Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1212: Intimidation

"You!" Xia Qingqing glared at her, but Dongfang Muxue's face was so free, she made it clear that she didn't intend to speak again. Tian Lai Novels. 2

"If you lie to me, I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go." In desperation, Xia Qingqing could only compromise, but it didn't matter much to save Song Qingshu anyway.

Seeing Xia Qingqing take off her clothes one by one in front of Dongfang Muxue, Song Qingshu's eyes straightened, and she hurriedly passed a message to the other party: "This is all right?"

Dongfang Muxue also replied through the secret transmission: "People have made peace for your harem, but they have spent their minds. At this juncture, don't tell me that you can't afford it." She had to worry, after all, Song Qingshu had already fought two battles. , Especially the Blue Phoenix is ​​even more coquettish. The average man's legs are not soft nowadays, let alone regrouping.

"What are you kidding?" Song Qingshu glared at her fiercely, as if she had been greatly insulted. "What is your unbeaten Dongfang back then? Your man is undefeated in the bridal chamber. Don't let Lan Fenghuang if you have the ability next time. Help, don’t see if you make you kneel and beg for mercy!"

Dongfang Muxue was heartbroken when she heard it, and couldn't help taking a sip in secret.

At this moment, Kung Fu Xia Qingqing had curled up in his arms, gently pressed his face to his chest, and asked with a shy look: "Big Brother Song, how can I help you?"

Song Qingshu wasn't an old scholar who didn't change from the past, so he turned over and suppressed her: "This will help me."


"You have the fragrance of other women." Xia Qingqing frowned subconsciously.

"Uh..." Song Qingshu suddenly became a little embarrassed, "Should I go to freshen up?"

"Forget it..." Xia Qingqing sighed quietly, stretched out a hand to hook his neck, and let him press it down again.


Seeing the red wave in front of her, Dongfang Muxue's lips rose slightly, and she quietly walked over.

When Xia Qingqing was forgetting herself, she suddenly felt an abnormally slippery body sticking to her back, and she couldn't help but trembled: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Help you." Dongfang Muxue lightly bit her earlobe, her voice was incredibly seductive.

"Go away, I don't want your help," Xia Qingqing was ashamed to the extreme at this time, reaching out to push her away, but the door was wide open and was attacked by the other party, "Ah, don't touch it!"

After finally pushing her away, Xia Qingqing blushed and began to put on clothes, gritted her teeth while she was wearing, and said angrily: "If you want to wave yourself, don't get involved with me."

Dongfang Muxue lay on her side as if she was confident and looked at her with a smile: "If you don't come, don't even want to know the whereabouts of Yuan Chengzhi in this life."

"You!" Xia Qingqing was angry and anxious, wondering how there is such a shameless person in this world, wishing to rush to bite her, but unfortunately she knew that with the martial arts of the two, she used to just send sheep into a tiger's mouth.

While she was stunned for a while, Dongfang Muxue pulled her back: "Come here."

"Oh~" Where did Xia Qingqing resist her strength, and the whole person fell over. Song Qingshu hurriedly hugged her to prevent injury, while frowning at Dongfang Muxue: "Don't play too far."

"Distressed?" Dongfang Muxue leaned to her ear and said in a very charming voice, "You are not always curious about how I and women..., today can be cheaper for you."

"Let's find Lan Phoenix next time." Song Qingshu said hesitantly, worried that Xia Qingqing would be embarrassed.

"Fool, do you think I want to make love to her? It's not to dissolve the hatred between us." Dongfang Muxue said badly.

"It turned out to be like this." Song Qingshu was stunned. Dongfang Muxue had already hugged Xia Qingqing from behind.

Looking at the stunning beauty who was like two beautiful snakes in the bed, Song Qingshu only felt a heart pounding, and the blood all over his body was about to boil. How could he manage so much, he hugged Xia Qingqing directly from the front. Kissed hard.


Where did Xia Qingqing go through such battles, one gentle and delicate, the other masculine and tough, it didn't take long for Xia Qingqing to collapse into the army, and could only make a cry like a complaint.


I don't know how long it took, Xia Qingqing finally straightened up, her face was intoxicating flushing, messy long scattered on her chest, covering her graceful and charming body: "Now you can say it!"

Dongfang Muxue was lying lazily in Song Qingshu's arms at this time, and complained against his ears: "Feiyan is right, you are a beast, you almost broke my waist just now, and you don't want to I think the injury is just right."

"Who told you to bully Qingqing, I want to seek justice for her." Song Qingshu's lips were filled with a happy smile.

"When I can beat you, I'll be on it!" Dongfang Muxue said angrily.

"I'm afraid you won't have a chance in your life." Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Dongfang Muxue rarely refuted. When she was sulking, when she heard Xia Qingqing's words, she replied angrily: "What?"

"Why are you so unbelievable? I...I..." Xia Qingqing almost cried out of excitement.

Song Qingshu hurriedly got up to comfort her, and at the same time said to Dongfang Muxue: "Okay, don't sell it anymore, I also want to know."

"Why are you helping her and not helping me?" Dongfang Muxue said dissatisfied.

