, Dongfang Muxue blinked at him: "I won't tell you, guess it yourself." 8

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