Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1211: Come back from the dead

Song Qingshu was depressed, and suddenly thought how good it would be for all women to follow their own words, but he quickly dispelled this ridiculous idea. These women have their own characteristics because of their different personalities. Charm, if all you say and follow, what is the difference with those silicone dolls in the past?

Lost at this moment, Xia Qingqing has already ran over, carefully bandaging the wound for him, weeping while bandaging: "Sorry, Brother Song, I didn't expect to hurt you. Tianlai Novel"

Song Qingshu hurriedly comforted her with a few words, and at the same time was distressed. At this time, he could naturally use the majesty of a man to suppress the grievances of the two women.

"Did you really expect to hurt him?" Dongfang Muxue suddenly said.

Song Qingshu's scalp was numb, and she wondered if the two women were about to start again?

"Of course!" Xia Qingqing glared at her, "I would rather die than be injured by Brother Song..."

"Don't say these unlucky words." Song Qingshu hurriedly interrupted her, and at the same time was deeply moved. It seems that the dedication to Xia Qingqing over the years has not been in vain. She is a person who dares to love and hate, and she doesn't have so many flowers. Now that she said so, she must have thought so in her heart, not some pretty words.

"Then dare to ask your Excellency, is a heartache counted as an injury?" Dongfang Muxue asked tightly.

Xia Qingqing bit her lower lip, she had already faintly guessed what the other party wanted to say, but she was unwilling to tell lies: "Forget it!"

Dongfang Muxue suddenly smiled: "Then your revenge is nothing more than two results: if the revenge succeeds, I die; if the revenge fails, you die; but no matter who of us dies, Song Qingshu will be heartbroken, and he will never be able to face life. The person who came down, is this the result you want?"

Xia Qingqing was silent for a moment. She had just learned that Dongfang Muxue's identity was rushing, and now she calmed down and realized that even if she really embraced hatred, could she still be with Song Qingshu?

"But you killed Big Brother Yuan and avenged your husband. It is justified." Xia Qingqing's tone is obviously not as firm as before, and it is clear that there is a fierce struggle in his heart.

"It's just right!" Dongfang Muxue sneered, "I saved your life on the battlefield before, so how about saving your life?"

"I..." Xia Qingqing was speechless, and she fell into a violent struggle: Judging from the current situation, she obviously can't avenge her revenge; if she plays some conspiracy and tricks, there is no chance, but what will happen afterwards? Facing Brother Song? What's more, Dongfang Muxue is right. She has a life-saving grace for herself, so how can she avenge her revenge? But if you don't take revenge, Brother Yuan knows how to be at peace? I'm very sorry for Brother Song with Brother Song. If we still get along with our enemies as sisters, wouldn't she be a shameless woman?

Many thoughts surged in her mind, Xia Qingqing's face changed drastically, and her whole person seemed to be in a trance. After a long time, she suddenly sighed: "Nothing~"

After finishing talking, she swiped the sword on her neck, and she was not revenge, nor was it not revenge. After thinking about it, only one death can get peace of mind.

"What stupid thing are you doing!" Fortunately, the two people next to him were super masters, and the reaction was also timely. One shot down her golden snake sword, and the other took her into his arms.

"Big Brother Song, you let me die, I really can't live anymore." Xia Qingqing buried his head on Song Qingshu's chest and burst into tears.

Song Qingshu was silent. Before, he didn't quite understand why Xiao Feng chose to commit suicide at the end of "The Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragon". Now he saw Xia Qingqing's appearance and instantly understood.

Now Xia Qingqing is neither going to advance nor retreating. Although she can force her to survive, she can live one more day, for her, it is one more day of suffering. Only death can be relieved.

When Song Qingshu felt helpless, Dongfang Muxue suddenly said, "Xia Qingqing, have you ever thought of another possibility, if Yuan Chengzhi is not dead?"

"What?" These words seemed like a bolt from the blue, and even Song Qingshu looked at her in shock. Although the other's tone was full of uncertainty, Dongfang Muxue's temperament would never say such a word out of thin air.

"Big Brother Yuan is not dead?" Xia Qingqing was surprised at first, but quickly calmed down and murmured, "This is impossible. I personally collected it at first. Brother Yuan was fatally wounded on the head, unless it was a **** descending from the earth. How could it be possible to save him."

Dongfang Muxue chuckled: "I naturally say this, and I have my reason. Yuan Chengzhi may still be alive in this world."

"Quickly tell me what's going on?" Xia Qingqing looked excited. Who knew Dongfang Muxue glanced at her, and went over to check Song Qingshu's injuries.

"How is your injury?" Dongfang Muxue asked.

"No..." With Song Qingshu's current skill, a slight adjustment of the breath is actually okay. I was about to answer truthfully, but noticed that Dongfang Muxue quietly winked at him. Although it was a little unclear, he instinctively followed her meaning. , "The sword in your hand hurts nothing, but the palm of your hand just now almost killed me. Without months of cultivation, I'm afraid I can't do it with others."

Although Xia Qingqing really wanted to know about Yuan Chengzhi, when he heard that he was so badly injured, she gave Dongfang Muxue a fierce look: "Why are you such a vicious woman? You put such a heavy hand on Brother Song."

She doesn’t think there’s something wrong with it. Although Song Qingshu’s martial arts is high now, the shadow that the East Unbeaten left her was too big. In her heart, the East Unbeaten and the Demon God are not much different, and she was hit by the East Undefeated. Song Qingshu was only seriously injured and he was able to bear it thanks to his profound skill.