"Who made your martial arts so high? If I help you again, Qingqing won't be bullied to death by you." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly.

Dongfang Muxue: "..."

But in the end Dongfang Muxue talked about the whole story. It turned out that she realized very early that she was unbeaten in the East. It was impossible to deceive Xia Qingqing for a lifetime. As the so-called precautions, she was thinking about how to deal with it very early. .

One day I got information from her subordinates that there was a person in Liao who looked like Yuan Chengzhi in both looks and martial arts. At first she didn't take it seriously. After all, she had confidence in her skills and no one was fatal to her. Jian could survive, but on the way to the Golden Snake Camp this time, she went to see Yuan Chengzhi's tomb on a whim, and found that the tomb was actually empty.

"This is impossible. I buried Big Brother Yuan myself!" Xia Qingqing exclaimed.

Dongfang Muxue gave her a white look: "Why do I lie to you for such a thing that is easy to be verified? I'll know if I go back and check it out by myself?"

"Could it be that his enemy stole his body?" Song Qingshu frowned. In fact, from his point of view, Yuan Chengzhi's resurrection would not benefit him at all. After all, he "inherited" the name and place of the opponent. Even the wife.

Of course, Song Qingshu's psychology is not so gloomy. If Yuan Chengzhi is really alive, he is not afraid of competition. In fact, in a sense, the two sides are no longer rivals at the same level.

"I thought the same way before." After all, coming back from the dead is too common sense, Dongfang Muxue didn't think about it, so until the previous battlefield, she still had the idea of ​​borrowing a knife to kill Xia Qingqing, but Xia just now Qingqing and her desperately, when Song Qingshu was in a dilemma, a thought suddenly popped into her mind: "It would be great if Yuan Chengzhi was still alive."

As soon as this idea came out, it was out of control, and many details that I didn't care about before became a line. Many things in the world are like this. There are innumerable reasons to deny that with the thought of impossible in mind; but once you think that it is possible, no matter how difficult it is, you will overcome it one by one and realize it.

Dongfang Muxue was like this. Once Yuan Chengzhi was still alive, she found that many things could be explained.

"After half a day, it's just your guess?" Xia Qingqing finally couldn't help it after listening for half a day. She was led by Dongfang Muxue's nose to do it like this, just to know the whereabouts of Yuan Chengzhi. Obviously, this answer is impossible. Satisfy her.

"Of course it's not just that," Dongfang Muxue explained calmly. The reason she asked Xia Qingqing to do this and that was because she needed time to sort out her thoughts. Now she has reasoned about the whole thing. It's almost there, "In fact, people in the world don't believe that Yuan Chengzhi is still alive because they believe that with my skill, no one can survive if I hit the key point on the head with my full strength."

Song Qingshu nodded: "Don't talk about Yuan Chengzhi, but with my current skill, if you hit the spot where you didn't work, I'm afraid it would be too bad for you."

"Yes, I thought so at the beginning." Dongfang Muxue continued, "But I changed my mind. If Yuan Chengzhi is still alive, there must be something to help him escape. He was hit on the forehead. Naturally, there is no armor or something. After thinking about it, it is only possible that it is because of his inner strength."

"How can Hunyuan Gong be so magical?" As Yuan Chengzhi's wife, Xia Qingqing naturally knows a lot about this inner strength. At this time, her mood was extremely contradictory. On the one hand, she hoped that Yuan Chengzhi would be alive. On the other hand, common sense denied this possibility.

"Hunyuan Gong is naturally not so magical, what about the Nine Ranks Hunyuan Gong?" Dongfang Muxue smiled.

"Nine-turn Hunyuan Gong?" Song Qingshu frowned. He hadn't even heard of the name of this martial arts, let alone Xia Qingqing.

Dongfang Muxue didn't rush to explain this technique, but said: "Huashan School is a very magical school. Although this generation has fallen a bit, it has been produced by masters in generations. The main reason is that Huashan has a very rich Musashi secret book. In addition to the Huashan Nine Kungfu known to the world, the Huashan School actually has many hidden magics, such as Feng Qingyang’s "Dugu Nine Swords", and our Sun Moon God Sect’s "Sunflower Treasure", which was grabbed from the Huashan School. Coming."

"The Sunflower Book was sent from Huashan?" Xia Qingqing exclaimed. After all, the Sunflower Book is so famous in the arena, she never expected to have this kind of origin.

"Not bad!" Song Qingshu nodded. After reading "The Swordsman", he naturally knew this secret of martial arts.

"In fact, in addition to the "Sunflower Treasure", the Sun Moon God Sect also received news that "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong" was also hidden in the Huashan School. It's a pity that elite masters of the Five Sacred Sword School were ambushed on Huashan. The Moon God Sect also suffered heavy losses, and only grabbed the "Sunflower Treasure", but did not show the existence of "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong"." Speaking of this tragic past, Dongfang Muxue was also embarrassed, and after a pause, she continued, "If Yuan Chengzhi really came back from the dead, so there is only one reason: "Hunyuan Gong" is actually the legendary "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong"!"

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