Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1213: Ex-husband and current boyfriend

Hearing Dongfang Muxue's words with a clear eye, it is not impossible for Yuan Chengzhi not to die. Xia Qingqing was surprised and delighted and hurriedly asked, "What is the technique of "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong"?"

Even Song Qingshu on the side pricked his ears. Although he is known as the quagmire, he mainly relies on reading the original book. The truth about the various secrets in the quagmire is definitely not as good as Dongfang Muxue's sun and moon. The cult leader. Tianlai Novel www.2

Dongfang Muxue explained: ""Nine Revolutions Hunyuan Gong" is said to have been written by the ancestor Chen Tuan of the earth immortal. It is called Nine Revolutions. According to legend, it takes nine lives and deaths, and the nine rebirths of Nirvana can ascend and become immortal. ."

"Really?" Song Qingshu frowned. With his current cultivation level, it can be said that he has stood at the top of the entire martial arts, still can't touch the threshold of heaven, and really doesn't believe that there are real immortals in the world.

"The theory of becoming immortal is indeed too illusory, and most of it is based on falsehood." Dongfang Muxue replied, "However, according to the records of the predecessors of the Sun Moon God Sect, every time the Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong completes one turn, the skill will be doubled. This is true. ."

"What on earth is the completion of a turn?" Song Qingshu couldn't help wondering what she said.

"According to rumors, it is necessary for a cultivator to experience life to death, and then resurrect from the dead, even if it completes a transition. As for how to resurrect from death, there are different opinions. Many predecessors’ notes have speculated on this. The most likely situation is that the cultivator is not real. Death is a fake death with fetal breath, so "Nine Turns Hunyuan Gong" also has a nickname called "Fetal Breath Jue"." Dongfang Muxue's explanation made Song Qingshu admire, and she really deserves to be the leader of the demon cult in the past. UBM strong knowledge.

"Fetal breath is a Taoist concept. It is said that the top congenital masters will enter the state of fetal breath and automatically heal their injuries after being seriously injured. During this period, the body will not invade the soldiers and stones and not hurt. If Yuan Chengzhi's practice is really "Nine Revolutions Hunyuan Gong", indeed It's possible to enter the fetal breath state by chance, and being buried in the soil will further promote the recovery of the injury." Song Qingshu said while thinking.

"If it hurts other parts, it may be as you guessed it, but Big Brother Yuan injured the head. How can such an injury be recovered?" Although Xia Qingqing wanted to believe it, everything was beyond her cognition.

Dongfang Muxue frowned, apparently she was not so sure because of this.

"I have a bit of authority on this. The human brain is very mysterious. It is composed of many parts. Each part has its own function. Some control actions, some control language, and some control nerves... Some parts are mysterious. So far, it’s not clear what their role is, even if they are removed, it doesn’t seem to affect people’s safety..." Song Qingshu talked eloquently, not nonsense. A friend of his previous life was seriously injured in a car accident, and the back of his forehead was dug out during the operation. The brain, which was about a tablespoon or so, was still alive and kicking after healed. At least before Song Qingshu crossed, the friend had no sequelae.

Coincidentally, Yuan Chengzhi was also injured by Dongfang Muxue's embroidery needle. If he had the Nine-turn Hunyuan Gong body protector, he might really be able to rebirth from Nirvana.

After he finished speaking, the two women looked at themselves dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly, you still know medical skills? Where did you learn those nerves just now?" Dongfang Muxue exclaimed.

Song Qingshu chuckled: "I spent some time with the Poisonous Medicine King before." It's hard to say anything about his hometown. After all, Song Qingshu's hometown is under the Wudang Mountains. Dongfang Muxue is so knowledgeable and can't be deceived.

"Poisonous Hand Medicine King..." Dongfang Muxue fell into reminiscence, "I was invited several times in the past, but he did not agree to join the Sun Moon God Sect. Now it seems to be a great regret."

"He joined the Sun Moon God Sect, and you can't see me alive," Song Qingshu snorted, and his expression was a little weird. "With your temperament back then, he refused you to be able to live, which is really surprising. ."

"Huh, don't think of this seat as the kind of demon that kills people without blinking, okay?" Seeing Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing look like you, Dongfang Muxue was also very depressed. No. 1 in the world with poison, there is no need for this seat to provoke such an enemy."

Xia Qingqing suddenly said, "Big Brother Song, I want to go to Liao."

Song Qingshu hesitated slightly, and finally smiled and said, "Okay."

Dongfang Muxue sneered, "Xia Qingqing, do you hope Yuan Chengzhi is still alive or dead?"

"Of course it's still alive!" Xia Qingqing replied without thinking.

"But have you ever thought about it. In case the surname Yuan is really still alive, will you return to his embrace or be with Song Xiaozi?" Dongfang Muxue looked at her quietly.

Song Qingshu said depressed: "Don't call me a kid, okay, where am I getting smaller?" Although he said so, he still paid attention to Xia Qingqing's reaction.

Dongfang Muxue's gaze fell on a certain part of him, her jade face turned red, and she snorted: "The body is not small, but he is young."

"How old are you?" This is a question Song Qingshu has always been curious about. He knows that Dongfang Muxue must be older than him, but how old are he is completely unreliable.

"Why, are you afraid that I am an old woman and old cow eating tender grass?" Dongfang Muxue asked with a slightly raised lips, with a playful expression on her face.

Song Qingshu exaggeratedly said: "If all the old women in the world are as good-looking as you, then the old men in the whole world can't die with joy?"

Dongfang Muxue screamed: "Bah, your mouth is smooth."

Xia Qingqing turned a deaf ear to the two men's fight, and what she thought in her ears was what Dongfang Muxue had just said.

Yes, if Big Brother Yuan is still alive, how will I deal with myself in the future?

She has always claimed to be loyal to love, and finally agreed to be with Song Qingshu on the premise that Yuan Chengzhi is dead, but now that Yuan Chengzhi is resurrected, she has turned into the kind of gutsy humiliation that she has always hated the most. man of.

Seeing her face change, Song Qingshu worried about the sequelae of her great joy and compassion within a day, and patted her scented shoulders to comfort her: "Qingqing, I will support you when you decide what you want, without any psychological burden. "

Xia Qingqing took a long breath and opened her eyes as if she had made a final decision: "I decided to go to Liao."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, but after all he didn't say anything else, and said with a wry smile: "Also, I will send someone to take you there."

Xia Qingqing glanced at his reaction and couldn't help but cocked her mouth and snorted: "You won't hold me for a while?"

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up and he realized that things had turned for the better, and a smile gradually appeared on his face: "Then do you want me to keep you?"

Xia Qingqing glanced at Dongfang Muxue and the messy sheets next to her, bit her lip and stomped her feet: "My stupid big brother, people will accompany you to do...doing such a shameful thing, how can you find other men. "

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