Dongfang Muxue sneered again and again: "What do you mean by putting a heavy hand on him? That palm was obviously used to deal with you just now. Why do you want me to be merciful if you want to kill me? You are the culprit."

"You..." Xia Qingqing was trembling with anger, but it was a pity that she knew that she could not beat her or scold her, so she could only endure it and greeted Song Qing calligraphy, "Who is Song Qing, let's find a few masters. Will you heal your injury faster?"

Song Qingshu was about to answer, but Dongfang Muxue said first: "After receiving a full blow from this seat, how can it be so easy for a few masters to help, but..."

"But what?" Xia Qingqing hurriedly asked when things were turning around.

The corners of Dongfang Muxue’s lips rose slightly and pointed to Song Qingshu: “However, this kid’s joy meditation is the best medicine to recover from internal injuries. As long as a woman is willing to sacrifice her whole body skills to help him heal her injuries, she should be able to heal soon.”

Xia Qingqing frowned, and said suspiciously: "I have been with him for so long, why didn't I know how to heal injuries like this?" She naturally knew the healing effects of Huanxi Zen, but she had never heard of this therapy.

Dongfang Muxue said without changing her face: "Who makes your Brother Song be a man who loves and cherishes jade? This method is very harmful to women's body. He doesn't want to use it on you, so you naturally don't know."

"Then how did you know?" Xia Qingqing is also a smart woman, naturally not that easy to deceive.

"Have you forgotten who this seat is? The dignified demon leader is naturally knowledgeable. At the beginning, Song Qingshu's Huanxi Zen was taught by me to go to Tubo to learn it." Dongfang Muxue replied instantly.

Song Qingshu was stunned. This Dongfang Muxue is indeed a great man who rules over a hundred thousand religious people. This flicker is really one after another, opening his mouth.

Dongfang Muxue said again: "Xia Qingqing, the time has come to prove that you love him, and help him heal his injuries."

Xia Qingqing's face blushed, and she naturally knew what Huanxi Zen was like to heal her injuries: "It's obviously you who hurt Big Brother Song, why don't you go?"

"First, my cultivation base is much higher than yours. If I go, it would be a waste of my ability to reach the earth;" Dongfang Muxue replied plausibly, "Second, you clearly want to kill me for revenge, if this time I Without internal strength, wouldn't you let it be at your disposal? I'm not that stupid."

Xia Qingqing knew that at this time, she promised that she would be able to fight against the army by not asking her for revenge, but she couldn't say this, so she hummed: "I won't be able to avenge you forever if I lose my skill. Up?"

Dongfang Muxue sneered and said, "You can't get revenge for your cultivation base or not."

Xia Qingqing's face was ugly. Although the other party spoke ugly, she knew that this was the truth.

Biting her lip, Xia Qingqing exhaled, "Okay, I'll heal Brother Song, you go out first."

Dongfang Muxue waved to Lan Phoenix. Although Lan Phoenix was a little bit reluctant, she nodded and got up and left.

"Why are you still not leaving?" Xia Qingqing said angrily. After all, she still has the identity of Mrs. Yuan. She would subconsciously avoid everyone when she had **** with Song Qingshu. The only exception is probably Ah Jiu, who has gone through so many things. People have long been in love with sisters regardless of each other.

"Did I say to leave?" Dongfang Muxue said with a light smile.

"If you don't leave, how can I... how can I heal Brother Song." If it wasn't clear that I couldn't beat her, Xia Qingqing, who was embarrassed, had already rushed forward to fight her desperately at this time.

"You are free, I won't disturb you." Dongfang Muxue waved her hand and made a gesture of invitation.

The second monk Song Qing Shuzhang on the side was confused, and did not know what Dongfang Muxue was doing, so he could only continue to wait for the progress of the situation.

Seeing Xia Qingqing looking at herself silently, Dongfang Muxue finally ran out of her killer's tricks: "If you don't want to know the whereabouts of Yuan Chengzhi, then go for it."

Xia Qingqing's eyelashes trembled, and she was obviously touched by her words: "How do I know if you are falsely telling me?"

"It seems that you won't be reconciled if you don't tell you something," Dongfang Muxue stood with her hand in her hand, as if she was reminiscing. "Just like the Dugu Nine Swords, Hunyuan Gong is not Huashan's original mental method. Its full name is In fact, it is the Nine Turns Hunyuan Art, a magical skill handed down from ancient times. It is said that after being practiced, it can reach the immortal realm of non-invasion of water and fire, and no damage to soldiers and stones. It is just that the people of Huashan School are short-sighted and have been going astray. Can't wield the original power of this magical skill."

Seeing her suddenly shut up, Xia Qingqing asked, "What then?"

Dongfang Muxue pointed at Song Qingshu with a smile but a smile: "Take care of your man first." ——

Thank you readers for your monthly ticket support and rewards in the official account;

Then by the way:

A reader has been urging me to revive Yuan Chengzhi, so that it will be more exciting to be with Xia Qingqing. Let us first despise the gentleman auxiandao!

I have always refused it before, although I also admit that this is a little bit worse.

However, I have always kept this in my heart, and now I have finally found a suitable opportunity to completely resolve the grievances between the two women and resurrect Yuan Chengzhi. It seems that all the problems can be solved easily. As for how to operate, it depends on how the monk has a magical work. Up, haha

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