Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 1214: Lovers and status

"But the surname of Yuan is your husband." Song Qing said, "Then you have to go to Liao Country?"

"After all, he and I used to be married, and there will be a break after all." Xia Qingqing sighed quietly.

Song Qingshu nodded: "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Xia Qingqing shook her head and said: "There are so many things here, where can you get away? Don't worry, I won't rekindle the old relationship with Big Brother Yuan."

Song Qingshu hugged her: "But I don't worry about the surname Yuan, what if he can do it against you, you won't be able to beat him."

Xia Qingqing sipped: "Bah, Brother Yuan is a very upright gentleman, you think he is the same as you."

Song Qingshu head straight into her arms: "I don't care, I don't allow you to find him alone."

Feeling flustered by him, Xia Qingqing blushed and pushed him away: "Then who just agreed with me to go."

"I was just talking about it. If you really leave me, I will keep you by my side by any means." Song Qingshu said confidently, quite shamelessly.

"It's a rascal" Xia Qingqing groaned, but was not really angry, but a hint of joy in her heart.

"Although the Liao Kingdom is no longer as vast as it was back then, but the site is still not small, where will you find him then?" Dongfang Muxue suddenly said.

Xia Qingqing was taken aback, knowing that what she said was true. Now the territory controlled by the Liao State is almost a thousand miles away. Even if Yuan Chengzhi is really in the Liao State, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I think it's like this. Now that the San Francisco chaos is in full swing and the court is short of manpower, it is better to let Qingqing go back to the capital with me to help with government affairs and use the court's intelligence system to investigate Yuan Chengzhi's whereabouts." Dongfang Muxue Said.

Song Qingshu heard that she wanted to take the opportunity to ease the relationship with Xia Qingqing, and naturally there was no reason to disagree.

"Okay!" Xia Qingqing pondered for a long while, and knew that this was the best way, "but I have to go back to Jinsheying first to check if Big Brother Yuan's tomb is really empty."

"No problem, anyway, when I go back, I'll accompany you." Dongfang Muxue agreed.

Song Qingshu pulled her aside with a weird look: "Yuan Chengzhi's tomb is really empty?"

Dongfang Muxue rolled her eyes unhappily: "Dare to love that I just said that half of the day was white?"

Song Qingshu chuckled twice: "I am worried that you deliberately fooled Qingqing in order to stabilize her."

Xia Qingqing on the side coughed: "If it's almost light today, I'll go back first."

Song Qingshu wondered: "Just sleeping here, what does it matter?"

Seeing him with a blank face, as if she really didn’t know, Xia Qingqing stomped her feet with anger: "After all, my nominal identity is Mrs. Yuan. If someone is seen to leave your tent tomorrow morning, then... wouldn’t it? Soon tens of thousands of soldiers knew about it."

Song Qingshu suddenly laughed: "What am I supposed to be, if I hadn't forced you before, but now that I know that Yuan Chengzhi may still be alive in the world, I really can't let you go."

"Why?" Xia Qingqing was startled.

Dongfang Muxue smiled and said, “It’s not the man’s possessiveness that is causing trouble. He just wants to declare your sovereignty to everyone. Now his prestige is unprecedentedly high. In addition, the old people in Jinsheying think that Yuan Chengzhi is dead. It won’t contradict your relationship. When the people at the Golden Snake Camp become accustomed to your relationship, even if Yuan Chengzhi comes back, it won’t help."

"But so..." Xia Qingqing blushed, "I'm embarrassed like this." She has always prided herself on her loyalty to love, and she felt ashamed and embarrassed to think of other people's strange eyes after dawn.

"Song Xiaozi is sometimes too soft-tempered to be a wicked person. In that case, let me speak," Dongfang Muxue said with a solemn expression. "If you don't settle the relationship as soon as possible, wait until the other people in Jinsheying know about Yuan Chengzhi. When you are still alive, how will you two deal with yourself? At that time, everyone will see you as Mrs. Yuan. Once your relationship is exposed, you will definitely be spurned by the world. Don’t be embarrassed now, you will regret your ruin together in the future. ."

The words made Xia Qingqing's face changed, Song Qingshu couldn't help but sigh: "Although I am faintly aware of some crises, but you don't see it so thoroughly, I really deserve to be a leader."

Dongfang Muxue snorted softly, but the eyebrows were full of pride, and at the same time he winked in Xia Qingqing's direction.

Song Qingshu wasn't stupid either, and immediately grabbed Xia Qingqing's hand while the iron was hot: "Qingqing, can you stay with me?"

Xia Qingqing lowered her head, and it took a long time before she hummed like a mosquito and flies: "Yeah."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed, holding Dongfang Muxue in one hand, and Xia Qingqing in the other, and got into the bed again. There were too many things going on tonight, and the three of them fell asleep soon.

When the morning sun shone into the tent, the three of them still slept soundly. I don't know how long it took, and suddenly a soldier's voice came from outside the tent door: "Tell the Golden Snake King, all the generals are already waiting out of the account."

"Huh?" Xia Qingqing exclaimed, and instantly sat upright, realizing something different on her chest, she lowered her head and couldn't help but beat it, "Take your paws away!"

Dongfang Muxue's eyes didn't open, but her fingers squeezed, and a smile of satisfaction appeared on her lips: "It feels good, tsk tsk, kill her husband and dominate his wife, it feels really good."

Xia Qingqing was almost fainted by anger, and she was about to fight her hard when she opened the quilt. Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped the two women: "Everyone is outside, stop making trouble."

Dongfang Muxue's brows danced, obviously not caring about this situation at all, but Xia Qingqing's face blushed and hurriedly began to dress.

After a long time, the three finally walked out of the tent, and the people outside saw Xia Qingqing bowed his head and blushed and followed Song Qingshu behind him. All eyes were straightened, but they soon showed an understanding smile.

After all, beauty with heroes is a bridge that everyone loves to hear. What's more, yesterday Song Qingshu had just performed a performance like a **** descending to the world. His prestige was at its peak, and no one would have any objections.

As for the old people in Jinsheying, the mood is a little more complicated. On the one hand, they think of Yuan Chengzhi, and they can't help but sigh in their hearts. On the other hand, Xia Qingqing represents the interests of their group of elders. The closer she is with Song Qingshu, the status of their elders. It will also rise.

Zhao Min in the crowd poked at Zhou Zhiruo beside him without showing a trace, and said without a smile, "Didn't that snow girl be healed yesterday? Why is there another woman? Zhou Zhiruo, Zhou Zhiruo, next to your man. With so many vixens around, what can you do in the future."

Zhou Zhiruo Bingxue is smart, naturally knowing that the other party wants to use herself as a gunman, and replied indifferently: "As long as there is no such thing as Miss Zhao, I can handle the others."

Zhao Min was almost choked by her and couldn't speak, so she snorted with a guilty conscience: "Bah, that stinky man was robbed by you as a treasure. This princess is not rare."

Zhou Zhiruo smiled slightly: "It's better to be so."

I am afraid that only Ah Jiu among these women is sincerely blessing Xia Qingqing. Before, she always felt that she was aggrieved by Song Qingshu's namelessness, but she knew Xia Qingqing's previous concerns and didn't know why she would overnight Figured out.

Next, the senior leaders of the Golden Snake Camp held an emergency meeting. Yesterday, they defeated the main force of the Green Camp and obtained a large amount of supplies and vitality. This time Li Kexiu came out in full force, and the Jianghuai area at the rear was extremely empty, and it was a good time to take advantage of it.

Song Qingshu arranged different tasks for the generals, asking them to lead the army to raid each state and county, and he was responsible for raiding the direction of Yangzhou, and the leaders left to prepare for their departure. Only Song Qingshu and the women were left in the tent.

Dongfang Muxue dared not go out for a long time because of the tightness of the Qing court. It was inconvenient to accompany Song Qingshu to the south, so she set off to return north that day. Because Xia Qingqing was concerned about Yuan Chengzhi's whereabouts, she also went north with her, and Lan Fenghuang was no exception.

Hearing that Xia Qingqing was going to follow Dongfang Muxue, Ah Jiu was the most surprised: "Qingqing, what are you doing going north?"

Song Qingshu explained for her: "Ajiu, I will talk to you privately about this later."

Ah Jiu nodded understandingly, and did not continue to question.

Dongfang Muxue came to Zhao Min when she was leaving, handed her a light brown pill, and whispered: "The Three Corpse Brain Pill in your body, I don't know the formula, and naturally can't solve it, but if it is before Duanyang If you haven’t found the antidote, you can take this pill. It can be postponed for half a year. If the antidote is not found after half a year, then the gods will not be able to save it." Leave.

Zhao Min was startled, thinking that she and her had never been in the same life, why she...

With a move in his heart, Zhao Min raised his head and looked at Song Qingshu. Seeing that he was also looking at him, he couldn't help but feel a warm feeling straight into his heart. Although she has smiled like a flower in the past few months, on the surface it looks no different from before, but she is the only one who knows how terrified she is. No matter how smart she is, no matter how many masters under her command, she is a girl after all. With such a malicious bug lurking, she shuddered.

In the past few months, she has used almost all the power she can use. She thinks that she can find an antidote again and again, and returns again and again disappointedly. Gradually, she has doubts about whether she can find the antidote.

Occasionally in the dead of night, she thought that Song Qingshu's unscrupulous person was always busy with his own affairs and didn't come to help herself. It was inevitable that there would be a feeling of resentment in her heart, but all of this disappeared at this time.

It turns out that he still remembers the poison on my body...

Soon, a personal soldier came to report that the army was ready. Song Qingshu only felt complacent. He got up and said to the women: "The old saying goes, and you have a hundred thousand waists. Riding a crane down Yangzhou is the happiest thing in the world. Today I, Song Qingshu, will command one hundred thousand horses and bring the United States to Yangzhou."

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